PTF IP00024 fixes APAR IC62423 The fix handles the following situation: High volume parallel queries may cause the DB2 Net Search Extender error: "CTE0101 A SEARCH ENGINE OPERATION FAILED. REASON CODE: "7",". Apply the fix only to DB2 Net Search Extender installations on DB2 9.5 FP3. Installation on AIX: ==================== 1) as instance owner: - db2text stop - db2stop 2) as root: - slibclean - change to directory /lib64 (e.g. /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/lib64) - make a backup copy of the lib: libitxc5032.a - copy the new lib into the directory /lib64 - check the permissions and ownership of the new lib. The libs needs permission 755 and needs to belong to the owner and group bin. (e.g. -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 1738377 Aug 13 23:24 libitxc5032.a) - slibclean 3) as instance owner: - db2start - db2text start - db2text level should now contain COSLibR5-25b