IBM (R) DB2 (R) Net Search Extender Migration Notes Version 8.1.0 (Update) (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001, 2002. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Migrating Text Information Extender V7.2 to Net Search Extender V8.1 ==================================================================== - DB2 Net Search Extender prerequisites - DB2 Migration - DB2 Extender migration DB2 Net Search Extender prerequisites ------------------------------------- Install DB2 Net Search Extender V8.1 before migrating the DB2 instance. After installing DB2 Net Search Extender V8.1, you need to update the following files: On Windows: - cteerror.dll - cteutil.dll - cteadmci.dll - db2extmdb.exe On Windows, copy those files into your '/bin' directory as the administration user. On AIX and Solaris: - libcteerror.a / - libcteutil.a / - libcteadmci.a / - db2extmdb / db2extmdb On UNIX, use the with the root user. Note that with Fix pack 2, the latest files are available and do not need to be updated. DB2 Migration ------------- For information on DB2 Migration Steps, use the following link: Then search for 'migration' und run the described procedure. You can then migrate your DB2 instance and DB2 database from Version 7.2 to Version 8.1. - On Windows, the DB2 instance is automatically updated during the installation process. - On UNIX, if you migrated your DB2 instance before starting DB2 Net Search Extender V8.1 installation, start an instance update using 'db2iupdt'. Note that after DB2 instance migration, the previous 'sqllib' directory is renamed to 'sqllib_v71'. If you have text indexes stored on the default index directory, move the 'sqllib_v71/db2ext/indexes' directory to the new sqllib directory, 'sqllib/db2ext/indexes'. DB2 Extender migration ---------------------- The instance owner can then migrate all the enabled databases of this instance using the new db2extmdb tool. The syntax is: db2extmdb Note that the program only provides messages in English. If an error occurs, fix the error and call 'db2extmdb' again. The program collects all the db2ext administration information relevant for migration in a new table called DB2EXT.TMIGRATION, where each text index is represented by a single row in the table. The migration information table will persist until the database has been successfully migrated and should not be dropped by the user. During text index migration, different processing occurs. This depends on the state of the log-table and the availability of the index files. - If the log table is empty and the index files can be accessed, the index is migrated. This is the fastest option. - If the log table is not empty or the index files can not be found, a consistent state with the database can not be ensured and the index will need to be re-created. Note that this process can take a considerable amount of time. While the migration is running, there should be no changes to the user tables. Recommendation: Before calling the db2extmdb program, the user takes a backup of all index directories and the database and verifies that all document model files used for creating the V7.2 text indexes still exist and are accessible for reading.