Interim fix IP22957 fixes APAR IC54752: DB2 NET SEARCH EXTENDER QUERIES ABORT RANDONMLY IF VERY LARGE THESAURUS DATA ARE USED AS PART OF THE QUERY. During the internal expansion of an NSE query term containing parts such as EXPAND SYNONYM TERM OF or EXPAND RELATED TERM OF, memory allocation and internal boundary checking was insufficient, especially for large thesauri in double-byte languages. This could lead to abnormal termination of the contains UDF when freeing that memory. PTF IP22957 requires that the following minimum level of the AIX C++ runtime is installed (check with: lslpp -l | grep aix50.rte): xlC.aix50.rte PTF IP22957 brings NSE to the following level (as displayed with the db2text level command): "tx9_72a FP15b itlR3-85 COSLibR5-23" , Installation on AIX v5: ======================= 1. Stop NSE and DB2 2. use smitty to install db2nse82_aix5.pkg (use overwrite install, or uninstall NSE first, if you are already using NSE V8 FP15) 3. run slibclean 4. update all DB2 instances using the db2iupdt command 5. restart DB2 and NSE. 6. recompile all thesaurus definitions for all indexes that use a thesaurus. Currently no install package for AIX 4 is available.