------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM(R) DB2(R) UDB Text Information Extender Note:Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under "Notices" near the end of this file. Set the font to monospace to better view this file. Welcome to DB2 UDB Text Information Extender, Version 7.2. This product is available on the following operating systems: * Windows NT**, Windows** 2000 * AIX* * The Solaris** Operating Environment ================================================================================ 1. Installation ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Solaris -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 Installation instructions 1. Download the file UG03903.tar in binary format. 2. Untar the file by issuing tar -xvf UG03903.tar 3. Install the Text Information Extender with pkgadd pkgadd -d /db2tie72.pkg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 AIX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 Installation instructions 1. Download the file UG03829.tar in binary format. 2. Untar the file by issuing tar -xvf UG03829.tar 3. Use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run installp from a prompted interface, or enter the installp command. 4. Enter the command: smit install_latest. The Software Installation and Maintenance Tool menu opens. 5. Type in the location of the package in the INPUT device / directory for software field. 6. Click the DO button or press ENTER. This confirms the installation directory. 7. Identify in the SOFTWARE TO INSTALL field the components to be installed. 8. Click the DO button or press ENTER. You are prompted for confirmation of the installation parameters. To confirm, press ENTER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.1 Installation instructions 1. Download the file UG03890.zip in binary format. 2. Unzip the file to extract all the files needed for the installation. 3. Run Setup.exe located in subdirectory windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notices To request publications or technical information about IBM products, consult your IBM software reseller or the IBM office nearest you. Any reference to an IBM licensed program in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's licensed program may be used. 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