-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FixPak1 1 for IBM DB2* Universal Database Text Information Extender Version for AIX* FixPak name : FP1_TIE_UG03909 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note : Installation of the fixpak requires to reindex the tables/columns you have indexed with DB2 Text Information Extender. Content 1. Prerequisites 2. Changes 2.1 Enhancements 2.2 Fixed problems 3. Hints 4. Datalink warnings 5. Installation 5.1 AIX 5.1.1 Installation instructions 5.1.2 Updating the instances 5.1.3 Recreating the Text Extender indexes 5.1.4 Installing the DataLink jar file Note : Installation of the fixpak requires to reindex the tables/columns you have indexed with DB2 Text Information Extender. ================================================================================ 1. Prerequisites ================================================================================ - DB2 Text Information Extender Version 7.2 must be installed on the machine before you install the FixPak. - DB2 Text Information Extender Version 7.2 requires DB2 Version 7.2 or DB2 Version 7.1 + FixPak 3 ================================================================================ 2. Changes ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Enhancements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Enhanced Thai support The Thai word breaker feature has been added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Fixed problems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR 1. GG04253 Memory allocation error if search term(s) cause a very large result set. 2. GG04232 Performance problem during indexing if the document content is NULL or empty. 3. GG04243 Error "CTE0103 An internal error occurred. Location: "406", "3"."caused by an NLSPATH which is too long. (Windows only). 4. GG04245 Documents referenced via datalinks which are based on an alias could not be indexed. 5. GG04247 Thesaurus search terms that contained . or : could not be used. 6. GG04219 Search for small English characters failed for CCSIDs : 934 and 954 7. GG04265 The command "db2text alter index ...." for one index corrupted the index settings for other indexes. 8. GG04221 If the DB2 instance has been created with the -P option to specify an instance path Text Information Extender could not be started and error message CTE0121 was displayed. (Windows only) 9. GG04252 Indexing of large tables ( > approx. 20 M rows ) fails. 10. GG04269 Automatic index update problems. ctedem.dat file is not written automatic index update does not start at specified time 11. GG04222 Error CTE0103 "An internal error occurred" is written erraneously to the file db2diag.log during freetext, thesaurus or section search. 12. GG04273 All errors that can occur when the indexer tries to read a document that is referenced by a datalink are handled as warnings and will not stop indexing. See section 4. Datalink warnings, for a complete list. 13. GG04277 Documents with blanks in the file name referenced via a datalink could not be indexed. 14. GG04281 Problem that the number of rows in a table is not equal to the content of the field number_docs in the db2ext.textcolumns table even if there are no errors in the event log table which lists documents that have not been indexed. The fix requires to create a file update.ini in the following directory : $INSTOWNER/sqllib/db2ext/update.ini Enter the following lines into the file and save the file : [UPDATE] delay=on This setting has the side effect, that an index update might not update the most recent changes. If this is the case, retry the index update after 1 minute. 15. GG04285 Paragraph recognition did only recognize paragraphs that were identified with two consecutive new line characters. Now a paragraph is recognized even if there are control characters <= x'20' between the newline characters. 16. GG04289 Search with keyword "PRECISE FORM OF" is enabled. ================================================================================ 3. Hints ================================================================================ Changes in "DB2 UDB Text Information Extender Administration and User's guide Version 7.2" 1. Sample in chapter 2 (Installation, setting up and maintenance), Installing the DataLink jar file : The call must start with db2 like : db2 call ..... For Windows : db2 call sqlj.install_jar('file:///drive:\sqllib\java\ctedludf.jar', 'ctedludf_jar') replace drive:\sqllib by the correct DB2 installation directory 2. Sample in chapter 5 "Defining a document model for XML documents" : ... S&B Lawnmower Type ABC-x replace by : ... S & B Lawnmower Type ABC-x in general, special XML language characters used as text within tags must be replaced by a valid XML defined escape sequence. 3. For errors during indexing of data referenced via datalinks, see - eventlog table - db2diag.log - List of datalink warnings in current readme ================================================================================ 4. Datalink warnings ================================================================================ 01H00=CTEDL - Error during execution of DataLink UDF. 01H01=CTEDL - Error determine the port number in the url string. 01H02=CTEDL - Unknown Datalink scheme detected. 01H03=CTEDL - Could not establish connection. 01H10=CTEDL - The DataLink resource is no longer available at the server. 01H11=CTEDL - A content length must be specified to accept the request. 01H12=CTEDL - The precondition given in the header field evaluated to false. 01H13=CTEDL - The requested DataLink entity is too large. 01H14=CTEDL - The requested DataLink URI is too long. 01H15=CTEDL - Unsupported MIME type. 01H16=CTEDL - Range Request not satisfiable. 01H17=CTEDL - Expectation failed. 01H18=CTEDL - Request to DataLink URL gets no content length information. 01H20=CTEDL - HTTP response not valid. 01H30=CTEDL - try to establish a socket connection - error in underlying protocol. 01H31=CTEDL - Could not establish a route to the DataLink Server {0}. 01H32=CTEDL - Could not connect the socket to the remote address {0}. 01H33=CTEDL - Could not bind the socket to the local address. 01H34=CTEDL - IP address of DataLink server {0} could not be determined. 01H35=CTEDL - Unknown service exception - no MIME type support. 01H36=CTEDL - Malformed URL '{0}' - no supported protocol or DL URL could not be parsed 01H60=CTEDL - Bad HTTP Request - malformed DataLink URL syntax. 01H61=CTEDL - Unauthorized DataLink request - user authentication required. 01H62=CTEDL - DataLink access requires payment. 01H63=CTEDL - Forbidden access for DataLink URL. 01H64=CTEDL - File not found on the DataLink server. 01H65=CTEDL - The requested method is not allowed for the DataLink resource. 01H66=CTEDL - Request not acceptable. 01H67=CTEDL - Proxy Authentication Required. 01H68=CTEDL - client request timeout. 01H69=CTEDL - Conflict with the current state of the DataLink resource. 01H70=CTEDL - Internal DataLink server error. 01H71=CTEDL - functionality not supported by the DataLink server. 01H72=CTEDL - Bad Gateway. 01H73=CTEDL - Service unavailable - DL server temp. overloaded or maintainted. 01H74=CTEDL - Gateway timeout. 01H75=CTEDL - HTTP version not supported. 01H80=CTEDL - The DataLink file "{0}" could not be found. 01H81=CTEDL - Unauthorized DataLink file access to "{0}". 01H82=CTEDL - Unexpected end of file or end of stream reached for "{0}". 01H83=CTEDL - DataLink file "{0}" is not readable. 01H85=CTEDL - DataLink URL scheme "{0}" requires file name. 01H86=CTEDL - No connection to DataLink file server "{0}" established. 01H90=CTEDL - Error setting the return Blob value. 01H91=CTEDL - DataLink I/O Operation timed out. 01H92=CTEDL - The character encoding is not supported. 01H93=CTEDL - Unsupported DataLink scheme. 01H94=CTEDL - Error creating instance of datatype BLOB. 01H95=CTEDL - Error setting proxy information. 01H96=CTEDL - UNC scheme only valid on Windows but the OS could not be determined. 01H97=CTEDL - UNC scheme only valid on Windows OS. 01H98=CTEDL - DFS scheme only valid on AIX. 01H99=CTEDL - DFS scheme only valid on AIX but the OS could not be determined. ================================================================================ 5. Installation ================================================================================ General steps for all platforms: Perform the following steps for each instance: (You can get a list of all instances by issuing the db2ilist command as described in the DB2 documentation): 1. Terminate all Text Information Extender sessions. 2. Make sure that the Text Information Extender is stopped by issuing : db2text stop or db2text stop force 3. Make sure that all DB2 connections are terminated by issuing : db2 terminate 4. Check if applications are still active by issuing: db2 list applications show detail 5. If applications are still running, check that you can stop running DB2 applications and enter the following command: db2 force applications all 6. Stop DB2 db2stop or db2stop force -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 AIX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install the FixPak on your machine, there are three major steps to perform: 1. Installing the Text Information Extender FixPak software (chapter 5.2.1) 2. Updating the Text Information Extender (chapter 5.2.2) 3. Recreating the Text Information Extender indexes (chapter 5.2.3) 5.2.1 Installation instructions Perform the following steps to install the FixPak: 1. Download the fixpack file in FP1_TE_UG03909.tar.Z in binary format. 2. Uncompress the file using the following command: uncompress FP1_TIE_UG03909.tar.Z 3. Untar the uncompressed file by issuing tar -xvf FP1_TIE_UG03909.tar 4. Important: Perform the general steps at the beginning of chapter 5. 5. Use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run installp from a prompted interface, or enter the installp command. 6. Enter the smit install_latest command. The Software Installation and Maintenance Tool menu opens. 7. Type in the location of the package in the INPUT device / diretory for software field. 8. Click the DO button or press ENTER. This confirms the installation directory. 9. Identify in the SOFTWARE TO INSTALL field whether the client or server components are to be installed. Select all filesets to be updated that had been installed on your system before. 7. Click the DO button or press ENTER. You are prompted for confirmation of the installation parameters. To confirm, press ENTER. 5.2.2 Updating the instances Enter the following command for all instances on your system (You can get a list of all instances by issuing the command db2ilist. To update the instance run the command "db2iupdt" as root from /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/instance. 5.2.3 Because the structure of the Text Information Extender created indexes has changed with the current FixPak, you have to drop and recreate the indexes before you can use it with the new FixPak level. See the description of the Text Information Extender commands DB2TEXT DROP INDEX, DB2TEXT CREATE INDEX and DB2TEXT UPDATE INDEX in the Text Information Extender documentation on how to drop and create Text Information Extender indexes. 5.2.4 If you had installed the Datalink jar file or if you want to index data stored in a datalink column you have to install the new Datalink jar file. Follow the steps as described in the "DB2 UDB Text Information Extender Administration and Programming Guide", chapter 2 ( Installation, setting up and maintenance). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For any problems related to that FixPak, please contact: 001-404-238-1234 ...International Helpdesk 001-800-237-5511 ...DB2 Software Support (24 Stunden) 001-888-426-4343 (Option 3) ...Support Family Information Center 001-800-426-4968 ...Marketing (001-800-IBM-4YOU) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2000. ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ********************************************************************************