*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1998. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Image, Audio, and Video Extenders Version 5.2 for the Solaris Operating Environment This PTF fixes problems in DB2 UDB Extenders* 5.2 for Solaris client and also makes available the DB2 UDB Extenders* 5.2 for Solaris server in a partitioned database server environment. CLIENT FIXES ____________ o If a database connection did not exist, commands issued through the db2ext command-line processor, returned incorrect messages. o The DBiBrowse API and DBaPlay API returned an SQL error code. For example, the QBICDEMO sample program returned this SQL error code when the DBiBrowse API was executed in the program. o If the QbQuerySetFeatureData API was specified using a client file as the source for feature data, the API failed. For example, if a user specified AVERAGE FILE to the QBICDEMO sample program, (this runs an average color query based on feature data in a client file), the QbQuerySetFeatureData( ) API in the program failed. o The DBvBuildStoryBoardFile API returned errors such as trap and unable to extract a frame from last scene. o The DBvOpen API returned errors such as unknown packet type. CLIENT INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ________________________________ To install the PTF in the Solaris Operating Environment, you need 20 megabytes of free disk space in /opt. The disk space is freed when installation is complete. INSTALLING THE DB2 EXTENDERS CLIENT PTF _______________________________________ To install the DB2 Extenders PTF in the Solaris Operating Environment, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Ensure you are active as the root user. 2. cd to a read/writable directory. 3. ftp u461706.tar.Z from ftp site 4 uncompress u461706.tar.Z 5. tar -xvf u461706.tar 6. Stop DB2 and the DB2 extenders if they are running. 7. Invoke the "./service" Korn Shell script to install the PTF to the product directory. After installation is complete, the service level of the product is recorded in /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.2/AIVLEVEL. 8. It is recommended that you reboot your system to make sure that all cached copies of the shared libraries are cleaned out. DB2 UDB EXTENDERS* SERVER _________________________ All references in this document to "DB2 Extenders*" refer to the DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extenders only. The DB2 Text Extender Version 5.2 for Solaris is not packaged with this PTF. This file also describes how to install DB2 Extenders Server packaged with this PTF for the Solaris Operating Environment in a partitioned database environment with DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition. It also describes how to create and manage multiple instances. DB2 Extenders Version 5.2 for the Solaris Operating Environment exploits the partitioned database support provided by DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS _________________________ Before you install the DB2 Extenders in the Solaris Operating Environment, ensure you meet the installation requirements for their server and client components. SERVER REQUIREMENTS The server components for the DB2 Extenders can be installed in a Solaris Operating Environment server. The server components prerequire the installation of DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition Version 5.2 (or above) for the Solaris Operating environment. INSTALLING THE DB2 EXTENDERS IN THE SOLARIS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT _________________________________________________________________ 1. Install the product components in the target machine. 2. Establish the DB2 Extenders instance. 3. Establish the DB2 Extenders instance environment. STEP 1 - INSTALL THE PRODUCT COMPONENTS IN THE TARGET MACHINE 1. Log in at the target client or server machine as the root user. 2. cd to a read/writable directory. 3. Download u461706.pkg from the ftp site. 4. Use pkgadd to transfer the files from the CD-ROM to the target machine. Enter the command as follows: pkgadd -d u461706.pkg This displays a list of installable packages. You can select one or more packages to install; the default is all packages. STEP 2 - ESTABLISH THE DB2 EXTENDERS INSTANCE To establish an Image, Audio, Video Extender Instance: 1. Log in as root. 2. Set up a DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition environment if it has not yet been established, for example, if a DB2 instance does not exist or DB2 nodes are not configured. Refer to the publication DB2 Universal Database Extended Enterprise Edition for UNIX Quick Beginnings, for instructions on configuring DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition for AIX. When you use the db2icrt command to create a DB2 instance, specify the instanceid as the FencedID for the -u parameter. The FencedID is __________ ________ ________ the user under which the fenced UDFs and stored procedures will execute. For example, if you create a DB2 instance named myinstance, specify db2icrt as follows: db2icrt -u myinstance myinstance 3. Edit /etc/services and create an Extenders service entry for each logical node. The syntax of an Extenders service entry is as follows: DMB_instanceid portnumber __________ __________ DMB_instanceid_END portnumber __________ __________ 4. Manually create a directory or filesystem needed by the Extenders to store data. Note that this directory or filesystem name is passed as the -q: option of the Extender instance create command, dmbicrt. The same directory or filesystem name is used by all other nodes participating in the instance created. It is recommended that you follow a naming convention that allows the association of the filesystem to an instance, for example: /dmbdata/instanceid. This directory or filesystem name is set in the environment variable DB2MMDATAPATH. Do not create this directory or filesystem under the DB2 instance home directory, /home/instancename. The instance home directory is an ___________ exported/mounted filesystem. Having a directory on a mounted filesystem might impact Extender performance. 5. Enter: cd /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.2/instance 6. Run dmbicrt as follows: ./dmbicrt instanceid -q:db2mmdatapath __________ _____________ where instanceid is an existing DB2 instance user ID or a user ID to be __________ associated with a DB2 instance, and db2mmdatapath is the name of the _____________ directory or filesystem that is set in the DB2MMDATAPATH environment variable. Run dmbicrt after db2icrt. If a DB2 instance does not exist for the Extenders instance being created, dmbicrt will terminate execution with an error message. Though dmbicrt can be issued from the root user ID of any participating node, it is recommended that every Extender instance be created using one machine. The machine should be the machine used to create the DB2 instance and where the instance home directory physically resides. If you use different machines to create Extender instances, the list of instances stored on any machine will not be complete. The dmbicrt command creates an extender instance directory called instance_home_directory/dmb. Because instance_home_directory is an _______________________ _______________________ is an exported directory, all files and directories under instance_home_directory are available on all nodes. _______________________ Do not create additional files or directories under instance_home_directory; these files will be lost if the instance is _______________________ deleted. As dmbicrt runs, you are prompted to confirm the request to create an instance for the DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extenders for the specified instanceid. Respond Y or N. 7. Logout. STEP 3 - ESTABLISH THE DB2 EXTENDERS INSTANCE ENVIRONMENT To establish an Image, Audio, Video Extender Instance Environment: 1. Login as instanceid. __________ 2. Profile scripts for the C shell, Korn shell, and Bourne shell are pro- vided to establish the DB2 Extenders environment: o dmbcshrc for C shell users o dmbprofile for Korn and Bourne shell users. The dmbcshrc and dmbprofile shell scripts contain statements that update paths in your operating system and set environment variables. To establish the DB2 Extenders instance environment, the DB2 Extenders profile script has to be invoked from within the DB2 profile scripts. To ensure this, look for the following line in sqllib/db2cshrc: source ${insthome}/dmb/dmbcshrc Or look for the following line in sqllib/db2profile: . ${insthome}/dmb/dmbprofile Invoke the DB2 instance profile within the login profile of the instanceid user ID. Add the following statements to the end of the __________ login profile: o For the C shell, add the following to .login: setenv LANG En_US source sqllib/db2cshrc o For the Korn and Bourne shells, add the following to the .profile: export LANG=En_US . sqllib/db2profile 3. Logout. CREATING AND MANAGING MULTIPLE INSTANCES ________________________________________ You can create and use multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server in a Solaris Operating Environment server. You should create multiple instances if you have created multiple instances of the DB2 server for the Solaris Operating Environment. Each instance of the DB2 Extenders server is associated with an instance of the DB2 server for the Solaris Operating Environment. You can also list the instances of the DB2 Extenders server that are available on a system, select an instance to use, run multiple instances concurrently, and remove instances. CREATING MULTIPLE INSTANCES To create multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server, repeat step 2 ("Establish the DB2 Extenders instance") for each instance that you want to create. LISTING INSTANCES Execute the dmbilist command to list all instances of the DB2 Extenders server that are available on a system. The dmbilist command is in /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.2/instance. To find out which instance is active, enter the following command: echo $DB2MMTOP SELECTING AN INSTANCE To select an Image, Audio, and Video Extenders Instance: Specify which instance of the DB2 Extenders server to use by setting the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the login name of the instance owner. RUNNING MULTIPLE INSTANCES CONCURRENTLY To run multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server concurrently, we recommend that you: o Login or su to a user with sysmaint or higher authority for the instance. o Set the environment. o Start the database manager. If you use the su command, specify the - flag to make sure the correct user environment is initialized. For example: su - inst2 REMOVING INSTANCES To remove an instance of the DB2 Image, Audio, Video Extender server: 1. End all applications that are currently using the instance. 2. Stop extender services and the db2ext command-line processor. Issue the dmbstop and db2ext terminate commands. 3. As root, execute the dmbidrop command in /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.2/instance as follows: dmbidrop instanceName ____________ where instanceName is the name of the instance being dropped. ____________ The dmbidrop command removes the instance entry from the list of instances and erases the INSTHOME/dmb directory. The dmbidrop command does not remove the associated DB2 instance. It is recommended that dmbidrop be run from the same machine in which dmbicrt was run. This ensures that the list of instances maintained on the machine is complete. 4. As root, remove the instance owner's userID and group (if used only for that instance). Do not remove these if you are planning to recreate the instance. * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.