*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Text Extender FixPak WR20052 for Windows NT** Server for Windows NT** Client for Windows 95** Client for Windows 98** Client Version 5.2.0 +-- Note: -----------------------------------------------------------+ | | This FixPak prereqs a DB2 UDB Text Extender Version 5.2.0 installation. | | Changes : | - The valid values for the FORMAT parameter have changed. | To enable the user exit for format conversion, | you must use a value in the range: | 8192 - 65535 | Enhancements : | - Performance for UDF search_result has been enhanced. | Performance depends now on the selected columns. | Example: | select handle from table(search_result(handle,'"search_term"')) ... | In this case the rank and match values are not calculated. | - CCSID of query input string is now the DB CCSID. This resolves problems | with national language characters. | - Maximum size of search result list has been increased. | - Search syntax has been enhanced. The nesting level of brackets is | now > 1. | Fixes: | - Client error during instance creation. | - Client installation errors. | - Enabling of large tables. | - Thesaurus feature. | - Import step of txsample on databases with a DBCS CCSID. | - C-API error (SUN, HP) | - Installation of nls files (SUN) | - UDF's are running not fenced (SUN) | - Problem with txicrt, removal of second group id (SUN, HP) | - Include NLSPATH to DB2ENVLIST (UNIX) | - Problems with administration functions for users that are not | the instance owner. | Hints: | - RC_PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR | Check if the thesaurus feature has been used on an NGRAM index. | The thesaurus feature is currently only supported for | indextype LINGUISTIC. This restriction will be removed | with the next Version. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ For installation instructions please see file install.txt This README file contains information for the following products and components: IBM DB2 UDB Text Extender for Windows NT Server IBM DB2 UDB Text Extender for Windows NT Client IBM DB2 UDB Text Extender for Windows 95/98 Clients ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation Notes 1.1 Pre-Requisites 1.2 For installation instructions, please see file install.txt 1.3 Update Text Extender enabled databases 2. Documentation changes 2.1 Chapter 4. Administration 2.2 Chapter 10. Syntax of search argument 2.3 Chapter 16. Error event reason codes 3. Restrictions 3.1 Thesaurus 3.2 DUAL index type 3.3 Feature extraction 3.4 Disks formatted with file system FAT 4. Miscellaneous 4.1 DB2 Family Newsletter 4.2 Customer Support 4.3 Corrective Service ********************************************************************** 1. Installation Notes ______________________ 1.1 Pre-Requisites _____________________ This FixPak requires the installation of the following products on the machine where the FixPak is to be installed: DB2 UDB Version 5.2 for Windows NT DB2 UDB Version 5.2 for Windows 95/98 DB2 UDB Extenders Version 5.2 for Windows NT Server DB2 UDB Extenders Version 5.2 for Windows NT Client DB2 UDB Extenders Version 5.2 for Windows 95/98 1.2 Installation Instructions ________________________________ See install.txt for installation instructions. 1.3 Update Text Extender enabled databases ___________________________________________ To update databases enabled for Text Extender with the changed definition of the SEARCH_RESULT UDF, enter : txdbupdt where is the name of a Text Extender enabled database 2 Documentation changes __________________________ 2.1 Chapter 4. Administration _______________________________ The sample for "Enabling Text Extender to search in external files" has been updated. 3. Initialize the handle . For each row in a new table: db2 INSERT INTO db2tx.EXTFILE (FILEHANDLES) VALUES (db2tx.INIT_TEXT_HANDLE (850,'TDS','US_ENGLISH', 'd:\dmb\samples\tx') WHERE DOCID = 'doc1' . For an existing table, update the handle columns to reflect the external reference, specifying the name of the external file. db2 UPDATE db2tx.EXTFILE SET FILEHANDLES = (db2tx.FILE( FILEHANDLES, 'd:\dmb\samples\tx') WHERE DOCID = 'doc1' 2.2 Chapter 10. Syntax of search argument ___________________________________________ FUZZY FORM OF the LANGUAGE parameter is not supported. Syntax: FUZZY FORM OF "word or phrase" 2.3 Chapter 16. Error event reason codes _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 621 Explanation : I/O problem. Try to reset the index status and update the index. ______________________________________________________________________________ 504 Explanation : Document not indexed. Check the index log table for further information. Try to reset the index status and update the index. ______________________________________________________________________________ 831 Explanation : Warning. The document has not been indexed. The reason for this warning is that the document is empty. ______________________________________________________________________________ 860 Explanation : File open error. Dictionary or thesaurus files not found. Check that the files are stored in the proper directory. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2008 Explanation : The document was not found. The reason for this error could be that the document was deleted during an index update run. If the document was an external file, check that the path and the file permissions are set correctly. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Restrictions _________________ 3.1 Thesaurus _________________ Currently comments are not supported in a thesaurus sgml input file. 3.2 DUAL index type ____________________ The DUAL index type should not be used for large tables. Use indextype NGRAM with indexoption CASE_ENABLED instead. 3.3 FEATURE_EXTRACTION _______________________ Indexoption FEATURE_EXTRACTION should not be used for large tables. 3.4 Disks formatted with file system FAT _________________________________________ If you have disks formatted with file system FAT you may encounter a problem during index update. The problem occurs if the file desadmtb.dat in directory \\index is updated. To find the index directory name and path for a given text column issue the following command: db2 select indexname, indexdirectory, tablename, columnname from db2tx.textcolumns You can correct this error by issuing: copy desadmtb.bak desadmtb.dat Then update the index by issuing: db2tx update index handle 4 Miscellaneous __________________________ 4.1 DB2 Family Newsletter __________________________ For the latest information about the DB2 family of products, you may subscribe to the "DB2 Family Newsletter" (English only). Simply send your request in a FAX to 1-905-316-4733, and include the following information: Name Company name Full mailing address Telephone number DB2 products you currently use 4.2 Customer Support _____________________ To speak to an IBM representative regarding assistance with this product, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249). Customer support is also provided via Electronic Question and Answer (Q&A) forums. These forums are accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and Usenet Newsgroup. (1) CompuServe - To access the forums on CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2. - If you don't have access to CompuServe, call 1-800-850-8199 for membership information in Canada or the US. (2) Usenet Newsgroup: comp.databases.ibm-db2 - This Internet Newsgroup is a general forum for discussing questions and/or problems encountered using the DB2 family of products. (3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS - To access the forums on IBMLink, go to the OS2BBS section. - If you don't have access IBMLink, call 1-800-547-1283 for membership information in Canada or the US. 4.3 Corrective Service _______________________ They can be downloaded electronically from the following location: (1) Internet - then go to ps/products/db2extenders/fixes// where is (eg. english-us, spanish, german, etc.) is the product name/version (eg. v12nt, v50aix, etc.) - Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser to connect to the DB2 Service and Support Page. (http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech/index.html) If you do not have access to any of the above locations, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) to request these FixPaks be sent to you in the mail. For countries other than US and Canada, please look at your local IBM OS/2 BBS or call your local DB2 Customer Service number for assistance in obtaining them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** * * (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * **********************************************************************