******************************************************************* ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ******************************************************************* Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Extenders Version 5.0 PTF This PTF contains one functional change, fixes for problems uncovered in DB2 Extenders V5.0, and corrections to the DB2 Extenders V5.0 documentation. 1.0 FUNCTIONAL CHANGE ___________________ 1.1 QBIC query score The range of scores (and their meaning) that can be returned by the following UDFs and APIs has been changed: UDFs APIs QbScoreFromStr QbQueryStringSearch QbScoreTBfromStr QbQuerySearch QbScoreFromName QbQueryNameSearch QbScoreTBFromName The UDFs and APIs return a score that is a double-precision floating point value from 0.0 to a very large number. (Previously, the maximum possible score returned was 1.0.) The lower the score, the closer the feature values of the target image match the feature values specified in the query. A score of 0.0. means an exact match. 1.2 QBIC table UDFs The table specification in the QBIC table UDFs (QbScoreTBFromStr and QbScoreTbFromName), must be a fully-qualified. That is, the table must be specified in the form schema-name.table-name. 2.0 FIXES _______ 2.1 QBIC-related fixes The following QBIC-related problems are fixed by installation of this PTF: o The QbScoreTBFromName UDF and QbScoreTBFromStr UDF return one fewer score than the number of scores expected. o In a client/server environment, where the client and server are on separate machines, the second histogram query in an application returns an incorrect score or hangs. o In a client/server environment, where the client and server are on separate machines, the QbQueryNameCreate API returns SQLCODE -1141, QBICODE 0, and the following message: SQL1131N DARI (Stored Procedure) process has been terminated abnormally. SQLSTATE=38503 o The QbScoreFromStr UDF returns an incorrect score if QbDrawFeatureClase is specified in the query criteria. o The QbScoreFromStr UDF and QbScoreFromName UDF return an incorrect score if the QBIC catalog entry for the target image handle does not contain data for the query feature. For example, the UDFs return an incorrect score if QbColorFeatureClass is specified in the query criteria, but no QbColorFeatureClass data is stored in the QBIC catalog entry for the target image handle. With installation of the PTF, these UDFs will return a score of -1 to indicate that a score is not available. o The UDFs QbScoreTBFromStr and QbScoreTBFromName return an incorrect score if the QBIC catalog entry for the image handle in the target column does not contain data for the query feature. For example, the UDFs return an incorrect score if QbColorFeatureClass is specified in the query criteria, but no QbColorFeatureClass data is stored in the QBIC catalog entry for the image handle in the target column. With installation of the PTF, these UDF will return a row for each image handle in the target column that has been cataloged for the query feature. The number of rows returned is limited by the maxReturns parameter specified in the UDF. o The QbScoreFromStr UDF returns a score of 0.0 if the query string specifies a server file, but the file does not exist. Note that if a server file is specified in a query string, it's name must be fully-qualified. With installation of the PTF, this condition returns the SQLSTATE code 38705, and generates the following message: Could not build query. o The QbQueryStringSearch API does not work and returns an error message. The API now works correctly. o QBIC queries that specify multiple features fail if weight is also specified. These queries produce the error mesage: DMB0382E: Couldn't build query. o QBIC queries that specify multiple features do not accept weight specifications in the format "weight=0.5". The format "weight 0.5" is accepted. With installation of the PTF, both formats are accepted. o The QbReCatalogColumn API returns a non-zero return code if the QBIC catalog is empty or contains no feature data. Also, the DB2 extender command-line processor command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN generates the following warning message if the QBIC catalog is empty or contains no feature data: DMB01751: Images were not found. With installation of the PTF, the API and command will execute successfully for these conditions; no error code will be returned or warning message generated. o The QbReCatalogColumn API and the DB2 extender command-line processor command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN do not always execute successfuly for features added after the images were last cataloged. o When an image is updated, the feature data for the image might not be properly updated. Similarly, when a set of images is updated, the feature data for the first image in the set might not be properly updated. With installation of this PTF, the feature data is properly updated for the images. 2.2 Command-line processor fixes The following DB2 extender command-line processor problems are fixed by installation of this PTF: o The DB2 extender command-line processor's backend process sometimes locks DB2 resouces when the backend process is idle; this does not happen if the last command entered is TERMINATE or CONNECT RESET. With installation of the PTF, no DB2 resources are locked if the backend process is idle. 3.0 CORRECTIONS TO DB2 EXTENDERS V5.0 DOCUMENTATION _______________________________________________ The following corrects and clarifies information in the publication DB2 Universal Database Image, Audio, and Video Extenders Administration and Programming: 3.1 QbScoreFromStr UDF All references in the document to the UDF QbScoreFromString should be QbScoreFromStr. 3.2 CATALOG QBIC COLUMN The QBIC command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN catalogs the images in a table column. The command can be specified with the parameters FOR NEW and FOR ALL. Specify the parameters as follows: o When you create a QBIC catalog after storing images. Use the command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN FOR NEW. The DB2 Image Extender catalogs all the images in the column for all the features in the QBIC catalog. o When you store new images in a cataloged column. Use the command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN FOR NEW. The DB2 Image Extender catalogs only the new images, that is, only the images in the column that are currently not cataloged, and it catalogs the new images for all the features in the QBIC catalog. o When you add features to the QBIC catalog. Use the command CATALOG QBIC COLUMN FOR ALL. The DB2 Image Extender analyzes the new features for all the cataloged images in the table column and adds the new feature data to the QBIC catalog. It does not reanalyze the existing features for the cataloged images. * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.