*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Image, Audio, and Video Extenders Version 5.0 for HP-UX Version 10 This readme file describes how to install the DB2 Image Extender, DB2 Audio Extender, and DB2 Video Extender packaged with PTF. All references in this document to "DB2 Extenders" refer to the DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extenders only. The DB2 Text Extender Version 5.0 for HP-UX is packaged with DB2 Extenders Version 5.0. For information on installing the DB2 Text Extender in HP-UX, refer to the INSTALL.TXT file in the db2ext/hpux/ directory of the DB2 Extenders Version 5.0. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS _________________________ Before you install the DB2 Extenders in HP-UX, ensure you meet the installation requirements for their server and client components. SERVER REQUIREMENTS The server components for the DB2 Extenders can be installed in an HP-UX server. The server components prerequire the installation of DB2 Version 5.0 (or above) for HP-UX. CLIENT REQUIREMENTS The client components for the DB2 Extenders can be installed in an HP-UX client. The client components prerequire installation of the DB2 Version 5.0 (or above) Personal Edition, DB2 Version 5.0 (or above) Client Application Enabler, or DB2 Version 5.0 (or above) Software Developer's Kit for HP-UX. INSTALLING THE DB2 EXTENDERS IN HP-UX _____________________________________ 1. Install the product components in the target machine. 2. Establish the DB2 Extenders instance. 3. Establish the DB2 Extenders instance environment. STEP 1 - INSTALL THE PRODUCT COMPONENTS IN THE TARGET MACHINE 1. Log in at the target client or server machine as the root user. 2. cd to a read/writable directory. 3. Download u452693.tar from the ftp site 4. tar -xvf u452693.tar 5. Run the swinstall program using the command: swinstall This opens the Software Selection window and the Specify Source window. Do the following: a. If necessary, change the Source Host Name. b. Enter db2ext/hpux/IBMdb2ex as the value for the Source Depot Path field. c. In the Change Software View field, select Products. d. To return to the Software Selection window, select the OK button. The Software Selection window contains a list of available software to install. e. Highlight the DB2EXT Product if you want to install the Image, Audio, and Video Extenders with documentation in all provided languages. f. If you want to install parts of the Image, Audio, and Video Extenders, choose Open Item from the Actions menu. Highlight fileset and choose mark for Install from the Actions Menu for every fileset you want to install. Select either or both of the following: DB2EXT.server - Image, Audio, Video Extenders Server DB2EXT.client - Image, Audio, Video Extenders Client You can install the online documentation regardless of whether you install the Extenders server or client. Table 1 lists online information available for the DB2 Extenders. For more information about the online information that is packaged with the DB2 Extenders, see the file DOCREAD.TXT. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 1. DB2 Extenders online information | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | ONLINE INFORMATION | LANGUAGE | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | en_US | English | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | fr_FR | French | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | ko_KR | Korean | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ g. Choose Install from the Actions menu to begin product installation and to open the Install Analysis window. h. Select the OK button in the Install Analysis window when the Status field displays a Ready message. i. Select the Yes button at the Confirmation window to confirm that you want to install the DB2 Extenders for HP-UX software products. View the Install window to read processing data while the software is being installed. Installation is complete when the Status field indicates Ready and the Note Window opens. The swinstall program loads the fileset, and runs the control scripts for the fileset. The HP-UX operating system provides detailed help for swinstall. Help is available by typing: man swinstall STEP 2 - ESTABLISH THE DB2 EXTENDERS INSTANCE 1. Ensure you are active as the root user. 2. Enter: cd /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.0 3. Run DMBINSTANCE as follows: ./dmbinstance instanceid __________ where instanceid is an existing DB2 instance user ID or a user ID to be __________ associated with a DB2 instance. Running dmbinstance creates the /u/instanceid/dmb directory. Do not create additional files or __________ directories under /u/instanceid/dmb; these files will be lost if the __________ instance is deleted. As dmbinstance runs, you are prompted to confirm the following: o The request to make instanceid a DB2 instance owner (if it is not __________ already a DB2 instance owner). Respond YES or NO. o The request to create an instance for the DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extenders for the specified instanceid. Respond YES or NO. __________ 4. Logout. STEP 3 - ESTABLISH THE DB2 EXTENDERS INSTANCE ENVIRONMENT 1. Login as instanceid. __________ 2. Profile scripts for the C shell, Korn shell, and Bourne shell are pro- vided to establish the DB2 Extenders environment: o dmbcshrc for C shell users o dmbprofile for Korn and Bourne shell users. The dmbcshrc and dmbprofile shell scripts contain statements that update paths in your operating system and set environment variables. To establish the DB2 Extenders instance environment, include the DB2 Extenders instance profile into the login profile for the instanceid __________ user ID. Add the following statements to the end of the login profile: o For the C shell, add the following to .login: setenv LANG en_US.iso88591 source dmb/dmbcshrc o For the Korn and Bourne shells, add the following to the .profile: export LANG=en_US.iso88591 . dmb/dmbprofile 3. Logout. CREATING AND MANAGING MULTIPLE INSTANCES ________________________________________ You can create and use multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server code in an HP-UX server. You should create multiple instances if you have created multiple instances of the DB2 server for HP-UX. Each instance of the DB2 Extenders server code is associated with an instance of the DB2 server for HP-UX. You can also list the instances of the DB2 Extenders server code that are available on a system, select an instance to use, run multiple instances concurrently, and remove instances. CREATING MULTIPLE INSTANCES To create multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server code, repeat step 2 ("Establish the DB2 Extenders instance") for each instance that you want to create. LISTING INSTANCES Execute the dmbilist command to list all instances of the DB2 Extenders server code that are available on a system. The dmbilist command is in /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.0/instance. To find out which instance is active, enter the following command: echo $DB2MMTOP SELECTING AN INSTANCE You specify which instance of the DB2 Extenders server code to use by setting the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the login name of the instance owner. RUNNING MULTIPLE INSTANCES CONCURRENTLY To run multiple instances of the DB2 Extenders server code concurrently, we recommend that you: o Login or su to a user with sysmaint or higher authority for the instance. o Set the environment. o Start the database manager. If you use the su command, specify the - flag to make sure the correct user environment is initialized. For example: su - inst2 REMOVING INSTANCES To remove an instance of the DB2 Extenders server code: 1. End all applications that are currently using the instance. 2. Stop extender services and the db2ext command-line processor. Issue the dmbstop and db2ext terminate commands. 3. Backup files in the INSTHOME/dmb directory if needed, such as qbic, where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance owner. 4. As root, execute the dmbidrop command in /opt/IBMdb2ex/V5.0/instance as follows: dmbidrop instanceName ____________ where instanceName is the name of the instance being dropped. ____________ The dmbidrop command removes the instance entry from the list of instances and erases the INSTHOME/dmb directory. The dmbidrop command does not remove the associated DB2 instance. 5. As root, remove the instance owner's user ID and group (if used only for that instance). Do not remove these if you are planning to recreate the instance. RUN-TIME FEATURE DISTRIBUTION _____________________________ You may copy the DB2 Extenders run-time feature for applications you develop onto client and server machines. To copy the DB2 Extenders run-time feature, copy the files on the DB2 Extenders CD-ROM that are in the HPUX directory and in all of its subdirectories to your source installation media, for example, to a CD-ROM. You can also use the DB2 Extenders CD-ROM as your source installation media. Your application's installation procedure should include the instructions in the section "Installing the DB2 Extenders in HP-UX" above. You can also instruct installers to optionally follow the steps in the section "Creating Multiple Instances" to create multiple instances. Installers should copy files for printable documentation from the following directory: doc\\ps where is a two-character abbreviation for the language (for example EN for English). For information on viewing and printing documentation, see the file DOCREAD.TXT. DB2 EXTENDER NOTES __________________ The following notes supplement the information in the DB2 Extender books. For additional notes, see the README.TXT file in the root directory. o DB2 Extender UDFs must run under the same user ID as the DB2 Extender instance. In addition, if you create a DB2 instance or use an existing DB2 instance, you need to make sure that the DB2 Extender UDFs run under the same user ID as the DB2 instance. (This statement is not valid for DB2 Text Extender. Check the Text Extender documentation for information.) o DB2 needs to be configured properly to ensure the proper operation of the DB2 Extenders, especially the operation of UDFs. In particular, the following parameters need to be set properly: Database configuration parameters: APPL_CTL_HEAP_SZ APPLHEAPSZ Database manager configuration parameters: ASLHEAPSZ UDF_MEM_SZ QUERY_HEAP_SZ * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.