*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Text Extender FixPak U454574 for AIX ** Server Version 5.0.0 +-- Note: -----------------------------------------------------------+ | | This FixPak contains all fixes and enhancements from FixPak WR20048: | - New migration utility for Text Extender Version 1.1 or 1.2 | enabled databases and created text indexes. | - Performance enhancement | - New return code RC_SE_DICTIONARY_NOT_FOUND if either a | dictionary or a thesaurus that is requested has not been | installed. | - New return code RC_SE_LINGUISTIC_SERVICE_FAILED if the | linguistic service component detected a problem during | processing of a query. | User action: Check that the relationship name of a | Thesaurus query is valid. Check that the language and the CCSID | supplied are valid. | - Fix for SEARCH_RESULT UDF definition in descudf.ddl | - Fix for thesaurus compiler on AIX | | | New enhancements/fixes : | - Interface to user exit for format conversion changed | - Existing result table is not initialized anymore if function | DesGetSearchResultTable is called | - Fix for Thesaurus problem with associative relationships | - Fix for incorrect search results caused by duplicate handles values | - Fix for problems during enabling of large text columns | - Fix for memory leak problem with local communication AIX | - Fix for problem with SEARCH_RESULT UDF if RUNSTATS has not been run | on the table which is used for a join with the output of the | SEARCH_RESULT_UDF | - Fix for function DesGetMatches for indextype NGRAM | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ For installation instructions please see section 2.1 This README file contains information for the following products and components: AIX-Specific ------------- IBM DB2 UDB Text Extender for AIX Server IBM DB2 UDB Text Extender for AIX Client ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Contents for FixPak 2. Installation Notes 2.1 Information for Installing this FixPak 2.1.1 Pre-Requisites 2.1.2 Installation Instructions 3. Migration from DB2 Text Extender Version 1.1 and 1.2 3.1 Pre-Requisites 3.2 Migrating instances 3.3 Migrating databases 3.4 Running Text Extender Version 5.0.0 on DB2 V 2.1.2 4. After installation 4.1 Updating instances 4.2 Recompile thesaurus files 4.3 Changed format conversion user exit interface 5. Documentation changes 5.1 Chapter 4. Administration 5.2 Chapter 16. Error event reason codes 6. Restrictions 6.1 Thesaurus 7. Miscellaneous 7.1 DB2 Family Newsletter 7.2 Customer Support 7.3 Corrective Service ********************************************************************** 2. Installation Notes ______________________ 2.1 Information for Installing this FixPak ___________________________________________ The FixPak must only be applied to a AIX Server/Client installation of the DB2 UDB Extenders Version 5.0.0. For a successful installation, please follow the complete installation steps as described in 2.1.2. 2.1.1 Pre-Requisites _____________________ This FixPak requires one of the following to already be installed on the machine: - DB2 UDB Version 5.0 for AIX + FixPak U453782 Use 'lslpp -l product_name' to list the level of DB2 for AIX on the machine; product_name should be the name of an installable option such as db2_05_00.db2.rte. 2.1.2 Installation Instructions ________________________________ For each instance: o Terminate all Text Extender Command Line Processor sessions. o Make sure that the Text Extender server has been stopped by issuing : txstop o Make sure that the DB2 server has been stopped by issuing : db2stop If the DB2 server cannot be stopped, you might have to terminate the database connections. Enter: db2 terminate If the database can still not be stopped, you must force all applications to terminate. Enter: db2 force applications all To install the package use smitty ("Install and Update from LATEST Available Software"). If you have already installed textextender and created a instance you have to update the enabled databases of that Text Extender instance. Check 4.1 for further actions. 3. Migration from DB2 Text Extender Version 1.1 and 1.2 ________________________________________________________ 3.1 Pre-Requisites __________________ Pre-Requisite for applying the DB2 UDB Text Extender Migration utilities are DB2 Text Extender Version 1.1 or 1.2 created indexes. Check the version of library "libC.a" by issuing: lslpp -L | grep xlC.rte If the version of this package is < you must install a new version. You can get the new version from the following URL: http://service.software.ibm.com/aix.us/aixfixes?lang=english After installation of the package you must rename the following directory : /usr/lpp/db2_05_00/.rtelib This ensures that the new version of library libC.a is used. 3.2 Migrating instances _______________________ If you want to reuse your Text Extender Version 1.1 or 1.2 created text indexes and enabled databases, you must migrate: - the index files and the corresponding master table file - the databases per instance To avoid a loss of the Text Extender created indexes due to problems that might result from the migration step, it might be reasonable to make a backup of the index directories and the corresponding desmastr.dat file in \"instance home\db2tx\desmastr.dat Use the following command for the migration: txmigr db2instance db2txinstance [port] Note: You have to use the root userid to execute the command! 3.3 Migrating databases _____________________________________ After migrating indexes you have to migrate your Text Extender Version 1.1 or 1.2. enabled database. Be sure to migrate your database to DB2 Version 5 first. Use the following command to migrate the database: txdbmigr database_name where database_name is the name of the database you want to migrate. Note: You have to use the db2 instance userid to execute the command! 3.4 Running Text Extender Version 5.0.0 on DB2 V2.1.2 _____________________________________________________ If you have installed DB2 Version 2.1.2 and you want to use Text Extender Version 5.0 you must run the following script file to create a new instance: txicrt13 db2instance db2txinstance [port] Note: If you have used this script to create a new instance for DB2 Version 2.1.2 and you want to create another instance for DB2 UDB V5.0 after that you must do the following: cp /usr/lpp/db2tx_05_00/misc/scripts/descudf50.ddl /usr/lpp/db2tx_05_00/misc/scripts/descudf.ddl 4. After installation ______________________ 4.1 Updating instances _______________________ If you did not migrate the Text Extender enabled database for each instance you have to run the following command for each Text Extender Version 5.0 enabled database. /usr/lpp/db2tx_05_00/bin/txdbupdt is the name of Text Extender Version 5.0 enabled database. 4.2 Recompile thesaurus files ______________________________ If you have compiled thesaurus files with the Text Extender supplied thesaurus compiler desthesc you must recompile these files. Issue the following command: desthesc 4.3 Changed format conversion user exit interface __________________________________________________ The format conversion user exit interface has been changed. If you have user exits using the old interface you must change them to the new interface. New Interface : -sourcefile -targetfile -sourceccsid -targetccsid -sourceformat -targetformat The user exit must read the document from the and write the converted document to the . The file names must be fully qualified. The target file must match the and . During enabling a format other than TDS (flat ASCII) must be specified as format to force the user exit to be called. /* The supported Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSID's) values are:*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAA CCSIDs for Latin-1 countries (character set 697): */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00037 37 /* CECP: USA, CND, and others */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00273 273 /* CECP: Austria, Germany */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00277 277 /* CECP: Denmark, Norway */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00278 278 /* CECP: Finland, Sweden */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00280 280 /* CECP: Italy */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00284 284 /* CECP: Spain, Latin America */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00285 285 /* CECP: United Kingdom */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00297 297 /* CECP: France */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00500 500 /* CECP: International Latin-1 */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00819 819 /* ISO 8859-1: Latin-1 */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00871 871 /* CECP: Iceland */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_04946 4946 /* PC Data-190: Latin-1 =CP850 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAA CCSID for Japanese: */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00932 932 /* Combined Japanese SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00942 942 /* Combined Japanese SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00943 943 /* Combined Japanese SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_05039 5039 /* Combined Japanese SBCS/DBCS */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAA CCSID for Traditional Chinese: */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00948 948 /* Combined Trad. C. SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00950 950 /* Combined Trad. C. SBCS/DBCS */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAA CCSID for Simplified Chinese: */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_01381 1381 /* Combined Simpl.C. SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_01383 1383 /* Combined Simpl.C. SBCS/DBCS */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SAA CCSID for Korean: */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00949 949 /* Combined Korean SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00970 970 /* Combined Korean SBCS/DBCS */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_01363 1363 /* Combined Korean SBCS/DBCS */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* selected Migration/Coexistence CCSIDs for Latin-1 countries: */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00437 437 /* PC Data-222; PC Base: USA ..*/ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00850 850 /* PC Data; MLP 222: Latin-1 */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00860 860 /* PC Data: Portugal */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00861 861 /* PC Data: Iceland */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00863 863 /* PC Data: Canada */ #define DB2TX_CCSID_00865 865 /* PC Data: Denmark, Norway */ /* The supported FORMAT values are : */ #define FFT 0x0002 /* DCA:FFT */ #define RFT 0x000B /* DCA:RFT/E */ #define TDS 0x000E /* IBM PC Flat ASCII */ #define WP5 0x1001 /* WordPerfect 5.x */ #define MSWORD 0x1002 /* MS Word */ #define RTF 0x1004 /* Rich text format (RTF) */ #define AMI 0x1006 /* Lotus Ami Pro Version 4 */ #define HTML 0x1042 /* HTML format */ 5 Documentation changes __________________________ 5.1 Chapter 4. Administration _______________________________ The sample for "Enabling Text Extender to search in external files" has been updated. 3. Initialize the handle . For each row in a new table: db2 INSERT INTO db2tx.EXTFILE (FILEHANDLES) VALUES (db2tx.INIT_TEXT_HANDLE (850,'TDS','US_ENGLISH', 'd:\dmb\samples\tx') WHERE DOCID = 'doc1' . For an existing table, update the handle columns to reflect the external reference, specifying the name of the external file. db2 UPDATE db2tx.EXTFILE SET FILEHANDLES = (db2tx.FILE( FILEHANDLES, 'd:\dmb\samples\tx') WHERE DOCID = 'doc1' 5.2 Chapter 16. Error event reason codes _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 621 Explanation : I/O problem. Try to reset the index status and update the index. ______________________________________________________________________________ 504 Explanation : Document not indexed. Check the index log table for further information. Try to reset the index status and update the index. ______________________________________________________________________________ 831 Explanation : Warning. The document has not been indexed. The reason for this warning is that the document is empty. ______________________________________________________________________________ 860 Explanation : File open error. Dictionary or thesaurus files not found. Check that the files are stored in the proper directory. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2008 Explanation : The document was not found. The reason for this error could be that the document was deleted during an index update run. If the document was an external file, check that the path and the file permissions are set correctly. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6 Restrictions _________________ 6.1 Thesaurus _________________ Currently the relation between two descriptors only supports single term word as the top level descriptor. Example: business social science A search for business will find documents containing "social science" but a search for "social science" will not find documents containing "business". business science A search for "science" will find documents containing "business". 6.2 DUAL index type ____________________ The DUAL index type should not be used for large text columns. Use indextype NGRAM with indexoption CASE_ENABLED instead. 6.2 SEARCH_RESULT UDF ______________________ There is a performance problem with the SEARCH_RESULT UDF if the output of the SEACRH_RESULT UDF is joined with another table. This problem will be removed with the next available FixPak of DB2. 7 Miscellaneous __________________________ 7.1 DB2 Family Newsletter __________________________ For the latest information about the DB2 family of products, you may subscribe to the "DB2 Family Newsletter" (English only). Simply send your request in a FAX to 1-905-316-4733, and include the following information: Name Company name Full mailing address Telephone number DB2 products you currently use 7.2 Customer Support _____________________ To speak to an IBM representative regarding assistance with this product, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249). Customer support is also provided via Electronic Question and Answer (Q&A) forums. These forums are accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and Usenet Newsgroup. (1) CompuServe - To access the forums on CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2. - If you don't have access to CompuServe, call 1-800-850-8199 for membership information in Canada or the US. (2) Usenet Newsgroup: comp.databases.ibm-db2 - This Internet Newsgroup is a general forum for discussing questions and/or problems encountered using the DB2 family of products. (3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS - To access the forums on IBMLink, go to the OS2BBS section. - If you don't have access IBMLink, call 1-800-547-1283 for membership information in Canada or the US. 7.3 Corrective Service _______________________ They can be downloaded electronically from the following location: (1) Internet - then go to ps/products/db2extenders/fixes// where is (eg. english-us, spanish, german, etc.) is the product name/version (eg. v12nt, v50aix, etc.) - Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser to connect to the DB2 Service and Support Page. (http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech/index.html) If you do not have access to any of the above locations, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) to request these FixPaks be sent to you in the mail. For countries other than US and Canada, please look at your local IBM OS/2 BBS or call your local DB2 Customer Service number for assistance in obtaining them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. * are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** * * (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * **********************************************************************