Turbo Linux 3.6 DB2 UDB v6.1 Installation Fix ========================================================================== Note: Depending on your system fonts the letter l may appear as the number 1. With respect to the tl36_instfix_tar.Z fix, it is the letter l. This file documents how to fix the DB2 Installer to allow an interactive on Turbo Linux 3.6. 1) Log on to the Turbo Linux Workstation as root. 2) Download the compressed tar file, "tl36_instfix_tar.Z", to a temporary directory, for example: /tmp/tl36_instfix_tar.Z 3) Uncompress the file by entering the following command: uncompress /tmp/tl36_instfix_tar.Z 4) Extract the files from the tar file into a temporary directory by entering the following commands: mkdir /tmp/fix cd /tmp/fix tar -xvf /tmp/tl36_instfix_tar The following files should now appear in the directory /tmp/fix: db2inst db2iresp install_fix readme.txt You can verify this by entering the ls /tmp/fix command (assuming that you created the fix subdirectory in /tmp). 5) Insert the DB2 Universal Databae Version 6.1 CD into the CD-ROM drive. 6) Mount the DB2 Universal Database CD-ROM by entering the following command: mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom 7) Run the script, install_fix, by entering the following command: /tmp/fix/install_fix The script will prompt for the DB2 UDB V6.1 image mount point, which will be "/mnt/cdrom (if you are following the example in this file). The script will then prompt for a directory where a linked image will be built. This directory does not have to already exist, the script will creat it for you if it does not already exist. For example, type "/tmp/image". The script will now prompt for confirmation. Enter "y" to proceed. The script will copy the DB2 CD-ROM image to the directory that you specified. Use this copy to install your DB2 product. 8) Once the script is finished, use this image when you are ready to execute the DB2 Installer program using the following commands: cd /tmp/image ./db2setup where "/tmp/image" is the location of the linked image that was built. Ensure that you Turbo Linux Version 3.6 workstation has the pdksh pacakge installed before attempting to Install DB2 Universal Database Version 6. -- End of file.