Title : PC DOS Requester Utility This file contains a BIND file and an EXECUTABLE file. It is an *unsupported* utility which will allow you to do various database commands on your DOS requester including CATALOG & UNCATALOG, DATABASE SCANS, Dynamic SQL etc. Please download this file in BINARY using a protocol and unzip the file. Bind the .BND file against the database(s) on your server. Please note: This is an unsupported utlility. catia.tar Title : DB2 UDB Version 5 SQL Header files for CATIA/CDMA CATIA/CDMA uses static SQL . During CDMA installation, you first choose the database to use. If DB2 is chosen, you need the SQL header files for compiling the .SQC files. In DB2 V2, the header files were included in the product but in UDB V5, you have to order the Developer's Edition. The catia.tar file contains the filesets required to install the required DB2 header files. Title : DB2 Client Application Enabler for Windows Version 2 The DB2 Client Application Enabler for WIndows Version 2 provides run-time support to allow Windows clients to run applications that access IBM DB2 relational database servers. Please download this file in BINARY and unzip the file. Follow the instructions in the README.1ST file to create the three product diskettes. To install CAE/WIN, please refer to the manual entitled, "Database 2 Installing and Using DB2 Client for Windows". This manual can be be found at this same Internet site in the /ps/products/db2/info/ directory. INSWINCI.ZIP contains the .inf format and INSWINC.ZIP contains the postscript format. (It is documented in the README file within this directory). Title : DB2 Client Application Enabler for Windows 95 and NT The DB2 Client Application Enabler for WIndows 95 and NT provides run-time support to allow Windows 95 and Windows NT clients to run applications that access IBM DB2 relational database servers. It provides access to DB2 for OS/2, DB2 for AIX, DB2 for HP-UX (trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company),DB2 for Solaris (trademark of SUN Microsystems Inc.), and DB2 for Windows NT database servers, and through DDCS for Windows NT to DB2 for MVS/ESA, DB2 for VSE and VM , and DB2 for OS/400 databases and other DRDA database management systems. Please download this file in BINARY and unzip the file. Follow the instructions in the README.1ST file to create the three product diskettes. To install CAE for Windows 95&NT, please refer to the manual entitled, "Database 2 Installing and Using DB2 Clients for Windows 95 and NT Version 2". This manual can be found at the same Internet site in the /ps/products/db2/info/ directory. INSNTCLI.ZIP contains the .inf format and INSNTCL.ZIP contains the postscript format. (It is documented in the README file within this directory). CLITraceParser.readme Title: Installation and Usage instructions for the CLI Trace Parser The CLI Trace Parser tool is contained in the file named Title : DB2 CLI Trace Parser Tool - Version 1.0.4b The CLI Trace Parser is an essential tool for performance analysis and problem determination for any applications that use the DB2 CLI/ODBC Driver. CLI Trace Parser extracts time spent in the application, CLI and for network flows to help you break down exactly where time is spent when executing your application. The line numbers where errors occurred are also included in an error report. The tool also attempts to extract the actual error message. Please see the readme.txt included in the zip file for information about how to install and configure the CLI Trace Parser. This readme file s also available separately for download from this site in the file, CLITraceParser.readme CobolHP.tar.Z Title : libdb2gwf This library is required when using COBOL with DB2/HP version 2.1. (contact Rob Turnbull for more details). Title : DB2/2 Version 1.x DART Inspection version This is the inspect version (NSPEC) of DART (Data Analysis and Repair Tool). It has no ability to do repair. You must get the repair version from IBM DB2 Client/Server Support only if they believe it will assist. This tool can be used to check the architectural correctness of a database. Download this file in binary and unzip it. Title : DB2/2 DART USER'S GUIDE This binary .zip file contains the User's Guide for the DART (Data Analysis and Repair Tool) tool for the Database 2 for OS/2 program product. Two formats are provided; a postscript and a list3820 format. The list3820 format requires it to be printed on a host system on either a 3812 single-sided or 3825 duplex printer. dataget.exe Title : Tool to Gather System Configuration Information This tool should only be used when advised to do so by IBM DB2 Client/Server Support. It will gather information about the configuration of your specific workstation on which you are encountering a problem. This information can then be provided to IBM DB2 Client/Server Support. Put this tool into a temporary subdirectory and execute it. It is a self-extracting file. The readme.txt file will provide instructions on the use of this tool. Title : DB2BKOFF: Reset the 'Backup Pending' flag for a Version 1.x Database. This BINARY ZIP file contains an EXE file called DB2BKOFF.EXE and a README file explaining its use. It can be used to reset the 'backup pending' state for a database. When a database is in the 'backup pending' state, no connections to the database are allowed. Any attempt to connect to the database results in error message SQL1116N. The 'backup pending' state must be cleared before a connection to the database is allowed. The correct method to clear this state is to perform a backup of the database. However, as long as you are aware of and accept the consequences of NOT performing the requested backup, the DB2BKOFF tool can be used to reset the 'backup pending' state and erase any .BRG file which may also have been created. Connection to the database is now permitted. Download this file in BINARY using a protocol. db2dss.WIN32.EXE Title: DB2 Data Sources Setup This tool can be used by DB2 Connect BETA2 customers to configure APPC connections to access a mainframe database, as stated in the BETA2 readme. It can only be used on Windows 95 or Windows NT platforms. (Note that DB2 Connect is the new name for the follow-on product to the existing version 2.3 product anmed Distributed Data Connection Services (DDCS)). Title : Fix Incorrectly Migrated Database Directory in SDK or CAE for Windows 2.1 when migrating from SDK or CAE/DOS v1.2. The database directory on a client workstation with SDK/DOS v1.2 or CAE/DOS v1.2 is not successfully migrated when upgrading to SDK for Windows v2.1 or CAE for Windows v2.1. This tool will correct the incorrectly migrated database directory so that it can be used with either SDK or CAE for Windows v2.1. NOTE that you cannot run this tool while SDK/DOS v1.2 or CAE/DOS v1.2 is installed. You must first install the newer SDK or CAE for Windows 2.1 product which will attempt to migrate the database directory. Download the ZIP file in BINARY and UNZIP it. Please refer to the README file included with the tool for instructions on how to run the tool. db2move.aix db2move.hp db2move.exe.nt db2move.exebin.os2 db2move.exe.os2.v1x db2move.sun db2move.bnd.aix db2move.bnd.hp db2move.bnd.nt db2move.bndbin.os2 db2move.bnd.os2.v1x db2move.bnd.sun db2move.readme Title : Copy a DB2 Version 2.1 Database from one Workstation Platform to Another. This tool can be used to massively export/import/load tables in a database. The tool should be helpful in moving databases across platforms. The tool is available on OS/2, Win/95&NT, AIX, HP, and Solaris. The target database must be created offline prior to using this tool to import or load the data into it. The appropriate bind files must be bound to the databases on both the source and target workstation platforms. This tool works with DB2 Client/Server V2.1 products for the OS/2, Windows 95, Windows NT, HP, SUN and AIX platforms and with the DB2 Client/Server version 1.x product on the OS/2 platform. It does NOT work with DB2/PE V1.x. Also, it has NOT been tested with DB2/MVS, DB2/VM or AS/400 via DDCS. Please refer to the db2move.readme file for complete instructions on how to use this tool. Title : DB22KILL: force applications from a version 1.x DB. DB22KILL is a DB2/2 application. It performs a rollback and connect reset on each application connected to the database on the server. It then does a STOPDBM. Also included in this package is documentation for the SQLEKILL API call. NOTE: This is an unsupported tool and api and it may not always do the job you want it to do. Download the ZIP file in BINARY and UNZIP it. Please read the readme file before continuing. db2ocat.exe Title : DB2CAT: DB2 ODBC Catalog Optimizer. NOTE: THIS TOOL IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED - IT IS AVAILABLE ON AN 'AS-IS' BASIS ONLY. Many applications written using ODBC or DB2 CLI interfaces make heavy use of system catalog. While this does not usually present a problem for databases with a small number of database objects (tables, views, synonyms etc.) it can lead to performance problems when using these applications with larger DB2 databases. This performance degradation can be attributed to 2 main factors: the amount of information that has to be returned to the calling application and the length of time that locks are held on the catalog tables. DB2 ODBC Catalog Optimizer solves both problems by creating a separate system catalog that is optimised for ODBC access by a particular application. This utility helps database administrators to identify a subset of tables that are needed for a particular application and creates an ODBC-optimized catalog that is used to access data in these tables. As a result, no locks are placed on the real system catalog tables, and catalog query times and the amount of data returned as result of these queries is substantially reduced. Installation DB2 ODBC Catalog Optimizer is a 32-bit Windows program that can be used on Windows workstations running DB2 Versions 5,6, 7 or 8. Note that it will not run on Windows 3.1, or OS/2 workstations. Please do the following to install this tool: 1. Download db2ocat.exe into any subdirectory. 2. Execute the db2ocat.exe file. It will unpack the required components for this tool. 3. Read the licensing agreement in the file, db2ocat.txt. If you agree to the terms, then continue: 4. Move the files db2ocat.dll and db2ocat.exe into the ..\sqllib\bin\ directory. 5. Read the file, db2ocat.txt for usage instructions for this tool. db2pem.AIX db2pem.exe.OS2 db2pem.exe.WINNT db2pem.HPUX Title : IBM DB2 COMMON SERVER PASSWORD EXPIRATION MAINTENANCE CLIENT PROGRAM - VERSION 1.00 The DB2 Password Expiration Maintenance (PEM) client program is an IBM DB2 Common Server utility program which allows users at DB2 workstations to change their DB2/MVS passwords without having to log on to TSO. Other names for the DB2 PEM client utility include: o PEM client o db2pem o db2pem utility. The DB2 PEM client utility works in partnership with a PEM server function that is implemented today in APPC/MVS and CICS. Please refer to the documents, db2pem.readme and db2pem.readme.gateway for complete details. db2rh61fix.tgz: Title: RedHat 6.1 DB2 UDB Version 6.1 (fixpak 1) Installation Fix This file contains a new rpm file and instructions on how to use it during the install of DB2 UDB 6.1 (fixpak 1). It fixes a problem where db2start hangs on RedHat 6.1. It should be used with DB2 version 6.1 fixpak level 1, which is the version that ships in the box with RedHat 6.1. db2rh61gafix.tgz: Title: RedHat 6.1 DB2 UDB Version 6.1 Installation Fix This file contains a new rpm file and instructions on how to use it during the install of DB2 UDB 6.1. It fixes a problem where db2start hangs on RedHat 6.1. It should be used with DB2 version 6.1 GA. db2sysc.GA Title: Replacement db2sysc for RedHat 6.1, for DB2 UDB 6.1 GA version. Use if DB2 is already installed. If DB2 is not yet installed, download file db2rh61gafix.tgz instead. As root, replace the db2sysc in ~/sqllib/adm of the instance id with this file (renaming it to db2sysc), change the permissions to r-sr-s--- (by typing chmod ug+r+s-w db2sysc) , and ownership to root (by typing chown root db2sysc). db2sysc.fp1 Title: Replacement db2sysc for RedHat 6.1, for DB2 UDB 6.1 fixpak 1 version. Use if DB2 fixpak 1 is already installed. If DB2 is not yet installed, download file db2rh61fix.tgz instead. As root, replace the db2sysc in ~/sqllib/adm of the instance id with this file (renaming it to db2sysc), change the permissions to r-sr-s--- (by typing chmod ug+r+s-w db2sysc) , and ownership to root (by typing chown root db2sysc). db2util.exe Title : DB2UTIL: DB2 Command Line Processor for Windows. DB2UTIL is a 'windows' version of the DB2.EXE command line processor. It supports a similar set of commands to those supported by DB2.EXE. NOTE: This is an unsupported tool and it may not always do the job you want it to do. Download the EXE file in BINARY and execute. It is a self-extracting file. Now run the DB2UTIL.BAT command file, specifying the required parameters, in order to install the tool. Title : DB2WBIND: Windows tool to Bind Packages using SDK/DOS or CAE/DOS Version 1.2 Clients. DB2WBIND is a tool which must run in a 'Windows' session. It can be used to bind packages to a server or host database. It must be used on any client workstation which communicates with the server using tcp/ip IF the tcp/ip product in use is NOT one of the following three products: - IBM TCP/IP. - FTP Software PC/TCP. - Novell TCP/IP. Note that the SDK/DOS and CAE/DOS v1.2 products support ANY tcp/ip product which is WINSOCK-compliant. However, the DB2 BIND command can only be used if the tcp/ip product installed is supplied by one of the 3 previously listed suppliers. It fails with all other suppliers of WINSOCK-compliant tcp/ip products, and so for these products, the DB2WBIND tool is the only method which can be used to bind applications to a database. Title : Workaround for SQL5122 problem in DB2/2. This .ZIP file contains the UNPROT.CMD file which will turn off the copy protection bit in a DB2/2 database. It is useful for situations where you are seeing the SQL5122 error message. Title : IBM Visualizer Flight for OS/2 Version 1.0 Evaluation Code IBM Visualizer Flight for OS/2 (Flight) is an efficient, small footprint front-end tool for DB2 for OS/2 (DB2/2) that offers basic graphical query builder capability to a DB2/2 end user. Flight also offers a direct SQL option for SQL-literate users to create queries. Additionally, it offers database browsing and charting. The DB2 Client Application Enabler for WIndows Version 2 provides run-time support to allow Windows clients to run applications that access IBM DB2 relational database servers. Please download this file in BINARY and unzip the file. Follow the instructions in the README.1ST file to unpack the Visualizer Flight components prior to installation. As part of this process, you will unzip the IFLIGHT.ZIP file. After doing this and PRIOR to installation, be sure to read the README.TXT file which is unpacked from the IFLIGHT.ZIP file. Title : Tool to Investigate Database FIle Corruptions using HPFS This tool should only be used when advised to do so by IBM DB2 Client/Server Support. It will gather information from specific sectors within a file on an HPFS formatted drive for analysis by IBM personnel. Information on the use of this tool is contained in a file, hva.doc, which is contained within the .zip file. Please download the tool, dataget.exe, from this same ftp site and run it to provide IBM with information on your system environment. ibmdadb2.dll Title: IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 ibmdadb2.dll is the IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 UDB. It allows OLE DB consumers (including ADO applications written in Visual Basic or C) to access data stored in a DB2 UDB database. Once you have installed DB2 Version 7.1 on a Windows 32-bit operating system, perform the following steps to use the IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 (IBMDADB2) in your DB2 applications: 1. Download ibmdadb2.dll. 2. Rename ibmdadb2.dll in your \sqllib\bin directory to ibmdadb2.bak, where represents the drive on which you installed DB2. 3. Copy ibmdadb2.dll into \sqllib\bin. The documentation for the IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 UDB can be found in the following directory in the file named: db2age70.pdf /ps/products/db2/info/vr7/pdf/letter/ Title : ilink Linkage Editor tool. The ilink linker is being provided for customers who are unable to link to the 32-bit library db2gmf32.lib provided for linking MFCobol applications on UDB. Customers who do not have ilink will receive the following error: link386: fatal error 1104 :\sqllib\lib\db2gmf32.lib: not a valid library. This is because MFCobol is trying to link in db2gmf32.lib with the link386 linker. Db2gmf32.lib is not compatible with link386 and must be linked with ilink. Note that MF Cobol 4.0.20 (and up) is still the prerequisite for UDB, as anything below this level will not use the ilink linker. install_fix.tar Title : Installation fix for DB2 UDB Version 5.2 on Solaris 5.7 "The installation script supplied on the product CD for DB2 Universal Database Version 5.2 for Solaris will not install on Solaris 2.7. "install_fix" solves this problem by copying the installation script from the UDB CD, and altering it to allow installation of UDB on Solaris 2.7. Follow these instructions to use install_fix: 1) Ensure that the DB2 CD-ROM has been successfully mounted, and take note of its path (e.g., "/cdrom/cdrom0"). 2) Switch to the directory containing the install_fix script, for example cd /tmp where /tmp is the location of the install_fix script. 3) Execute the script, by typing ./install_fix 4) The script will prompt you to enter the source CD-ROM directory. Enter the path described in (1). 5) The script will next prompt for the path to the destination directory. This will only be used temporarily, so enter a path such as "/tmp/image". 6) The script displays the entered path values, and prompts for confirmation to continue. If the values are correct, enter "y". Otherwise, enter "n" to exit. 7) If the directory entered in (5) already exists, the script will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the directory's contents. If this is acceptable, enter "y". Otherwise, enter "n" to exit. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. 8) The script should complete successfully. Switch to the destination directory by typing cd /tmp/image where "/tmp/image" is the path entered in (5). This directory will now contain the patched db2_install file. 9) Execute the db2_install script by typing ./db2_install The db2_install script should now execute correctly on Solaris 2.7. 10) Once finished with db2_install, remove the newly created directory (if so desired) by typing rm -rf /tmp/image where "/tmp/image" is the path entered in (5)." - These instructions are also included in the file, install_fix.readme, which is included in the install_fix.tar file. Title : Updated 16-bit ODBC Driver Manager DLLs. There are some 16-bit ODBC applications which were shipped with an older set of 16-bit ODBC Driver Manager DLLs. These DLLs do not function well in the 32-bit environment of Windows 95 and Windows NT. The solution is to replace these DLLs with the updated DLLs packaged in The updated DLLs are CPN16UT.DLL, CTL3DV2.DLL, ODBC.DLL, ODBC16UT.DLL, ODBCCURS.DLL and ODBCINST.DLL. (Note that these updated DLLs are shipped with the latest version of the CAE for Windows version 2.1 product). Title : NBCHAT: Test NetBIOS connectivity from DOS. This *zip* file contains an executable NBCHAT.EXE which can be used to test NetBIOS connectivity from a NetBIOS session. Download this file using a protocol and unzip it to get the program and a *readme* file. Please read the reaadme file before proceeding. Title : NBJDSTAT.EXE: takes a NetBIOS snapshot. This executable (.EXE) file will take a snapshot of NetBIOS status at a given point in time. Often useful for analysing NetBIOS connectivity situations. Download this file using a protocol. Title : NETPING: Locate a NetBIOS name on the network. This BINARY ZIP file contains an EXE file called NETPING.EXE. It can be used to locate a NetBIOS name in the network and it returns the MAC accress and routing information for that name. This can be useful in determining if the NNAME you are trying to reach is out there on the network. Download this file in BINARY using a protocol. Title : ODBC/CLI Driver Fix for DB2 Version 2.1.2 to Access AS/400 Databases. DO NOT USE THESE FILES ON ANY LEVEL OF CODE OTHER THAN GA OF V2.1.2. (THESE FILES ARE ONLY FOR APAR JR09467) 1) Windows 3.1x client CAE/WIN v2.1.2 The file that needs to replaced is: - CAE/WIN v3.11 v2.1.2 db2cliw.dll located under the directories SQLLIB/WIN/BIN and WINDOWS/SYSTEM. Both must be replaced. 2) Windows 95 or NT CAE,SDK,DDCS,Server The file that needs to replaced is: - CAE/95NT v2.1.2 db2cli.dll located under the directories SQLLIB/BIN and either WINNT/SYSTEM32 on NT or WINDOWS/SYSTEM on 95. Download this file in BINARY using a protocol. Title : parseCLITrace: Parse DB2 UDB CLI trace file (V5.2) The DB2 UDB CLI/ODBC trace facility is an essential tool for problem determination and general understanding of an application that uses the UDB CLI driver. The trace facility records all function calls made, as well as the elapsed time of each one. The resulting text files can be very large, and a human can spend a significant amount of time and effort to extract the most interesting contents. parseCLItrace is a Java application that parses a CLI trace file and shows the number of invocations of each function (e.g., SQLExecDirect) and the total elapsed time for each function, and breaks down the total elapsed time into application time vs. DB2 time. The output can be extremely useful in doing performance analysis. Installation: parseCLITrace should run successfully on any platform that supports Java applications, but has only been tested on Windows NT and AIX. For some assistance in setting up to run Java applications, see sqllib\samples\java\readme on a system with DB2 UDB samples installed, but note that parseCLITrace execution does not require DB2 UDB code. Please do the following to install and use this tool: 1. Download (in binary) into any subdirectory. 2. Add (including its path) to the CLASSPATH. 3. To parse a CLI trace file, execute "java parseCLITrace ", where is the input trace file, and is the output file. Please note: This is an unsupported tool. Title : OS/2 2.11 Fix for BACKUP with QUIESCE This version of the OS/2 BACKUP command will support the /O option required by the DB2/2 Version 1.2 command, 'BACKUP DATABSE WITH QUIESCE' option. Title : PLOCK1: Lock list report generator DB2/2 =< 7015 contains the lock report generator plus a text file that describes the report. PLOCK1.EXE is for DB2/2 Version 1.0 at a service level of 7015 or less. Download the file in binary mode and then unzip it using pkunzip. Once the lock situation occurs, run PLOCK1.EXE and a file called SQLPLOCK.FMT will be created. Title : PLOCK2: Lock list report generator DB2/2 >= 7025 contains the lock report generator plus a text file that describes the report. PLOCK2.EXE is for DB2/2 Version 1.x at a service level of 7025 or greater. Download the file in binary mode and then unzip it using pkunzip. Once the lock situation occurs, run PLOCK2.EXE and a file called SQLPLOCK.FMT will be created. Title : JAVA and SQL replacement for SYSFUN.ROUND(). Since the provided SYSFUN.ROUND UDF only supports rounding decimals by converting to floating point, rounding errors can both during the initial and final conversions, as well as within the round UDF. This results in seemingly random rounding results when the last digit is, or is close to 5. eg. round( 1.05, 1) may round up, while round( 1.005, 2) may round down. Please refer to the readme file included in the package for complete instructions for using with DB2 UDB Version 5, Version 6 and Version 7 (Beta). tl36_instfix.readme.txt Title : Turbo Linux 3.6 DB2 UDB Version 6.1 Installation Fix This file documents how to fix the DB2 Installer to allow an interactive installation on Turbo Linux 3.6. tl36_instfix.tar.Z Title : Turbo Linux 3.6 DB2 UDB Version 6.1 Installation Fix This file contains the compressed and tarred components which have been fixed to permit an interactive installation on Turbo Linux 3.6. The instructions to apply this fix are in the file named tl36_instfix.readme.txt Title : TCP/IP WINSOCK Trace Facility. This tool will take a trace of information being passed back from the tcp/ip buffers to the winsock layer. Complete instructions for the use of this tool are included in a Readme file contained within the .zip file. Title: OS2SPUFI Version 2.0 SQL Processing Using File Input for IBM DB2 for OS/2 Version 2.1 OS2SPUFI is a productivity tool for users of IBM's DB2 for OS/2 Database Management System. It provides many functions that can boost the productivity of database administrators and application developers. OS2SPUFI uses dynamic SQL to execute SQL statements against a user specified database. The SQL statements are read from an Ascii text file identified on the command line or from STDIN. Optionally, OS2SPUFI will scan SQL Data Definition Language ( DDL ) for most DB2 and SQL/DS unique statements and parameters and ignore them. This allows host DB2 SPUFI and SQL/DS DBSUTIL input to be downloaded to the workstation and executed. This will also permit the use of the SQL DDL output from CASE tools like Bachman and KnowledgeWare to be used with DB2 for OS/2. In addition to the support of dynamic SQL, OS2SPUFI supports a set of commands to perform the following functions: - Execute utilities. - Create, Delete and Alter Databases. - Catalog and Uncatalog Databases. - List Database Directory. - Catalog and Uncatalog Remote Data Services and DDCS/2 Nodes. - Catalog and Uncatalog DDCS/2 Databases. - Connect to Databases. - Configure Databases and Data Base Manager. - User Profile Management maintenance and display. - Produce language definitions for table columns to imbed in a C, PL/I or COBOL program. - Produce model SQL statements to access a table for imbedding in a C, PL/I or COBOL program. - Produce SQL Data Definition statements for a table to allow for reconstruction of the table. - Produce SQL Data Definition statements and OS2SPUFI commands for reconstruction of a database. - Copy Tables across databases including DB2, SQL/DS and DB2/400 tables when the DDCS/2 product is installed. Title : DB2/2 and MS Lan Manager co-existance patch There are known problems with MS Lan Manager and DB2/2 co-existing. This is caused by MS Lan Manager overwriting an area in the NET.ACC file. This file contains a .EXE file which patches the messed up NET.ACC file and should allow MS Lan Manager and DB2/2 to co-exist. Please download in BINARY using a protocol and unzip this file. Please read the description file before running th executable.