Welcome to the DB2® Everyplace® Version 8 Release 2 Fix Pack 3 Release Notes.

This document contains the enhancements and fixes that are addressed by DB2 Everyplace version 8 release 2 fix pack 3 (hereafter referred to as DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3). It also provides instructions for installing, configuring and uninstalling DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3, and instructions for installing DB2 Everyplace on SuSE Linux® 9.1, AIX® 5.3, Solaris 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 as well. A list of known defects and restrictions is also documented.

Fixes contained in this fix pack

This section contains a list of the APARs that are fixed in DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3.

Application instructions

This section contains instructions for installing and configuring DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3.

The application of DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3 involves two major steps:

  1. Installation and update of the server configuration
  2. For IBM® WebSphere® Application Server users only, update the DB2 Everyplace application.

If DB2 Everyplace is installed on an external application server, instead of the embedded application server that comes with DB2 Everyplace, the DB2 Everyplace application must be updated on the application server.

Note: The following changes are not preserved when you migrate to DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3:

Fix pack 3 is available as a self-extracting executable for Windows® systems and as tar files for Unix systems. The client files are also available in a separate file, clients_8_2_3_0.zip. The zip archive contains files for all the languages on each supported mobile device platform. The zip archive is provided for users who would like to download only the client files. This fix pack can be applied to all editions of DB2 Everyplace V8.2, and updates only the DB2 Everyplace components that were previously installed on your system. Fix pack 3 includes updates for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server and all DB2 Everyplace client components. The documentation has been updated for this fix pack, but it is not included with the fix pack files. The latest documentation is available on the DB2 Everyplace Web site at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/everyplace/library.html.

Pre-application considerations

Read this topic before you apply DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3

  • Fix pack 3 must be applied on all systems on which DB2 Everyplace is installed.

    For example, in a distributed environment, apply fix pack 3 to both the distributed database workstation and the distributed server. In a cluster environment, fix pack 3 must be applied to all nodes in the cluster.

  • The order in which you apply fix pack 3 (installation and server configuration update) is critical. For example:
    • In a distributed environment, the server configured for the Distributed database must be applied first, followed by the server configured as the Distributed server.
    • In a remote administration environment, the server that is configured in order to run the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server must be updated first followed by the server configured for Remote Administration of Mobile Devices Administration Center.
    • In a cluster environment, the main node (which has the Network Deployment manager installed) must have fix pack 3 applied first followed by the rest of the nodes.
  • For systems that have DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition or Express Edition installed, you must update the server configuration successfully prior to DB2 Everyplace processes (for example, the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server, and the Mobile Devices Administration Center). If the configuration wizard fails to configure successfully, use the command line configuration tool to complete the configuration process.
  • Fix pack 3 updates files for the mobile devices. These updates must be deployed to each mobile device. Follow the instructions in DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide or the DB2 Everyplace Information Center.
Installing and configuring DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3

Follow these steps to install and configure DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3 on Windows and Unix.

  • Stop all DB2 Everyplace processes. For example, stop the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server and the Mobile Devices Administration Center.
  • If you are using WebSphere Application Server, stop the DB2 Everyplace application server.
  • Stop all native operating system processes accessing DB2 Everyplace files. For example, stop Windows Explorer.
For Windows
  1. Login as a user with Windows administrative authority.
  2. Download the file DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0.exe into a temporary directory, and double-click on it. DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0.exe is a self-extracting executable which places the DB2 Everyplace files under %PROGRAMFILES%/DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0 and launches the Update Installation Wizard.
  3. Proceed by following the Update Installation Wizard's prompts. The wizard applies updates only to the DB2 Everyplace components that have been previously installed on the system. If the DB2 Everyplace installation has been successfully configured, the Update Installation Wizard informs you that it is ready to update the server configuration.
    • For Distributed configurations: If you are using DB2 Everyplace in a distributed database configuration, you do not need to update the configuration of DB2 Everyplace. After the Update Installation Wizard applies the fix pack 3, click Cancel instead of Next to skip the configuration process.
    • For all other configurations: The Update Installation Wizard must successfully update the system configuration. If the configuration update process fails, you must manually update the configuration prior to using DB2 Everyplace Sync Server processes.
For Unix
  1. Download DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform>.tar in a temporary directory, where <platform> is:
    • aix for AIX-based systems
    • linux for Linux-based systems
    • iLinux for iLinux-based systems
    • solaris for Solaris-based systems
  2. Login as the root user for the following steps. The tar file must be untarred using the root user.
  3. Un-tar the DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform>.tar file in a temporary directory.
  4. Execute DB2EveryplaceUpdateInstallerWizard.sh located in the DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform>.tar directory that was created as a result of step 3. This script launches the DB2 Everyplace Update Installation Wizard which applies the fix pack 3 updates to DB2 Everyplace V8.2.
  5. Proceed by following the Update Installation Wizard's prompts. The wizard applies updates only to the DB2 Everyplace components that have been previously installed on the system.
Important: After you install fix pack 3, the javadocs located in the <DSYPATH>/doc/doc directory will be readable only by the root user. You must recursively change the permission to 755 in order for the other users to view the javadocs.
Updating the server configuration manually

If the configuration update was cancelled or failed during the fix pack installation, follow these steps to update the server configuration manually.

Note: You must execute this task only if the configuration update was cancelled or failed during the fix pack installation. If the configuration update fails, correct the errors in the log files indicated on the Update Installation Wizard panel before you complete this task. You can skip this task if your workstations does not have the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server support installed.
For Windows
  1. Login as a user with Windows administrative authority.
  2. Open a command window. Change the directory to <DSYPATH>/config where <DSYPATH> is the root installation directory for DB2 Everyplace.
  3. Issue the command: DSYConfig update-config

    This command updates the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server configuration. In case of any errors, refer to the trace file ConfigTrace.log located in the <DSYPATH>\log directory. After you have corrected the error that is listed in the trace file, run the DSYConfig update-config command again.

For Linux
  1. Login as the root user.
  2. Open a shell. Change the directory to <DSYPATH>/config, where <DSYPATH> is the root installation directory for DB2 Everyplace.
  3. Issue the command: DSYConfig update-config

    This command updates the configuration for all of the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instances that are created on the system. In case of any errors, refer to the trace file ConfigTrace.log located in the <DSYPATH>\log directory. After you have corrected the error that is listed in the trace file, issue the DSYConfig update-config command again.

Updating the DB2 Everyplace application when run from the WebSphere Application Server

If you are using IBM WebSphere Application Server, follow these steps to update the DB2 Everyplace application.

  • For WebSphere Application Server Version 6 only: When you are prompted for the relative path to the application, use the relative path of the currently-installed DB2 Everyplace application.
  • The location of the new DB2 Everyplace WAR file:<DSYPATH>/config/work/was/IBM_DB2_Everyplace.war.
  • The context root for theDB2 Everyplace application (/db2e).
Tip: In the WebSphere Administration console, most of the changes that you need to make are found on the Preparing for Application Installation page in WebSphere Application Server Version 6 and Preparing for Application Update page in WebSphere Application Server Version 5. You can get there by selecting Applications > Enterprise Applications on the left frame of WebSphere Administration console. In the right frame, select the check box next to the DB2 Everyplace application and click Update.

Do the following:

  1. Update the WebSphere Plug-in Configuration file. On the command line, execute: <WAS_HOME/bin/GenPluginCfg.[bat/sh]
  2. For WebSphere Application Server Version 6 only: Execute the configurewebserver1.[bat/sh] script to associate the new DB2 Everyplace configuration with the web server. This script can be found in the WebSphere Application Server plug-in installation directory.
  3. Start or restart the DB2 Everyplace application server.

Uninstalling DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3

This section contains the information on how to uninstall DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3.

For Windows
  1. Login as a user with Windows administrative authority.
  2. Download DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0.exe into a temporary directory. DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0.exe is a self-extracting executable that places the DB2 Everyplace files in %PROGRAMFILES%/DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0 and launches the Update Installation Wizard.
  3. Follow the Update Installation Wizard prompts. Select Uninstall to uninstall DB2 Everyplace. The wizard uninstalls the fix pack and restores the DB2 Everyplace components to the version that you had previously installed on your system. It also configures the system with the previous version.
For Unix
  1. Download DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform>.tar into a temporary directory.
  2. Login as the root user for the following steps. The tar file must be untarred using the root user.
  3. Un-tar the DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform>.tar file in a temporary directory.
  4. Execute DB2EveryplaceUpdateInstallerWizard.sh located in the DB2Everyplace_8_2_3_0_<platform> directory that was created as a result of step 3. This script launches the DB2 Everyplace Update Installation Wizard.
  5. Follow the Update Installation Wizard prompts. Select Uninstall to uninstall DB2 Everyplace. The wizard uninstalls the fix pack and restores the DB2 Everyplace components to the version that you had previously installed on your system. It also configures the system with the previous version.

If you use IBM WebSphere Application Server, you must update the DB2 Everyplace application. See Updating the DB2 Everyplace application when run from the WebSphere Application Server for more information about this task.

Support for SuSE Linux 9.1, AIX 5.3, Solaris 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

This section contains instructions for installing DB2 Everyplace on SuSE Linux 9.1, AIX 5.3, Solaris 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

To install DB2 Everyplace on these platforms, you must first install the IBM Java Runtime Environment V1.4.2.
In the following examples, <JAVA_HOME> is the directory of the IBM Java Runtime Environment V1.4.2.
Important: Do not configure DB2 Everyplace V8.2 at the end of its installation. Instead, install the fix pack 3. Configure the installation only after you have applied both DB2 Everyplace V8.2 and DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3.
  1. Install DB2 Everyplace V8.2.
    1. Log in as the root user.
    2. Change to the directory of the DB2 Everyplace V8.2 installation image.
    3. Issue the following command:

      <JAVA_HOME>/jre/bin/java -classpath ./lib/dsysetup.jar:$CLASSPATH -jar ./lib/DB2Everyplace.jar

      This command starts the DB2 Everyplace Launchpad. Proceed by following the instructions in the documentation.

    4. In the Post-Install Summary panel of the Installation Wizard, click Cancel to exit.
  2. Install DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3.
    1. Log in as the root user.
    2. Change to the directory of the DB2 Everyplace V8.2.3 installation image.
    3. Start the DB2 Everyplace Update Installer Wizard by issuing the following command:


    4. Install the fix pack by following the wizard's prompts. At the end of the installation, the Update Installer Wizard asks you whether you want to configure your installation.
    5. Click Next to launchDB2 Everyplace Configuration Wizard.

Known considerations and restrictions

This section contains known defects in this release of DB2 Everyplace. It also provides information on any fix or workaround that exists for these limitations and issues.

For installation and configuration
For the DB2 Everyplace Sync Client
For the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server
For the DB2 Everyplace database
For the documentation


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