DB2 Everyplace

IBM DB2 Everyplace Database Edition

Installation Notes

Version 8.2
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2004. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

DB2 Everyplace Database Edition installation notes for version 8.2

Welcome to the DB2 Everyplace Database Edition installation notes for version 8.2. These notes provide information about:

  • Migration considerations
  • System requirements
  • Copying DB2 Everyplace files from a source to a workstation
  • Installing the files on one or more mobile devices (or emulators)
  • Removing DB2 Everyplace


If you are migrating from an earlier version of DB2 Everyplace, refer to the migration instructions in the DB2 Everyplace installation and user's guide for version 8.2, available for download at the following location:


Installing DB2 Everyplace Database Edition

Installing DB2 Everyplace Database Edition is a two-step process:

  1. Copy files from a source to a workstation
  2. Install the files on one or more mobile devices (or emulators)

DB2 Everyplace Database Edition includes an Installation wizard that copies files to a workstation; the procedure for installing the files on a mobile device varies depending on the device.

DB2 Everyplace Database Edition installation requirements

Hardware requirements

To install DB2 Everyplace Database Edition, your workstation must be able to copy DB2 Everyplace files locally, then move them to one or more target devices. The exact configuration you need to support your environment with satisfactory response time will vary depending on the size of the objects you are working with and other factors. Individual display response times vary depending on workstation speed, memory, size of objects, and network and server workload. Minimum recommended configurations must be evaluated and adjusted according to your unique requirements. Disk space recommendations are for the product installation and working space only. The actual hard disk space required varies, depending upon your installation.

To copy DB2 Everyplace files locally, your workstation must meet or exceed the following hardware requirements:

  • Intel Pentium III, AMD Athlon, AMD64, or comparable processor.
  • 512 MB of memory.
  • 80 MB of free disk space.

Software requirements

To install DB2 Everyplace Database Edition, you need a workstation running Windows 2000, Windows 2003, or Windows XP.

You also need software (for example, Palm HotSync) that enables a workstation and a mobile device to communicate. This software is not provided with DB2 Everyplace. You must obtain it from another source such as the device manufacturer's web site.

Operating system requirements

DB2 Everyplace Database Edition runs on the following operating systems.

For the DB2 Everyplace Database and Sync Client:
  • Java 2 Micro Edition Mobile Information Device Profile Virtual Machine (Express Edition and Enterprise Edition synchronization client only)
  • Linux and embedded Linux Kernel 2.4
  • Microsoft Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2000, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC 2000, Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC, and Windows CE .NET
  • Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 Server (for the DB2 Everyplace and IBM Cloudscape Version 10 mobile databases)
  • Palm OS 4.1, 5.0, and 5.2
  • QNX Neutrino 6.2
  • Symbian OS Version 7

See Table 1 to find out which processors are supported by these operating systems.

Device considerations and limitations
  • The design of some devices may limit the DB2 Everyplace capabilities that can be used by the device. Not all devices can support all of the functions offered by DB2 Everyplace.
  • IBM cannot guarantee that all devices will work correctly due to differences in manufacturing, configuration and preloaded device software.
  • Some DB2 Everyplace clients for the supported devices are available as downloads rather than being included on the DB2 Everyplace media.
  • Availability of devices and the level of device support may change over time based on the device manufacturers' actions. Some devices may go out of support, or new devices may be added.

Operating system requirements vary depending on the target device's processor. See Table 1 for more information.

Application development workstation requirements

If you plan to develop applications for DB2 Everyplace, your workstation should meet or exceed these minimum requirements.

  • Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 Server
  • 150 MB available disk space
  • 256 MB of memory

Installing DB2 Everyplace Database Edition by using the Installation wizard

The Installation wizard copies files from a CD or compressed archive to a server. You can specify a destination directory, and you can choose one of the following installation types:

Copies a predefined set of files to default locations relative to a directory you specify.
Allows you to choose files for specific mobile devices.

To install DB2 Everyplace Database Edition by using the Installation wizard:

  1. Start the Installation wizard.

    There are two ways to start the Installation wizard:

    • Insert the DB2 Everyplace CD, and the Installation wizard starts automatically.
    • Run the DB2Everyplace.exe file. The DB2Everyplace.exe file is in the root directory of the archive.
  2. Proceed by following the wizard's prompts.

    DB2 Everyplace files are not copied to your system until you click Next in the Pre-installation Summary page.

Supported mobile device processors and operating systems

In the following table, supported combinations of mobile device processors and operating systems are marked with an X. Availability of devices and the level of device support may change over time based on device manufacturer's actions. Some devices may go out of support; new devices may be added.

Table 1. Supported mobile device processors and operating systems
Processor / OS ARM ARM v4T Strong ARM x86 XScale WINS MIPS
Palm OS 4.1 X
Palm OS 5.0 X
Palm OS 5.2.1 X X
Windows(R) CE v3 X X
Windows CE v4 X X X X X
Symbian OS 7 X X
Linux(TM) X X X
QNX Neutrino X X
Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Server X

The design of some devices may limit the DB2(R) Everyplace(R) capabilities that can be used by the device. Not all devices can support all of the functions offered by DB2 Everyplace. IBM(R) cannot guarantee that all devices will work correctly due to differences in manufacturing, configuration and preloaded device software. Some DB2 Everyplace clients for the supported devices are available as downloads rather than being included on the DB2 Everyplace media.

Installing DB2 Everyplace files on a Linux mobile device


Prerequisites for installing DB2 Everyplace files on a Linux mobile device vary depending on the device.

Linux mobile devices take various forms. Depending on the type of mobile device that you have, there are several installation options. For example, you could transfer files to your mobile device by using one of the following methods, depending on the type of mobile device and how that mobile device is configured:

  • Serial connection between the mobile device and your workstation using XModem or Kermit protocols
  • Ethernet connection between the mobile device and your workstation using FTP software
  • Floppy disk, if supported by your mobile device

The following table lists required run-time libraries for various processors.

Table 2. Required run-time libraries
Processor Library
x86 glibc-2.2.4-13
StrongARM glibc-2.2.5
XScale glibc-2.2.5

To install DB2 Everyplace files on a Linux mobile device:

  1. Install the DB2 Everyplace mobile database files.

    DB2 Everyplace mobile database files for Linux mobile devices are in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\linux\database\ directory, whereproc is a processor type, for example, strongarm or x86, and lang represents the language.

    The file names are:

    • proc\libcryptoplugin.so
    • proc\libdb2e.so
    • proc\libdb2ejdbc.so
    • proc\libvcpkcs11.so
    • jdbc\db2ejdbc.jar
    • jdbc\DB2eAppl.class
    • lang\DB2eCLP\proc\DB2eCLP
  2. Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the path where the DB2 Everyplace CLI shared library (libdb2e.so) is installed.

    For example, if the DB2 Everyplace CLI shared library is in the %DSYINSTDIR%\database\x86 directory, append %DSYINSTDIR%\database\x86 to the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH by using the following statement:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/DB2e/database/x86

DB2 Everyplace also includes a development database library for Linux devices. The development library generates trace data in addition to the diagnostic data that release libraries generate. This data helps you troubleshoot problems as you develop and test DB2 Everyplace applications. The development library is located in the directories that end in "Dev". For example, the development library for Linux devices with x86 processors are located in %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\linux\database\x86Dev. To install this library, follow the procedure described in this topic, but copy the file from the appropriate Dev directory.

Installing DB2 Everyplace files on a Palm OS device


  1. On a Windows workstation, install and configure the HotSync connection software that came with the Palm OS device.
  2. Connect the Palm OS mobile device to the Windows workstation. Use the mobile device's documentation to ensure that the mobile device is connected correctly.

Install DB2 Everyplace by transferring files onto your device using one of the following methods, depending on whether you are using a mobile device or an emulator.

Mobile device
On the workstation, use the Install Tool of the HotSync connection software that is included with the Palm OS mobile device to install the files. After you install the files, perform a HotSync function to complete the installation of the DB2 Everyplace files to the Palm OS mobile device.
Drag and drop the files into the emulator window. After you install all the files, reset the emulator.

To install DB2 Everyplace files on a Palm OS device:

Install the database engine and supporting files listed in the following table.

These files are in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients directory.

In the following table, lang is a language code, for example, en_US.

Table 3. Palm OS database files
File name Description
palmos\database\ CryptoPlugin.prc Encryption library
palmos\database\ DB2eCat.prc DB2 Everyplace database engine
palmos\database\ DB2eCLI.prc DB2 Everyplace database engine
palmos\database\ DB2eComp.prc DB2 Everyplace database engine
palmos\database\ DB2eDMS.prc DB2 Everyplace database engine
palmos\database\ DB2eRunTime.prc DB2 Everyplace database engine
palmos\database\ PBSPkcs11.prc Encryption library. Encryption support is available only on Palm OS 4.1 devices or later. The PBSPkcs11.prc file must be installed to use encryption between a Palm OS mobile device and the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.
palmos\database\ lang \DB2eCLP\DB2eCLP.prc DB2 Everyplace command line processor
utilities\ lang \DB2eImport DB2 Everyplace Import tool

Installing files on a QNX Neutrino mobile device


Installation procedures for QNX Neutrino mobile devices vary depending on the device. Options include:

  • Serial connection between the device and your workstation using XModem or Kermit protocols.
  • Ethernet connection between the device and your workstation using FTP software.
  • Floppy disk, if supported by your device.

For additional information on transferring files to your device, see the documentation provided with that device. You can also consult the QNX Neutrino Software Developer's Kit (SDK).

  1. Install the DB2 Everyplace mobile database files.

    DB2 Everyplace database files for QNX Neutrino mobile devices are located in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\neutrino\database\ directory.

    In the following list, proc represents a processor type, for example, strongarm or x86. :

    • proc\libcryptoplugin.so
    • proc\libdb2e.so
    • proc\libdb2ejdbc.so
    • proc\libvcpkcs11.so
    • jdbc\db2ejdbc.jar
    • jdbc\DB2eAppl.class
    • DB2eCLP\proc\DB2eCLP
    This library cannot be used with the J9 JVM.
  2. Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the path where the DB2 Everyplace CLI shared library (libdb2e.so) is installed. For example, if the DB2 Everyplace CLI shared library is stored in %DSYINSTDIR%/database/x86, append %DSYINSTDIR%/database/x86 to your existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the following statement:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/DB2e/database/x86
  3. Start the mqueue process to enable encryption.
    1. To ensure the mqueue process is running, run the ps command. A list of active processes is displayed on the device.
    2. Verify that mqueue is listed. If not, use the mqueue command to start the process.
      If the application terminates unexpectedly after you initialize the encryption library, the library could be corrupted.

DB2 Everyplace also includes a development database library for QNX Neutrino devices. The development library generates trace data in addition to the diagnostic data that release libraries generate. This data helps you troubleshoot problems as you develop and test DB2 Everyplace applications. The development library is located in the directories that end in "Dev". For example, the development library for QNX Neutrino devices with x86 processors are located in %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\neutrino\database\x86Dev. To install this library, follow the procedure described in this topic, but copy the file from the appropriate Dev directory.

Installing files on a Symbian OS Version 7 device


  1. On a Windows workstation, install and configure the connection software that came with the Symbian OS Version 7 mobile device.
  2. Connect the Symbian OS Version 7 mobile device to the workstation. Use the mobile device's documentation to ensure that the mobile device is correctly connected.

To install DB2 Everyplace files on a Symbian OS Version 7 device:

Use the Install Tool from the connection software that is included with the Symbian OS Version 7 mobile device to install the DB2 Everyplace mobile database files listed in the following table. The files are in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\symbian7\database directory.

In the following table, lang is a language code, for example, en_US.

Table 4. Symbian OS Version 7 database files
File name Description
armi\DB2e.sis DB2 Everyplace database engine
armi\db2ejdbc.sis DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
lang\DB2eCLP\UIQ\DB2eCLP.sis DB2 Everyplace Command Line Processor
lang\install\UIQ\DB2e_Symbian7.sis DB2 Everyplace package (all the above in a single package)

Installing files on a Windows CE device


  1. On a Windows workstation, install and configure the Windows CE Services software (also known as ActiveSync) that came with the Windows CE mobile device.
  2. Connect the Windows CE mobile device to the Windows workstation. Use the mobile device's documentation to ensure that the mobile device is connected correctly.
  3. Encryption support for Pocket PC 2000 is available only with the Microsoft High Encryption Pack for Pocket PC V1.0 available fromMicrosoft. High (128-bit) encryption support for Pocket PC 2002 is available with the Pocket PC 2002 SDK under \Windows CE Tools\wce300\Pocket PC 2002\support\EnhancedCrypto. The Microsoft High Encryption Pack for Pocket PC must be installed to use encryption between Windows CE or Pocket PC mobile devices and the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. High encryption support comes built-in for Pocket PC 2003 devices.

To install the DB2 Everyplace files on a Windows CE device:

Use the Install Tool from the Windows CE Services connection software (or ActiveSync) that is included with the Windows CE device to install the files listed in the following table. These files are in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\wince\database directory.

In the following table, ver is the Windows CE version, for example, v3 for version 3, or v4 for version 4; and proc is the processor type, for example, ARMRel or X86Rel.

Table 5. Windows CE database files
File Name Description
jdbc\db2ejdbc.jar DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
ver\proc\CryptoPlugin.dll DB2 Everyplace database engine for data encryption
ver\proc\DB2e.dll DB2 Everyplace database engine
ver\proc\DB2eJDBC.dll DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver

DB2 Everyplace also includes a development database library for Windows CE version 3 devices. The development library generates trace data in addition to the diagnostic data that release libraries generate. This data helps you troubleshoot problems as you develop and test DB2 Everyplace applications. The development library is located in the directories that end in "Dev". For example, the development library for Windows CE version 3 devices with x86 processors are located in \Clients\wince\database\wce300\x86Dev. To install this library, follow the procedure described in this topic, but copy the file from the appropriate Dev directory.

Installing files on a Windows client


The Microsoft Strong Encryption download (available from Microsoft) for your operating system must be installed to use encryption between Windows clients and the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.

To install DB2 Everyplace files on a Windows client:

Copy DB2 Everyplace files from your Windows server to a folder on your Windows client.

DB2 Everyplace files are in the %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\win32\database directory.

In the following table, lang represents a language code, for example, en_US.

Table 6. DB2 Everyplace files
File name Description
x86\CryptoPlugin.dll DB2 Everyplace database engine for data encryption
x86\DB2e.dll DB2 Everyplace database engine
x86\DB2eJDBC.dll DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
x86\DB2eODBC.dll DB2 Everyplace ODBC driver
jdbc\db2ejdbc.jar DB2 Everyplace JDBC driver
jdbc\DB2eAppl.class Sample Java application
jdbc\DB2eJavaCLP.class Command Line Processor written in Java
lang\DB2eCLP\uicode\DB2eCLP.exe Command Line Processor executable
x86\ODBCInst.exe Registers the DB2 Everyplace ODBC driver

DB2 Everyplace also includes a development database library for Windows devices. The development library generates trace data in addition to the diagnostic data that release libraries generate. This data helps you troubleshoot problems as you develop and test DB2 Everyplace applications. The development library is located in the directories that end in "Dev". For example, the development library for Windows devices with x86 processors are located in %DSYINSTDIR%\Clients\win32\database\x86Dev.

Removing DB2 Everyplace Database Edition

Use the Uninstall wizard to remove DB2 Everyplace Database Edition from a server.

To remove DB2 Everyplace Database Edition:

  1. Start the DB2 Everyplace Uninstall wizard.

    There are two ways to start the wizard:

    • Run the %DSYINSTDIR%\Uninstaller\DB2EveryplaceUninstall.exe file.
    • Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel.
  2. Proceed by following the wizard's prompts.
  3. When you click Next in the Pre-Uninstallation page, DB2 Everyplace files are deleted from the server.