Explanation: Capture was unable to read the file containing messages. Note that message ASN0000E is issued in English.
User Response: See the messages and codes publication for your platform for information about return codes to determine why Capture could not read the messages file.
Errors include:
Examine the message description for message_number to determine the underlying error.
Explanation: A nonzero SQLCODE was returned when Capture issued an EXEC SQL statement.
User Response: Take action based on the SQLCODE and SQLERRMC descriptive text. For additional information on the specific problem, refer to the appropriate SQLCODE in the section Chapter 17, SQLCODEs,or use the SQLCODE numbers as the topic for the ISQL HELP command.
ASN0002E | The Capture program could not connect to DB2. The routine name is routine; the SQLCODE is sqlcode. |
Explanation: An error occurred when Capture issued a CONNECT function to the data base.
User Response: Take action based on the SQLCODE. For additional information on the specific problem, refer to the appropriate SQLCODE in the section Chapter 17, SQLCODEs, or use the SQLCODE numbers as the topic for the ISQL HELP command.
Explanation: An error occurred when Capture read the DB2 log. There might be an SQL error.
A dump has been generated for this message. The return code is for VSE/VSAM GET macro.
User Response: See Chapter 19, DB2 Server for VSE Reason Codes for the appropriate reason code. For more information on VSE/VSAM errors, see the VSE/VSAM Return and Error Codes manual.
ASN0006E | The Capture program encountered an unexpected log error of unknown log variation. The routine name is routine. |
Explanation: An unexpected log error occurred while Capture was processing the DB2 log records. Capture could not determine the type of SQL update associated with the log record.
User Response: Contact your IBM Service Representative.
ASN0007E | The Capture program encountered an unexpected log error of an unimplemented data type. The routine name is routine. |
Explanation: The SQL type in the log record data was invalid. A table might have been registered without the Control Center and contains unsupported SQL types (e.g. LONG or large object types).
User Response: Cancel the registration and use the Control Center to register tables, to ensure only valid types are registered. Or, when manually registering a table, ensure that the table has supported SQL types. See the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for information about unsupported data types.
ASN0008I | The Capture program
was stopped. |
Explanation: This informational message is issued when the STOP command is entered.
User Response: None required.
ASN0009E | The table was created without the DATA CAPTURE CHANGES attribute. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The source table was defined without the DCC attribute and the Capture program tried to capture changes for the replication source.
User Response:
ASN0010E | The Capture program can not obtain enough storage. The routine name is routine; the storage required is amount. |
Explanation: The Capture program cannot continue processing because not enough free storage is available.
User Response:
All available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You may need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.
ASN0013E | The Capture program required a column that was not defined in the change data table. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The user did not define an IBMSNAP required column in the change data table.
User Response: Ensure that the change data table definition is correct. Refer to the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for more information.
ASN0014E | The processing of the Capture program has fallen below a minimum level. The log record lags current time by number seconds. The routine name is routine. |
Explanation: Capture terminated because a high DB2 transaction rate caused the Capture program to run slower than the defined minimum level.
User Response: Refer to the IBM Replication Guide and Reference manual for more information on the lag limit. Perform a cold start.
ASN0015E | The Capture program encountered a storage allocation error. The routine name is routine; the storage required is amount. |
Explanation: A storage allocation error was detected; sufficient storage is not available.
User Response:
All available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You may need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.
ASN0016E | The Capture program could not begin capturing changes because there was not an eligible replication source. |
Explanation: The replication source information has not been defined.
Capture started but could not find source tables that were:
User Response: Ensure that the register table is defined properly. For more information about the register table, see the IBM Replication Guide and Reference Verify that replication sources have been defined.
ASN0017E | The Capture program encountered a severe internal error and could not issue the correct error message. The routine name is routine; the return code is return_code. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while Capture was executing.
User Response: Contact your IBM Service Representative.
ASN0018W | The Capture program did not process updates made to the register table rows. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The user changed a replication source while the Capture program was running and then issued a REINIT command. The register table, which contains a row for each registration, might not match the other replication source control tables.
User Response:
ASN0022E | DB2 release release is not supported. The routine name is routine. |
Explanation: The Capture program does not support this release of DB2.
User Response: Run the Capture program with the appropriate release of DB2.
ASN0023I | The Capture program successfully reinitialized the register table. The table name is table_name. |
Explanation: A REINIT command was issued and the updates were successfully made to the Capture internal control information.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0024I | The Capture program did not need to reinitialize the register table. The table table_name did not change. |
Explanation: The REINIT command was issued. No updates were made to the register table since initialization or the last REINIT.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0025I | The Capture program reinitialized the register table. The table table_name has number potentially bad row(s). |
Explanation: This message accompanies ASN0018W. Reinitialization was performed as requested despite potential problems reported in ASN0018W.
User Response: See ASN0018W. This is an informational message.
ASN0026W | The Capture program could not allocate the trace buffer. The routine name is routine; the storage required is amount. |
Explanation: A storage allocation error was detected; not enough storage is allocated for the trace buffer. The trace buffer is an information-only feature of Capture and the allocated storage is not required for Capture to run.
User Response:
All available GETVIS storage has been exhausted. You may need to restart the Capture program after allocating a larger partition.
ASN0027W | The Capture program is
already active. |
Explanation: You tried to start more than one Capture program per database.
User Response: Capture generates a unique lockname for each data base. This lockname is already in use indicating that Capture is active for the data base.
ASN0028I | The Capture program is suspended by operator
command. |
Explanation: This informational message is issued when the SUSPEND command is entered. The Capture program has entered a wait state.
User Response: None required.
ASN0029I | The Capture program is resumed by operator
command. |
Explanation: This informational message is issued when the RESUME command is entered. The Capture program has resumed and continued running.
User Response: None required.
ASN0030I | The Capture program command or parameter entered by the operator was unrecognized. |
Explanation: This message is issued when a command is not recognized by the Capture program. The only valid commands are:
No parameters are allowed for the commands.
User Response: Use only valid Capture program commands.
ASN0031E | The Capture program tuning parameter table can have only one row. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The tuning parameter table was not defined correctly or has been updated with invalid rows.
User Response: Refer to the IBM Replication Guide and Reference to determine the correct format of this table. Remove any invalid rows.
ASN0033E | The Capture program could not reinitialize the register table. The table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The Capture program tried to reinitialize, but there was an error in the register table. A user might have tried to update a replication source while the Capture program was running or suspended, and the register table might not match the other control tables.
User Response: This is a secondary message. See any preceding messages for more information about the error. See the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for more information about reinitializing Capture and about the register table.
ASN0034E | An incorrect value was supplied for column column of the Capture program tuning parameter table. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The tuning parameters table does not have the correct values. Values might be out of range.
User Response: Refer to the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for more information. Check the lag limit, retention period and commit frequency.
ASN0035W | Some rows were found in the register table with an unsupported architectural level. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The register table version does not match the current version of the Capture program. The current version of the Control Center is not compatible with the version of Capture that you are running.
User Response: Refer to the IBM Replication Guide and Reference to check the required value for the ARCH_LEVEL column in the register table. Verify that the value in the register table at the source server is correct. If not, use compatible versions of the Control Center and the Capture program.
ASN0036E | DB2 was terminated abnormally. The routine name is routine. |
Explanation: DB2 was terminated while the Capture program was still active and the user did not specify the NOTERM start up parameter.
User Response: Start DB2 and start the Capture program.
ASN0100I | The Capture program initialization is
successful. |
Explanation: The Capture program initialization was successfully performed. If Capture was started with the NOTERM option and and DB2 terminates, this message is also issued by Capture after DB2 comes back up.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0101W | The Capture program warm start failed because existing data is too old; a cold start will be attempted. |
Explanation: The data in the change data tables is older than the value current_timestamp-lag_limit. A cold start will be performed.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message. See the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for more information about warm and cold starts to determine why the Capture program could not warm start.
ASN0102W | The Capture program will switch to cold start as warm start
information is insufficient. |
Explanation: A problem occurred during the retrieval of the warm start information. The warm start table data was invalid or not found. A cold start will be performed.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message. See the IBM Replication Guide and Reference for more information about warm and cold starts to determine why the Capture program could not warm start.
ASN0103I | The Capture program started. The Enq_name is enq_name; the start_type is start_type; the term_type is term_type; the prune_type is prune_type. |
Explanation: This is an informational message that displays the Capture start up options.
User Response: None required.
ASN0104I | Change capture started for owner owner; the table name is table_name at log sequence number log_sequence_number. |
Explanation: Capture was started for the table owner and table name at the specified log sequence number (LSN). This message is issued for each base table for which Capture captures changes.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0105I | Data that has been copied was pruned from the change data table table_name and the unit-of-work table. |
Explanation: This is an informational message to indicate the pruning operation was performed.
User Response: None required.
ASN0106I | The Capture program is waiting for DB2 to
come up. |
If the NOTERM option is specified on the ASNCCP command, Capture will wait for DB2 to come back up when DB2 fails. The operator can stop Capture with the STOP command while it is waiting.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0116I | The Capture program did not reinitialize the tuning parameters table. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: The REINIT command was issued, but tuning parameter information from the IBMSNAP_CCPPARMS table was not available. The previous tuning parameter values were retained.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0117I | Warm start control information was not saved. The routine name is routine; the table name is table_name. |
Explanation: An error occurred that prevented warm start information from being saved in the IBMSNAP_WARM_START table. Warm start can be attempted and can take longer because backup sources will be used.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0120I | DataPropagator Relational Log Read Feature Trace Buffer contents: |
Explanation: This header appears prior to the trace buffer, which is printed in case of severe error.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message.
ASN0121E | The Capture program warm start failed because existing data is too old; the Capture program will terminate. |
Explanation: The time of the warm start information exceeded LAG_LIMIT.
User Response: No response required; the Capture program will terminate because WARMNS was specified.
ASN0122E | An error occurred while reading the warm start information or DB2 log. The Capture program will terminate. |
Explanation: A problem occurred during retrieval of the warm start information. The warm start table data may be invalid.
User Response: No response required; the Capture program is terminating because WARMNS was specified.
ASN0123I | The highest log sequence number of a successfully captured log record is log_sequence_number |
Explanation: The Capture program saved the highest log sequence number (LSN) in the warm start table. This is the point at which the Capture program finished successfully processing the log data.
User Response: No response required; this message accompanies termination.
ASN0124I | The prune command was accepted; the pruning action is
queued. |
Explanation: This informational message is issued when the PRUNE command is entered. The Capture program has queued the request. Capture will prune the change data (CD) table and the unit-of-work (UOW) table.
User Response: No response required.
ASN0125I | The current log sequence number of successfully captured log records is log_sequence_number. The log timestamp is timestamp. |
Explanation: The Capture program is processing the DB2 log at the log sequence number provided.
User Response: None required. This is an informational message only.
ASN0200E | An incorrect parameter parameter was passed to the Capture program. |
For VSE,
User Response: Verify the values supplied.
ASN0201E | The Capture program encountered a platform error. The routine name is routine; the function name is function; the return code is return_code. |
Explanation: For platform VSE,
User Response: Correct the error as described in the VSE documentation.
ASN0202E | The USERID parameter was not specified. |
Explanation: The USERID parameter is required in the PARM= field on the EXEC job control statement is passed to the Capture program.
User Response: Add the USERID= parameter, specifying the userid and password, in the PARM= field and resubmit the job.