DB2 Server for VSE: Messages and Codes

VSE/Advanced Functions Cross-Partition Communication Codes

The VSE/Advanced Functions cross-partition communication (XPCC) codes are usually displayed as returned to the DB2 Server for VSE system. In some cases they are translated by the database manager. These codes are printed by the database manager and the resource adapter partitions.

The message ARI0406E is issued by the Resource Adapter and displays the request code, return code, and reason code. Message ARI4006E, like ARI0406E, also displays the request code, return code, and reason code. If the reason code = 06 or 07 with a return code of 04, accompanying messages will be issued by the DB2 Server for VSE partition. The accompanying messages must be considered to determine the condition that existed and the action to be taken. The following is a list of the reason codes, return codes, and their meanings as contained in message ARI0406E and ARI4006E.

If ARI0406E or ARI4006E contains a reason code that is not found in the following table, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation. The XPCC return codes are documented in the IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference.

Dec (Hex)

Dec (Hex)

Reason Code

05 (05) 04 (04) DB2 Server for VSE partition terminated while the resource adapter had a connect request pending
06 (06) 04 (04) DB2 Server for VSE partition disconnected normally
07 (07) 04 (04) DB2 Server for VSE partition disconnected abnormally
08 (08) 04 (04) A duplicate application name (identify) exists in the system
08 (08) 04 (04) When accompanied by message ARI2908, indicates that an APPC/VM function was rejected at initialization
09 (09) 04 (04) A duplicate application name (identify) exists in the partition
09 (09) 04 (04) When accompanied by message ARI2908, indicates that an APPC/VM function completed unsuccessfully
10 (0A) 04 (04) The DB2 Server for VSE system has not done an identify
10 (0A) 04 (04) When accompanied by message ARI2908, indicates that the other side issued an unexpected APPC/VM function
11 (0B) 04 (04) When accompanied by message ARI2908, indicates that an unexpected interrupt occurred on an APPC/VM connection
12 (0C) 04 (04) The DB2 Server for VSE system has not issued a CONNECT command
23 (17) 08 (08) The DB2 Server for VSE system issued a TERMQSCE command
06 (06) 12 (0C) Control block format error
07 (07) 12 (0C) Wrong identity token
08 (08) 12 (0C) Wrong path id
09 (09) 12 (0C) Requesting task does not own the control block
10 (0A) 12 (0C) Invalid buffer list
11 (0B) 12 (0C) Buffer length greater than 16 megabytes
12 (0C) 12 (0C) Receive buffer too small
13 (0D) 12 (0C) More than 64 connect requests issued by resource adapter partition
14 (0E) 12 (0C) No storage available for VSE/Advanced Functions control blocks
15 (0F) 12 (0C) Connect request must be made to a subsystem by user partition (resource adapter)
16 (10) 12 (0C) No request pending for other partition
18 (12) 12 (0C) Request already pending for same partition
19 (13) 12 (0C) Invalid request sequence
20 (14) 12 (0C) Invalid terminate request while requests are still pending
21 (15) 12 (0C) Invalid disconnect request while request still by disconnecting side
22 (16) 12 (0C) Invalid disconnect request while request still pending from other partition
24 (18) 12 (0C) Invalid request; no connect was ever done by other partition
28 (1C) 12 (0C) Invalid XPCCB (control block) address
38 (26) 12 (0C) VSE Guest Sharing, APPC/VM request failed. See System Console message ARI2908I
39 (27) 12 (0C) Not enough real storage was allocated to PFIX buffers needed for XPCC communication
255 (FF) 12 (0C) Invalid DB2 Server for VSE request


If message ARI0040E DB2 Server for VSE SYSTEM ERROR OCCURRED - ARICIP2 01 is issued, the reason code in message ARI0042I is the return code from the VSE SUBSID macro instruction. The reason code meanings are:

Reason Code
Dec (Hex)

Reason Code Meaning

04 (04) The DB2 Server for VSE system already exists in another partition
08 (08) SUBSID not accepted, invalid name length
12 (0C) SUBSID not accepted, VSE/Advanced Functions internal list is full
16 (10) Name not found
20 (14) SUBSID function not available

The following are the request codes for messages ARI0406E and ARI4006E and their meanings:

Request Code
Dec (Hex)

Request Code Meaning

01 (01) Logon (XPCC IDENT)
02 (02) Connect (XPCC CONNECT)
04 (04) Send with reply (XPCC SENDR)
05 (05) Receive (XPCC RECEIVE)
06 (06) Reply (XPCC REPLY)
07 (07) Reset Send (XPCC CLEAR)
08 (08) Reset Receive/Reply (XPCC PURGE)
09 (09) Disconnect (XPCC DISCONN)
10 (0A) Disconnect Unconditional (XPCC DISCPRG)
11 (0B) Disconnect All (XPCC DISCALL)
12 (0C) Logoff (XPCC TERMIN)
13 (0D) Logoff Unconditional (XPCC TERMPRG)
14 (0E) Shutdown (XPCC TERMQSCE)
15 (0F) Wait (VSE/Advanced Functions WAIT)

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