The SQLCODE descriptive text identified for these SQLCODEs is displayed as continuation lines for message ARI0501I.
SQLCODEs 0 and 100 are associated with normal conditions.
0 | Database manager processing is completed. Warning may indicate a problem. |
Explanation: Execution of the SQL statement has completed. Message ARI0502I should follow this text and indicate the specific warning conditions.
System Action: Normal processing; the SQL statement has been processed successfully.
User Response: Take action based on message ARI0502I.
+12 | An unqualified column name has been interpreted as a correlated reference. |
Explanation: An unqualified column name has been interpreted as a correlated reference.
System Action: Normal completion.
User Response: Take suitable action based on the SQLCODE descriptive text.
+100 | There are no (or no more) rows that satisfy the condition. |
Explanation: For a query that uses a cursor, the cursor is empty or all rows have been selected. For a query that does not use a cursor, no row was found that satisfied the WHERE condition. An INSERT via SELECT statement may return this SQLCODE if the SELECT statement does not retrieve any rows.
System Action: Normal completion.
User Response: Take suitable action based on the SQLCODE descriptive text.
+114 | The server name part of the server-name1.creator.object does not match the name of the connected application server server-name2. |
Explanation: The code is used to report that the server name (standalone or qualifying a column) does not match the name of the connected application server. This code is returned only when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement is ended. The statement is recorded in the package, and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, modify the statement and preprocess the program again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. If the condition persists at execution time, the execution is unsuccessful. In either situation, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, after the statement is corrected. If this section is not executed at the application server specified by server-name2, the negative version of this code will be returned.
+117 | The number of data values to be inserted does not equal the number of columns specified or implied. |
Explanation: The number of values on an INSERT statement must equal the number of columns to be updated. Either too many or too few data items were listed for the columns specified or implied. This code is returned only when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, either create or delete data items to equal the number of columns specified, before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the correct number of data items exist.
+134 | Improper use of long string. |
Explanation: The SQL statement improperly references a long string column. Long strings cannot be used to represent datetime values and cannot be referenced in:
A long string column is either a LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) where n is greater than 254 but less than or equal to 32767, or VARGRAPHIC(n) where n is greater than 127 but less than or equal to 16383.
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check the use of the long string column before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the long string column has been checked. Refer also to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual for details on using long strings.
+135 | The input for a long string column in an INSERT statement or UPDATE statement must be from a host variable or be the keyword NULL. |
Explanation: The UPDATE or INSERT is using constants, column names, or subqueries where it should be using NULL or a host variable.
A long string column is either a LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) where n is greater than 254 but less than or equal to 32767, or VARGRAPHIC(n) where n is greater than 127 but less than or equal to 16383.
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check the use of the long string column before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the long string column has been checked.
Refer also to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual for details on using long strings. Correct the statement. Try again.
+142 | statement-type is not supported. |
Explanation: The database manager does not support the SQL statement shown (statement-type). Examples of statement-type are DECLARE TABLE, or DECLARE STATEMENT. In other IBM SQL products, these statements cause code expansions to occur. Because the database manager does not support these statements, the preprocessors have not performed these code expansions. Your program is preprocessed successfully unless other errors occur, and you did not specify the ERROR option as a preprocessing parameter.
System Action: Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If your program depends on the code expansion, you should change your application. It should not depend on any of the above statements if you want to preprocess your application using the database manager.
+149 | The view cannot be used to modify data because it is based on more than one table. |
Explanation: INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE of a view is not permitted if the VIEW is based on more than one table. This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check how many tables the VIEW is based on before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the tables that the VIEW is based on have been checked.
+150 | Connect authority is still active for user IDs. |
Explanation: This message is a reminder that revoking a user ID's DBA, SCHEDULE, or RESOURCE authority does not remove the user ID's CONNECT authority.
System Action: Normal completion.
User Response: None required. If you want to remove the CONNECT authority from the user IDs, enter a REVOKE CONNECT statement for the user IDs.
+151 | A column of a view cannot be updated since it is derived from an expression. |
Explanation: A column of a view may be updated only if it is derived directly from a column of a base table. This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check the origin of the column of a view before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the origin of the column of a view has been checked.
+154 | View limitations do not allow one of the operations. |
Explanation: Certain limitations exist when creating views:
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the correct number of data items exist.
+179 | INCLUDE SQLCA is not permitted when you request NOSQLCA support. |
Explanation: When preprocessing an application program with the NOSQLCA support, you cannot include the SQLCA structure in the source program.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. The SQLCA code is not generated into your program.
User Response: Remove the INCLUDE SQLCA statement.
+180 | The string representation of a datetime value has invalid syntax. |
Explanation: The string representation of a date or time value does not conform to the syntax of any supported format. This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check that the date or time value conforms to the syntax of a supported format such as ISO, JIS, EUR, USA, or LOCAL before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the date or time value conforms to the syntax of a supported format such as ISO, JIS, EUR, USA, or LOCAL.
+200 | Committing the current logical unit of work revokes all existing run authority, except the creator's, for package package-name. |
Explanation: You used the Extended Dynamic PREPARE statement against a package that was created by using the CREATE PACKAGE statement with the MODIFY option. The current SQL statement has been added to the named package. When the logical unit of work is committed, all existing RUN authority for the named package, except its owner, is revoked. This occurs because the authorization required for the statement that has just been added is not sufficient to maintain the existing RUN authority with the GRANT option as it applies to the modified package.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement was successfully ended.
User Response: If you do not want existing RUN authority to be revoked, roll back the current logical unit of work. To prevent this situation from occurring again, you must acquire the authority needed to execute the current SQL statement.
+202 | Column column-name was not found in any table referenced by the statement. |
Explanation: Since the column name was unqualified, all the columns associated with the tables or views in the SQL statement were searched and column-name was not among them.
This SQLCODE may result if:
This query should be:
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, either create the column-name before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the column-name is created.
+204 | owner.object-name was not found in the system catalog. |
Explanation: The name (owner.object-name) specified in the message text is incorrect. This code is only returned when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, either create the required object before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the required object is created.
If the object-name is one of the EXPLAIN tables, you can use the IBM-supplied type-A source member ARISEXP to create the EXPLAIN tables. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual for details about the ARISEXP source member. The implicit EXPLAIN version of this SQLCODE is -649.
+205 | Column column-name was not found in table owner.table-name. |
Explanation: The PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT contained an invalid column name column-name. This code is only returned when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, either create the column before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the column is created.
+206 | The key-type constraint-name on owner.table-name was not found. |
Explanation: Key-type can be a PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT. For a primary key, constraint-name is omitted.
The SQL statement containing a primary key, foreign key constraint, or unique constraint was not found for the named table. Either you typed the constraint-name incorrectly, or the key or constraint does not exist for the specified table. This code is only returned when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package, and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, either create the required key or constraint before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the required key or constraint is created.
+304 | You cannot assign a value with a data type of data-type1 to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable in position position-number with data type data-type2. |
Explanation: A FETCH or SELECT into a host variable list or structure, position number position-number failed because the host variable having data type data-type2 was not large enough to hold the retrieved value having data type data-type1. The FETCH or SELECT does not return the data for the indicated SELECT item. The indicator variable associated with the host variable in error has been assigned a value of -2 to indicate the return of a NULL value.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement continues.
User Response: Correct the output host variable so that it is large enough to contain the source data value. You must repeat the steps from preprocessing to execution of the program.
+331 | A null value has been assigned to a nullable host variable because at least one of the characters in the source value cannot be converted. |
Explanation: A warning occurred while converting a string value returned by the application server to the application requester. The value is incompatible with the nullable host variable because of a mismatch in data representation. The FETCH or SELECT does not return the data for the indicated SELECT-list item, the indicator variable is set to -2 to indicate the return of a NULL value, and processing continues.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement continues.
+401 | Incompatible data types were found in an expression or compare operation. |
Explanation: The expression or compare operation violated one of the following rules:
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the data types used before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the data types have been corrected.
+404 | A character string specified in an INSERT or UPDATE statement is too large for the target column. |
Explanation: A character string in the data items-list of an INSERT statement or one of the character strings in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement is longer than the associated target column in the database.
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the character string used before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the character string has been corrected.
+405 | The numeric value, value, is not within the range of the data type. |
Explanation: A numeric value specified in the statement exceeds the value allowed for the associated target column in the database. Following are the limitations:
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the numeric value used before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the numeric values have been corrected.
+407 | Either an UPDATE statement or an INSERT statement with a null value for a column defined as NOT NULL is not allowed, or a null host variable value is not allowed in a SELECT list. |
Explanation: An attempt was made to update a column with a null value and the column does not allow nulls. The null value may be from a constant value, a host variable, an expression, or a value returned on a subquery.
This SQLCODE will also be issued if you made an attempt to SELECT a host variable in a select-list, and the select-list had an indicator variable value of <0, indicating a NULL host variable value. A NULL host variable value is not allowed in a select-list. For more information about using host indicator variables, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual.
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the statement has been modified.
+408 | An UPDATE or INSERT of a data value is incompatible with the data type of the associated target column. |
Explanation: A source value was incompatible with the associated target column. This can happen when the source value was derived from:
Typical situations are:
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the command before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the command has been corrected.
+414 | The LIKE predicate was used for a numeric or datetime column type. LIKE must only be used with graphic or character columns. |
Explanation: The SQL statement uses LIKE against a numeric or datetime column. It can only be used against columns that have a data type that is compatible with the graphic data type or that have a character data type. This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the predicate used before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the predicate has been corrected.
+415 | The corresponding columns, column-number, of the operands of a UNION or a UNION ALL do not have comparable column descriptions. |
Explanation: The SQL statement contains SELECT clauses connected by a UNION or UNION ALL, and the corresponding columns in each SELECT clause cannot be compared. Specifically, columns of ordinality column-number of the operands in this UNION or UNION ALL cannot be compared. For columns to be comparable, corresponding columns must be numeric, character, graphic, date, time, or timestamp. Do not mix these data types. If corresponding columns have field procedures, both must have the same field procedure, and the same column CCSID value.
Note the following default data types for constants in a SELECT list:
Note: | This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the columns before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the columns have been corrected.
+416 | You cannot specify a long string column in the SELECT clause of a UNION. |
Explanation: The SQL statement contained a SELECT clause item whose data type is a long string. This is not valid.
A long string column is either a LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) where n is greater than 254 but less than or equal to 32767, or VARGRAPHIC(n) where n is greater than 127 but less than or equal to 16383.
Note: | This code is returned only when a program is preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, correct the long string column before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the long string column has been corrected.
+419 | The precision of the numerator and/or the scale of the denominator are too large for decimal division. |
Explanation: The internal formula used to calculate the resulting scale of decimal division is:
Scale of result = 31 - np + ns - ds
Where np = precision of numerator, ns = scale of numerator, ds = scale of denominator.
A negative resulting scale will cause incorrect results due to internal decimal constraints. This may also happen when you use the AVG() function.
Note: | This code is returned only when a program is preprocessed. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the statement has been corrected.
Explanation: The stored procedure named by proc-name completed normally. However, the stored procedure exceeded the defined limit on the number of query result sets the procedure can return.
Only the first integer query result sets are returned to the application that issued the SQL CALL statement.
The possible causes are as follows:
System Action: The SQL statement is successful. The SQLWARN9 field is set to 'Z'.
+466 | FORMAT 1
Procedure proc-name returned num query result sets. FORMAT 2 Procedure proc-name returned num query result sets for AUTHID authid. |
Explanation: The stored procedure referenced completed normally. The procedure returned the number of query result sets specified in num.
System Action: The SQL statement is successful. The SQLWARN9 field is set to 'Z'.
+494 | The number of result sets is greater than the number of locators. |
Explanation: The number of result set locators specified on the ALLOCATE LOCATORS statement is less than the number of result sets returned by the stored procedure. The first "n" result set locator values are returned, where "n" is the number of result set locator variables specified on the SQL statement.
System Action: The SQL statement is successful.
User Response: Increase the number of result set locator variables specified on the SQL statement.
+541 | key-type name contains the same column definitions as an existing entity. |
Explanation: The key-type is PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT.
name is the FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT key name that either the user specified or the system generated. For PRIMARY KEY, name is omitted.
You receive a referential constraint warning because the FOREIGN KEY clause defines the same column list and parent table as another referential constraint. You receive a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT warning because the unique constraint defines the same column list as an existing UNIQUE CONSTRAINT or PRIMARY KEY. You receive a PRIMARY KEY warning because the PRIMARY KEY clause defines the same column list as an existing UNIQUE CONSTRAINT.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: If you want to define a PRIMARY KEY, drop the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT that causes the duplicate and define the PRIMARY KEY again. For the other situations, you do not have to define the FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT again because a similar entity already exists.
+551 | User user-id does not have the privilege-type privilege. |
Explanation: An attempt was made to reference an object that the user is not authorized to use, or the SQL statement needs specific authority that the user does not have (for example, RUN authority). This can occur if a user with DBA authority preprocesses a program, but because of the nature of the SQL statements in the program, the DBA does not have the authority to grant RUN authority to another user. For more information, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual for information on defining privileges on packages.
When this SQLCODE results from an SQL statement in a program that an DB2 Server for VSE preprocessor is processing, the statement is flagged in the DB2 Server for VSE package for rechecking when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the program continues. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run.
When this SQLCODE results from GRANT ALL, the grantor has no privilege on the object table or view upon which he or she can grant privileges.
No error message is issued for GRANT ALL on a view if the grantor has at least one grant privilege on the view.
No error message is issued for GRANT ALL on a table as long as the grantor has at least one privilege.
Note: | This code is returned only when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package, and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, acquire the required authorization for the object before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the required authorization for the object is created.
+552 | user-id is not authorized to perform this statement. |
Explanation: An attempt was made to reference an object that the user is not authorized to use, or the SQL statement needs specific authority that the user does not have.
Note: | This code is returned only when the program is being preprocessed with the NOEXIST option. |
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package, and it will be rechecked when the program is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, create the required object before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once the required object is created.
+558 | The WITH GRANT option is ignored because the GRANT is PUBLIC. |
Explanation: Granting privileges to PUBLIC with the GRANT option does not give PUBLIC the privilege to grant to other users. Grant privileges cannot be passed to PUBLIC.
If PUBLIC is specified in a user list of GRANT ... WITH GRANT OPTION, PUBLIC receives the granted privileges without the grant option, while the other users receive the granted privileges with the GRANT option.
For example, as a result of the statement:
USER1 and USER2 have the SELECT WITH GRANT privileges on TABLE1 while PUBLIC has only the select privilege.
System Action: The statement was executed successfully. The privileges are granted to PUBLIC without the GRANT option.
+600 | Automatic statistics collection was discontinued for the loading of table owner.table-name. |
Explanation: The Database Services Utility made a request to begin collecting statistics for table owner.table-name while adding rows to the table. After this request, the database manager detected that an index has been added to the table. The database manager does not support this form of statistics collection for tables that have indexes defined on them.
System Action: The operation was executed successfully. The statistics accumulated thus far were discarded. The database manager does not accumulate statistics while the Database Services Utility loads rows into the specified table.
User Response: To get statistics for the specified table, the database manager must issue an UPDATE STATISTICS command for the table after the Database Services Utility has finished loading the table. If, instead, the Database Services Utility requests to finalize statistics collection for the table, this request fails because the database manager discarded the statistics.
+668 | Table owner.table-name is inactive and you cannot access it. |
Explanation: No operation can be performed on this table because at least one inactive key participates in a relationship with this table.
This may be a PRIMARY KEY, a FOREIGN KEY or a dependent FOREIGN KEY which references the PRIMARY KEY.
While an inactive key exists, only the table owner or a DBA can issue DML statements against the table. In addition, no one can issue DML statements against an active table which result in a reference to an inactive table in order to enforce Referential Constraints. This code is returned only when a statement is being preprocessed.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended. However, the statement has been recorded in the package and it will be rechecked when the package is executed. Preprocessing of the statement continues.
User Response: If this statement is not intended to be executed on the application server that returned the warning, the warning can be ignored. Otherwise, check that all the keys in which the table participates are active, before the statement is executed, or modify the statement and preprocess the program over again. If the condition is corrected before the statement is executed, execution occurs normally. However, if the condition persists at execution time, the execution fails. In either case, the statement is dynamically rebound each time the program is run. This dynamic rebinding can be avoided by preprocessing the program again, once all the keys in which the table participates have been checked.
+802 | Exception error exception-type has occurred during operation-type operation on data-type data, position position-number. |
Explanation: An arithmetic operation in the SQL statement has caused an exception condition. The arithmetic operation can be in the select-list of the SELECT statement, the search condition of a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, or the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. exception-type, data-type, operation-type and position-number may be returned in SQLCA, depending on where the error was detected.
If the user is using ISQL or DBS Utility, only the first occurrence of a +802 code on a query causes the message text to be displayed. If more +802s are encountered, no more messages will be displayed even when the error type and operation are different. The indicator variable associated with the host variable in error has been assigned a value of -2 to indicate the return of a NULL value. The associated data variable remains unchanged. The following is a list of exception-type values that can be tolerated by DB2 Server for VSE:
You can also get an exponent underflow when the result characteristic of any floating-point operation exceeds the minimum value supported by System/370 Architecture (approximately 5.4E-79).
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement continues.
User Response: Check the arithmetic operation and the columns within the command to determine what data may be causing the program exception. More information can be found in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual.
+825 | Operator command processing has been completed successfully. |
Explanation: The database operator command has completed successfully and all output has been returned.
System Action: Normal processing continues.
User Response: You may enter another database operator command or a database statement.
+863 | The connection was successful but only SBCS will be supported. |
Explanation: The application requester supports only the target application server's SBCS CCSID. Either the target application server's mixed CCSID or graphic CCSID (or both) is not supported by the application requester. Application requester character data sent to the target application server must be restricted to SBCS.
System Action: The CONNECT statement is successful.
User Response: Do not execute any SQL statements which use either mixed data or graphic data in the statement.
Note: | You may pass mixed and graphic data in host variables. |