DB2 Server for VSE: Messages and Codes

Chapter 15. CICS/VSE Transaction Abend Codes

Notify your system programmer whenever one of these abend conditions occurs:


The CISQ transaction abended during cleanup and termination following a previous abend.

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS ADDRESS command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to get the addresses of the TWA and the CSA.

An online application is trying to access the database manager and the online resource adapter was not enabled or is terminating.

CICS has not been initialized correctly. The DFHSIT must contain the DBP parameter. In addition you must specify DTB=YES on the DFHCSDUP entries for all transactions that access the database manager.

For information about the CIRB and CIRT transactions, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual.

The ISQL transaction has attempted to write to temporary storage and has exceeded the current CICS limitation for the number of items allowed in a temporary storage queue.

The transaction was abended because it coded EXEC SQL WHENEVER ERROR STOP, and because the resource adapter detected a negative SQLCODE.

A serious error occurred in the DB2 Server for VSE partition. Normally, no further access to the database manager is possible. The problem in the database manager should be corrected before continuing.

The transaction was abended because it coded EXEC SQL WHENEVER WARNING STOP, and because the resource adapter detected either a positive SQLCODE (not 100) or found the SQLWARN0 flag set to W.

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS ASSIGN command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to get the terminal type, terminal screen dimensions, and CICS start code.

CICS or some subsystem failed during the CICS synchronization process.

If the failing subsystem was the DB2 Server for VSE system, the DB2 Server for VSE partition has a serious problem (such as log full, media error, etc.); this problem must be corrected. The problem should be corrected in the database manager before trying online access.

A program check has occurred while running under a user TCA. The transaction that was attempting to access the application server will be abended.

An ISQL print command has been issued, but when CICS was started, logical unit SYS098 was not assigned to a VSE/Power intercepted printer.

Temporary storage queues have been defined as recoverable. Recoverable temporary storage queues are incompatible with ISQL.

CICDAREA eyecatcher is missing for the ISQL task common area. This is probably due to storage overlay.

The ISQL transaction abended before a message could be sent to the terminal.

Global control block eyecatcher is missing. This is probably due to a CISQ transaction abnormal termination, such as an ASP7 abend.

The ISQL transaction abended because the CISQ transaction was unable to get automatic storage for the global control block.

The ISQL transaction has abended and the ISQL Abend Routine has been entered.

The ISQL transaction has abended and the ISQL abend routine has been entered.

An error has occurred on the exec CICS link command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to link phase ARIITRX. |ARIITRX may not have been defined to the CICS/VSE or it may not be |in the libraries that are available to CICS.

The transaction has abended because an attempt to acquire virtual storage (by GETVIS macro) failed.

The ISQL transaction abended because the CISQ transaction was unable to get automatic storage.

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS RECEIVE command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to read input from the terminal.

The ISQL transaction abended because the CISQ transaction was unable to get automatic storage for the message screen buffer. (The pointer to the storage obtained by the second transaction for the ISQL transaction for 3270 data streams is zero.)

The CICS start code is something other than TD or S. ISQL is only started either from the terminal(TD) or from a CICS START command(S).

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS START command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to start the second transaction.

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS RECEIVE command, which is executed to read the input entered on the welcome screen.

An error has occurred on the EXEC CICS WRITEQ command, which is executed by the ISQL transaction to write the global control block pointer to a temporary storage queue.

The CBND transaction abended because the Message Respository cannot be found.

The CBND transaction abended because an error has occurred executing the EXEC CICS ASSIGN command.

The CBND transaction abended because an error has occurred executing the EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command.

The CBND transaction abended because an error has occurred trying to write out the message to either the user terminal or the message queue specified.

The CBND transaction has abended due to an error.

The CB2D transaction (started by CBND internally) has abended due to a CICS RETRIEVE error. This is probably due to a CB2D transaction not started by CBND.

Where xxxx is the user-defined transaction ID for the ISQL transaction. An ABEND condition has occurred, but the ABEND code field is blank. The ISQL transaction-id in the IGCTRNID field of the global control block is used as the ABEND code.

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