ARI7001E | ISQL is not supported on this terminal. |
Explanation: You tried to run ISQL on a terminal which is not supported. ISQL supports IBM 3270 terminals or 3270-compatible display devices having a 24 X 80 or larger mode (a line size of at least 80 characters and 24 lines on the screen).
System Action: ISQL ends.
User Response: Run ISQL only on terminals which are supported. Ensure that you are using a supported terminal type for your operation.
Explanation: ISQL tried to display message ARI0500I, ARI0501I, ARI0502I, ARI0503E, ARI0504I, or ARI0505I, but the system had problems getting it.
System Action: ISQL printed this message instead of the one it normally would. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Look up the text for the SQLCODE indicated in the message. Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: There is a problem with the DB2 Server for VSE language message text module ARIMS001 or equivalent. Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7021E | The application server has issued a ROLLBACK statement. All work entered for processing since the last COMMIT statement was rolled back. You may have to reenter some statements. |
Explanation: During DB2 Server for VSE error processing, it was discovered that the database manager issued a ROLLBACK command for the user. The reason is stated in the DB2 Server for VSE message immediately preceding this one. If SET AUTOCOMMIT was:
System Action: The system issued a ROLLBACK command. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message for the message preceding this one, its system and user action. If the problem is still not clear, notify your system programmer. If you want to reenter the work that was rolled back when SET AUTOCOMMIT was:
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7022E | System message error.
Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An internal error occurred while ISQL was trying to display a message.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer. You can continue your ISQL session.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7040I | CANCEL processing complete. |
Explanation: CANCEL processing has completed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7041D | AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. Do you still want to CANCEL? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes). |
Explanation: You entered CANCEL while autocommit is off. If the cancel process is done, not only will the command running now be cancelled, but all the work you did since you set autocommit off or since the last COMMIT WORK will be rolled back. You are asked if the cancel should still be done.
System Action: The system waits for your reply.
User Response: Enter YES if the cancel should still be done. Enter NO if the cancel should not be done.
ARI7042E | Routine ended. It was cancelled because of your request or an error detected by ISQL. |
Explanation: A routine was executing at the time a CANCEL command was entered. The command could have been entered from the terminal or it could have been read from a routine. The CANCEL command could also have been entered by ISQL if an error was detected while processing a routine. Additional messages will be displayed when ISQL finds an error condition.
System Action: A ROLLBACK WORK is performed. The routine is ended immediately. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If additional error messages are displayed, correct the error and rerun the routine.
ARI7043I | CANCEL processing caused a ROLLBACK. The ROLLBACK was successful. |
Explanation: The specified ROLLBACK operation was performed because a CANCEL command had been entered previously. The command could have been entered from the terminal or it could have been read from a routine. The CANCEL command could also have been entered by ISQL if an error was detected while processing a routine. The ROLLBACK processing was successful.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7044I | Command in progress, terminal is now free. |
Explanation: The terminal is now available for other CICS transactions while ISQL processes your SQL command. If you execute another CICS transaction and ISQL completes processing your SQL command before the other CICS transaction completes, display of the output from the SQL command is delayed until the other CICS transaction completes execution. If you do nothing, ISQL will display the output from the SQL command when the SQL command is complete. If you wish to cancel the SQL command, enter the ISQL transaction identifier followed by the word CANCEL; for example, ISQL CANCEL.
The new transaction must not be See "Pseudo-conversational Transaction Considerations" in the DB2 Server for VSE System Administration manual for more information.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter another CICS transaction, to cancel the SQL command, or to complete the SQL command.
User Response: You may enter another CICS transaction. You may enter ISQL CANCEL. You may wait for the output from the SQL command being processed.
ARI7045E | CANCEL processing caused a ROLLBACK.
The ROLLBACK was unsuccessful.
See previous messages for more details. |
Explanation: The specified ROLLBACK operation was performed because a CANCEL command had been entered previously. The ROLLBACK processing was not successful. Additional messages are displayed to indicate why the ROLLBACK processing failed.
System Action: ROLLBACK processing is always performed when a CANCEL command is entered. Additional messages are displayed to indicate the reason for the failure.
User Response: See the other messages for the reason for the failure.
ARI7046D | Do you want to CANCEL? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes). |
Explanation: While the terminal is free during processing of a SQL command, you entered the ISQL transaction identifier followed by blanks or something other than CANCEL. The only valid input with the transaction identifier at this time is CANCEL. You are asked if the cancel processing should be done.
System Action: The system waits for your reply.
User Response: Enter YES if the cancel should still be done. Enter NO if the cancel should not be done.
ARI7047I | CANCEL request accepted. |
Explanation: You entered a CANCEL request with AUTOCOMMIT on, or you entered YES when asked if a CANCEL request should be done. This message indicates that the request has been accepted and the system will do the necessary cancel processing.
System Action: The system continues to process the cancel request.
ARI7048I | CANCEL request ignored. |
Explanation: You entered NO when asked if a CANCEL request should be done. This message indicates that the request will be ignored.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7050I | CANCEL already in progress. |
Explanation: You entered the CANCEL command while your command was already being cancelled.
System Action: This CANCEL command is ignored. Your original CANCEL command processing continues.
ARI7051E | Routine or EXEC processing ended. It was cancelled as you requested or because ISQL detected an error. |
Explanation: A routine was executing when a CANCEL command was entered. The command could have been entered by the user from the terminal or it could have been read from a routine. The CANCEL command could also have been entered by ISQL if an error was detected while processing a routine. Additional messages will be displayed when ISQL finds an error condition.
System Action: A ROLLBACK WORK is performed. The routine is ended immediately. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If additional error messages are displayed, correct the error and rerun the routine.
ARI7060I | Maximum input length of 2048 characters has been reached. Remainder of input is lost. |
Explanation: You entered too many continuation lines. Your input must not be longer than 2 048 characters. The first 2048 characters of your input have been accepted, but the rest is lost.
System Action: The system will try to process your command anyway. More messages will be displayed to let you know whether or not the command was processed successfully.
User Response: If the command you entered was an SQL command, you can shorten it with the CHANGE command so that it is not longer than 2 048 characters. Then enter the START command to process it again.
ARI7061I | Previous input ignored. |
Explanation: An IGNORE command was entered on a multi-line input.
System Action: All lines for this multi-line input are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7062E | Report the following error to your system programmer. Invalid call to ARIIRWI. Length=0. |
Explanation: An ISQL module has called module ARIIRWI, but the length of the information to be displayed is given as 0.
System Action: The error message is displayed and module ARIIRWI returns to the caller. Processing continues.
User Response: Notify your system programmer. Give the system programmer a list of the five previous commands entered.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7063I | Continuation character detected and ignored. Make sure your input is correct and without the continuation character. |
Explanation: You entered a continuation character on a message reply. The continuation is ignored.
System Action: The system uses the reply without the continuation character as the full reply. If the reply is not valid, the original message will be issued again.
ARI7064I | Routine processing cancelled. The error indicated by a previous message cancelled the processing of your routine, as you requested with the SET RUNMODE command. |
Explanation: While a routine was running, an error was detected by ISQL. ISQL cancelled the routine processing because you requested that routines should be cancelled when errors are detected. See the SET RUNMODE command for additional information.
System Action: ISQL issues a ROLLBACK WORK command to undo all work done since the last COMMIT WORK. Routine processing ends. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the cause of the error as indicated by previous error messages, and rerun the routine.
ARI7065I | Routine processing stopped. The error indicated by a previous message has caused processing of your routine to be stopped, as you requested with the SET RUNMODE command. |
Explanation: While a routine was running, an error was detected by ISQL. ISQL stopped the routine processing because you requested that routines should be stopped when errors are detected. See the SET RUNMODE command for additional information.
System Action: Routine processing ends. ROLLBACK WORK is not issued. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the cause of the error as indicated by previous error messages, and rerun the routine.
ARI7066I | Your input is being held. |
Explanation: You entered a HOLD command or pressed the PF9 key. Your command is being held and may be continued.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the rest of the command, unless the command was complete. If the command was complete, the HOLD command will be processed.
User Response: Press ENTER if the command is complete. If the command is not complete, you may enter the rest of the command, or IGNORE, or CANCEL.
ARI7068I | Your input is continued. Enter more input or press Enter. |
Explanation: You entered an input line with a continuation character or used PF9. Continue the input and press enter.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter additional input lines.
User Response: Enter additional input lines, IGNORE to have the input ignored, CANCEL to have the command cancelled, or press the ENTER key to have the command processed.
ARI7069I | Your input has been held. Use the START command to process your input. |
Explanation: You requested that an SQL statement be held by pressing the PF9 key or by entering the HOLD command. The SQL statement is held in the current command buffer. The SQL statement will be processed if you enter a START command or press the PF2 key.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter another command: START - to start the held statement, CHANGE - to change the held statement, or another command.
ARI7070I | Routine or EXEC processing cancelled. The error indicated by a previous message cancelled the processing of your routine or EXEC, as you requested with the SET RUNMODE command. |
Explanation: While a routine was running, an error was detected by ISQL. ISQL cancelled the routine processing because you requested routines be cancelled when errors are detected. See the SET RUNMODE command for additional information.
System Action: ISQL issues a ROLLBACK WORK to undo all the work done since the last COMMIT WORK. The routine processing will be terminated. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the cause of the error as indicated by previous error messages, and rerun the routine.
ARI7071I | Routine or EXEC processing stopped. The error indicated by a previous message cancelled the processing of your routine or EXEC, as you requested with the SET RUNMODE command. |
Explanation: While a routine was running, an error was detected by ISQL. ISQL stopped the routine processing because you requested routines be stopped when errors are detected. See the SET RUNMODE command for additional information.
System Action: The routine processing ends. ROLLBACK WORK is not issued. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the cause of the error as indicated by previous error messages, and rerun the routine.
ARI7079I | ISQL initialization complete. |
Explanation: ISQL initialization has completed.
System Action: System waits for you to enter an ISQL or SQL command.
User Response: Enter an ISQL or SQL command.
ARI7080A | Please enter an ISQL command or an SQL statement. |
Explanation: You must enter a command. A null line will not be accepted.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter a command.
User Response: Enter an ISQL or SQL command.
ARI7081A | Invalid user ID. Please reenter your user ID. Your user ID must start with a letter and must contain only letters and numbers. |
Explanation: Your user ID must start with a letter and must contain only letters and numbers.
System Action: You are given two tries to correct the user ID and then this signon will end.
User Response: Enter a valid user ID.
ARI7082A | User ID is not authorized to use the application server. Enter an authorized user ID. |
Explanation: You have entered a user ID that is not authorized to use the database manager. Users must be defined to the DB2 Server for VSE system by the system programmer before they can use the DB2 Server for VSE system. You may have typed your user ID incorrectly.
System Action: You are given two tries to enter a valid user ID and then this signon will end.
User Response: Enter a valid user ID. If you do not have a valid user ID, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Define the user to the database manager if not already defined.
ARI7083A | Invalid password. Please reenter your password. |
Explanation: The password that you entered does not match the DB2 Server for VSE password for the user ID that you entered.
System Action: You are given two tries to enter a valid password and then this signon will end.
User Response: Enter your correct password.
System Programmer Response: Verify that the password entered by the user matches the DB2 Server for VSE password for the user ID.
ARI7084I | SIGNON unsuccessful. User ID or password or target database are invalid. This SIGNON ended. |
Explanation: You have not supplied a valid user ID and/or password and/or target database.
System Action: This signon ends if a valid user ID, password, and target database are not supplied.
User Response: Notify your system programmer if you do not have a valid user ID, password, or target database. When you have a valid user ID and password you may signon to ISQL.
System Programmer Response: Define the user to ISQL if not already defined. Give the user the correct password if an incorrect password was used. Give the user the correct target database if an incorrect target database was used.
ARI7085E | There is not enough system storage available. [This SIGNON ended.] Try again later. |
Explanation: There is not enough system storage available to support another ISQL user. More storage will become available as other users signoff.
System Action: Your signon ends.
User Response: Try again later. If you still can not signon, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If this condition persists, increase the SIZE parameter on the EXEC CICS job control statement and the CICS partition size.
ARI7086E | The connection between ISQL and the application server is not operational. [Notify your system programmer. This sign-on ended.] |
Explanation: The link between ISQL and the database manager has not been enabled. Your signon cannot continue until the link has been enabled.
System Action: Your signon ends.
User Response: Try again later. If you can still not signon, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Enable the link between ISQL and the database manager.
ARI7087E | ISQL has abnormally terminated with CICS Abend Code code. |
Explanation: ISQL has abended with the CICS abend code shown in the message.
System Action: Your signon ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7101E | Internal processing error. Invalid call to ARIITIO. |
Explanation: An internal processing error occurred in ISQL. Module ARIITIO was called to display data, but the length of the data was zero.
System Action: Control is returned to the module that called module ARIITIO. Processing continues.
ARI7120E | ISQL could not process your command because of a system problem. Your command is too large. Report this problem to your system programmer. |
Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred:
FORMAT BLOCK SIZE = x + (n * y)
where x is the size of the format block header (504 bytes), n is the number of columns in the select-list for the stored query (not to exceed 45 columns), and y is the size of the format information stored for each column (44 bytes).
System Action: No substitutions were performed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Determine which length was exceeded and why. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7121E | Command failed. ISQL could not process your SQL statement because it is too large. Substitutions would make the command line longer than 2048 characters. |
Explanation: When substitutions made for the placeholders (&1., &2., etc.), your command was longer than 2048 characters.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Change the SQL command so that its total length, including substitutions, is less than 2048 characters.
ARI7123E | Command failed. You entered an invalid character after the & . Reenter the command with a number between 1 and 9999 following the & . |
Explanation: A nonnumeric character was found after &.
System Action: Parameter substitutions were performed until the invalid character was found. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Replace the invalid character after &, to a number between 1 and 9999 and reenter the command.
ARI7124E | Command failed. You entered a 0 after the & . Reenter the command with a number between 1 and 9999 following the & . |
Explanation: The first number after the & is a zero, which is not valid.
System Action: Parameter substitutions were performed until the zero was found.
User Response: Change the SQL command so that it no longer has a 0 after the &. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7125E | Command failed. You entered a number greater than 9999 after the & . Reenter the command with a number between 1 and 9999 following the & . |
Explanation: The only valid numbers which can be substituted for a parameter are between 1 and 9999. A number greater than 9999 was found after an &.
System Action: Parameter substitutions are done until the invalid number was found. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Change invalid number to a number between 1 and 9999.
ARI7126E | Command failed. The command line was null after ISQL made substitutions. Change your command or routine and try again. |
Explanation: When substitutions made for the placeholders (&1., &2., etc.), your command was null.
System Action: No action is taken. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Change your command or routine and try again.
ARI7127I | Your command contains unpaired quotation marks. |
Explanation: The command you entered contained either an unpaired single quote (') or an unpaired double quote (").
System Action: The system finishes processing the command with the unpaired quotation mark. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Check the results of the command. If they are not what you wanted, reenter the command.
ARI7128E | Run command failed. A command line or data line in your routine is too large. Substitutions would make the line more than 254 characters long. |
Explanation: Substitutions made for the placeholders (&1., &2., etc.) would cause a line in your routine to exceed 254 characters. The line is displayed after the message.
System Action: Substitutions were performed until the line would have exceeded 254 characters with the next substitution. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Change the routine so that each line, including substitutions, has fewer than 254 characters.
ARI7180E | Command failed. The ISQLTRACE command has a missing or invalid parameter. Reenter the command specifying DUMP, DISPLAY, or N, where N is the desired number of entries in the trace table. N must be between 50 and 1000. |
Explanation: You entered an incorrect option on the ISQLTRACE command.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the option you want.
ARI7181I | ISQL trace table display
Explanation: You entered an ISQLTRACE DISPLAY command.
address1 is the address of the start of the trace table.
address2 is the address of the current entry in the table.
address3 is the address of the last entry in the table (not necessarily the last entry used in the table).
System Action: Trace table entries will be displayed following the heading. They will be displayed in reverse order, starting with the latest entry placed in the table.
ARI7182E | Command failed. The number you specified on the ISQLTRACE command is not between 50 and 1000. Reenter the command specifying a number between 50 and 1000. |
Explanation: You did not enter a number between 50 and 1000. When changing the number of entries in the trace table, only the numbers between 50 and 1000 are accepted.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a number from 50 to 1000.
ARI7183E | Command failed. The number you specified on the ISQLTRACE command has more than 4 digits. Reenter the command specifying a number between 50 and 1000. |
Explanation: You entered a number that has more than four digits. When changing the number of entries in the trace table, only the numbers between 50 and 1000 are accepted.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a number from 50 to 1000.
ARI7184I | ISQLTRACE processing complete. |
Explanation: The ISQLTRACE command processing you requested is complete.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7185I | There is not enough storage available to change the number of trace entries in the trace table. The number of entries is unchanged. |
Explanation: There was not enough storage available to obtain a new trace table. The size of the trace table remains unchanged.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Retry the command later.
ARI7186I | The trace table can now hold number entries. |
Explanation: The size of the trace table has been changed to hold the number of entries you specified on the ISQLTRACE command.
number is the number of entries you specified.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7300E | Command ended. The input command could not be processed because of system problems. You may enter another command. |
Explanation: INPUT could not get the storage it needed for processing. INPUT processing ends.
System Action: The INPUT command ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: You are free to enter another command or INPUT can be tried again. If you enter the INPUT command again and continue to receive this message, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If this condition persists, increase the SIZE parameter on the CICS EXEC job control statement and the CICS partition size.
ARI7301E | Command failed. Specify the table name on the input command. |
Explanation: No table name was specified after INPUT.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command specifying table name and optionally (column names).
ARI7302E | Command failed. Table name is incorrect. You must use double quotation marks in pairs. |
Explanation: During the checking of the table name a double quote was encountered. However, another double quote was not found. They must be specified in pairs.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command making sure that the double quotes around the table name are specified in pairs.
ARI7303E | Command failed. Table name is incorrect. You must specify the table name after the creator name. |
Explanation: During checking of the {owner.}table name, no table name was found after owner.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command specifying table name after owner.
ARI7304E | Command failed. Column names are specified incorrectly. A left parenthesis must come before column names. |
Explanation: During checking of the INPUT command, it was discovered that the column names did not start with a left parenthesis.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command. Make sure that any column names specified begin with a left parenthesis "(" and end with a right parenthesis ")" as required.
ARI7305E | Command failed. Column names are specified incorrectly. A right parenthesis must follow column names. |
Explanation: During checking of the INPUT command it was discovered that the column names did not end with a right parenthesis.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command. Make sure that any column names specified begin with a left parenthesis "(" and end with a right parenthesis ")" as required.
ARI7306E | The input command is ending. Read the previous SQL error message and its action for the reason. |
Explanation: INPUT cannot continue processing for reasons described by the SQL error message printed prior to this one.
System Action: INPUT is ending. A ROLLBACK WORK will be issued for a user-entered or system-entered CANCEL, or if SET AUTOCOMMIT is ON. If SET AUTOCOMMIT is OFF and INPUT is not being ended because of a CANCEL, a ROLLBACK WORK will not be performed. INPUT ends. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. If the problem is still unclear, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, take action to correct the problem and enter the INPUT command again.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7307A | Enter data values, separated by commas, for the following columns. Enclose character data in single quotation marks. |
Explanation: Enter data for the columns specified after this message. The character data must be enclosed in single quotes.
System Action: Immediately following this message the system writes the names of the columns for which you are to enter data, the data type, and whether null values are allowed in this field. The keyboard is then unlocked and you are requested to enter data or an INPUT command.
User Response: You should note this carefully. You will be asked to enter data soon. Data must be entered in the order specified and must be separated by commas.
ARI7308A | Data not accepted. Reenter data row. |
Explanation: INPUT encountered a problem as described by the SQL error message printed prior to this one. The data could not be processed.
System Action: The data just entered was not accepted. No other data has been lost. You are asked to enter data or another INPUT command.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. If the problem is still unclear, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, if you want this data entered into the table, correct the problem and enter it again.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7309E | Command failed. At least one space must separate table name and column names. |
Explanation: During checking of the INPUT command, a left parenthesis "(" was found as the next character after table name. There must be at least one blank between the table name and the start of the column names.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement. No SQL COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK has been issued.
User Response: Reenter the INPUT command. Put at least one blank between table name and the left parenthesis "(" which starts the specification of column names.
ARI7310E | Command ignored. Input cannot process this ISQL command. Reenter this command after you finish using the INPUT command. |
Explanation: The ISQL command entered was not valid at this time.
System Action: The command is ignored. You are asked to enter more data or an INPUT command.
User Response: If you want the command to be processed, bypass the INPUT command by typing END or CANCEL. Otherwise, enter more data or an INPUT command.
ARI7311E | Command ignored. You entered neither data nor a valid input command. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered neither data nor a valid INPUT command.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter either data or an INPUT command.
User Response: Enter either data or an INPUT command.
ARI7312I | Since AUTOCOMMIT is OFF, SAVE was ignored. To commit data, enter an END command and then a COMMIT statement. |
Explanation: Normally, INPUT will commit the data you entered into the table when you enter SAVE. Because you entered SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF before you entered INPUT, you will have to commit data into the table yourself with the COMMIT statement.
System Action: No action is taken. The system asks you to enter more data or an INPUT command.
User Response: If you want to commit your data now, leave INPUT by entering the END command. To commit your data, enter a COMMIT statement. Otherwise, enter either more data or an INPUT command.
ARI7313I | Command processing continuing. Excess parameters on command are ignored. |
Explanation: During checking of the command (where command is SAVE, BACKOUT, or END) a parameter was discovered. Parameters are not valid.
System Action: The parameter is ignored. Processing of the command continues.
ARI7314I | SAVE processing is complete. |
Explanation: The data which you had previously entered was committed to a DB2 Server for VSE table.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter data or another INPUT command.
ARI7315E | SAVE command failed. No data was committed to the table. The INPUT command has ended. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: ISQL tried to save your input data by issuing a COMMIT WORK command. An error occurred as described in the SQL error message above.
System Action: The system will issue a ROLLBACK WORK. INPUT processing has ended.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. Notify your system programmer. You are free to enter another ISQL command. You will not be able to enter another SQL command during this session.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7316E | Since AUTOCOMMIT is OFF, BACKOUT was ignored. To ROLLBACK data, enter an END command and then a ROLLBACK statement. |
Explanation: Normally, INPUT will roll back the data you entered into the table when you enter BACKOUT. Because you entered SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF before you entered INPUT, you will have to roll back data yourself with the ROLLBACK statement.
System Action: No action is taken. The system asks you to enter more data or an INPUT command.
User Response: If you want to roll back your data now, leave INPUT mode by entering the END command. To roll back your data, enter a ROLLBACK statement. Otherwise, enter either more data or an INPUT command.
ARI7317I | BACKOUT processing is complete. |
Explanation: The data which you had previously entered was rolled back from the table.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7318E | BACKOUT command failed. The INPUT command has ended. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: ISQL tried to backout the data by issuing an SQL ROLLBACK WORK command. This command encountered an error specified by the SQL error message above.
System Action: The database manager will roll back your input during error processing. INPUT processing has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action and notify your system programmer. You are free to enter another ISQL command. You cannot enter another SQL command during this session.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7319I | Since AUTOCOMMIT is OFF, END does not commit data into the table. Enter a COMMIT statement to save your data. |
Explanation: Normally, INPUT will commit the data you entered into the table when you enter END. Because you entered SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF before you entered INPUT, you will have to commit data into the table yourself with the COMMIT statement.
System Action: No action is taken. The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If you want to commit data now, enter a COMMIT statement. Otherwise, you are free to enter another command.
ARI7320I | END committed data to the table. |
Explanation: The data which you had previously entered was committed to the DB2 Server for VSE table.
System Action: INPUT is ending. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7321E | An error occurred during END command processing. Read the previous SQL error message and its action. The database manager issued a ROLLBACK statement. |
Explanation: ISQL tried to save the input data by issuing a COMMIT statement. This statement encountered an error specified by the SQL error message above.
System Action: The system issued a ROLLBACK statement. Input will end. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. Notify your system programmer. You are free to enter another ISQL command. You cannot enter another SQL statement during this session.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7322I | The INPUT command completed. |
Explanation: INPUT processing has completed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7323I | You ended the INPUT command by entering a CANCEL command. |
Explanation: INPUT processing has completed as a result of entering the CANCEL command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7324E | The INPUT command rolled back all your data. |
Explanation: ISQL tried to insert data into the table you specified. An error occurred as described in the SQL error message above.
System Action: INPUT processing cannot continue. ISQL has issued a ROLLBACK WORK command. INPUT processing has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. If the problem is still unclear, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, you are free to enter another command.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7325I | The system completed the INPUT command. |
Explanation: INPUT processing completed as a result of system problems encountered during INPUT command processing.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the SQL error message and its action. If the problem is still unclear, notify your system programmer. Otherwise, you are free to enter another command.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7326A | No data was entered. Enter data or an INPUT command. |
Explanation: You pressed the ENTER key with nothing or a line of blanks on the input line.
System Action: No action is taken. The system waits for you to enter data or another INPUT command.
User Response: Enter either data or an INPUT command.
ARI7327E | The INPUT command failed. INPUT was entered from a routine, but was not complete. Insert an END command after the last DATA or INPUT command. |
Explanation: Because INPUT was started from a routine, all data or INPUT commands must be entered from the routine also. INPUT is trying to process more data or an INPUT command, but there were no more records in the routine.
System Action: The system has issued a CANCEL command and a ROLLBACK WORK command. INPUT processing has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Examine the routine just executed. For INPUT to finish properly, an END command should be inserted where you want the INPUT command to end. You are also free to enter another command.
ARI7328E | Command failed. You specified the column names incorrectly. Column names must be specified between parentheses. |
Explanation: During checking of the INPUT command, it was discovered that parentheses were coded after the table name. However, no column names were written between the parentheses.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Resubmit the INPUT command. If you want all columns, type just the table name. If you want specific columns, type them between the parentheses.
ARI7329E | Command failed. You specified the column names incorrectly. They must begin with a letter, $, #, or @ unless they are enclosed in double quotation marks. |
Explanation: During checking of the INPUT command, it was discovered that one or more of the column names began with a character other than a letter, $, #, or @. This is not valid.
System Action: The INPUT command has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Resubmit the INPUT command. If all column name or names in error begin with a character other than a letter, $, #, or @, you must enclose the name in double quotes ("). Otherwise, find the correct column name or names. The column name or names in error do not exist.
ARI7330E | The INPUT command failed. A routine or an EXEC issued an incomplete INPUT command. Insert an END command after the last DATA or INPUT command. |
Explanation: Since input was initiated from a routine, all data or INPUT commands must also be entered from the routine. Input is trying to process more data or an INPUT command, but there were no more records in the routine.
System Action: The system has issued a CANCEL command and a ROLLBACK WORK RELEASE command. INPUT processing has ended. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Examine the routine just executed. For input to finish properly, an END command should be inserted where you want the INPUT command to end. You are also free to enter another command.
ARI7350E | RUN processing cancelled. You have a RUN command in your routine. Remove the RUN command from the routine. |
Explanation: RUN is not a valid command in a routine.
System Action: An internal cancel is issued. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Take the RUN command out of the routine.
ARI7351E | RUN command failed. You did not specify a routine name. Reenter the RUN command with a routine name. |
Explanation: You must specify the name of the routine to be executed on the RUN command. The format is: RUN userid.routine name parameters.
System Action: Command processing failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the RUN command with a routine name.
ARI7354E | RUN command failed. The RUN command cannot find the userid .ROUTINE table. Reenter the RUN command using a valid user ID or create the routine table. |
Explanation: The specified ROUTINE table does not exist.
System Action: The RUN command failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the RUN command specifying the proper user ID; or, if the ROUTINE table does not exist, it must be created using the CREATE TABLE command. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual for information on creating and using routines.
ARI7355E | RUN command failed. The RUN command cannot find the named routine. Reenter the RUN command with a valid routine name. |
Explanation: The named routine could not be found.
System Action: The RUN command failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the RUN command using a valid routine name.
ARI7357E | RUN command failed. The RUN command cannot finish because of a system error. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: While the system was trying to process the routine an internal error occurred. The messages preceding this message describe the internal error.
System Action: The RUN command failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Save the associated error messages and notify your system programmer. Enter another command.
System Programmer Response: Use the SQL error code specified in the previously issued error message to determine the proper course of action. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7358E | RUN command failed. The { userid|name } must be 8 characters or less. Reenter the RUN command. |
Explanation: The user ID or name specified on the RUN command was larger than 8 characters. The maximum size of the user ID or name field is 8.
System Action: RUN processing failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the RUN command specifying a user ID or name of not more than 8 characters.
ARI7359E | RUN command failed. Rebuild the routine table with the SEQNO column defined as SMALLINT or INTEGER, and NOT NULL. |
Explanation: The ROUTINE table must be created with a SEQNO column defined with a data type of SMALLINT or INTEGER, and NOT NULL.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a DROP TABLE command for the ROUTINE table, and a CREATE TABLE command to rebuild it. Specify SMALLINT or INTEGER as the data type for the SEQNO column. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual for information on creating and using routines.
ARI7360E | RUN command failed. You cannot use the userid .ROUTINE table again in this session. Enter another command. |
Explanation: The system was not successful in closing the cursor for this table.
System Action: RUN processing failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Save the associated error messages and notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Use the SQL error code specified in the previously issued error message to determine the proper course of action. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7361I | RUN command is processing normally. However, an empty command line was encountered in the routine. The empty line is ignored. |
Explanation: While the system was processing the commands in the specified routine a null line was encountered.
System Action: The line is ignored and normal processing continues.
User Response: Remove the null line from the routine if you do not want to get this message.
ARI7362E | RUN command ended abnormally because of a parameter substitution error. Correct the error and reenter the RUN command. |
Explanation: During RUN command parameter substitution, an error occurred which caused substitution to end. The message which precedes this message states the cause of the error.
System Action: The RUN command failed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Use the message which precedes this message to correct the parameter substitution error. Reenter the RUN command.
ARI7363E | RUN command failed. Rebuild the routine table with the command column defined as VARCHAR. |
Explanation: The ROUTINE table must be created with the COMMAND column as VARCHAR.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a DROP TABLE command to delete the ROUTINE table and a CREATE TABLE command to rebuild it. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual for information on creating and using routines.
ARI7364E | RUN processing cancelled. You have a RUN command in your routine or EXEC. Remove the RUN command from the routine or EXEC. |
Explanation: RUN is not a valid command in a routine.
System Action: An internal CANCEL is issued.
User Response: Take the RUN command out of the routine.
ARI7398I | Profile processing is starting. |
Explanation: ISQL initialization found either a master, user, or signon PROFILE routine and is processing it.
System Action: The appropriate routines are run.
ARI7399I | The ISQL default profile values are in effect. |
Explanation: A PROFILE routine did not exist in the SQLDBA.ROUTINE table or in the userid.ROUTINE table. A routine was not specified as a parameter on the signon.
System Action: ISQL signon processing continues using system values.
User Response: If you want to know what values are in effect, enter the LIST SET command.
ARI7500E | Command failed. You can only issue a FORMAT command during a query result. Enter an SQL SELECT before issuing a FORMAT command. |
Explanation: You tried to format the screen when there was no SELECT command active.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a SELECT command or start a SELECT command before you enter the FORMAT command.
Explanation: You entered an incorrect keyword on the FORMAT command. One or more of the following keywords must be specified after the FORMAT command: ON, OFF, SUBTOTAL, TOTAL, GROUP, OUTLINE, SEPARATOR, VARCHAR, NULL, TTITLE, BTITLE, COLUMN, EXCLUDE, or INCLUDE.
token is the incorrect keyword you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Enter FORMAT with one or more of the correct keywords.
ARI7502I | The keyword indicator was previously old setting . It is now new setting . |
Explanation: This message shows the setting of the FORMAT keyword that you have just changed.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
old setting is the previous setting of the FORMAT keyword.
new setting is the new setting of the FORMAT keyword.
System Action: The system sets the indicator as specified by the command.
ARI7503I | ISQL erased the bottom title for this query. |
Explanation: The bottom title for this query has been erased.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7504E | Command processing stopped. You entered an incorrect option token for the FORMAT keyword command. Reenter FORMAT keyword command with ON or OFF. |
Explanation: You entered an incorrect option on the FORMAT command.
token is the incorrect option you entered.
keyword is the keyword you entered after the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the command with a valid option. The valid options are ON and OFF.
ARI7505E | Command processing stopped. The number after the keyword keyword cannot be more than 8 digits long. Try again. |
Explanation: A number you entered was too large. The field allows 8 digits, including leading zeros.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a number from 1 to 254.
ARI7506I | The width you specified for column column id is too large. WIDTH has been changed to 254 bytes. |
Explanation: You entered a width greater than 254. The system has set the width of the column to the maximum of 254.
column id is the column id you entered.
System Action: The command is processed as if the command FORMAT COLUMN column id WIDTH 254 had been entered.
User Response: If you do not want a width of 254, reenter the command with a width less than 254.
ARI7507E | Command processing stopped. Enter a number after the keyword keyword. Try again. |
Explanation: A nonnumeric value was specified for a numeric option.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the command using a number as the option.
ARI7508E | Command processing stopped. You must enter an option after the keyword keyword. Try again. |
Explanation: You did not enter any option for the keyword specified in the message. No default action is taken.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the command, specifying the desired option.
ARI7509I | You entered a null string longer than 20 characters. Only the first 20 characters were used. |
Explanation: You entered a null string specification that is too long. The first 20 characters are accepted as the string; the rest are ignored.
System Action: The command is processed with first 20 characters.
User Response: If you do not want the shortened string as your null string, reenter the command with a new string. The new string must not be longer than 20 characters.
ARI7510I | You have not defined a bottom title. |
Explanation: No bottom title (BTITLE) is defined now.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: If you want a bottom title, use the FORMAT BTITLE command to define one.
ARI7511I | keyword value is greater than the page width. Information will be truncated if printed. |
Explanation: WARNING: Because the keyword value is greater than the page width, it will be truncated when printed.
keyword value is the keyword value you entered.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: To avoid truncating the data, specify a number smaller than the page size.
ARI7512I | You entered a top or bottom title longer than 100 characters. Only the first 100 characters will be used. |
Explanation: A top or bottom title can be at most 100 characters. The first 100 characters are accepted; the rest are ignored.
System Action: Title is set to the first 100 characters you entered.
User Response: If you do not want the shortened title, reenter the FORMAT TTITLE or FORMAT BTITLE command with a different title. The new title must not be longer than 100 characters.
Explanation: You entered an incorrect column id after the FORMAT command.
token is the column id you entered.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with one or more column ids. Column id must be either a column name or a column number. If you enter more than one column id, they must be enclosed in parentheses.
ARI7514E | Command processing stopped. You can only enter a FORMAT SUBTOTAL command after you enter a FORMAT GROUP command. |
Explanation: To enter a subtotal command, a FORMAT GROUP command must have been previously entered. The command is ignored.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Enter FORMAT GROUP; then reenter the FORMAT SUBTOTAL command.
ARI7515E | Command processing stopped. Column column id is not a numeric column. Reenter the FORMAT keyword command using a numeric column. |
Explanation: You tried to enter a FORMAT DECIMAL or FORMAT ZEROS command on a nonnumeric column.
column id is the column id you entered.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command using a numeric column.
ARI7516I | You entered a column name longer than 30 characters on the FORMAT keyword command. Only the first 30 characters were used. |
Explanation: A column name can be at most 30 characters. The first 30 characters are accepted; the rest are ignored.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: The column name is set to or used as the first 30 characters you entered.
User Response: If you do not want the shortened name, reenter the FORMAT command with a new name. The new name must not be longer than 30 characters.
ARI7517E | Command processing stopped. You entered an incorrect column width for column column id . Reenter the FORMAT command with a column width from 1 to 254 characters. |
Explanation: The column width must be a number from 1 to 254.
column id is the column id you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the column id indicated in the message. Any keywords before the keyword associated with this column id have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with a column width from 1 to 254.
ARI7518E | Command processing stopped. The DPLACES value for column column id is too large. The number of decimal places must be less than the column width. Try again. |
Explanation: The width of a column must be at least one larger than the number of decimal places specified for that column.
column id is the column id you entered.
System Action: The command is ignored. Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: You can either increase the column width so that it is larger than the number of decimal places, or decrease the number of decimal places so that a smaller column size can be specified.
ARI7519E | Command processing stopped. Specify a number for the number of decimal places. Try again. |
Explanation: The FORMAT COLUMN column id DPLACES command must be followed by a number. The number of decimal places must also be less than the width of the column.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the DPLACES keyword in error. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT COLUMN column id DPLACES command with a valid number.
Explanation: You entered an incorrect option on the FORMAT COLUMN command.
token is the incorrect option you entered.
column id is the column id you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with one or more of the options listed in the message.
ARI7521I | All columns are included. |
Explanation: If the FORMAT INCLUDE command is entered without any column ids being specified, all columns are included.
System Action: All columns are included in the display.
User Response: None if this is the desired result. Otherwise, exclude the columns you do not want included.
ARI7522I | Because you did not specify any column IDs, all columns will be displayed. |
Explanation: You entered a FORMAT EXCLUDE ALL BUT or FORMAT INCLUDE ONLY command without any column ids. Therefore, all columns are included in the display.
System Action: All columns are included in the display. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: You can enter a FORMAT INCLUDE command for the columns you want included.
ARI7523E | Command processing stopped. Column ID column id is not one of the first 45 columns. ISQL can only format the first 45 columns. |
Explanation: You tried to format a column that is not one of the first 45 columns.
column id is the column id you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the column id indicated in the message. Any keywords before the keyword associated with this column id have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Enter a new SELECT command that will make this column one of the first 45 columns. Then reenter the FORMAT command.
ARI7524I | Bottom title is btitle . |
Explanation: The bottom title is now the value btitle.
btitle is the current bottom title.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7525I | Top title is ttitle . |
Explanation: The top title is now the value ttitle.
ttitle is the current top title.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7526E | Command processing stopped. Zero is not a valid value for keyword . Reenter the command with a value greater than zero. |
Explanation: You entered 0. Zero is not an acceptable value for this keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with a value greater than zero.
ARI7527I | {Top|Bottom} title is too long to print on one line. When you print your report, part of the title may not appear. |
Explanation: The title will not fit on one line. The last part of the title may be cut off when your report is printed.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: None, if you don't mind the shortened title. Otherwise, enter a shorter title, using the FORMAT command.
ARI7528I | You did not enter the keyword BLANKS on your FORMAT SEPARATOR command. The number itself is used as your column separator. |
Explanation: The number you entered will be used as the column separator, not as the number of blanks between your columns.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: None, unless you want blanks between your columns. In that case, you must reenter the FORMAT SEPARATOR command with the keyword BLANKS.
ARI7529I | The top title has been erased. The first 100 characters of the SQL SELECT statement will be used as the top title. |
Explanation: Your top title has been erased. The first 100 characters of the SELECT command will be used as the top title on your report.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7530E | Command processing stopped. A right parenthesis is missing on the FORMAT keyword command. Reenter the command with matching parentheses. |
Explanation: You entered a left parenthesis without a matching right parenthesis.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with matching parentheses.
ARI7531I | The separator you entered was too long. The separator length has been shortened to 254 bytes. |
Explanation: The length of the separator cannot be greater than 254.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: None, if you do not mind the shortened separator. Otherwise, enter a shorter separator, using the FORMAT command.
ARI7532I | You cannot do the GROUP and SUBTOTAL on the same column. Column column id has been ignored in the FORMAT keyword command, but processing continues. |
Explanation: You tried to group and subtotal on the same column. Only one will be done. The message states which keyword will not be processed.
column id is the column id you entered.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: If you don't want this result, reformat your display. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference manual.
ARI7533I | Because there are no columns to group, subtotaling will no longer be done. |
Explanation: You entered a FORMAT GROUP ERASE command, so there are no more columns to group by. Therefore, subtotaling can no longer be done.
System Action: All subtotals are erased. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: If you want subtotals, enter a FORMAT GROUP command followed by a FORMAT SUBTOTAL command.
ARI7534E | Command processing stopped. You entered an incorrect column ID token on the FORMAT keyword command. All columns will be displayed. Reenter the command with a correct column ID. |
Explanation: You entered either FORMAT EXCLUDE ALL BUT or FORMAT INCLUDE ONLY with an incorrect column id. All columns will be included in the display.
token is the incorrect column id you entered.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with one or more column ids. Column id must be either a column name or a column number. If you enter more than one column id, they must be enclosed in parentheses.
Explanation: You did not enter any column ids between the parentheses on your FORMAT command.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with a list of column ids between the parentheses.
ARI7537E | Command processing stopped. You did not enter any column IDs between the parentheses on the FORMAT keyword command. Reenter the FORMAT keyword command with a list of column IDs. |
Explanation: You did not enter any column ids between the parentheses on the FORMAT command.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Reenter the FORMAT command with a list of column ids between the parentheses.
ARI7539I | The VARCHAR value you entered was too large. The VARCHAR size has been changed to 254 bytes. |
Explanation: You entered a FORMAT VARCHAR command with a value greater than 254.
System Action: The command was processed with a VARCHAR size of 254.
ARI7543I | Your display data exceeds 45 columns. When using ISQL, no more than 45 columns can be displayed or formatted. Only the first 45 columns you selected will be displayed. |
Explanation: ISQL allows a maximum of 45 columns to be displayed or formatted. Any additional columns will not be displayed.
System Action: The command is processed normally. Only the first 45 columns will be displayed.
User Response: If you want to display columns beyond the first 45, enter a SELECT command specifically requesting those columns.
ARI7544I | More than one data row was affected by the previous statement. If you do not want the work committed, issue CANCEL or ROLLBACK. If you want the work committed, enter any other statement. |
Explanation: An INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE command affected more than one row and the AUTOCOMMIT is delayed.
If referential constraints exist with a rule of SET NULL or CASCADE then some of the affected rows may be in dependent tables.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: You can either continue with work (thereby committing the previous work), or enter CANCEL or ROLLBACK.
Explanation: You entered a FORMAT command without any keywords.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with one or more valid keywords.
ARI7546E | Command processing stopped. Your FORMAT keyword command needs an option. Reenter the FORMAT keyword command with ON or OFF. |
Explanation: You entered an incomplete FORMAT command. The keyword must be followed by a value of ON or OFF.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Enter the command with a valid option, either ON or OFF.
ARI7547E | Command processing stopped. Your FORMAT keyword command needs a column ID. Reenter FORMAT keyword command with a column ID. Only the first 45 columns can be formatted. |
Explanation: You entered an incomplete FORMAT command. The keyword must be followed with a column id.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the FORMAT command.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed; all other keywords are ignored.
User Response: Enter the command with a column id.
Explanation: AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. Therefore, if an SQL error occurs while processing your statement, everything in this logical unit of work will be rolled back.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter 0 (NO) or 1 (YES).
User Response: If you are not worried about losing any work you have done, enter 1. To save the work you have done before processing this statement, enter 0. Then you can enter COMMIT or SET AUTOCOMMIT ON. Then you can reenter your statement.
ARI7551I | Statement cancelled as requested. |
Explanation: You entered CANCEL.
System Action: The command in process is cancelled, and a ROLLBACK is done. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7552E | Command failed. You did not enter the name on the cmd command. |
Explanation: You did not enter the name parameter required by the command specified in the message.
cmd is the command you entered.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with the name of the stored SQL statement you want.
ARI7553E | Command failed. Name entered is longer than 8 characters. Reenter the command with a name that is 8 or less characters long. |
Explanation: You entered a stored query name that was longer than 8 characters.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with an alphanumeric name of up to 8 characters.
ARI7554I | There is no previous SQL statement to recall. |
Explanation: You tried to do a RECALL PREVIOUS, but there is no previous SQL statement to recall.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7555I | There is no current SQL statement to recall. |
Explanation: You tried to do a RECALL, but there is no current SQL statement to recall.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7556E | Command failed. There is no current SQL statement to store. |
Explanation: You tried to store an SQL statement, but there is no SQL statement to store.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7557I | Excess keywords after the ISQL command command are ignored. |
Explanation: There are extra keywords on the ISQL command. They are ignored.
ISQL command is the name of the command you entered.
System Action: The command is processed. The extra data is ignored.
ARI7558E | Command failed. Stored query table not found. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: SQLDBA.STORED QUERIES table was either not created at installation, or was dropped.
System Action: The command is not processed.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7559I | Command ended as requested. |
Explanation: You asked for the command to be ended.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7560E | Command failed. The SQL statement you wanted to ISQL command was not found. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered an ISQL command with an SQL statement name that was not found.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Check the spelling of the SQL statement name you entered, or enter LIST SQL * to see the names of your stored SQL statements. Then reenter your ISQL command.
ARI7561E | Command failed. You entered a RENAME command without a new name for your stored SQL statement. Reenter the RENAME command with the old name followed by the new name. |
Explanation: You tried to rename a stored SQL statement, but you did not enter a new name for the command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: To rename your stored SQL statement, reenter the RENAME command with the old name followed by the new name.
ARI7563E | Command failed. A stored SQL statement named name already exists. Choose another name and try again. |
Explanation: You tried to rename a stored SQL statement. The new name you chose already exists, so you must choose another name.
name is the name you entered as the new name for the SQL statement.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the RENAME command with a different new name. To see the names of the SQL statements you have already stored, enter LIST SQL *.
ARI7564E | Command failed because of an SQL error. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: AUTOCOMMIT is ON. An SQL error has occurred while trying to commit work for your ISQL command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7568E | Command failed because of an SQL error. A ROLLBACK statement has been issued. |
Explanation: An SQL error has occurred that forced a ROLLBACK to be issued. All work in this logical unit of work has been rolled back.
System Action: A ROLLBACK has been issued. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the previous SQL error message and, if necessary, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7569E | Command failed because of an SQL error. |
Explanation: An SQL error occurred which caused the system to stop processing your command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Read the previous SQL error message and, if necessary, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7570I | Processing for the ISQL command command is complete. |
Explanation: Processing is done for the indicated command.
ISQL command is the name of the command you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7572E | Command failed. You cannot use the word PREVIOUS. Reenter the command with a different name. |
Explanation: PREVIOUS is a reserved word used to refer to the previous SQL statement. You cannot STORE, ERASE, or RENAME an SQL statement with a name of PREVIOUS. You can RECALL PREVIOUS.
System Action: The command is ignored; no processing is done. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a different name.
ARI7574E | Command failed. No SQL statement found on the HOLD command. |
Explanation: You entered a HOLD command without including an SQL statement.
System Action: The command is ignored; no processing is done. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the HOLD command, including the SQL statement.
ARI7575E | Command failed. An invalid SQL statement was found on the HOLD command. |
Explanation: You entered a HOLD command with an invalid SQL statement.
System Action: The command is ignored; no processing is done. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the HOLD command with a valid SQL statement.
ARI7576D | Enter END, REPLACE, or a new name which is 1 to 8 characters long. You cannot choose the word PREVIOUS as a name. |
Explanation: Your reply to message ARI7577D could not be used as a stored SQL statement name.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. If the reply is REPLACE, the stored SQL statement is replaced. If the reply is END, processing of the store command ends. If a name other than PREVIOUS is entered, the SQL statement is stored under the new name.
User Response: Enter REPLACE, END, or a new name for the SQL statement.
Explanation: The system cannot store the SQL statement under the name you have given it because that name is already in use.
name is the name you entered for the SQL statement.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. If the reply is REPLACE, the stored SQL statement is replaced. If the reply is END, processing of the store command ends. If a name other than PREVIOUS is entered, the SQL statement is stored under the new name.
User Response: Enter REPLACE, END, or a new name for the SQL statement to be stored.
ARI7578I | The SQL statement named name has been stored. |
Explanation: This message indicates that the SQL statement has been stored.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7579I | The stored SQL statement named name has been replaced. |
Explanation: This messages indicates that the previous copy of the stored SQL statement has been replaced.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7580I | The processing to store the SQL statement named name has been stopped by your request. The SQL statement has not been stored. |
Explanation: This message indicates that, at your request, the storing of the SQL statement has not been done. This message is displayed when you reply END to message ARI7576D or message ARI7577D.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7581I | There was no stored SQL statement named name . Your SQL statement has been stored as a new command. |
Explanation: This message is displayed when the STORE command is entered with the REPLACE option, but there is no stored SQL statement by that name to be replaced.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: The system stores your SQL statement as a new command. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7582I | REPLACE is the only optional keyword on the STORE command. token has been ignored. |
Explanation: This message indicates that excess data was found on the STORE command, instead of the optional keyword REPLACE.
token is the excess data on the STORE command.
System Action: The STORE command processing continues.
ARI7583E | Command failed because of an error in STORE command processing. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An error condition occurred in the processing of the STORE command.
System Action: The command is not processed.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7585I | The stored SQL statement named name has been erased. |
Explanation: This message indicates that a stored SQL statement has been erased.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more SQL statement names on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7590I | An SQL statement name must be no more than 8 characters long. |
Explanation: The name under which an SQL statement is stored cannot exceed 8 characters. You must choose a shorter name.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more SQL statement names on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7591I | PREVIOUS cannot be used as a name for a stored SQL statement. |
Explanation: The name PREVIOUS is reserved for use by the system. You must choose a different name.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more SQL statement names on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7592I | The stored SQL statement named name was not found. |
Explanation: A stored SQL statement specified on the LIST SQL statement or ERASE command was not found.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more stored SQL statement names on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7593I | Excess data token is ignored. |
Explanation: You entered more than a new stored SQL statement name in response to message ARI7576D or message ARI7577D.
token is the excess data that was ignored.
System Action: The STORE command processing continues.
ARI7601I | ISQL ended normally on your request. |
Explanation: ISQL ending message. This message is displayed when you enter the EXIT command and autocommit processing was on.
System Action: ISQL ends.
ARI7602D | You are in a logical unit of work. Enter COMMIT to have a COMMIT issued for you, or ROLLBACK to have a ROLLBACK issued for you. |
Explanation: This message is displayed when you enter the EXIT command and autocommit processing is off, or when you enter SET AUTOCOMMIT ON and autocommit processing is off.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. The action taken by the system for each reply is as follows:
User Response: Give one of the specified replies.
ARI7603I | {COMMIT|ROLLBACK} successful. ISQL now ended. |
Explanation: Message displayed when you exit from ISQL, and the commit work or rollback work that is performed is successful.
System Action: ISQL ends.
ARI7604E | ISQL-command command failed. {COMMIT|ROLLBACK} not successful. See the previous SQL messages for a complete explanation. Enter the ISQL-command command again or enter another command. |
Explanation: You replied COMMIT or ROLLBACK to message ARI7602D, and the COMMIT or ROLLBACK was not successful.
ISQL-command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Try the command again or enter another command. Notify your system programmer if the problem continues.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7607I | There is nothing to ignore. |
Explanation: You entered the ISQL IGNORE command when you were not continuing a command or data.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7611E | The CHANGE command nulled out the SQL statement buffer. Enter your next SQL statement. |
Explanation: You entered a CHANGE command which nulled out the current SQL buffer.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the desired SQL statement.
ARI7612E | CHANGE command failed. character string was not found in your current SQL statement. Check the character string you want to change and try again. |
Explanation: The character string you entered on the CHANGE command was not found in your current SQL statement.
character string is the character string you wanted to change. If the string is more than 20 characters long, only the first 20 characters are shown in the message.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter RECALL to see the current SQL statement. Then enter the CHANGE command with the character string you want to change.
ARI7613I | CHANGE completed. |
Explanation: The change was completed by the CHANGE command.
System Action: The changed SQL statement is displayed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7614E | ISQL command command failed. There is nothing in the SQL statement buffer. Enter your next SQL statement. |
Explanation: You entered a START or CHANGE command but there was no SQL statement in the SQL statement buffer.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the desired SQL statement.
ARI7615E | ISQL command command failed. The SQL statement name name on the ISQL command command is too long. Use an SQL statement name which is 8 characters long or fewer. |
Explanation: An SQL statement name more than eight characters long was entered with an ISQL command.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with a stored SQL statement name which is not more than eight characters long.
ARI7616I | ISQL command command cancelled at your request. |
Explanation: CANCEL was entered during the processing of a command.
ISQL command is the ISQL command that was being processed.
System Action: Command processing stops. A ROLLBACK is issued. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7617E | ISQL command command failed. A nonzero code was returned during the processing of the ISQL command command. See the previous message for the explanation and the action to take. |
Explanation: A DB2 Server for VSE error was encountered while processing the ISQL command.
ISQL command is the ISQL command that was being processed.
System Action: Command processing stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Try the command again or enter another command. Notify your system programmer if the problem continues.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7618E | ISQL command command failed. SQL statement name was not found. Enter the ISQL command command with the name of one of your stored SQL statements. |
Explanation: You tried to list or start an SQL statement that was not previously stored.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
name is the SQL statement name you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the name of a stored SQL statement on the ISQL command, or enter LIST SQL * to see all your stored SQL statements.
Explanation: There was no ending parenthesis on the parameter list, an uneven number of parentheses in the parameter list, or no parentheses around the parameter list of the command.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with the corrected parameter list.
ARI7620I | You have number stored SQL statements. |
Explanation: This is a count of your stored SQL statements displayed when LIST SQL * is entered.
number is the actual count.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7621I | The counter for the LIST SQL statement is full. Counting of stored SQL statements will stop, but listing will continue. |
Explanation: You have more than 2 million stored SQL statements.
System Action: Listing of the stored SQL statements continues.
ARI7622E | ISQL command command failed. ISQL command ISQL command not allowed at this time. Enter any command except display commands or input commands. |
Explanation: You entered an ISQL command which could not be processed now. For example, this message is generated if you enter a display command when you are not displaying the results of a SELECT.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter an allowable command.
ARI7623E | token is not an SQL or an ISQL command. Enter any command except display commands or input commands. |
Explanation: You did not enter a valid SQL or ISQL command.
token is what was entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a command.
ARI7624E | HELP command failed. topic is not a HELP topic. Enter HELP or HELP CONTENTS for a list of topics. |
Explanation: Your entry for the topic on the HELP command is not part of the HELP documentation.
topic is the topic you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter an ISQL HELP command in one of the following forms:
ARI7625E | HELP command failed. The topic on the HELP command is more than 20 characters long. Enter HELP or HELP CONTENTS for a list of topics. |
Explanation: Your entry for the topic on the HELP command could not be processed because it was more than 20 characters long.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter an ISQL HELP command in one of the following forms:
ARI7626E | ISQL command command failed. There is not enough main storage available. Try again later. |
Explanation: The virtual storage needed for processing the command was not available.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Try the command again. If the condition continues, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If this condition persists, increase the SIZE parameter on the CICS EXEC job control statement and the CICS partition size.
ARI7627E | ISQL command command failed. The previous SQL statement cannot be used on the ISQL command command. Enter the ISQL command command with another stored SQL statement name. |
Explanation: The previous SQL statement cannot be processed by this ISQL command.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Use another name for the SQL statement.
Explanation: You entered a CHANGE command which could make the format information for the SQL statement incorrect. The format information is dropped.
System Action: Your SQL statement result will be formatted with the default formatting information that is in effect when the SQL statement is started. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7629E | CHANGE command failed. The format of the CHANGE command is CHANGE /string1/string2/ or CHANGE /string1//. Enter the CHANGE command by using one of these formats. |
Explanation: The CHANGE command you entered was not in the right format.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with a correct format.
Explanation: You entered a CHANGE command which would make the SQL statement in the SQL statement buffer longer than 2 048 characters.
System Action: Command processing stops. No change is made to the SQL statement in the current buffer. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the CHANGE command with string2 the same size or smaller than string1.
ARI7631E | Enter the START command with the corrected parameter list or correct the parameter in your SQL statement. |
Explanation: This message is displayed when the parameter substitutions could not be performed on the SQL statement in the current buffer. Refer to the previous message to determine the cause of the problem.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Refer to the previous message for the action to take.
ARI7632E | oper command operator command failed. A system error occurred during the oper command operator command. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An incorrect parameter was passed to ARIICMD from ARIIOCI (interface module to operator command processing).
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command being executed.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7633E | oper command operator command failed. Insufficient main storage is available. Try again later. |
Explanation: There is not enough virtual storage available to process the command.
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Try the command again. Notify your system programmer if the problem continues.
System Programmer Response: Increase the CICS partition size and the SIZE parameter on the EXEC statement of the CICS job stream.
ARI7634E | oper command operator command failed. A system error occurred during the oper command operator command. See the previous message for a complete explanation. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: There was a problem in the DB2 Server for VSE operator command processing modules. The message before this one is an SQL message describing the problem.
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command being executed.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7635I | oper command operator command ended. |
Explanation: The indicated operator command has ended.
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command executed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7636D | Enter END to end the oper command command or press the Enter key to see more information. |
Explanation: Message asking if you want to end the operator command (reply END) or continue (press the ENTER key).
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command being executed.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. Command processing stops if you reply END. The next data is displayed if you just press the ENTER key. The question is asked again if your reply is not END or ENTER.
User Response: Reply END or just press the ENTER key.
ARI7637E | oper-command operator command failed. Operator commands cannot be issued while you are in a logical unit of work. Enter COMMIT or ROLLBACK and then enter the oper-command operator command. |
Explanation: You tried to execute an operator command while in a logical unit of work.
oper-command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command, and then enter the operator command again.
ARI7638I | A parameter is in the SELECT list or table name in your SQL statement. Therefore, any formatting you do while viewing the query result will be erased when you end the display. |
Explanation: You entered one or more parameters in the SELECT-list or table name portion of your SQL statement. Therefore, you cannot save any of the formatting information you enter while viewing the query result.
System Action: Any formatting information you enter while viewing the query result is erased when you end the display. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If you want to save the formatting information, use the CHANGE command to change the parameters to values, and start the SQL statement with no parameter list.
ARI7639D | Last of the oper command operator command information. Enter END to end the display. |
Explanation: This is the last screen of the operator command output. You must reply END when finished with the display. Command cleanup is then done and the command ends.
oper command is the DB2 Server for VSE operator command you entered.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. The display ends if your reply is END. You are asked for another reply if your reply is not END.
User Response: Reply with END when finished looking at the last screen of output.
ARI7640E | SQL statement ignored. SQL statements cannot be processed while using the INPUT command. To process your SQL statement, enter END and then reenter your SQL statement. |
Explanation: You entered an SQL statement while using the INPUT command. Your SQL statement was not processed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If you want to process your SQL statement now, end the INPUT command and then reenter your SQL statement. Otherwise, continue to input your data.
ARI7641D | char will be used as the delimiter for the CHANGE command. Do you want to continue? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes). |
Explanation: The / was not used as the delimiter on the CHANGE command. If you forgot the slash delimiters, you can now end the CHANGE command.
char is the delimiter used if the CHANGE command continues.
System Action: The system waits for your reply. If your reply is 0, CHANGE command processing stops. If your reply is 1, the CHANGE command is processed.
User Response: Reply 0 to cancel the CHANGE command or 1 to continue the command.
ARI7642I | CHANGE command cancelled. No change was made to the SQL statement buffer. |
Explanation: Informative message generated when you reply NO to message ARI7641D. The CHANGE command is ended. The SQL statement in the current buffer is not changed.
System Action: The SQL statement buffer and formatting information remain the same. ROLLBACK WORK is not performed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7643E | HELP command failed. HELP documentation table table name was not found. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: One of the HELP documentation tables was not there.
table name is the name of the table that was not there (either SQLDBA.SYSTEXT1 or SQLDBA.SYSTEXT2).
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Recreate the tables using the HELP text installation procedures provided in the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
ARI7644E | HELP command failed. No documentation is in the table SQLDBA.SYSTEXT2 for the topic that was entered. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: The HELP text table SQLDBA.SYSTEXT2 did not contain documentation for the topic specified, but the HELP text table SQLDBA.SYSTEXT1 listed the topic.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Recreate the tables using the HELP text installation procedures provided in the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory. If the problem persists, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7645E | EXIT command failed. Extra information is on the EXIT command. Enter the EXIT command with no keywords or values. |
Explanation: You entered something extra after the word EXIT.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the EXIT command with no extra data on it.
ARI7646E | HELP command failed. The HELP text is not installed. If you want to use this facility, notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: You entered the HELP command, but the HELP text table SQLDBA.SYSTEXT1 is empty.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Continue your ISQL session. Notify your system programmer if you would like to use the HELP facility.
System Programmer Response: Procedures for installing the HELP text tables are provided in the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.
ARI7650E | The EXTRACT command command has been ignored because the Extract Facility is no longer supported. Enter an SQL or an ISQL command. |
Explanation: You entered an extract facility command, but the database manager no longer supports the extract facility.
command is the extract facility command you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Continue your ISQL session.
ARI7700I | Extra information was on the ISQL command command. token is ignored but processing will continue. |
Explanation: Extra data was found on the command you entered.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
token is the extra information that was ignored.
System Action: Normal command processing continues.
ARI7701E | ISQL command command processing stopped. The keyword keyword on the ISQL command command is not correct. The valid keywords are: keyword list . |
Explanation: The keyword you entered on the command was not valid.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
keyword list is the list of the valid keywords.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with a valid keyword.
ARI7702E | The keyword token on the LIST SET command is not a valid choice. The valid keywords are: keyword list . |
Explanation: You entered an incorrect keyword on the LIST SET command.
token is the incorrect keyword you entered.
keyword list is the list of keywords allowed on the command.
System Action: Processing of the keyword is bypassed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7709I | AUTOCOMMIT processing is {ON|OFF}. |
Explanation: This message shows the current AUTOCOMMIT setting.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7710I | The continuation character is char . |
Explanation: This message shows what the continuation character is.
char is the continuation character now in effect.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7711I | The system default print class will be used for your reports. |
Explanation: Your print class is now set to the system default.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7712I | The keyword value is value . |
Explanation: This message shows the value of a keyword you requested.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the LIST SET command.
value is the value of that keyword.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7713I | number copies of your reports will be printed. |
Explanation: This message shows how many copies of each report will be printed.
number is the number of copies that will be printed.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7714I | The page size of your reports is: WIDTH: width LENGTH: length . |
Explanation: This message shows the page size of your reports.
width is the width of the printed page.
length is the length of the printed page.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7715I | The separator value is number blanks. |
Explanation: This message indicates how many blanks will separate the columns when a query result is displayed.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7716I | User userid connected to server server-name. |
Explanation: This message shows the current user and the current application server that are accessed as a result of the last implicit or explicit CONNECT command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7717I | One or more arithmetic exception errors occurred. Exception error &1 . has occurred during &2 . operation on &3 . data, position &4 .. |
Explanation: This message is issued whenever an arithmetic operation on numeric data causes an arithmetic exception error. An example of this error may be a division by zero or an overflow (exceeds maximum) during the processing of a SELECT command. The data from this error is denoted by number signs (# # #) across the width of columns of the queried table:
Note: | The message describes the first arithmetic exception error in the queried table. |
System Action: Command processing continues.
ARI7725E | The ISQL command command processing stopped. The command is not complete. You must specify information . |
Explanation: You entered a command that did not have all the required keywords or values.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
information is a list of what you did not specify on the command.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with all needed keywords and values.
ARI7726E | The ISQL command command processing stopped. The value you entered could not be processed. The values that can be processed are valid values . |
Explanation: Something was wrong with one of the values on the command.
ISQL command is the ISQL command you entered.
valid values is the description of the valid values.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with valid values.
ARI7727I | The old keyword value was old . The new keyword value is new . |
Explanation: The keyword value has been changed to the value you entered on the SET command.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the SET command.
old is the old value of the keyword.
new is the new value of the keyword.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7729I | The keyword string is more than number characters long. The first number characters will be used. |
Explanation: You entered a separator string or null string with the SET command that was longer than the maximum allowed.
keyword is the type of string you entered.
number is the number of characters that will be used.
System Action: The indicated number of characters of the string is saved.
ARI7731I | The SET AUTOCOMMIT command has been cancelled. The AUTOCOMMIT setting is not changed. |
Explanation: You entered SET AUTOCOMMIT ON, and then cancelled that action with a CANCEL command.
System Action: Command processing stops; the AUTOCOMMIT value is not changed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7732I | To commit work, you must enter the COMMIT statement yourself. |
Explanation: You entered SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF. If you want to commit work, you must enter the COMMIT statement.
System Action: The ISQL performs COMMIT statements or ROLLBACK statements only if you request them. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: You must enter COMMIT to make the changes that you make to tables permanent, or enter ROLLBACK to back out the changes.
ARI7733E | SET command processing stopped. The keyword value data could not be processed. The keyword value must be valid data . |
Explanation: You entered a SET command with a value that is not valid.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
data is the data you entered.
valid data is a list of acceptable values for the keyword.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with a correct value.
ARI7734E | SET command processing stopped. The keyword value data is too long. Enter the command with a value that is 1 character long. |
Explanation: You entered a value that was too long to be a class or continuation character value.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the SET command.
data is the value you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with a correct value.
ARI7735I | The keyword value on the SET keyword command is too large. It has been set to the maximum value number . |
Explanation: You entered a SET command with a keyword value greater than the maximum for that keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the SET command.
number is the maximum value for that keyword.
System Action: The value has been set to the maximum value for that keyword. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7736E | SET command processing stopped. char cannot be a continuation character. The continuation character can be any character except a blank, a quote, or a semi-colon. |
Explanation: You entered a continuation character that was not valid.
char is the continuation character you entered.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter any continuation character except a semicolon, a single or double quote, or a blank.
ARI7737I | action is successful. All COMMIT statements and ROLLBACK statements will now be issued for you automatically. |
Explanation: You replied COMMIT or ROLLBACK to message ARI7602D during the SET AUTOCOMMIT command.
action is either COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
System Action: AUTOCOMMIT has been set on. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7739E | SET command processing stopped. No WIDTH or LENGTH keyword was specified with the PAGESIZE keyword. Reenter the command with the WIDTH and/or LENGTH keywords. |
Explanation: You entered a SET PAGESIZE command that was not correct.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the command with the correct keywords and values.
ARI7740E | SET command processing stopped. The keyword value cannot be zero. The keyword value can be valid values . |
Explanation: You entered a SET command with a value of zero. This is not processed because zero is not a meaningful value for the keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
valid values is the valid range for the keyword.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a value in the given range.
ARI7742E | SET command processing stopped. The keyword on the SET PAGESIZE command must be valid data . |
Explanation: You entered a SET PAGESIZE command and the width or length was not valid.
keyword is the keyword that had a value that could not be processed.
valid data is the range of valid values for the keyword.
System Action: Processing of the command stops. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the SET PAGESIZE command with correct values for the width and length.
ARI7743I | The old column separator was separator . |
Explanation: You changed the column separator. This message shows what the old separator was.
separator is the old column separator value.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7744I | The new column separator is separator . |
Explanation: You changed the column separator. This message shows what the new separator is.
separator is the new column separator value.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7745I | The keyword value on the SET PAGESIZE command is too small. It has been set to the minimum value number . |
Explanation: You entered a SET command with a keyword value that was less than the allowable minimum for that keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the SET PAGESIZE command.
number is the minimum value for the keyword.
System Action: The page width or page length has been set to the minimum value for that keyword. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7746I | The keyword value on the SET PAGESIZE command is too large. It has been set to the maximum value number . |
Explanation: You entered a SET command with a keyword value that was greater than the allowable maximum for that keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered on the SET PAGESIZE command.
number is the maximum value for the keyword.
System Action: The page width or page length has been set to the maximum value for that keyword. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
Explanation: You entered the SET PRINTROUTE command with an incorrect keyword.
keyword is the keyword you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed. All other keywords are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a valid keyword.
ARI7751E | SET command processing stopped. The DESTID destid is incorrect. You must follow DESTID with a POWER remote workstation ID with a value from 0 to 250. Try again. |
Explanation: The SET PRINTROUTE command had an incorrect printer identification.
destid is the VSE/POWER remote workstation id you entered.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed. All other keywords are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id from 0 to 250.
ARI7752I | Your reports will be routed to the printer . |
Explanation: This message indicates where your printed output will be routed.
printer is the printer identification you specified on the SET PRINTROUTE command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7753I | Because your reports will be routed to a CICS terminal printer, only one copy of your reports will be printed. |
Explanation: When a CICS terminal printer is specified by the SET PRINTROUTE command, only one copy will be printed, regardless of the number set by the SET COPIES command.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7754E | SET command processing stopped. The TERMID termid is not correct. TERMID must be followed by a CICS terminal ID of 1 to 4 characters. Try again. |
Explanation: The SET PRINTROUTE command had an incorrect terminal printer identification.
termid is the incorrect terminal printer identification.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed. All other keywords are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a correct CICS terminal id of 1 to 4 characters.
ARI7756E | SET command processing stopped. The TOUSER touser is not correct. TOUSER must be followed by a user identifier of 1 to 8 alphameric characters. Try again. |
Explanation: The SET PRINTROUTE command had an incorrect user identifier.
touser is the incorrect user identifier.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed. All other keywords are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a valid user identifier of 1 to 8 alphameric characters.
ARI7757I | The old page size width was: old width . The new page size width is: new width . |
Explanation: The SET PAGESIZE command was entered with a WIDTH parameter only. Therefore, this message states only new and old WIDTH values.
old width is the previous page width value.
new width is the new page width value.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7758I | The old page size length was: old length . The new page size length is: new length . |
Explanation: The SET PAGESIZE command was entered with a LENGTH parameter only. Therefore, this message states only the new and old LENGTH values.
old length is the previous page length value.
new length is the new page length value.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7759I | Your reports will be routed to the system printer. |
Explanation: This message indicates that your printed output will be routed to the system printer.
System Action: Command processing continues if there are more keywords. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
Explanation: You entered the SET PRINTROUTE command without a keyword. The valid keywords are DESTID, TERMID, TOUSER, or SYSTEM.
System Action: Command processing has been stopped at the keyword indicated in the message. Any keywords before this keyword have been processed. All other keywords are ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a valid keyword.
ARI7761I | Because you set the DESTID to zero , your reports will be routed to the system printer. |
Explanation: You specified a DESTID value of 0, 00, or 000. VSE/POWER considers a value of 0 to mean the system printer.
zero is either 0, 00, or 000.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: If you don't want your report to be routed to the system printer, reenter the SET PRINTROUTE command with a DESTID value from 1 to 250. Otherwise, no action is required.
Explanation: You entered a PRINT command and the virtual printer was not available. You are given the three choices shown in the message.
System Action: The system waits for you to make a choice.
User Response: Choose one of the listed options.
ARI7866I | The system is trying to print your report. |
Explanation: You replied RETRY to message ARI7865D.
System Action: The system will try to print your report. If the printer is still in use, message ARI7865D will be displayed again.
User Response: There is nothing to do if printing is successful. If not, message ARI7865D will be displayed again, and you can reply RETRY, END, or WAIT.
ARI7867I | The system will return to displaying the query result. Continue your ISQL session. |
Explanation: You replied END to message ARI7865D.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: You can continue your ISQL session. The PRINT command can be reentered now or later.
ARI7868I | Printing will begin when the printer is available. Your keyboard is locked until the printing is complete. |
Explanation: You replied WAIT to message ARI7865D.
System Action: The system is waiting for access to the printer.
ARI7869E | The PRINT command failed. The TERMID termid is incorrect. TERMID must be followed by a CICS terminal ID of 1 to 4 characters. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered an incorrect CICS terminal id.
termid is the terminal id you entered.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a correct CICS terminal id of 1 to 4 characters. If you did enter a correct id, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Check that the terminal the user specified has an entry in the CICS Terminal Control Table (TCT).
ARI7870E | The PRINT command failed. The system does not support the terminal termid . Check the terminal ID you entered and try again. |
Explanation: You entered a CICS terminal id that is not supported by the system.
termid is the terminal id you entered.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Check that you entered the CICS terminal id correctly. If you did, there may be a system problem. In that case, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Check that the terminal the user specified is supported under BMS. If it is, check that terminal's CICS Terminal Control Table (TCT) entry does not prevent data from being routed to it.
ARI7871E | The PRINT command failed. Your report could not be routed to the CICS terminal printer termid . Check the terminal ID you entered and try again. |
Explanation: Your report could not be routed to the CICS terminal printer you entered.
termid is the terminal id you entered.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Check that you entered the CICS terminal id correctly. If you did, there may be a system problem. In that case, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: An RTEFAIL error occurred during the CICS ROUTE command. Check for possible problems with the terminal or with BMS.
ARI7872E | The PRINT command failed. TERMID must be followed by a CICS terminal ID of 1 to 4 characters. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered the TERMID keyword without a CICS terminal id.
System Action: The system will return to display the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a correct CICS terminal id of 1 to 4 characters.
ARI7873E | The PRINT command failed. The terminal ID you specified was more than 4 characters long. Follow TERMID by a CICS terminal ID of 1 to 4 characters. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered the TERMID keyword with a TERMID value that was more than 4 characters long.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT Command with a CICS terminal id from 1 to 4 characters.
ARI7874E | The PRINT command failed. The system does not accept a terminal ID of 0. Check the terminal ID you entered and try again. |
Explanation: You entered the TERMID keyword with a value of 0. The system does not accept a terminal id of 0.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a CICS terminal id from 1 to 4 characters. 0 cannot be a CICS terminal id.
ARI7875E | The PRINT command failed. You must follow DESTID with a POWER remote workstation ID from 0 to 250. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered the DESTID keyword without a VSE/POWER remote workstation id.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id from 0 to 250.
ARI7876E | The PRINT command failed. The POWER workstation ID you entered was not a number. DESTID must be followed by a POWER remote workstation ID from 0 to 250. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered the DESTID keyword with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id that is not a number.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id from 0 to 250.
ARI7877E | The PRINT command failed. You entered a POWER remote workstation ID longer than 250. Reenter the PRINT command with a POWER remote workstation ID from 0 to 250. |
Explanation: You entered the DESTID keyword with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id greater than 250.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a VSE/POWER remote workstation id from 0 to 250.
ARI7878I | Because your POWER remote workstation is zero , your report has been routed to the system printer. |
Explanation: You specified a DESTID value of 0, 00, or 000. VSE/POWER considers a value of zero to mean the system printer.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: If you don't want your report to be routed to the system printer, reenter the PRINT command with a DESTID value from 1 to 250. Otherwise, no action is required.
ARI7879E | The PRINT command failed because of a system problem. Notify your system programmer. You can continue your ISQL session. |
Explanation: The PRINT command failed due to a system problem.
System Action: The system will return to displaying the query result.
User Response: Notify your system programmer. You can continue your ISQL session.
System Programmer Response: An RTESOME error occurred during the CICS ROUTE command. Perform CICS problem determination.
ARI7882I | You cannot specify CLASS or COPIES for a CICS terminal. Your report has been routed to the CICS terminal termid . A single copy of your report will be printed without separator pages. |
Explanation: Your report has been routed to the CICS terminal you specified. Class and copies cannot be specified for a CICS terminal. One copy of your report will be printed in the system class.
termid is the terminal id you specified.
System Action: Printing continues.
ARI7883I | Your report has been routed to the POWER remote workstation destid . |
Explanation: Your report has been routed to the VSE/POWER remote workstation you specified.
destid is the VSE/POWER remote workstation id you specified.
System Action: Printing continues.
ARI7884I | Your output has been routed to the system printer. |
Explanation: Your report has been routed to the system printer, not to a terminal printer.
System Action: Printing continues.
ARI7893I | Your reply to message ARI7865D was not correct. The system is trying to print your report anyway. |
Explanation: You entered a reply other than RETRY, END, or WAIT to message ARI7865D.
System Action: The system will try to print your report, as if you had replied RETRY. If the printer is still in use, message ARI7865D will be displayed again.
User Response: There is nothing you need to do if printing is successful. If not, message ARI7865D will be displayed again, and you can reply RETRY, END, or WAIT.
ARI7894I | The width of the data to be printed is greater than the printer width. The data to be printed has been shortened to fit within the printer width. |
Explanation: The width of the data to be printed is greater than the system printer width.
System Action: The data will be printed up to a width of 132 characters.
User Response: There is nothing you need to do if you are satisfied with your report. To print further data, use the COLUMN command to see the columns you want to print, and enter the PRINT command again.
ARI7901E | The PRINT command failed. You cannot issue a PRINT command because you were not viewing a query result. Issue a SELECT statement. |
Explanation: You entered a PRINT command while you were not viewing a query result. The PRINT command is valid only while a query result is being displayed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a SELECT statement before entering the PRINT command.
ARI7902I | You entered the PRINT command, but there is no data to be printed. Your report will contain only titles and column headings. |
Explanation: You entered a PRINT command, but there is no data in your query result to be printed.
System Action: The system will print your report. It will contain only titles and column headings. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7903E | The PRINT command failed. You entered an incorrect keyword token on the PRINT command. Try again. |
Explanation: You entered an incorrect keyword on the PRINT command.
token is the incorrect keyword you entered.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the keyword in error and reenter the PRINT command. The correct keywords for PRINT are CLASS, COPIES, DESTID, TERMID, and SYSTEM.
ARI7904I | The PRINT function is being scheduled. |
Explanation: Access to the print capability is being scheduled. If the print capability is in use, the current request will wait until the print capability is available for use.
System Action: The system is trying to gain access to the print capability.
ARI7905I | The PRINT function is in progress. |
Explanation: The PRINT command is being processed.
System Action: The system fetches the data and processes the PRINT command.
ARI7906I | The name of your report is name. number copies of this report will be printed in class class . |
Explanation: Your report is being printed. The print class and number of copies are shown in the message.
name is the user ID you entered when you signed on. If you did not enter a user ID, the system uses the terminal id for this value.
number is the number of copies to be printed.
class is your print class.
System Action: The system prints your report.
ARI7907I | Only a single copy of your report can be printed now. It will be printed in the system print class without separator pages. If you need more than one copy, see your system programmer. |
Explanation: The system print program is not operating properly.
System Action: Your report will be printed as described in the message.
User Response: Notify your system programmer if you are concerned about only receiving one copy of your report.
System Programmer Response: A nonzero return code was received when ISQL tried to invoke VSE/POWER. This could occur if VSE/POWER is not available, or if there is a problem with VSE/POWER.
ARI7908I | You are trying to print a report that is wider than the page width. Only the first number characters of your report will be printed. |
Explanation: You tries to print a report that is wider than the page width you set.
number is the number of characters that will be printed.
System Action: Your report will be printed, but some of the columns will be cut off.
User Response: Enter the SET PAGESIZE command if you want to make your page wider. Reenter or start your SELECT command. Then reenter the PRINT command.
ARI7910E | The PRINT command failed. The CLASS keyword is specified without a following value. Reissue the PRINT command with a CLASS value of A to Z. |
Explanation: You entered the CLASS keyword without a following value.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command, specifying an allowable CLASS value of A to Z.
ARI7911E | The PRINT command failed. The CLASS value can only be one character long. Reissue the PRINT command with a single character CLASS value of A to Z. |
Explanation: You entered a CLASS value greater than one character in length.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command, specifying a valid CLASS value of A to Z.
ARI7913E | The PRINT command failed. You specified an invalid class value. Reissue the PRINT command with a CLASS value of A to Z. |
Explanation: The CLASS value you specified was not valid. It must be specified as alphabetic.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a valid CLASS value of A to Z.
ARI7915E | The PRINT command failed. You specified the COPIES keyword without a following value. Reissue the print command with a COPIES value of 1 to 99. |
Explanation: You entered the COPIES keyword with no following value.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command, specifying an allowable COPIES value of 1 to 99.
ARI7916E | The PRINT command failed. You specified a nonnumeric COPIES value. Reissue the PRINT command with a COPIES value of 1 to 99. |
Explanation: You entered a COPIES value that was not numeric.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a valid COPIES value of 1 to 99.
ARI7917E | The PRINT command failed. You cannot specify a COPIES value of zero. Reissue the PRINT command with a COPIES value of 1 to 99. |
Explanation: You entered a COPIES value of zero.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a valid COPIES value of 1 to 99.
ARI7918E | The PRINT command failed. You specified too large a COPIES value. Reissue the PRINT command with a COPIES value of 1 to 99. |
Explanation: You entered a COPIES value greater than 99.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the PRINT command with a valid COPIES value of 1 to 99.
ARI7920E | A system problem exists. An SQL error was encountered. The PRINT is terminated. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An unexpected indication was received when closing or opening the cursor.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. Check the correctness of the table. Reenter the PRINT command. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7921E | An SQL error was encountered. The PRINT will continue, but you may not have your full output. |
Explanation: An unexpected indication was received when reading a row of data.
System Action: Printing continues.
User Response: Check the output to see if the full table was printed. If the full output was not obtained, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. Check the output to see if the full table was printed. Check the correctness of the table. Reenter the PRINT command. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7922I | The PRINT command has been cancelled. |
Explanation: The CANCEL command was entered or you indicated you did not want to continue in response to message ARI7923D.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7923D | This PRINT begins in column number1 position number2 . Do you want to continue? Press Enter to continue. If you do not want to continue, enter 0(No). |
Explanation: The data as displayed does not start in column 1 position 1 of the table.
number1 is the numeric value of the leftmost column in the display.
number2 is the numeric value of the left most position within the leftmost column in the display.
System Action: If you press the ENTER key, the table will be printed as displayed, starting from the top of the table. If you enter NO, the print will be ended.
User Response: Enter a response to indicate whether to print the table from its current column (or tab) position or end this print.
ARI7924I | The PRINT function is completed. |
Explanation: The print function has been completed.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7925E | The PRINT command failed. User identifier must be 1 to 8 alphameric characters. |
Explanation: You entered an invalid user identifier.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Issue the PRINT command again, specifying a valid user identifier. Refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Interactive SQL Guide and Reference for the definition of a valid user identifier.
ARI7926I | Your report has been queued for userid . |
Explanation: The print function has been completed. Your report has been queued into the POWER print queue and destined for the user identifier you specified.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7932I | The COMMIT process is complete. |
Explanation: Your COMMIT statement completed normally.
System Action: Any changes made are committed to the database. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7933I | The ROLLBACK process is complete. |
Explanation: Your ROLLBACK statement completed normally.
System Action: The database manager backs out any changes made since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7934E | The action statement failed. A portion of the statement is incorrect following or involving token. |
Explanation: The portion of the action statement following or involving token is incorrect.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Correct the error and reenter the statement.
ARI7937E | You cannot use the SQL statement sql command in ISQL. |
Explanation: You entered an SQL statement that cannot be processed by ISQL.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: For details on how to use this command, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual.
ARI7939E | token is invalid. It must be either numeric or MAX for forward or backward. |
Explanation: Either:
token is the value you entered.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command with a proper value.
ARI7940E | Not enough storage is available for processing the DISPLAY command you entered. Try the command at a later time or enter a different command. |
Explanation: You entered a command which requires more virtual storage than the amount now available.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Retry the command. If this condition persists, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If this condition persists, increase the SIZE parameter on the CICS EXEC job control statement and the CICS partition size.
ARI7942E | The command cmd is not a valid ISQL command. Please enter another command. |
Explanation: You entered a command that is not recognized by ISQL.
cmd is the command you entered.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7943E | The field token is not supported by ISQL DISPLAY processing. Reenter the SELECT statement without specifying field token . |
Explanation: Your SQL statement explicitly or implicitly requests that a long field column is to be used. Long field data types are not supported by ISQL.
token is the name of the column.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter a different SQL statement or reenter the SELECT statement without retrieving the field specified in the message.
ARI7944E | System error. The field token is of a type unknown to ISQL. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: A column identified by token was retrieved from the database manager, but the data type of this column is not known to ISQL. Data types known to ISQL are: INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, FLOAT, CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, LONG VARGRAPHIC, DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. However, long fields are not supported by ISQL display processing. A long string column is either a LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, VARCHAR(n) where n is greater than 254 but less than or equal to 32767, or VARGRAPHIC(n) where n is greater than 127 but less than or equal to 16383.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7945I | The CONNECT statement completed successfully. |
Explanation: Your CONNECT statement completed normally.
System Action: The specified user is now connected to the database manager. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
Explanation: Your CONNECT statement failed.
System Action: The CONNECT is not processed. If the CONNECT was issued from a CBND transaction, the CBND ends. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the CONNECT statement after checking the USER ID and PASSWORD for validity. If the problem persists, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7947E | An internal processing error has occurred. An invalid call occurred to the SQL interface module. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An internal call was made to the SQL processing routine with a parameter list that was not valid.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7949I | Too many parameters were on the command. They will be ignored. |
Explanation: You entered an SQL command with too many fields specified.
System Action: The extra information on the command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7951I | The value specified would cause the DISPLAY to be positioned before the first or after the last column. The DISPLAY will be positioned as far as possible in the direction specified. |
Explanation: You specified a value on an ISQL display command that, if used, would have resulted in an incorrect display.
System Action: The system processes as much as possible of the command. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7952E | You cannot use zero as a value for the COLUMN or TAB command. Reenter the command with a value greater than zero. |
Explanation: You entered a COLUMN or TAB command with a value of zero. Zero is not an acceptable value.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the COLUMN or TAB command with a value greater than zero.
ARI7953E | An internal processing error has occurred within the DISPLAY processor. Notify your system programmer. |
Explanation: An internal error was encountered in the ISQL display processor, ARIIDQY.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7954E | Query failed. Full query result row length exceeded nnnn positions. Retry query by selecting fewer columns or use the SET command to decrease the VARCHAR value. |
Explanation: The query result row length exceeds the maximum length of nnnn characters allowed by ISQL for the screen size of your terminal: The maximum row length is determined by taking the screen height, subtracting 4, multiplying this by 2, because SQL retrieves 2 screens worth of data, adding 1 and dividing this into the size of the buffer, 65535. The formula is:
65535 / (((SCREENHT - 4) * 2) + 1) = MAX ROW LENGTH.
This is the maximum size that a row can be for your terminal size.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Retry your query, selecting fewer columns, or use the SET command to decrease the VARCHAR value.
ARI7955I | The system ended your query result to process your command. |
Explanation: You entered a command that cannot be processed while you are viewing a query result.
System Action: The system ends the query result and processes the command.
ARI7956E | Command failed. This command is not valid while you view a query result from a routine. |
Explanation: You entered a command that is not valid while you are viewing a query result from a routine.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Reenter the command, specifying a valid option.
ARI7957E | The TAB command failed. The TAB command is valid for the CHAR and VARCHAR columns only. Tabbing into DECIMAL, FLOAT, INTEGER, and SMALLINT columns is not allowed. |
Explanation: You can use the TAB command on CHAR and VARCHAR columns only.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
User Response: Enter next command.
ARI7958I | The COMMIT RELEASE process is complete. |
Explanation: The COMMIT RELEASE statement you entered has completed normally.
System Action: Any changes made to the database are committed. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7959I | The ROLLBACK RELEASE process is complete. |
Explanation: The ROLLBACK RELEASE statement you entered has completed normally.
System Action: Any changes made to the database are rolled back. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7960I | The query cost estimate for this SELECT statement is number . |
Explanation: You entered a SELECT statement. The database manager has calculated a cost estimate for this query. The larger this number is, the longer you will have to wait to see your query result.
number is the query cost estimate, ranging from 1 to 9999. If the query cost estimate is greater than 9999, the value ">9999" is presented in the message. (The query cost estimate is calculated by adding 1 to the result of dividing the DB2 Server for VSE optimizer cost estimate by 1000.)
System Action: Command processing continues unless you enter the CANCEL command.
User Response: If you do not want to wait for the result, enter the CANCEL command.
ARI7961I | The DISPLAY command is valid only from a routine. It was ignored. |
Explanation: You entered a DISPLAY command from the terminal while viewing a query result. The display command is valid only from a routine.
System Action: The command is ignored. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
Explanation: A severe SQL error occurred while your command was being processed.
System Action: ISQL ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7965I | A delay has occurred during ISQL initialization. Try later. |
Explanation: A delay has occurred during ISQL initialization. This delay may be caused by various reasons, for example:
System Action: The system ends the ISQL transaction.
User Response: Try again later. If this problem persists, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: If this problem persists, perform problem determination and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI7966I | The value specified would cause the display to be positioned after the last character in the column. The display will be positioned at the rightmost character in the column. |
Explanation: You specified a value on an ISQL display command that, if used, would have resulted in an incorrect display.
System Action: The system processes as much as possible of the command. The system waits for you to enter the next statement.
ARI7967E | HELP text for language id could not be found. |
Explanation: Either the topic name has been misspelled, or the HELP text for this topic cannot be found.
System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.
User Response: Verify the topic name and retry the command. If the topic cannot be found, contact your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Verify the existence of HELP text for this topic in SYSTEXT2.
ARI7968E | Invalid string of double-byte character set (DBCS) characters. |
Explanation: A string of DBCS characters is either is too long, contains bytes that are not properly paired, or improperly terminated, as in having an opening so delimiter (X'0E') without a terminating si delimiter (X'0F').
System Action: Command processing is ended.
User Response: Correct the input command and re-enter it.
ARI7969I | DISPLAY command has been processed successfully. |
Explanation: This message indicates that the display command was processed successfully. In the case of a FORMAT TTITLE title or FORMAT BTITLE title, the top title or bottom title respectively have the value of title.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if more keywords are on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.
ARI7970I | This DISPLAY command cannot be processed because of graphic data present. |
Explanation: This message indicates that the display command entered was correct but because the data to be displayed has graphic data, the command cannot be processed. This is a restriction of FORMAT TTITLE and FORMAT BTITLE.
System Action: The keyword is processed. Command processing continues if there are more keywords on the command. Otherwise, the system waits for you to enter the next command.