This manual lists the messages and codes issued by the DB2 Server for VSE system. This reference manual is for users, operators, programmers, and maintainers of this product. This manual explains the messages you see on your display terminal.
The manual contains messages with the prefix ARI and ASN. The Data Propagator Relational Capture for VSE & VM messages are included in the manual and contain the ASN prefix.
The messages and codes, where appropriate, consist of:
The codes section contains information for:
The "Summary of Changes" section summarizes the technical and library changes made for the DB2 Server for VSE Version 7 Release 1 product.
Chapters 15 through 19 explain the various codes and SQLSTATEs that can be returned to a DB2 Server for VSE user or application program. Most of the codes and SQLSTATEs report error conditions. The codes are presented in groups, according to the source of the codes. The codes can come from the DB2 Server for VSE system itself, or from various other programs with which the DB2 Server for VSE system works.
If you are the system programmer or the database administrator, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual for information on reporting a problem whenever you are asked in System Programmer Response or Database Administrator Response to contact your designated support group for your installation.
Throughout this manual, the DB2 Server for VSE Version 7 Release 1 product is referred to as DB2 Server for VSE, the database system, database manager or application server, unless otherwise noted. In some cases, the online help may use different terminology to that found in the manual.
For a list of related publications, see Bibliography.