DB2 Server for VSE: System Administration

CCSID Conversion

Internally, character data is stored as hexadecimal values called code points. When a device interprets or displays a code point as a character, it uses a code page, which is a set of assignments of characters to code points. If two terminals use different code pages, they can display the same code point as a different character. For example, in code page 37, the code point X'4F' represents a vertical bar (|), but in code page 500, the code point X'4F' represents an exclamation mark (!).

As of Version 3 Release 4, the database manager supports Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs). The CCSID attribute specifies which code page to use both to map code points to characters, and to map characters to code points. The CCSID and the code points are used together to determine the character that the code point represents.
Note:The default CCSID is implicitly set by the default CHARNAME.

For example, suppose a DB2 Server for VSE online application requester has the default CHARNAME set to ENGLISH (CCSIDSBCS=37), the remote DRDA DB2 Server for VSE application server has the default CHARNAME set to INTERNATIONAL (CCSIDSBCS=500). In this case, if the user inserts an exclamation mark into a character column, the application requester sends X'5A' (the code point that represents an exclamation mark in the code page used with CCSID 37). The application server converts X'5A' to X'4F' (because X'4F' represents an exclamation mark in the code page used with CCSID 500), then stores X'4F' in the column.

If another application requester using a different CCSID retrieves the character, X'4F' is converted to the code point that represents an exclamation mark in the code page specified by the application requester CCSID. The character is interpreted and displayed correctly, and the hexadecimal value that is stored in the database is not changed.

For more information on how to decide the default CCSID values you should use, see Determining CCSID Values.

The sections that follow discuss the following topics:

For examples that show the interactions among the different values, see Examples of Setting Values for an Installation.

If an application requester and an application server do not use the same default CCSID, CCSID conversion is done during communications between the two.
Note:For an application requester using an ASCII representation of the data, CCSID conversion always occurs.

The application requester CCSIDs are recognized by the application server when DRDA support is installed and being used. If DRDA support is not installed, the application requester CCSIDs are not recognized by the application server.

Table 18 and Table 19 show CHARNAMEs and the corresponding CCSIDs that can be used as system defaults. Table 18 shows the SBCS CHARNAME CCSIDs, and Table 19 shows the mixed CHARNAME CCSIDs, with the component SBCS and DBCS CCSIDs for each mixed CCSID.

Table 18. SBCS CCSIDs
CCSID Character Set Code Page CHARNAME Description
37 697 37 ENGLISH Country extended code pages (CECP): USA, Canada (S/370* system), Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand
273 697 273 GERMAN CECP: Austria, Germany
277 697 277 DANISH-NORWEGIAN CECP: Denmark, Norway
278 697 278 FINNISH-SWEDISH CECP: Finland, Sweden
280 697 280 ITALIAN CECP: Italy
284 697 284 SPANISH CECP: Spain, Latin America (Spanish)
285 697 285 UK-ENGLISH CECP: United Kingdom
290 1172 290 290 Japanese Katakana, extended host single byte
297 697 297 FRENCH CECP: France
420 235 420 ARABIC Arabic (all presentation shapes)
423 218 423 GREEK-423 Greek (Coexistence)
424 941 424 HEBREW Hebrew
500 697 500 INTERNATIONAL CECP: Belgium, Canada (AS/400* system), Switzerland, International Latin-1
833 1173 833 833 Korean, extended host single byte
836 1174 836 836 Simplified Chinese, extended host single byte
838 1176 838 THAI Thai, extended host single byte
870 959 870 870 ROECE (Regional Office for East & Central Europe) Latin-2 Multilingual
871 697 871 ICELANDIC CECP: Iceland
875 925 875 GREEK Greek
1025 1150 1025 CYRILLIC Cyrillic Multilingual Turkish Latin 5
1027 1172 1027 1027 Japanese Latin, extended host single byte
1112 1305 1112 1112 Latvian/Lithuanian
1122 1307 1122 ESTONIAN Estonian
1123 1326 1123 UKRAINIAN Cyrillic Ukrainian EBCIDIC
1130 1336 1130 VIETNAMESE EBCIDIC Vietnamese
1132 1341 1133 LAO EBCIDIC Lao
1137 1137 1137 HINDI Hindi
1142 697 1142 EDANISH-NORWEIGAN Danish and Norweigan Euro CECP
1143 697 1143 EFINNISH-SWEDISH Finnish and Swedish Euro CECP
1145 697 1145 E-SPANISH Spanish Euro CECP
1148 697 500 E-INTERNATIONAL International Euro CECP
1140 697 37 E-ENGLISH English Euro CECP
1141 697 273 E-GERMAN German Euro CECP
1144 697 280 E-ITALIAN Italian Euro CECP
1146 697 285 E-UK-ENGLISH UK English Euro CECP
1147 697 297 E-FRENCH French Euro CECP
28709 1175 37 28709 Traditional Chinese, extended host single byte

Table 19. Mixed CCSIDs
Mixed Component CCSIDs Character Set Code Page CHARNAME Description
930 290 (SBCS)   300 (DBCS) 1172   1001 290   300 930 Japanese (Katakana)-Kanji mixed host (including 4370 user-defined characters) extended single byte
933 833 (SBCS)   834 (DBCS) 1173   934 833   834 KOREAN Korean host mixed (including 1880 user-defined characters) extended single byte
935 836 (SBCS)   837(DBCS) 1174   937 836   837 S-CHINESE Simplified Chinese host mixed (1880 user-defined characters) extended single byte
937 28709 (SBCS)   835 (DBCS) 1175   935 37   835 T-CHINESE Traditional Chinese host mixed (6204 user-defined characters) extended single byte
939 1027 (SBCS)   300 (DBCS) 1172   1001 1027   300 939 Japanese (Latin)-Kanji mixed host (including 4370 user-defined-characters) extended single byte
1364 833 (SBCS)   834 (DBCS) 65535   65535 833   834 KOREAN-1364 Korean host mixed extended including 11,172 full hangul
1388 836 (SBCS)   837 (DBCS) 65535   65535 846   837 S-CHINESE-GBK S-Ch DBCS-Host Data GBK mixed, all GBK character set and other growing chars
5026 290 (SBCS)   4396 (DBCS) 1172   370 290   300 KATAKANA Japanese (Katakana)-Kanji mixed host (including 1880 user-defined characters) extended single byte
5035 1027 (SBCS)   4396 (DBCS) 1172   370 1027   300 JAPANESE-   ENGLISH Japanese (Latin)-Kanji mixed host , (including 1880 user-defined characters) extended single byte

For more information about CCSIDs, see the Character Data Representation Architecture Level 1, Registry, and the Character Data Representation Architecture Reference and Registry manuals.

For information on the types of DBCS conversion that can be done between CCSIDs, see Coding Your Own TRANSPROC Exit.

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