DB2 Server for VSE: System Administration

Learning about Configuration Concepts

Reasons for Adding a Database Partition

Initially, there is one database partition which is called SQLDS. As your installation grows, you can add more database partitions. The primary reason for doing so would be to permit multiple user mode access to more than one database at the same time, or multiple database operation.

Consider, for example, an installation having one database partition (SQLDS) and three databases (SQLDBA, DATA1, and DATA2). A database partition can manage only one database at a time. Thus, as Figure 85 shows, while the database partition is accessing one database in multiple user mode, the other databases are inactive.

Figure 85. One Database Partition Accessing One Database


Users could access the remaining databases (DATA1 and DATA2) in single user mode if their partitions are properly prepared; however, it is not recommended that the the database manager be used this way.

If you define two more database partitions, multiple user access to all three databases is possible at the same time. Figure 86 shows a multiple database configuration. In this case, two more database partitions are defined (SQLMFB and SQLJDS). Each partition owns one database, and operates independently of the others.

Figure 86. Multiple Users Accessing Multiple Databases


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