DB2 Server for VSE: System Administration

Formats of the Accounting Records

There are four kinds of accounting records generated for users:

User records
are generated for users on VSE who access an application server on VSE.

Remote User Records
are generated for remote users accessing the database manager using the DRDA protocol.

DRDA records
are generated for remote users accessing the database manager using the DRDA protocol. The database manager generates DRDA records and Remote User records for these users.

VSE guest user records
are generated for users on VSE who access an application server on a VM operating systems. For more information, see the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

Accounting records are also generated for system processes that cannot be attributed to a single user:

An initialization
record is written when the application server is started. This record describes the resources consumed by the operator, checkpoint, and ready/recovery agents during the startup process.

A checkpoint
record is written for the checkpoint agent after a checkpoint occurs. For the checkpoint that immediately follows an archive, this record reflects the resources consumed in doing the archive as well as the checkpoint.

An operation
record is written during shutdown for the processing that the operator agent has done during the current session. (This accounting record is written only for multiple user mode, as operator communications are not possible in single user mode.)

A termination
record is written that summarizes the resources consumed during the current session.

Note:Internal resource thresholds are not used for system processes.

Initialization Records

1       9       17      25               41          53  57  61  65  69 73 75  79
|       |       |       |                |           |   |   |   |   |  |  |   |
SQLDBA  SQL/DS  INIT                     051389182005                   19 ISQL

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition
9-16 CHAR (8) "SQL/DS  "
17-24 CHAR (8) "INIT    "
25-40 CHAR (16) Reserved (blanks)
41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS). This format may also be DDMMYYHHMMSS. The format is controlled by the DATE parameter of the VSE STDOPT job control command or statement
53-56 CHAR (4) Blank
57-60 CHAR (4) Blank
61-64 INTEGER Duration of the startup process (in seconds)
65-68 INTEGER Processor time used by the startup process (in 300ths of a second)
69-72 INTEGER Number of times the database manager looked at a page buffer during startup (equivalent to issuing COUNTER LPAGBUFF immediately after startup)
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL record identifier, where x = I for Initialization
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (blanks)

Operator and Checkpoint Records

1       9       17      25               41          53  57  61  65  69  73 75  79
|       |       |       |                |           |   |   |   |   |   |  |   |
SQLDBA  SQL/DS  SYSTEM                   051389182005            0083032819 CSQL

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition
9-16 CHAR (8) "SQL/DS  "
17-24 CHAR (8) "SYSTEM  "
25-40 CHAR (16) Reserved (blanks)
41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS). This format may also be DDMMYYHHMMSS. The format is controlled by the DATE parameter of the VSE STDOPT job control command or statement.
53-56 CHAR (4) Blank
57-60 CHAR (4) Blank
61-64 INTEGER Binary zero
65-68 INTEGER Processor time used (in 300ths of a second)
69-72 INTEGER Number of times this agent looked at a page buffer (equivalent to issuing COUNTER LPAGBUFF for only this agent)
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL record identifier, where x = C for Checkpoint or O for Operator).
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (blank)

Termination Records

1       9       17      25               41          53  57  61  65  69 73 75  79
|       |       |       |                |           |   |   |   |   |  |  |   |
SQLDBA  SQL/DS  TERM                     051389182005                   19 TSQL

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition
9-16 CHAR (8) "SQL/DS  "
17-24 CHAR (8) "TERM    "
25-40 CHAR (16) Reserved (blanks)
41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS). This format may also be DDMMYYHHMMSS. The format is controlled by the DATE parameter of the VSE STDOPT job control command or statement.
53-56 CHAR (4) Blank
57-60 CHAR (4) Blank
61-64 INTEGER Time, in seconds, from startup to shutdown
Note:The following are totals for the entire run of the database manager that are extracted from the data that is used by the COUNTER command.
65-68 INTEGER DASDIO - Total number of DASD I/Os
69-72 INTEGER LPAGBUFF - Number of times the database manager looked at a page buffer
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL record identifier, where x = T for Termination
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (character blanks)

User Records

1       9       17      25               41          53  57  61  65  69 73 75  79
|       |       |       |                |           |   |   |   |   |  |  |   |
SQLDBA  JOB1    MYID    USER DATA HERE   051389182005BADDEBTS           19 USQL

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition
9-16 CHAR (8) For batch and VSE/ICCF environments: the jobname of the user partition. For online environments: blanks. (The example record above is for batch environments.)
17-24 CHAR (8) DB2 Server for VSE authorization ID that was established, implicitly or explicitly, using the connect process
25-40 CHAR (16) If you wrote your own ARIUXIT exit to generate installation-supplied data, this data is placed here for batch/ICCF and CICS applications.

If you did not write such an exit, this contains character blanks for batch/ICCF applications. For CICS applications, the following information is put in the field:

CICS transaction ID

CICS signon ID ID (if available)

CICS terminal ID (if available)
41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS). The format can also be DDMMYYHHMMSS. The format is controlled by the DATE parameter of the VSE STDOPT job control command or statement.
53-60 CHAR (8) The name of the package that was last active for the application
Note:The following are totals for the agent. They show values accumulated for a user.
61-64 INTEGER Active time (that is, time that the user was connected to an agent) in seconds
65-68 INTEGER Processor time used (in 300ths of a second)
69-72 INTEGER Number of times this agent looked at a page buffer (this value is equivalent to the LPAGBUFF counter value for an individual user)
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL record identifier, where x = U for User
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (character blanks)

Remote User Records

1       9       17      25               41          53  57  61  65  69 73 75  79
|       |       |       |                |           |   |   |   |   |  |  |   |
SQLDBA  JOB1    MYID    USER DATA HERE   051389182005BADDEBTS            19USQL

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition (application server)
9-16 CHAR (8) Access user ID of the application or interactive user (application requester)
17-24 CHAR (8) DB2 Server for VSE authorization ID that was established, implicitly or explicitly, using the connect process
25-40 CHAR (16)

If your installation has an accounting exit that uses these bytes, this area is filled with installation-supplied data. For more information, see Supplying Accounting Data from DRDA Applications.
41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS)
53-60 CHAR (8) The name of the package that was last active for the application
Note:The following are totals for the agent. They show values accumulated for a user.
61-64 INTEGER Active time (that is, time that the user was connected to an agent) in seconds
65-68 INTEGER Processor time used (in 300ths of a second)
69-72 INTEGER Number of times this agent looked at a page buffer (this value is equivalent to the LPAGBUFF counter value for an individual user)
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL record identifier, where x = U for User
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (character blanks)

DRDA Records

1       9       17      25          37                         64     73 75  79
|       |       |       |           |                          |       | |   |
SQLDBA  JOB1    MYID    051389182005nnTORONET.SP6AGATnnnnnnnn          19RSQLC0

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) Jobname of the database partition (application server)
9-16 CHAR (8) Access user ID of the application or interactive user (application requester) accessing the application server
17-24 CHAR (8) DB2 Server for VSE authorization ID that was established, implicitly or explicitly, using the connect process
25-36 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS)
37-63 CHAR(27) LU 6.2 LUWID. This field is composed of the following subfields:

Length of the entire LUWID: a 1-byte binary integer

Length of the qualified LUNAME: a 1-byte binary integer

Qualified LUNAME (NETID.LUNAME): a character subfield in which n depends on the length value in column 38

Instance number: a bit data field

Sequence number: a bit data field
If the LUWID is less than 25 bytes, the remaining columns are padded with blanks
64-72   Reserved
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL identifier to separate the DB2 Server for VSE accounting records from other VSE accounting records, where x = R for remote user
79-80 CHAR (2) Reserved (character blanks)


  1. DB2 Server for VSE does not provide any data on costs incurred in communications.

  2. The remote user accounting record column 9-16 has the remote application requesters access user ID. For a local batch job, this field contains the jobname.

  3. The remote user accounting record column 25-40 may contain system dependant information for the application requester. For a local batch job, this field contains data retrieved from the accounting exit.

VSE Guest User Records

1       9       17      25              41          53  57  61  65  69 73 75  79
|       |       |       |               |           |       |   |   |   | |   |
SQLDBA  VSEMCH1 MYID    USER DATA HERE  051389182005DEBTS               19USQLC0

Column Data Type Description
1-8 CHAR (8) VM user ID of the database machine (fixed by CP)
9-16 CHAR (8) For batch and VSE/ICCF environments, the jobname of the user partition. For online environments, the VM user ID of the VSE machine. (The example record above is for online environments.)
17-24 CHAR (8) DB2 Server for VSE connected authorization ID that was established using the connect process (this can be an explicit or implicit connection)
25-40 CHAR (16) Installation-supplied data. If you are in a batch or VSE/ICCF environment, and have not coded an accounting exit that supplies information to this field, the database manager leaves character blanks. In an online environment, if you have not coded an accounting exit to supply the information, the following is put in the field:

CICS transaction ID

CICS terminal operator ID (if available)

CICS terminal ID (if available)

This field contains character blanks, unless you have coded your own cancel exit. For information on cancel exits in VSE, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual.

41-52 CHAR (12) Date and time of the accounting record (MMDDYYHHMMSS)
53-60 CHAR (8) The name of the package that was last active for the application (also referred to as prepname or program name)
Note:The following are totals for the agent. They show values accumulated for a user.
61-64 INTEGER Active time (the time that the user was connected to an agent) in seconds
65-68 INTEGER Processor time used (in milliseconds). In the VSE guest user accounting record passed to VM/ESA, processor time is recorded in thousandths of a second (milliseconds).
69-72 INTEGER Number of times this agent looked at a page buffer (equivalent to the LPAGBUFF counter value for an individual user)
73-74 CHAR (2) Century number of Date ('19' or '20')
75-78 CHAR (4) The xSQL identifier to separate DB2 Server for VSE accounting records from other VM accounting records, where x = U for User.
79-80 CHAR (2) Record identifier (character X'C0') fixed by CP

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