DB2 Server for VSE: System Administration

Using DRDA Accounting

When a remote application requester establishes a connection with an application server, it must pass along information to uniquely identify the originating user, so that the database manager can generate proper accounting records. This passed information is the LUWID.

The format of the LUWID is shown below.

Figure 81. DRDA LUWID


Within the VSE operating system, tracing usage to a user of local resources for billing purposes is easy because the user identification is unique. With the expansion into the SNA network, accounting poses the issue of unique site and user identification. Two pieces of information supplied by the application requester form a unique identification of a remote user:

This information is supplied by the application requester to the application server in the SNA control structure FMH5.

Two accounting record types are used to track resource consumption of remote users using the DRDA option:

For the purpose of correlating the two records, the access user ID, DB2 Server for VSE user ID, and date/time stamp in the remote user record are duplicated in the associated DRDA record.

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