DB2 Server for VSE: System Administration

Migrating from Version 3 Release 1

Considerations for Invalid Indexes

Before you migrate, at least four dbspace blocks must be available in the database directory to allow for expansion of the invalid entities table. During migration, any entries in the invalid entities table are migrated to the new format. The new table format requires additional space in the directory. If there are any entries in the invalid entities table, it is possible that there may not be enough room in the directory to allow the table to be modified during migration.

For information about directory space verification, see the DB2 Server for VSE Program Directory.

Conversion of Packages

After migration, all packages are dynamically repreprocessed on first use. This conversion can cause a performance degradation over the first few days as the packages are referenced and repreprocessed.

To help minimize this degradation, the REBIND PACKAGE command is provided so that all packages can be recreated, if desired, after migration but before production. For information about this command, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Services Utility manual.

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