The DBNAME directory is a required user-definable directory of ALL Local, Remote and Host VM application server names. A Local server executes in a partition in the VSE system. A Remote server exists external to the VSE system (and must be connected via SNA or TCP/IP). A Host VM server exists on the VM system on which the VSE system runs as a guest and DB2 Guest Sharing is used between the VSE requesters and the VM server.
In addition, the DBNAME Directory contains all Transaction Program Names (TPNs) used by remote application requesters to identify the local DB2 Server for VSE application servers which they want to access.
The IBM supplied default DBNAME Directory is contained in the A-type source member called ARISDIRD. It contains the default mapped DBNAME "SQLDS", which defines a Local server which is also the System Default DBNAME. It also contains the default Registered TPN (X'07F6C4C2), which points to the default DBNAME "SQLDS".
The DBNAME Directory consists of a number of entries that define all mapped DBNAMEs and all TPNs. Each mapped DBNAME can have an ALIAS name, to allow multiple entries (with different options) to specify the same mapped DBNAME. The Alias name defaults to the mapped DBNAME, if not specified. Each Alias name MUST be unique within the DBNAME Directory source file and this will be enforced.
There are four types of entries, as follows:
The first three types of entries define mapped DBNAMEs, while the LOCALAXE entry defines the names of CICS "AXE" transactions and their target local servers.
The DBNAME Directory does not have a maximum size. It is searched sequentially and the first entry that matches the search argument is used. Where there are multiple default partition entries, the last default partition entry will be used. Therefore, it is possible to have overriding entries, but excessive overrides impact search performance and should be avoided.
The following four figures show the syntax of the four directory entry types. The keywords and values are defined after these figures.
Each entry consists of a number of lines, each of which specifies a single 'KEYWORD=value'. The first line MUST be the TYPE of the entry and the second line MUST be the DBNAME of the entry. Blank lines are ignored. If the first 2 non-blank characters of the line are '*', '/*', or '--' then the line will be ignored and can be used for comments.
>>-TYPE=LOCAL---DBNAME=local_database_name----------------------> >-----APPLID=-SYSARI0--x----+--------------------------+--------> | .-DBNAME-----. | '-ALIAS--=--+-alias_name-+-' >-----+----------------------------+---+-------------------+----> | .-0----------. | | .-N--. | '-TCPPORT--=--+-portnumber-+-' '-SYSDEF--=--+-Y--+-' >-----+-----------------+-------------------------------------->< '-PARTDEF--=--pd--' |
A Sample LOCAL Directory entry with only required lines:
>>-TYPE=HOSTVM---DBNAME=host_vm_database_name-------------------> >-----RESID=vm_database_iucv_resid------------------------------> >-----+--------------------------+---+-------------------+------> | .-DBNAME-----. | | .-N--. | '-ALIAS--=--+-alias_name-+-' '-SYSDEF--=--+-Y--+-' >-----+-----------------+-------------------------------------->< '-PARTDEF--=--pd--' |
A Sample HOSTVM Directory entry with only required lines:
>>-TYPE=REMOTE---DBNAME=remote_database_name--------------------> >-----+--------------------------+---+-------------------+------> | .-DBNAME-----. | | .-N--. | '-ALIAS--=--+-alias_name-+-' '-SYSDEF--=--+-Y--+-' >-----+-----------------+---------------------------------------> '-PARTDEF--=--pd--' >-----+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+> | (1) | +-SYSID-------=--cics_appc_connection_name----REMTPN--=--remote_transaction_program_name----+ | (1) | '-TCPPORT-------=--portnumber--+-IPADDR--=--dotted_decimal_address----------+---------------' '-TCPHOST--=--remote_server_tcpip_host_name--' >--------------------------------------------------------------><
A Sample REMOTE Directory entry with only required lines:
Figure 11. LOCALAXE Type Entry
>>-TYPE=LOCALAXE---DBNAME=local_database_name-------------------> >-----APPLID=-SYSARI0--x----TPN=cics_axe_transaction_name-------> >-----+-----------------+-------------------------------------->< | .-N--. | '-PRIV--=--+-Y--+-' |
A Sample LOCALAXE Directory entry with only required lines:
These keywords and values are described below:
SYSID is optional only for REMOTE entries.
For LOCAL entries, it identifies the TCP/IP Port Number to be used by the LOCAL server to accept incoming TCP/IP connections. This value can be overridden by the local server 'TCPPORT' Start Up Parameter. The default is minus one, meaning that the TCP/IP support to be used will be determined by the Server. Valid values range from zero through 65,535, with zero indicating TCP/IP support is NOT to be used by this server.
For REMOTE entires, it identifies the TCP/IP Port Number to be used by the local requester when making a connection to the REMOTE server. Valid values range from minus one through 65,535. Minus one and zero both mean that no port number was specified in this DBNAME directory entry, which means that no TCP/IP communications is available to this remote server. If this parameter is specified for REMOTE entries, IPADDR or TCPHOST must also be specified. A REMOTE entry must specify SYSID or TCPPORT, or both.
The following example shows the IBM-supplied default DBNAME Directory, including the System Default local server DBNAME of "SQLDS" and the default registered DRDA AXE TPN Name X'07F6C4C2, which maps to a DBNAME of "SQLDS" and an APPLID of "SYSARI00".
You must not delete either of these supplied entries and you should insert any additional entries preceeding the two supplied entries. However, if you add an entry for a server that is to be the System Default entry (for example, the entry contains the SYSDEF=Y option), you must remove the SYSDEF=Y option from the supplied entry, as only one entry can use that option.
The DBNAME Directory source file is an A-type member ARISDIRD in the production library. All local server, remote server and host VM server DBNAMEs must be identified in this member.
Place your new entries before the IBM-supplied entries. Remember to remove the SYSDEF=Y option from the IBM-supplied entry if you define a different System Default entry. Catalog your changed member back into the production library. If you catalog your changed member under a different name than "ARISDIRD", be sure to update the "PARM=" field of the EXEC statement in the ARISBDID JCL before executing the JCL.
The member must then be processed by the IBM-supplied ARISBDID Job Control Language member to catalog the DBNAME Directory Service Phase ("ARICDIRD.PHASE") into the production library. For more information on this process, see the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory. Any errors or warnings during this processing will appear in the SYSLST listing.
The following is a sample DBNAME Directory, with explanatory notes:
If a server is started in partition F4 and no DBNAME start up parameter is specified, then this entry is used. Likewise, if an application is executing in partition F4 and issues an SQL CONNECT statement without a 'TO' clause, it will use this entry and access DBNAME 'SQLDB4_SANJOSE'.
This entry is the System Default entry. Any application executing in a partition that is NOT identified in this directory will access DBNAME 'SQLDB1_NY'.
Applications executing in partition BG will access DBNAME SQLDB3_TOR.
Applications executing in a dynamic partition with a partition name beginning with 'X' will access DBNAME SQLDB3_TOR. Note the use of the ALIAS= keyword above. As the previous entry used the alias 'SQLDB3_TOR', and all alias names MUST be unique, this entry must use a different alias name, even though the DBNAMEs in both entries are equal.
When a remote DRDA requestor communicates with CICS and passes a TPN of 'SQL1', CICS starts transaction 'SQL1' (after validation). Transaction 'SQL1' will connect to this entry's APPLID via XPCC, which is DBNAME 'TORONTO_LAB'. Also, because the "PRIV=Y" option is specified, CICS transaction 'SQL1' has extended use of the server's Real Agent until the DRDA conversation ends.
This entry identifies a DB2 Server for VM database server that executes on the VM system under which this local VSE system is running as a guest. Any local requester that connects to DBNAME 'VMDATABASE1' will access the VM server via the Guest Sharing facility.
This entry identifies a remote DRDA-capable server with a DBNAME of 'SQLMACJR' and an alias of 'TOKYO'. It can be accessed by CICS requesters via SNA using a Remote Transaction Program Name (REMTPN) of 'JRSERVER'. It can also be accessed by CICS and Batch requesters via TCP/IP using IP Address '' and Port number '27'. Note that Batch requesters cannot access remote servers via SNA.
Figure 12 shows an example of the CICS CEDA DEF CONNECTIONS command used to define the connection that matches the remote entry for "DBNAME=SQLMACJR" in the exmaple above.
Figure 12. Define Remote Connection
Connection : VMC3 Group : DRDA CONNECTION IDENTIFIERS Netname : OECGW001 INDsys : REMOTE ATTRIBUTES REMOTESystem : REMOTEName : CONNECTION PROPERTIES ACcessmethod : Vtam Vtam | IRc | INdirect Protocol : Appc Appc | Lu61 SInglesess : No No | Yes Datastream : User User | 3270 | SCs | STrfield | Lms RECordformat : U U | Vb OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES AUtoconnect : Yes No | Yes | All INService : Yes Yes | No SECURITY SECURITYNAME : ATTACHSEC : Local | Identify | Verify Bindpassword : PASSWORD NOT SPECIFIED |