The virtual storage requirements for the database manager include the space for the database manager itself, any application programs, buffers, VSAM control blocks, the package buffers, and dynamic storage requirements.
Table 35 and Table 36 provide data for calculating the virtual storage needed for a particular installation of the database manager. The storage required varies depending on the mode of operation (single user mode or multiple-user mode) and the initialization parameter values used when the database manager is started.
The minimum dynamic storage required is NCUSERS x
120000. If the DRDA code is installed, the minimum is
NCUSERS x 170000.
Table 35. Initial Storage Requirements of DB2 Server for VSE Database Partitions
Recommended Minimums for | ||
Formula/Constraints | Single-User Mode | Multiple-User Mode |
DB2 Server for VSE Code 1, 12 Message Repository 12
3292000 250000
3042000 250000
Note: | The above numbers are in bytes.
Table 36. Virtual Storage Requirements of DB2 Server for VSE Components in the CICS Partition
ONLINE RESOURCE ADAPTER: Initialization, Termination, 659 000 (See Note 2) and Transaction Display Global Control Blocks 1200 + 8 192 x Number of links from the CICS/VSE partition to the Database partition (See Note 3) Execution Time Code 215 000 Execution Time Control Blocks 3 x Maximum number of CICS/VSE transactions that will access concurrently (See Note 3) |
ISQL 580000 + Online resource manager requirements + 45000 for each ISQL user + 200000 for each additional message repository |
If the GETVIS fails due to insufficient storage, SQLCODE -932 and an indication (SQLERRD1) of the amount of storage required are returned to the transaction. If this occurs, either the GETVIS area must be made larger, or the transaction must be run when fewer transactions are active.
Figure 124. Recommended Batch (or VSE/ICCF) Virtual Storage Increase