DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Problem Determination Notes:

Primary-Secondary Error Code Pairs

In the following list, the Primary Error Code is listed first, and the Secondary Error Code is listed second. For any pair of codes not listed, see the "Other" item at the end of the list.

8 0
CMS/OS QSAM was not able to successfully open the file. A CMS DMS error message describing the error condition has been displayed on the virtual machine console. The DMS message includes either the ddname or the device address (cuu) of the file (or both).

Corrective Action: Refer to VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes for the displayed DMS message. Take appropriate corrective action and rerun the DB2 Server for VM program.

8 4
A DB2 Server for VM program was not able to open a CMS/OS QSAM file because no CMS FILEDEF command was submitted for the file. The database manager requires a CMS FILEDEF command for every sequential file except for preprocessor workfiles (files with ddnames SYS001, SYS002, and SYS003).

Corrective Action: When starting the program that encountered the error, either

8 36
A DB2 Server for VM preprocessor attempted to open a workfile. The action failed because an A-disk was not accessed by the virtual machine.

Corrective Action: Ensure that the virtual machine has write access to an A-disk and rerun the failing DB2 Server for VM preprocessor.

12 0 or 3
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred during access of the CMS/OS file identified in the error message. If the secondary error code is a 3, the error is an uncorrectable CMS file read error on your A-disk for a preprocessor workfile. Such errors can be caused by:

Corrective Action: If a CMS error message for the file (ddname or virtual device address) is displayed on the virtual machine console, take the corrective action suggested or recommended for that message.

For Tape Files:

For DASD Files: If no CMS error message has been displayed:

For Files Assigned to a Virtual Reader, Printer, or Punch:

20 0
DB2 Server for VM system error.

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages displayed, and give the material to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager, and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

24 1, 22, or 25
The virtual machine does not have enough virtual storage to process the file.

Corrective Action: Either run the failing program in a larger virtual machine or change the program parameters so that it requires less virtual storage. If you are running a program with the database manager in single user mode, you may be able to run it in a smaller virtual machine while the database manager is running in multiple user mode. Consult with your system programmer to help you. (You can use the CP QUERY STORAGE command to display the virtual storage size of your virtual machine. You can set the size of your virtual machine by using the CP DEFINE STORAGE command before you use the CP IPL CMS command.)

24 2, 3, 4, or 9
An DB2 Server for VM or VM system error occurred in a virtual storage request during the process of opening a file.

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages displayed. For secondary error code 9, give the material to your VM system programmer. For other secondary error codes, give the material to your database manager programmer.

System Programmer Response: The secondary error code is the CMS free storage macro instruction return code. If a user program is running with the DB2 Server for VM program, try to verify that it is not damaging CMS storage pointers (secondary error codes 2 and 3).

For secondary error code 9, determine the service level of VM and report the problem to the designated VM support group for your installation.

For other secondary error codes, determine the service level of the database manager and report the problem to the designated DB2 Server for VM support group for your installation.

28 0
A DB2 Server for VM program detected a wrong-length record (Channel Status Word status bit for incorrect length) while reading a CMS/OS QSAM file (using a QSAM GET macro instruction).

Corrective Action: Ensure that the program is reading the file it expects. Ensure that (where applicable) the correct blocksize, record format, and logical record length were specified for the file. If the program requires a specific blocksize, logical record length, maximum logical record length, or record format, ensure that the input file meets these specifications. Check the program that created the file to ensure that it used the correct blocksize, (maximum) logical record length, and record format. If you find no inconsistencies, request the system programmer to determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

28 4
An end of file was detected before the last segment of a spanned record was obtained while reading a spanned record file (using a CMS/OS QSAM GET macro instruction).

Corrective Action: The program that created the file created an erroneous record. If that program was a DB2 Server for VM program, refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager and report the problem to the designated support group for your installation.

32 0
DB2 Server for VM system error.

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages displayed, and give the material to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager, and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

44 10
The maximum number of files supported by CMS on a minidisk (your A-disk) has been exceeded. The DB2 Server for VM preprocessor workfile cannot be created. The maximum number of files supported by CMS on a minidisk depends on the minidisk physical blocksize and device type. Refer to the discussion of the CMS file system in the VM/ESA: CMS User's Guide.

Corrective Action: Do one of the following and rerun the DB2 Server for VM preprocessor.

44 13
Your A-disk is full. No more records can be written on it by the DB2 Server for VM preprocessor.

Corrective Action: Do one of the following and rerun the DB2 Server for VM preprocessor.

The CMS QUERY DISK A command displays how much used and unused space exists on your A-disk.

44 19
The maximum number of data blocks or logical records permitted for a CMS file has been exceeded. This can occur only on an 800-byte block minidisk where the limit is 16060 data blocks and 65533 logical records.

Corrective Action: To preprocess this particular program, use an A-disk that has a CMS file blocksize other than 800 bytes. Do one of the following and rerun the DB2 Server for VM preprocessor.

48 0
An error occurred while processing a DB2 Server for VM READ FILE statement in a SYSIN file. Message ARI0069E describing the error condition has been displayed on the virtual machine console. Refer to that message for further explanation.

Corrective Action: Refer to the corrective action for message ARI0069E.

DB2 Server for VM or VM system error.

Corrective Action: Save the error message and any other error messages displayed and give the material to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

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