DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 12. ARI0600-ARI0699, ARI6000-ARI6702, ARI0700-ARI0799 CMS EXEC Messages

ARI0600AEnter  &1 .

Explanation: SQLGENLD is prompting for saved segment ID.

System Action: The system will read the user-entered saved segment ID for SQLGENLD. If it is a valid CMS identifier, the system will use the value. If it is not a valid CMS identifier, an error message is issued and this message is displayed again.

User Response: Enter the requested value.

ARI0601EYou are missing parentheses for keyword  &1 .

Explanation: The keyword (&1) was entered on the invocation, but the parameter value associated with the keyword was not enclosed in parentheses. A left or right parenthesis is missing.

System Action: The EXEC ends.

User Response: Re-invoke the EXEC, using the right parenthesis with the value for the indicated keyword.

ARI0602DSaved segment ID  &1 &2 &3  already exists. Do you want to continue? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: A bootstrap module with the same name as that specified by the user was found on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. You have the option of continuing (and thereby replacing the existing copy) or terminating.

&1 is the saved segment ID value. &1 &2 &3 are the file name, file type, and file mode of the bootstrap module. Values for &2 are:

RDS and DBSS/DSC bootstrap

ISQL bootstrap

Resource Adapter bootstrap

System Action: If the reply is 1, processing continues and the existing bootstrap is replaced. If the reply is 0, processing terminates. If the reply is neither 1 nor 0, this message is displayed again.

User Response: Reply either 0(NO) or 1(YES) to the message.

ARI0603IThe database was generated with  &1  internal DBSPACES.

Explanation: The number of internal DBSPACES you request to be added will be added to &1, the number specified during database generation.

System Action: Message ARI0648A is issued and processing continues.

ARI0604AEnter a 1- to 8-byte  &1 &2  saved segment name.

Explanation: The requested name will be passed to the bootstrap for use in loading code which will reside in a VM saved segment. Values substituted for &1 and &2 will identify the bootstrap being generated, as follows:

&1        &2
--------  --------

The saved segment name must be the same name as was specified in the SYSNAME parameter of the ARISAVES EXEC when the saved segment was generated.

System Action: If the reply is a valid CMS identifier, processing continues. If the reply is not a valid CMS identifier, an error message is issued, and this message is displayed again.

User Response: Enter the requested saved segment name.

ARI0605EInvalid response.

Explanation: The value you entered contains one or more characters which are not valid in a CMS identifier.

System Action: The message for which the incorrect reply was entered is displayed again.

User Response: Enter the requested value.

ARI0606EError in  &1  bootstrap definition process. Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred while starting a bootstrap skeleton (&1). The return code (&2) from the CMS START command is given. Return code values can be:

During SQLGENLD EXEC processing, the bootstrap was invoked with an invalid tokenized parameter list.

During SQLGENLD EXEC processing, the bootstrap was invoked with an invalid name (one other than ARISDBK, ARISISK, or ARISRMK).

An error occurred during SQLGENLD EXEC or SQLINIT EXEC processing. The return code displayed is the return code from the CMS GENMOD command, with 3000 added by the database manager. The error occurred while attempting to create the SQLDBBT, SQLISBT, or SQLRMBT MODULE file.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0607EAn error occurred while the database manager was attempting to copy  &1 &2 &3  to  &4 &5 &6 . Return Code =  &7 .

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to copy the named CMS file. (&1 &2 &3 are the old file name, file type, and file mode; &4 &5 &6 are the new file name, file type, and file mode.) The return code from the CMS COPYFILE command is given (&7). The meaning of the return code is given in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0608EAn error occurred while the database manager was attempting to erase  &1  MODULE A. Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to erase the named CMS file. (&1 is the file name.) The return code (&2) from the CMS ERASE command is given. The meaning of the return code is given in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0609EAn error occurred in  &1  while the database manager was attempting to use the  &2  saved segment. Return Code =  &3 .


An error occurred while the ARISDBBT bootstrap was trying to load the RDS or DSC/DBSS (.&2) saved segment.

An error occurred while the ARISISBT bootstrap was trying to load the ISQL (&2) saved segment. The return code (&3) can be:

(Issued from the SQLSTART EXEC) - In attempting to load RDS as a saved segment, it was found that the RDS segment would overlay the DSC/DBSS segment.

(Issued from the SQLSTART EXEC or ISQL EXEC) - In attempting to load RDS or DSC/DBSS or ISQL (indicated by &2 in the message) as a saved segment, the storage required to load the saved segment is already in use. Either the required virtual machine storage has already been allocated by CMS or storage outside the virtual machine has been reserved for another saved segment.

4xxx and 5xxx
(For situations other than 4500 or 4600, from the SQLSTART EXEC or ISQL EXEC) - The return code displayed is the return code from the SEGMENT LOAD macro with 4000 added by the database manager. The error occurred while attempting to load RDS or DSC/DBSS or ISQL (indicated by &2 in the message) as a saved segment.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0610D &1  is not a valid CUU for this Virtual Machine. Please reenter the CUU.

Explanation: The cuu (&1) which was entered during database generation is not a valid virtual device address or is not defined for your virtual machine.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a valid virtual device address.

User Response: Enter a valid virtual device address.

ARI0611EAn untokenized parameter list was not supplied.

Explanation: The ARISDBBT bootstrap was invoked without an untokenized parameter list. The bootstrap was probably invoked from an EXEC written in a language which does not provide an untokenized parameter list or from a program which did not provide an untokenized parameter list.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this message to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the bootstrap was invoked from the SQLSTART EXEC, contact the designated support group for your installation. In any other case, correct the invocation of the bootstrap and retry.

ARI0612EAn error occurred in  &1  while the database manager was attempting to load  &2  into the free storage area. Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM processing was not successful. An error occurred while attempting to load a DB2 Server for VM module into the CMS free storage area.

CMS command or DB2 Server for VM module being executed when the error occurred.

DB2 Server for VM component or load library member name being loaded into free storage.

Return code from the command or module identified by &1. This return code describes the specific free storage load error that occurred. The return code can be:

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the error indicated and rerun the DB2 Server for VM command.

ARI0613EYou did not specify the required EXEC parameter  &1 .

Explanation: The named keyword parameter (&1) is needed for correct execution of the EXEC.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with the parameter specified.

ARI0614AEnter virtual address and storage pool number (default = 1) of DBEXTENT  extno .

Explanation: During SQLADBEX processing for ADD DBEXTENT, the database manager requires the minidisk virtual address (cuu) for the new DBEXTENT. You can also specify the storage pool number. If you do not give the pool number, the system uses the default (pool 1).

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the required parameters.

User Response: Enter the virtual address and, optionally, the storage pool number.

ARI0615DIs this acceptable? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The previous message presented some information for you to evaluate and reply whether the information is acceptable.

System Action: The action depends on the EXEC in use:

User Response: Decide whether the information is acceptable, and reply Y or N.

ARI0616EAn error occurred in  &1  command for DDNAME of  &2 . Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of a CMS FILEDEF or LABELDEF command (&1). &3 is the return code from the FILEDEF or LABELDEF command.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0617EError in  &1  bootstrap load module. Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred in the ARISDBBT bootstrap, which loads and invokes the database machine code. The return code from the bootstrap is given:

255 - The bootstrap module ARISDBBT was invoked with a command name other than ARISDBBT.

1xxx (from the SQLSTART EXEC) - The return code displayed is the return code from the CMS free storage macro with 1000 added by the database manager. The error occurred while attempting to get working storage for the bootstrap whose name is given by the &1 value in the message.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: For return code 255, an error exists in the logic of the SQLSTART EXEC. Contact the designated support group for your installation. For return code 1xxx, take appropriate action based on the CMS free storage macro return code.

ARI0618IInitialization for the use of DB2 Server for VM completed successfully.

Explanation: SQLINIT has ended normally. Bootstraps have been made ready in the user's machine for using the database manager.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0619EYou may not specify a saved segment ID unless you also specify a server name.

Explanation: SQLINIT was invoked with a saved segment ID parameter but without a DBNAME parameter. This combination is not allowed.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the SQLINIT EXEC, giving a DBNAME parameter or omitting the saved segment ID parameter.

ARI0620I &1 &2  file successfully copied to production disk.

Explanation: The named file (&1 &2) was successfully copied to the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0621E filename  cannot continue because all access mode letters are in use.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN, SQLADBEX, and SQLLOG EXECs require you to use an access mode letter. The SQLCDBEX EXEC requires you to use two access mode letters. All mode letters are now in use. filename identifies the DB2 Server for VM EXEC.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Enter a CMS RELEASE command for one or more minidisks. Reenter the DB2 Server for VM EXEC you were trying to run.

ARI0622IThe database manager could not obtain bootstrap module  &1 &2 &3 . The return code from the COPYFILE command was  &4 .  &5 &2 &3  will be used instead.

Explanation: An attempt was made to copy the named bootstrap (&1 &2 &3). The attempt was not successful; the return code (&4) from the CMS COPYFILE command is given. The last line of the message names the bootstrap (&5 &2 &3) which was used instead.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0623DDo you want to do a CMS FORMAT command on the database disks? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(quit).

Explanation: During SQLDBGEN, you replied that you want to use the existing dbname SQLFDEF file. You are now being asked whether CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands should be issued for the database minidisks described in the dbname SQLFDEF file.

System Action: If your reply is 1 for YES, the SQLFDEF file is read, and CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands are issued for all database minidisks.

User Response: Decide whether you want to format the database minidisks. All database minidisks must be formatted and reserved before they can be used. Enter your reply.

ARI0624ASaved segment ID  &1  contains an invalid character. Please reenter the saved segment ID.

Explanation: The saved segment ID you specified contains one or more characters which are not valid in a CMS identifier.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a correct saved segment ID.

User Response: Enter a valid saved segment ID.

ARI0625DDo you want to create a bootstrap for the  &1 &2  ? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: SQLGENLD lets you generate one or more of the following bootstraps (&1 &2), as follows:

&1              &2
------------    --------

System Action: Any reply other than 1 or 0 causes the system to display the message again.

User Response: Decide whether you want the named bootstrap to be created. Reply 1 or 0.

ARI0626EAn error occurred from the LOAD command while attempting to load  &1 . Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: The SQLGENLD EXEC or the SQLINIT EXEC received a nonzero return code (&2) from the CMS LOAD command while trying to load the named bootstrap text file (&1). The meaning of the return code is given in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0627EThe left parenthesis at position  &1  does not follow a keyword.

Explanation: During the syntax checking of the command, a left parenthesis was found which does not follow a keyword. The position of the parenthesis (&1) in the command argument string is given. (For example, 1 is the first position of the first parameter.)

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with correct syntax.

ARI0628E &1  is an invalid keyword.

Explanation: The specified keyword is not valid.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with a correct keyword.

ARI0629EKeyword  &1  is invalid or has a value that is invalid or a value not properly enclosed within parentheses.

Explanation: The specified keyword is either not valid, or it needs a parameter value.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with a correct keyword and parameter value, if needed.

ARI0630EUnable to obtain  &1 &2  bootstrap module.

Explanation: During SQLINIT, the EXEC did not find any bootstrap module identified by &1 &2 on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. The error could be caused by a saved segment ID that was not spelled correctly. The error could also occur if the SQLGENLD EXEC has not yet been run for that saved segment ID, or if no DB2 Server for VM default bootstraps exist.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Check the spelling of the saved segment ID parameter.

ARI0631EUnable to obtain  &1  access to the DB2 Server for VM  &2  minidisk.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM processing was not successful. An error occurred while attempting to acquire read or write access to the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk or service minidisk.

READ or WRITE access.


System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0632DDatabase generation has previously been done for  &1  because  &1 &2 &3  already exists. You can use or replace this file. Enter USE to use it, or REPLACE to replace it.

Explanation: SQLDBGEN found the indicated file (&1 &2 &3) on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. This file can be used for the database generation or a new version can be created. &1 is the database name.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply either USE or REPLACE.

User Response: Decide whether you want to use the existing file or replace it. Enter your reply.

ARI0633APlease enter the  &1  of the  &2 &3 &4 &5 &6  disk.

Explanation: SQLDBGEN is prompting you for the virtual device address (cuu) of a database minidisk (described by &2 through &6).

System Action: Processing continues after you enter the requested value.

User Response: Enter the needed value.

ARI0634A &1  has previously been used as the CUU for the  &2 . Please reenter the CUU.

Explanation: The virtual device address you entered (&1) was previously used during this database generation for the minidisk whose ddname is &2. The same minidisk virtual device address (cuu) cannot be used twice for a database.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter another virtual device address (cuu).

User Response: Enter another virtual device address (cuu).

ARI0635DDo you want dual logging? Enter 0(No), or 1(Yes).

Explanation: SQLDBGEN is asking whether dual logging is wanted for the database being generated.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply either 1 for YES or 0 for NO.

User Response: Decide whether the database should have dual logging. Your reply should be based upon whether you defined one or two log minidisks in the Virtual Machine Directory. Enter your reply.

ARI0636APlease enter the number of database extents.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC is asking for the number of DBEXTENTs in the database being generated.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply with a valid number.

User Response: Decide how many DBEXTENTs the database should have. Enter the number.

ARI0637DDo you want to continue? Enter 0(No), or 1(Yes).

Explanation: Refer to the previous message given at the terminal. Because of the condition presented by the previous message, you are being given a choice of whether to continue processing.

System Action: Processing continues or ends, based on your reply.

User Response: Decide whether to continue processing. Enter your reply.

ARI0638DDo you want to modify the  &1 &2  file? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The named file (&1 &2) will be used as input to the database generation, ADD DBSPACE, or ADD DBEXTENT process. You are given a chance to change the file before the actual process begins.

System Action: The system waits for your reply. If you reply 1 for YES, the VM Editor will be invoked. If you reply 0 for NO, the VM Editor will not be invoked, and processing will continue.

User Response: Decide whether to change the file. Enter your reply.
Note:It is generally recommended that you reply Y and review (and revise as needed) the file.

ARI0639EError in using EXECIO for file  &1 &2 &3 . Return Code =  &4 .

Explanation: An error occurred while EXECIO was being used to read or write the named CMS file (&1 &2 &3). The EXECIO return code (&4) is given. EXECIO is described in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0640I &1  of  &2  records copied to output disk.

Explanation: This message is written to the operator console after every 4000 records are copied onto the output disk by the SQLDCBEX EXEC. If copying or expanding the directory, the records refer to 512 byte blocks. If copying the extents or the logs, the records refer to 4K pages.
Note:This message will not be displayed if the Data File Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS(TM)) Utility is used.

is the current number of output records copied

is the total number of output records which will be copied.

System Action: SQLCDBEX EXEC processing continues.
Note:No user or programmer action required.

ARI0641IDB2 Server for VM service-name service applied. --additional-instructions-given

Explanation: service-name can be one of the following installation services: HELP text, DBS Utility load module, bootstrap file, datetime user exit router, system control and accounting, ISQL package, Flagger package, DBS Utility package, Resource Adapter, text module, MACRO, or a component stored in saved segments.

additional-instructions-given is a paragraph outlining any special action the System Programmer should take or conditions that the System Programmer should be aware of as well as brief manual references.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Read the paragraph following the first line of the message. Follow any instructions given.

ARI0642IThe minidisk currently accessed as the {Q | V} disk is not a DB2 Server for VM  type  minidisk accessed in write mode. Please acquire write access to a DB2 Server for VM {Q | V} minidisk by using file-mode  &1  and rerun this EXEC.

Explanation: This is the expected answer from the database manager when either the Q disk (usually SQLDBA 195) or the V disk (usually SQLDBA 193) have not been accessed in write mode.

Type is either service or production.

System Action: Processing ends.

Programmer Response: Ensure that the disk referred to above is accessed in write mode. For more information, refer to DB2 Server for VM Program Directory

ARI0643INo DB2 Server for VM service files are on the A disk. Load and prepare these files, and then rerun this EXEC.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM service EXEC was invoked. No service files were found on the A-Disk.

System Action: The service EXEC terminates.

Programmer Response: Load the DB2 Server for VM service files on to the A-Disk and rerun the service EXEC. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory for detailed information on DB2 Server for VM product services.

ARI0644EAn error occurred during  &1  command for  &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 . Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred during the indicated CP or CMS command (&1). The return code (.&2) is given, along with other parameters (&3 through &8) that provide information related to the failing command. This message will be preceded by a message from the failing command. The meaning of that message is given in the VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes manual.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0645EA server with the server name server-name cannot be found by filename.

Explanation: The SQLADBSP, SQLADBEX, SQLCIREO, SQLLOG, or SQLCDBEX EXEC was invoked, but no server-name SQLFDEF file was found for the indicated application server server-name on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. filename identifies the EXEC.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: If server-name was misspelled, correct the spelling and reenter the command. If server-name was spelled correctly and no application server generation has been done, invoke SQLDBGEN or SQLDBINS to generate the application server. If server-name was spelled correctly and an application server generation has been done, follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0646D &1 &2 &3  was found. Should the database manager use this file for processing? Enter: 0(No) to erase the file, or 1(Yes) to use the file.

Explanation: During the ADD DBSPACE, ADD DBEXTENT or DELETE DBEXTENT processing, the database manager found the indicated CMS file (&1 &2 &3). You can use it for processing, or delete it and generate a new version.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply 1 for YES or 0 for NO.

User Response: Decide whether to use the indicated file. Enter your reply.

ARI0647DDo you want to do a CMS FORMAT/RESERVE command on disk  &1 ? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: CMS FORMAT and RESERVE commands will be issued for the database minidisk whose virtual device address (cuu) is &1. This process will erase all files on the minidisk.

System Action: Processing continues or ends, based on your reply.

User Response: Decide whether to continue. Enter your reply.

ARI0648AEnter number of  &1. &2.  to be added to the database.

Explanation: You are being prompted for the number of PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or INTERNAL DBSPACEs, or the number of DBEXTENTs to be added to the database.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply with a valid number.

User Response: Decide the correct number and enter it.

ARI0649AEnter the number of pages and storage pool assignment for  &1 &2  DBSPACE.

Explanation: You are being prompted for the number of pages and the storage pool number for the indicated DBSPACE (for example, FIRST PUBLIC DBSPACE).

System Action: Processing continues after you reply with two valid numbers.

User Response: Decide the correct numbers and enter them.

ARI0650EAn error occurred during  &1 &2  processing.

Explanation: DB2 Server for VM processing was not successful. An error occurred during the process identified by &1 &2 in the message. Refer to previous messages displayed at the virtual console or to the SYSPRINT file for a description of the specific error that occurred.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0651EInvalid  &1  keyword parameter value  &2 .

Explanation: The indicated keyword (.&1) was specified with the indicated parameter value (.&2). This value is not valid for the keyword.

This message can be issued by the ARISAVES EXEC if &2 = DBSS or RDS.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with the correct keyword and parameter value.

ARI0652E &1  file  &2 &3 &4  not found. STATE command Return Code =  &5 .

Explanation: The indicated CMS file (&2 &3 &4) could not be found. The return code (.&5) from the CMS STATE command is given. &1 is a description of the file.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedures.

ARI0653E &1 &2  error.  &3  Return Code =  &4 .

Explanation: An error occurred during the process (&1 &2) indicated in the message. &3. is the process or EXEC that detected the problem and is sending back the return code (&4).

Possible values for &3. are:

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer. The system programmer will need all of the information in the text of this message as well as the message text of any error messages displayed prior to this message.

System Programmer Response: Different sources of information for each process or EXEC are displayed as &3.. If &3. is:

ARI0654EAn error occurred in  &1  while attempting to remove  &2  from the free storage area. Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: An error occurred while deleting a DB2 Server for VM module from the CMS free storage virtual storage area.

&1 is the command used to delete the module from the free storage area.

&2 is the module name.

&3 is the return code supplied by the command identified by &1.

System Action: Virtual print files containing the virtual console and SYSPRINT messages displayed by database manager processing are created. The EXEC processing ends.

User Response: Refer to the virtual printer file messages to confirm that all database processing completed successfully. If necessary, rerun the EXEC after the free storage processing error has been corrected.

ARI0655IInput file (SYSIN):  &1 &2 &3 .

Explanation: This message identifies the SYSIN file being used for DB2 Server for VM processing.

&1 identifies the virtual reader (READER), virtual console (TERMINAL), or the file name of a CMS file.

&2 is the file type of a CMS file (optional).

&3 is the file mode of a CMS file (optional).

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0656IMessage file (SYSPRINT):  &1 &2 &3 .

Explanation: This message identifies the SYSPRINT file being used for DB2 Server for VM processing.

&1 identifies the virtual printer (PRINTER), virtual console (TERMINAL), or the file name of a CMS file.

&2 is the file type of a CMS file (optional).

&3 is the file mode of a CMS file (optional).

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0657IEMSG function value restored to  &1 .

Explanation: The CP EMSG function value has been restored to the value &1 after being temporarily reset by DB2 Server for VM processing.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0658EInvalid or conflicting  &1  EXEC parameter(s) specified.

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. The parameters specified in the EXEC identified by &1 are not valid.

System Action: EXEC processing ends.

User Response: Rerun the EXEC, specifying correct parameters.

ARI0659ILine-edit symbols reset: LINEND= &1  LINEDEL= &2  CHARDEL= &3  ESCAPE= &4  TABCHAR= &5 .

Explanation: This message identifies the CP terminal line-edit symbol values being temporarily used by DB2 Server for VM processing.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: To eliminate this message, you can update your virtual machine PROFILE EXEC to set the CP terminal line-edit symbols to the values identified in this message. Otherwise, no action is required.

ARI0660ILine-edit symbols restored: LINEND= &1  LINEDEL= &2  CHARDEL= &3  ESCAPE= &4  TABCHAR= &5 .

Explanation: The CP terminal line-edit symbol values have been restored to the values shown. (They had been temporarily reset by DB2 Server for VM processing.)

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0661EDuplicate keyword  &1  specified.

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. This EXEC keyword parameter &1 has been specified more than once.

System Action: EXEC processing ends.

User Response: Rerun the EXEC without duplicate keyword parameters.

ARI0662IEMSG function value reset to  &1 .

Explanation: The CP EMSG function value has been temporarily set to the value &1 by the database manager.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: To eliminate this message, you can update your virtual machine PROFILE EXEC to set the CP EMSG function value to the value identified in this message. Otherwise, no action is required.

ARI0663IFILEDEFS in effect are:

Explanation: This message is followed by a list of the CMS FILEDEF commands now in effect.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0664EDB2 Server for VM database installation/service/migration error occurred while executing the  &1 &2 .

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM database was not successfully installed or updated. An error occurred during the database installation, maintenance, service, or migration processing.

The parameters &1 &2 identify the DB2 Server for VM component that was executing when the error occurred (SQLDBGEN EXEC, DBS UTILITY, or ASSEMBLER PREP).

System Action: Processing ends. Virtual print files containing the virtual console and SYSPRINT messages displayed by the database manager are created.

User Response: Refer to the virtual printer file messages to identify the actual error that occurred. Ensure that all preliminary steps described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory or the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual have been performed. Correct the errors and rerun the EXEC.

ARI0665EDB2 Server for VM database was not processed successfully. Refer to the previous error message(s) written to the terminal and/or contained in the virtual printer files created.

Explanation: An error occurred while installing, migrating, or servicing the DB2 Server for VM database.

System Action: Virtual print files containing the virtual console and SYSPRINT messages displayed by the database manager are created. Processing ends.

User Response: Refer to the virtual printer file messages to identify the actual error that occurred. Correct the error and rerun the EXEC.

ARI0666IDB2 Server for VM database installed, serviced or migrated successfully.

Explanation: This message is displayed by the installation processor, migration processor, or maintenance processor after a DB2 Server for VM database has been successfully installed or updated.

System Action: Virtual print files containing the virtual console and SYSPRINT messages displayed by the database manager are created. Processing completes successfully.

ARI0673IAll  &1 &2  processing completed successfully.

Explanation: This message is displayed by a DB2 Server for VM EXEC after the process identified by &1 &2 has successfully completed.

System Action: EXEC processing continues.

ARI0674EYou did not establish application server access. Run the SQLINIT EXEC: SQLINIT DB ( server-name )

Explanation: Access to a DB2 Server for VM application server was not established prior to running the SQLDBSU EXEC in multiple user mode. The ARISRMBT MODULE A is not found.

System Action: Command is ended.

User Response: Run the SQLINIT EXEC to establish access to an application server and rerun the SQLDBSU EXEC.

ARI0675EThere are no keyword parameters.

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. Required DB2 Server for VM EXEC parameters were not specified.

System Action: EXEC processing ends.

User Response: Rerun the EXEC, specifying the required parameters.

ARI0676E &1  is not a valid preprocessor to execute.

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. An incorrect DB2 Server for VM preprocessor identifier (.&1) is specified as the first parameter. The first SQLPREP EXEC parameter must be ASM, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, or PLI.

System Action: The SQLPREP EXEC processing ends.

User Response: Rerun the SQLPREP EXEC, specifying a valid DB2 Server for VM preprocessor identifier (ASM, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, or PLI) as the first parameter.

ARI0677IYou may not specify  &1  without DBNAME.

Explanation: &1 is a DB2 Server for VM single user mode parameter. It is meaningful only if the DBNAME keyword is specified.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: If you want single user mode operation, specify the DBNAME parameter. Otherwise, omit the keyword indicated in the message.

ARI0678EMatching right parenthesis missing after the keyword  &1 .

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. The keyword (.&1) is followed by a left parenthesis but the matching right parenthesis is missing.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with the proper pairing of parentheses.

ARI0680IIf message ARI0922I has been displayed, you must rerun SQLADBEX with the same input after correcting the cause of the abnormal termination. If message ARI0922I has not been displayed, follow the restart procedure outlined in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

Explanation: This message follows message ARI0650E. The SQLADBEX EXEC received a nonzero return code from SQLSTART processing. As a result, the database manager does not update the SQLFDEF file. If message ARI0922I is displayed, the system commits all the ADD and DELETE actions to the database. To update the control file, you must run the SQLADBEX EXEC to completion again by using the same input.

System Action: The SQLADBEX EXEC ends with the return code returned by the SQLSTART EXEC.

User Response: Review the console output. If message ARI0922I is displayed, correct the cause of the abnormal termination and rerun the SQLADBEX EXEC with the same input to update the control file. If the error occurs before message ARI0922I is displayed, correct the cause of the error and proceed with restarting the ADD or DELETE DBEXTENT function. For a detailed description, refer to information on the SQLADBEX EXEC in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

ARI0681EThe keyword  &1  has no or too many parameters.

Explanation: EXEC processing was not successful. Either no parameters or too many parameters were specified in the pair of parentheses after the keyword &1.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the parameter and reenter the command.

ARI0682EIt is invalid to specify LOG2 without specifying LOG1.

Explanation: You invoked the SQLLOG EXEC with LOG2 specified but LOG1 omitted. This is not a valid combination of parameters.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: If you want to make a change in logs, reenter the command with both LOG1 and LOG2 specified. If you want to do a COLDLOG function without changing the log configuration, reenter the command without LOG1 or LOG2.

ARI0683EIt is invalid to use the same value for LOG1 and LOG2.

Explanation: You invoked the SQLLOG EXEC with the same virtual device address specified for both logs. The logs must have different virtual device addresses.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with proper virtual device addresses specified.

ARI0684Icuu-1 will replace cuu-2 as ddname.

Explanation: Currently, the database is defined with the second virtual device address (cuu-2) as the LOGDSK1 or LOGDSK2. (as indicated by ddname). The invocation of SQLLOG has requested that the first virtual device address (cuu-1) become the LOGDSK1 or LOGDSK2.

This informational message may be followed by another informational message. Message ARI0615D will then give you the opportunity to continue or stop the process.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0685I &1  will be {added | dropped} as LOGDSK2.

Explanation: The invocation of SQLLOG has requested that the indicated virtual device address (.&1) be added to or dropped from the database definition as LOGDSK2. This informational message will be followed by message ARI0615D which gives you the opportunity to continue or stop the process.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0686Ecuu was given for ddname-1 but is already defined as ddname-2.

Explanation: The virtual device address (cuu) was given as LOG1 or LOG2 (ddname-1) but was previously used in the database as indicated by the ddname displayed (ddname-2). Each minidisk in the database must have a unique virtual device address.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with a proper virtual device address.

ARI0687EFile  &1 &2 &3  is not in the expected format.

Explanation: The contents of the indicated CMS file (&1 &2 &3) do not match that which is expected.

This error can occur during the processing of the following EXECS:

SQLINIT and SQLGLOB retrieve CCSIDSBCS, CCSIDMIXED, and CCSIDGRAPHIC information from the file ARISCCS MACRO. However, the information retrieved is not valid.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact your database administrator.

Database Administrator Response: For an SQLINIT EXEC or SQLGLOB EXEC processing error, ensure the user is linking to the correct copy of ARISCCS MACRO. If the system defined ARISCCS macro has been corrupted, then do the following:

ARI0688DCOLDLOG will initialize the log on disk cuu1.

Reformatting will erase only log data.
Reconfiguring will erase both log data
and the log history.
Warning: If you are running
LOGMODE=L, reconfiguring
invalidates previous or current
log archive restore sets unless
this log history is restored before
the next COLDLOG.
Enter CANCEL to cancel this COLDLOG
or CONTINUE to continue.

Explanation: This message is issued from the SQLLOG EXEC. It describes the purpose of a coldlog and its effects on the log disk identified by its virtual device address (cuu1).

WARNING: If you are running with LOGMODE=L and you decide to reconfigure, you will not be able to restore the log archives that were taken prior to this coldlog, unless you have a backup copy of the log history to be erased. In order to continue running with LOGMODE=L, you will need to take a database archive after performing this coldlog. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information on log reconfiguration and reformatting.

System Action: Processing continues or ends, depending on your reply.

Operator Response: Decide whether to reply CANCEL or CONTINUE. Enter your reply.

ARI0689EDatabase  &1  has not been generated. Initialization for use of DB2 Server for VM failed.

Explanation: The dbname SQLDBN file for the requested database (.&1) was not found on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. The DBNAME parameter may be misspelled, or the database generation has not been done.

System Action: The invoked EXEC terminates.

User Response: If the DBNAME parameter is misspelled, reenter the EXEC with the correct spelling. If the DBNAME is spelled correctly, notify your system programmer to determine the status of the database.

ARI0690IVirtual address  cuu  is already in use for server  server-name .

Explanation: The virtual device address cuu that you entered is already in the server, server-name, SQLFDEF file. (It is already defined as an application server disk).

System Action: The system issues the prompt again.

User Response: Enter another cuu when prompted.

ARI0691EEXECIO command error occurred while {reading|writing} the file filename. EXECIO Return Code = &1.

Explanation: The CMS EXECIO command failed during execution. &1 is the return code generated by the EXECIO command. filename can be ARISPDEC MACRO fm, ARIDATA FILE A, or any files. fm is the file mode.

System Action: The read operation is terminated. If it is the write operation, the output file is not created.

User Response: Investigate the return code in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual and take the required action.

ARI0692EISQL cannot start because of an unexpected system error. CMS Return Code =  return code .

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during ISQL start up. The CMS return code was encountered while attempting to execute module ARISISBT.

System Action: ISQL processing stops.

User Response: Look up the CMS return code in the System Codes section of the VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes If you do not understand the error, notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform CMS problem determination.

ARI0693EISQL cannot begin. The keyword  keyword  is not correct. The only keyword that you may enter is ROUTINE. Try again.

Explanation: You entered an incorrect keyword when using an EXEC to start ISQL.

System Action: ISQL processing stops with a return code of 999.

User Response: When you start ISQL, use only the keyword ROUTINE (or none at all).

ARI0694IToo many parameters were passed to the ISQL EXEC.  data  was ignored, but ISQL will continue.

Explanation: You entered something after the ROUTINE parameter when using an EXEC to invoke ISQL.

Data is the excess data you entered.

System Action: ISQL processing continues.

ARI0695IWarning:  &1 : &2  not to be installed.

Explanation: The user has chosen not to execute the installation EXEC.

&1 is the product identifier.

&2 is the product name.

System Action: The processing is terminated. The product specified is not installed.

User Response: Re-issue the command. You will then again be offered the choice of installation.

ARI0696EISQL cannot begin. Precede your keyword value with a keyword. Try again.

Explanation: You entered a keyword value in parentheses without entering a keyword before it.

System Action: ISQL processing stops with a return code of 999.

User Response: Start ISQL with the keyword followed by the keyword value. The keyword value must be in parentheses.

ARI0697EISQL cannot begin. The format of your keyword is not correct. Reenter the ISQL EXEC with the keyword followed by the keyword value. The keyword value must be in parentheses.

Explanation: The format of your keyword was not correct.

System Action: ISQL processing stops with a return code of 999.

User Response: Reenter the ISQL EXEC with parentheses around each keyword value you specify.

ARI0698EISQL cannot begin. The routine name and parameters specified are more than 250 characters long. Try again.

Explanation: The routine name and parameter list you entered exceeded the limit of 250 characters.

System Action: ISQL processing stops with a return code of 999.

User Response: Start ISQL with a routine name and parameter list of not more than 250 characters.

ARI0699EISQL cannot begin because of an error during ISQL start up. See the previous error message for a description of the error.

Explanation: An error occurred during ISQL bootstrap processing.

System Action: ISQL processing stops with a return code of 999.

User Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a DB2 Server for VM system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI6000IThe application server environment was not successfully restored.

Explanation: An SQLINIT failed when trying to restore to the application server environment that was present before the SQLPREP EXEC was executed.

User Response: When the SQLPREP EXEC terminates, the user should issue a successful SQLINIT in order to return to the environment previous to executing SQLPREP EXEC.

ARI6001EDuplicate server-names  &1  were specified in  &2. 

Explanation: Duplicate server-names were found during processing identified by &2 in the message during the execution of the SQLPREP EXEC.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with the removal of the duplicate server-name from the list or from the file contents.

ARI6002EYou may not specify keyword  &1  when running in single user mode.

Explanation: SQLPREP EXEC cannot be executed when DBLIST/DBFILE and DBNAME keywords are specified together. DBLIST/DBFILE keyword can only be specified when running in multiple user mode. DBNAME keyword can only be used in single user mode.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command to execute in multiple user mode (DBNAME keyword may not have been specified).

ARI6003ENo server names were specified in application server file  &1 &2 &3 .

Explanation: There were no server names found in the file &1 &2 &3 when processing DBF or DBFILE keywords.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Reenter the command with appropriate server names specified in the file.

ARI6004EInvalid server name  &1  specified in  &2 .

Explanation: There was an invalid server name, identified by &1, found in the list or file when processing DBLIST/DBFILE keyword. The server name could be greater than eight characters long or the comma delimiters were incorrectly used.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct and reenter the command.

ARI6005IThe  &1  EXEC finished normally. Maintenance was done on the CMS HELP text files.

Explanation: The ARISDBMC EXEC has completed successfully.

ARI6006EThe  &1  EXEC finished with an error. Maintenance has not been performed on the CMS HELP text files.

Explanation: The ARISDBMC EXEC has completed successfully.

User Response: Investigate any previous error messages and correct the errors. Rerun the EXEC that invoked ARISDBMC.

ARI6007DWhere do you want to install the CMS HELP text files?

Explanation: Because several different language versions of the CMS HELP text may exist simultaneously, you must specify where to install the CMS HELP text for the language being added.

This message will be followed by messages ARI6009D and ARI6046D to prompt the user for the required information.

User Response: Review the explanation of message ARI6028W, and respond appropriately to ARI6009D and ARI6046D.

ARI6008DFrom where do you want to delete the CMS HELP text files?

Explanation: Because several different language versions of the CMS HELP text may exist simultaneously, you must specify the location of the CMS HELP text for the language whose text is being deleted.

This message will be followed by messages ARI6009D and ARI6046D to prompt the user for the required information.

User Response: Respond appropriately to ARI6009D and ARI6046D.

ARI6009DEnter the owner user ID of the minidisk to use or enter SKIP to abort the process for this language.

Explanation: The CMS HELP Text for a language is about to be serviced (INSTALLED or DELETED).

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Enter the ownerid of the minidisk which the CMS HELP Text will be installed on or deleted from, or enter SKIP to abort the service to the language.

ARI6010DDo you want to install English DB2 Server for VM HELP text? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: During installation or migration of the database manager, the installer can chose to reload the English language HELP text, suppress loading, or 111(QUIT) from the installation or migration process.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter your response.

System Programmer Response: Respond 1(YES) if you want to reload the English help text, 0(NO) if you want to suppress loading of help text, or 111(QUIT) if you want to exit from the installation or migration process.

ARI6011I---> DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk update complete.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The DB2 Server for VM &1 (service or production) minidisk has been successfully updated.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6012A**DB2 Server for VM production minidisk updated. Update all secondary production minidisks according to instructions in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The DB2 Server for VM production minidisk has been updated.

System Action: The processing continues.

User Response: You must update any secondary DB2 Server for VM production minidisks. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory for instructions.

ARI6013DBegin installing DB2 Server for VM as a VM feature program product.  &1 - &2  Version  &3  Release  &4  Modification  &5 . Do you want to install this product now? Enter  0 (No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The specified level of the database manager indicated by (&1) (&2) (&3) is about to be installed. You are asked if you wish to continue or not.

&1 is the product identifier for the database manager.

&2 is the product name for the database manager.

&3 is the version of the database manager to be installed.

&4 is the release level of the database manager to be installed.

&5 is the modification level of the database manager to be installed.

System Action: The processing continues or terminates based on the user's response.

User Response: You must choose to: not install the DB2 Server for VM program product at this time, or install the DB2 Server for VM program product at this time, or QUIT the installation EXEC.

ARI6020EUnable to locate ARIxxxx MACRO on the service disk.

Explanation: The ARISDBMA EXEC is unable to find the ARIxxxx file on the service minidisk during installation of National Language HELP text. The xxxx in the file name is the language key.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

System Programmer Response: Verify that the language specified is entered correctly, and that the MACRO file for the National Language resides on the service disk.

ARI6021EInvalid ARIxxxx MACRO file on the service disk.

Explanation: A file ARIxxxx MACRO file was found on the service disk but is not in a valid format for ARISDBMA EXEC. The xxxx will appear as a language key value.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

System Programmer Response: Verify that the ARIxxxx MACRO file contains only records of the form READ FILE file name MACRO where file name is a macro file name, and xxxx is the language key. Correct if necessary.

ARI6022DDo you want to make this the default language? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The National Language in which the new help text is written can be made the default language.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter your response.

System Programmer Response: Enter YES or NO, depending on whether you want to change the default language setting, or enter QUIT to exit.

ARI6023EAn error was encountered while updating  &1 &2 &3 .

Explanation: The EXEC was unable to update the file with file name (&1) and file type (&2) on the minidisk accessed as file mode (&3).

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Verify that the file specified exists on the minidisk accessed as file mode (&3).

Follow the steps listed in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory, then re-issue the command.

ARI6024IThe CMS HELP text files were erased successfully.

Explanation: The CMS help text files have been erased successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6025EAn error occurred while erasing the CMS HELP text files. Return Code =  &1 .

Explanation: An error occurred, while erasing the HELP text, on the specified minidisk. This message gives the ERASE return code.

User Response: Take appropriate action to resolve the error based on the ERASE return code. For an explanation of the ERASE return code, you can use the HELP ERASE command.

ARI6026EYou must keep at least one language.

Explanation: At least one language must be installed in the database. You are trying to delete the last or only language from the database.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that at least one language remains in the database.

ARI6027DIndicate the key value for the languages to be deleted. Enter a null line to process your selections, or enter QUIT to exit.

Explanation: A list of currently installed languages is displayed. You must specify the languages to delete.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one or more language keys (separated by blanks or commas), or enter QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6028IWarning: The {minidisk | SFS directory} specified is the DB2 Server for VM {production minidisk | production SFS directory}. You may use this {minidisk | SFS directory} if you are installing HELP text files in one national language only. If you are going to install more than one national language, you must use other {minidisks | SFS directories} to prevent overwriting the current HELP text.

Explanation: It is possible to install CMS HELP text in more than one language. For the CMS HELP text of all languages to be available, CMS HELP text should not be installed on the production disk because the mode of the production disk would always take precedence over the other CMS HELP disks.

User Response: Determine if your installation will be supporting CMS help for multiple languages before responding to the next message.

ARI6029IThe CMS HELP text files are not on the disk specified.

Explanation: The files containing the text were not found, while you tried to delete the CMS HELP text.

User Response: Determine if the correct disk was specified as the location of the CMS help to be deleted. If necessary, rerun the EXEC that invoked ARISDBMC to delete the HELP text. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory for further information on removing HELP text.

ARI6030DIndicate the key value for the languages to delete, or enter ALL to delete all languages. Enter a null line to process your selections, or enter QUIT to exit.

Explanation: A list of currently installed languages is displayed. You must specify which languages to delete.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one or more language keys (separated by blanks and/or commas) or ALL for all languages, or QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6031EYou have not chosen any languages yet.

Explanation: A list of currently installed languages is displayed. You must specify which languages to delete. If Enter was pressed before any language keys were specified, this message is displayed.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one or more language keys (separated by blanks and/or commas) or ALL for all languages, or QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6032EInvalid language key:  &1 .

Explanation: You specified a language key &1 that does not exist in SYSLANGUAGE.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one or more language keys (separated by blanks or commas), ALL for all languages, or QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6033E &1  has already been selected for deletion.

Explanation: You specified a language key that has already been marked for deletion.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one or more language keys (separated by blanks or commas) or ALL for all languages, or QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6034DYou have requested that the current default language (KEY =  &1 ) be deleted. Choose a new default language by typing its key, or enter QUIT to exit.

Explanation: You chose the default language as one of the languages to be deleted. More than one language would remain on the system, therefore, you must choose a new default language.

System Action: The system waits for your input.

System Programmer Response: Enter one of the language keys displayed, or type QUIT to exit. If you type QUIT, no languages are deleted.

ARI6035DThese are the languages that you chose to delete. Are these correct? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: A list of the languages that you chose to delete is displayed. You must now confirm these to be correct for the deletion to take place.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

System Programmer Response: Enter YES or NO, depending on whether you wish delete the indicated languages.

ARI6036IDB2 Server for VM HELP text deletion complete.

Explanation: The database manager completed the deletion of the help text you specified.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

ARI6037EAn error was encountered while deleting DB2 Server for VM HELP text.

Explanation: Your specified help text was not successfully deleted.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

System Programmer Response: This message will probably be preceded by other error messages. Perform problem determination based on the other error messages.

ARI6038IYou did not delete any languages.

Explanation: You chose to exit without deleting any help text.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

ARI6039EThe attempt to retrieve status of HELP text failed.

Explanation: The database manager was unable to obtain data from one of the following database manager tables:


System Action: The database manager terminates with a return code from the DBS utility.

System Programmer Response:

Verify the existence of the tables listed above.
Ensure that you have SELECT authority to these tables.
Make sure you supply the correct password to SQLDBA.
Also verify the existence of SQLDBA.SYSTEXT1 and SQLDBA.SYSTEXT2 tables.

ARI6040ENo HELP text is installed in this application server.

Explanation: You have invoked the ARISDBHD EXEC or ARISDBLD EXEC and specified an application server in which no HELP text presently exists.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the next command.

System Programmer Response: None, or invoke ARISDBHD or ARISDBLD again with another server name.

ARI6041EInvalid response:  &1 .

Explanation: You did not provide an acceptable response to a question.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter an acceptable response.

System Programmer Response: Review the question, and provide an acceptable response.

ARI6042IWarning: Application server  &1  has not been generated on this processor. Ignore this message if the application server has been defined as a global resource on another processor.

Explanation: The DBNAME SQLDBN file for the requested application server (&1) was not found on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. The DBNAME parameter may have been misspelled, or the application server generation may not have been done, or the application server is a global resource on another processor in the TSAF collection.

System Action: The SQLINIT EXEC continues processing.

User Response: If the DBNAME parameter is misspelled, reenter the EXEC with the correct spelling. If the DBNAME is spelled correctly, and the application server is a global resource on another processor in the TSAF collection, ignore this message. If the DBNAME is spelled correctly, and the application server is a local resource notify your system programmer to determine the status of the application server.

ARI6043IOne or more of the files are not on the service disk.

Explanation: The required files were not found on the DB2 Server for VM service disk, while trying to copy the CMS help text to the specified disk.

User Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory and the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for further information on loading or reloading HELP text.

ARI6044DDo you want to use this storage device? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: This message follows the warning message ARI6028W to obtain confirmation from the user to continue.

User Response: If you do not wish to use the production disk for CMS HELP, enter 0 and you will be prompted for the address information of a new disk. If you do wish to install the CMS HELP text on the production disk, enter 1 to continue processing.

ARI6045EEntry for this language not in ARISNLSC MACRO.

Explanation: An entry for the language for which the ARISAVES EXEC is attempting to create a discontiguous shared segment (saved segment) has not been found in the ARISNLSC MACRO.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Ensure that this language has already been installed, i.e. that the ARISDBMA EXEC has been executed for this language, so that the required entry is properly created.

ARI6046DEnter the CUU of the minidisk to use.

Explanation: This prompt is requesting the cuu of the minidisk to be used for the addition or deletion of the CMS help files for the database manager.

User Response: Enter the cuu of the minidisk to be used for this language.

ARI6047EThe origin for component  &1  is greater than 16 megabytes. The segment must be defined and saved below 16 megabytes.

Explanation: Invalid origin has been specified for the indicated component (&1). Only the RA component may be saved as a segment above 16 megabytes.

System Action: Processing terminates.

System Programmer Response: Make sure that the saved segment for the component has been defined below 16 megabytes ('1000000'X). Re-run the ARISAVES EXEC with the correct origin less than 16 megabytes.

ARI6048EErrors occurred while recreating the default DB2 Server for VM bootstrap files on the production minidisk. Refer to previous console messages for a description of the error.

Explanation: Errors occurred during the re-creation of the bootstrap files on the Production minidisk.

System Action: Processing terminates.

System Programmer Response: Refer to the previous console messages or to the virtual printer messages for a description of the errors encountered. Refer to this manual for details regarding the messages listed. Perform any corrective steps and re-issue the command.

ARI6049EInvalid ARISPDEC MACRO  &1 . Required last line entry in the MACRO was not found.

Explanation: The format of the ARISPDEC MACRO is invalid. The line 'END ARISPDEC MACRO' was not found as the last entry in the file.

&1 is the file mode on which the ARISPDEC MACRO file exists.

System Action: Processing terminates.

System Programmer Response: Restore the ARISPDEC MACRO from the DB2 Server for VM Product tape, or insert the required last line entry as the last line in the ARISPDEC MACRO file. The format of the line is as follows: 'END ARISPDEC MACRO'

ARI6050EYou may not invoke  &1 &2 &3  from CMS subset mode.

Explanation: The CMS EXEC specified has been invoked from subset mode, but this is not allowed.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Exit subset mode and re-execute the EXEC or re-execute the EXEC with different parameters.

ARI6051IDB2 Server for VM system minidisk access and load begun.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The database manager minidisk has been accessed and loading from the distribution tape has begun.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6052ILinking to the DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk (  &2 &3  ) by using the default write access password of  &4 .

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. This message is issued from the installation EXEC. The EXEC is attempting to link to the minidisk specified (service or production) with the default password specified.

&1 is the minidisk being linked to (service or production).

&2 is the owner ID of the minidisk being linked to.

&3 is the cuu of the DB2 Server for VM minidisk being linked to.

&4 is the default password being used to link to the minidisk.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6053IFirst DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk link attempt failed. Return Code =  &4 . Will attempt to link the  &2 &3  minidisk again. If prompted, enter the  &2 &3  minidisk write password.

Explanation: The EXEC was not able to link to the minidisk specified.

&1 is the minidisk being linked to (service or production).

&2 is the owner ID of the minidisk being linked to.

&3 is the cuu of the minidisk being linked to.

&4 is the return code generated from the LINK command.

System Action: Another attempt to link to the minidisk specified is made. If this fails, the processing will terminate.

User Response: If prompted, enter the write password for the minidisk being linked. If the EXEC fails to link to the minidisk specified when it retries, investigate the return code issued in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual.

ARI6054EError linking to  &1 &2  as  &3  with  &4  mode. The return code is  &5  from CP LINK command.

Explanation: The EXEC was not able to link to the minidisk specified.

&1 is the owner ID of the minidisk being linked to.

&2 is the cuu of the minidisk being linked to.

&3 is the cuu which the minidisk being linked to will be linked as.

&4 is the mode in which the minidisk was to be linked. (R/RR/RW/WR/W/MW)

&5 is the return code generated from the LINK command.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Refer this problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Review the installation procedures outlined in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory. Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for an explanation of the return code generated by the LINK command.

ARI6055IChecking if the production minidisk needs formatting.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is issued during the installation process. If the files ARISPIDC MACRO or ARISQLLD LOADLIB exist on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk, then the minidisk is not formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6056IFormatting of the production minidisk is not required.

Explanation: The message is issued during the installation process. If the files ARISPIDC MACRO or ARISQLLD LOADLIB exist on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk, then the minidisk is not formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6057INeither  &1  MACRO nor ARISQLLD LOADLIB is on the production minidisk. The production minidisk will be formatted.

Explanation: The message is issued during the installation process. If the files ARISQLLD LOADLIB and the (&1) MACRO are not found on the production minidisk, then the minidisk is formatted. If the full product is being installed, (&1) will be ARISPIDC.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6058IVerifying that the service minidisk is in CMS format and that no files are on it.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is issued during the installation process. If the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk contains files or is not in CMS format, it is then formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6059IFormatting of the service minidisk is not required.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is issued during the installation process. The DB2 Server for VM service minidisk does not contain files and is in CMS format, so it is not formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6060IFiles are on the service minidisk. The minidisk will be formatted.

Explanation: The message is issued during the installation process. Files were found on the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk, therefore it will be formatted before being used for installation.

System Action: Processing continues. The service minidisk is formatted.

ARI6061IFormatting the DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk.

Explanation: The message is issued during the installation process. Files were found on the &1 (service) DB2 Server for VM minidisk, therefore it will be formatted before being used for installation. When files are found on the &1 (production) DB2 Server for VM minidisk, the minidisk is not formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6062EError formatting  &1 &2  minidisk. The return code is  &3  from the CMS FORMAT command.

Explanation: The CMS FORMAT command failed during execution.

&1 is owner ID of the minidisk being formatted.

&2 is cuu of the minidisk being formatted.

&3 is the return code generated by the FORMAT command.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Investigate the return code in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual and take the required action.

ARI6063IBegin loading the DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk:  &2 &3 .

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The DB2 Server for VM &1 (service or production) minidisk is being loaded.

&2 is owner ID of the minidisk being loaded.

&3 is cuu of the minidisk being loaded.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6064IDB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk loaded successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The DB2 Server for VM &1 (service or production) minidisk was loaded successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6065EDB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk load failed.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM &1 (service or production) minidisk load failed.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: See previous messages to determine what caused the load to fail. Investigate the messages preceding this error message and perform the corrective action required.

ARI6067IDB2 Server for VM default bootstrap files updated successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is issued after the invocation of the SQLBOOTS EXEC. The bootstrap files have been successfully created.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6068IThe above values are being used.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is a confirmation message issued when you choose to continue with the values specified in the previous message.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6069APlease verify new values.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The user is asked to verify the values which have been chosen.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Verify the values displayed in the following or preceding messages. You will have an opportunity to choose to continue or stop processing.

ARI6070IUser ID SQLDBA password not restored.

Explanation: The password for SQLDBA was not restored during processing. The password has been set to the default password 'SQLDBAPW'.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Use the GRANT command to change the password. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for instructions.

ARI6071IProceeding to do a complete DB2 Server for VM system link edit.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The message is issued prior to performing a complete DB2 Server for VM system link edit.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6072EARISQLLD LOADLIB  &1  could not be copied to ARISQLLD LOADLIB  &2 . COPYFILE Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: An error occurred when copying the ARISQLLD LOADLIB from file mode (&1) to file mode (&2). The CMS COPYFILE command failed with a return code of (&3).

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Investigate the return code generated by the CMS COPYFILE command. Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for a detailed explanation of the return code. The ARISQLLD LOADLIB file may not exist on the old file mode specified, or the disk with file mode (&2) may not be accessed in WRITE mode.

ARI6073IARISQLLD LOADLIB  &1  updated to latest service level.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The ARISQLLD LOADLIB file with mode (&1) has been updated to the latest service level.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6074I &1 &2 &3  copied to  &1 &2 &4 .

Explanation: This message is a completion message issued when a CMS COPYFILE command was successfully completed.

&1 is the file name of the file that was copied

&2 is the file type of the file that was copied

&3 is the file mode of the old file

&4 is the file mode of the new file

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6075ECOPYFILE command error occurred while copying filename-1 filetype-1 filemode-1 to filename-1 filetype-2 filemode-2. COPYFILE Return Code = return-code.

Explanation: An error occurred when copying the file with filename-1 from filetype-1 filemode-1 to filetype-2 filemode-2. The return code from the COPYFILE command was return-code.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI6076IProceeding to update the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The service minidisk is being updated.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6080INote: The DB2 Server for VM service minidisk file  &1  MACRO has been updated to identify the minidisks used for the database manager installation.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The file (&1) MACRO has been updated to indicate the minidisks used for the database manager installation. &1 is ARISPIDC if the full product is being installed.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6081EAn error occurred while the operating system was copying the  &1  MACRO file from the service minidisk to the production minidisk.

Explanation: An error occurred when copying the &1 (ARISPIDC if the full product is being installed) MACRO from the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk to the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for an explanation of the CMS COPYFILE error. The file (&1) MACRO may not be on the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk or the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk may not be accessed in WRITE mode.

ARI6082ISubsequent DB2 Server for VM service processing required:

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. This message is displayed during the application of corrective service. The messages following it will indicate to which components corrective service has been applied and what subsequent processing is required.

System Action: The processing continues.

User Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory for instructions on the application of corrective service.

ARI6084I &1 - &2  installation and verification completed successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The product specified was verified and installed successfully.

&1 is the product identifier for the database manager.

&2 is the product name for the database manager.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6086IUser requests exit from  &1  EXEC.

Explanation: &1 is an EXEC name. This is the expected response from the database manager. You requested to stop the process from the EXEC specified by (&1).

System Action: The processing is terminated.

ARI6087IThe following are the default DB2 Server for VM system minidisk definitions as described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory :

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The following messages will display the default system minidisk definitions for the DB2 Server for VM installation.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6088DThis EXEC will try linking to  &1 &2  with  &3  mode. Do you want to force  &1 ? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The EXEC will attempt to link to a minidisk address specified by (&2) and owned by (&1) in the mode specified by (&3). If the minidisk is currently linked you will be asked if you wish to force the user (&1) to release the minidisk.

System Action: The processing continues.

User Response: You must choose to: QUIT the installation procedure, not to force the user to release the minidisk, or to force the user to release the minidisk. If you do not force the user the EXEC will not be able to link in the mode specified by (&3) to the minidisk.

ARI6089ICP FORCE command failed to force a logoff of  &1 . If command still fails after two attempts, check installation user ID CLASS privileges.

Explanation: The FORCE command failed because the userid being used to install the database manager does not have sufficient class privileges to force a user.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Verify that you have sufficient privileges to force a userid, or re-execute the process at a time when the minidisk needed is not being used.

ARI6090EVMFPLC2 command failed. Return Code =  &2 . DB2 Server for VM  &1  minidisk load failed.

Explanation: The VMFPLC2 tape command failed with the return code (&2). The minidisk specified &1 (service or production) was not loaded.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Re-issue the command. Verify that the tape is positioned properly. The tape drive may need to be cleaned.

ARI6091IDB2 Server for VM system minidisks are successfully loaded. Continue with the DB2 Server for VM installation process described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The DB2 Server for VM service and production minidisks have been successfully loaded. Continue with the installation process described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6092IDB2 Server for VM system minidisks have not been successfully loaded. Do not continue with the installation process. Please correct the error identified by previous messages and/or review the DB2 Server for VM installation procedure. Then, reissue the command  &1 .

Explanation: An error occurred during the installation process. The system minidisks (service and production) were not loaded successfully. &1 is a command.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Do not continue with the DB2 Server for VM installation process. Review the installation procedure and correct any errors indicated by the preceding messages. Then re-issue the command specified by (&1).

ARI6093EError forwarding over tape file  &1 . The return code is  &2  from the CMS VMFPLC2 FSF command.

Explanation: The VMFPLC2 tape command failed with the return code (&2). The VMFPLC2 FSF command failed while forwarding over the tape file specified by (&1).

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Re-issue the command. Verify that the tape is positioned properly. The tape drive may need to be cleaned. Refer to the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for the return code from the VMFPLC2 command.

ARI6094IDB2 Server for VM corrective service processing was unsuccessful. Correct the errors identified by previous console or virtual print file messages and rerun this EXEC.

Explanation: The corrective service EXEC failed due to conditions specified in previous messages.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Retrieve the console log and the virtual print file and correct any errors encountered. Then re-issue the command. If the errors cannot be corrected, contact your designated support group.

ARI6095IContinue checking link books.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The link books are being checked.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI6096EError reading the contents of DB2 Server for VM link book:  &1  TEXT  &2 . EXECIO Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: The EXECIO command failed with a return code of (&3). The EXEC was unable to read the contents of the link book (&1) on the minidisk accessed as (&2).

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Determine the cause of the EXECIO command failure by consulting the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual. Correct the problem and re-issue the command.

ARI6097EError reading ARISPDEC MACRO  &1 . EXECIO Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: The EXECIO command failed with a return code of (&2). The EXEC was unable to read the contents of the ARISPDEC MACRO on the minidisk accessed as (&1).

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Determine the cause of the EXECIO command failure by consulting the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual. Correct the problem and re-issue the command.

ARI6098IYou have chosen to abort the maintenance process for the CMS HELP text for language  &1 .

Explanation: The user has chosen to abort the service to the language specified by &1. (&1 is the Language Key)

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6099IProceeding to check for and do required DB2 Server for VM production minidisk file updates.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI6100D{service|production} minidisk owner =  owner-id  {service|production} minidisk address =  virtual-address  {service|production} minidisk password =  minidisk-write-password  Do you want to use these values? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

System Action: If you reply 0 for No, the system will prompt you for the owner id, virtual address and minidisk write password using ARI6101D. If you reply 1 for Yes, the values shown in this message will be used. If you reply 111 for Quit, processing will terminate.

User Response: You must verify the owner id, virtual address and minidisk write password of the minidisk (service or production) that you wish to use. If the response is 0 for No, ARI6101D will prompt you for your input. If the response is 1 for Yes, the values shown will be used. If the response is 111 for Quit, processing will terminate. Enter the appropriate response.

ARI6101AEnter  &1 &2  (or a null for existing value).

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager when you replied 0 for No to ARI6100D. The following pairs of values will be substituted for &1 and &2:

&1          &2
--------    --------
USER        ID

System Action: If you enter a response, that value will be used instead of the default value shown in ARI6100D for owner id, virtual address, or write password to the service or production minidisk. If you reply NULL, the default value shown in ARI6100D will be used instead.

User Response: You must either enter the owner id, virtual address or write password of the minidisk (service or production) that you wish to use or enter NULL to use the default previously shown in ARI6100D.

ARI6102AEnter DBEXTENT number (or LOGDSK1, LOGDSK2, or BDISK) to copy. (Enter a null response to end input or enter QUIT to exit.)

Explanation: COPY DBEXTENT (SQLCDBEX) needs to know the minidisk to copy. If you want to copy a DBEXTENT, enter the DBEXTENT number. If the input is LOGDSK1, LOGDSK2 or BDISK, the program copies log disk 1, log disk 2, or the directory disk respectively. You can get information for the DBEXTENTs and their numbers by issuing the SHOW POOL command. Enter a null line to end the prompt for input.

System Action: The system waits for the user's reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the DBEXTENT number, LOGDSK1, LOGDSK2, BDISK or a null line.

ARI6103AEnter virtual address for new  copy-disk . (Enter a null response to end input or enter QUIT to exit.)

Explanation: COPY DBEXTENT (SQLCDBEX) requires the virtual address of the output minidisk. Depending on how you reply to the message ARI6102A, copy-disk can be a DBEXTENT number, LOGDSK1, LOGDSK2, or BDISK.

System Action: The system waits for the user's reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the virtual address for a minidisk that is already defined.

ARI6104EThe  in-out  disk is either not on a reserved disk, is not fixed-length, or has an invalid blocksize. Reason Code =  n .

Explanation: A DBEXTENT, log disk or directory disk must reside on a disk that you reserve by issuing the CMS RESERVE command and format for fixed-length files. The blocksize for DBEXTENTs and log disks must be 4096 bytes, and 512 bytes for the directory. The input or output minidisk does not satisfy these conditions. In-out is input or output. The error is signified by the value of n where n is one of the following:

  1. More than one file resides on the minidisk.
  2. The file mode number is not 6.
  3. The file is not a fixed-length file.
  4. The blocksize is invalid.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Check the minidisks. Correct the input and try again.

ARI6105DOutput minidisk  cuu  ( nblock  blocks of blocksize =  blksize ) is larger than the input minidisk ( mblock  blocks). Do you want to continue? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The output minidisk is larger than the input minidisk. This message indicates the size of both disks. For devices of different types, the database manager may not be able to duplicate the amount of space exactly. Therefore, if the difference is small, consider continuing. If you want to increase the size of the DBEXTENT, use the ADD and DELETE DBEXTENT functions to do so.

cuu is the virtual address of the output minidisk.

nblock is the size of the output minidisk in blocks.

blksize is the block size.

mblock is the size of the input minidisk.

System Action: Processing continues or ends based on your reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue. Enter your reply.

ARI6106EOutput minidisk  cuu  ( nblock  blocks of blocksize =  blksize ) is too small to hold the minidisk to be copied. Rerun the EXEC and specify another minidisk that has at least  mblocks  blocks. The old minidisk remains in use.

Explanation: The output minidisk must be at least as large as the input minidisk to hold the DBEXTENT, log disk, or directory. The database manager continues to use the old minidisk.

cuu is the virtual address of the output minidisk.

nblock is the size of the output minidisk in blocks.

blksize is the block size.

mblock is the size of the input minidisk.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Specify another minidisk of a larger size if one exists; otherwise, define one. Rerun the EXEC. Alternatively, if the SHOW POOL command indicates that the storage pool has sufficient space, you can use the ADD and DELETE DBEXTENT functions to perform the copying.

ARI6107EAn error occurred in COPY DBEXTENT. The output file is not identical to the input file. The  dbname  SQLFDEF file remains unchanged. The old minidisk remains in use.

Explanation: COPY DBEXTENT processing failed. The file copied to the output minidisk is not identical to the input file. A disk I/O error may have occurred. The dbname SQLFDEF file remains unchanged. The database manager continues to use the old disk.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Rerun the EXEC with the proper input or follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI6108IMinidisk copied successfully. The  &1  SQLFDEF file will be updated.

Explanation: The database manager has successfully copied the DBEXTENT, log disk or directory. The program proceeds to update the &1 SQLFDEF file.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: If this message is followed by the message ARI6109I, no action is required. Otherwise, correct the cause of the error and run the EXEC again.

ARI6109I dbname  SQLFDEF file has been updated on the A disk.

Explanation: The database manager has successfully updated the dbname SQLFDEF file on the user's A disk.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: No action is required.

ARI6110DDisk  cuu  is already formatted. Continuing will erase all data on this disk. Do you want to use the disk? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: You have specified a formatted disk to hold a copy of a DBEXTENT.

System Action: Processing continues. If the reply is yes, the program uses the disk you specified. If the reply is no, the program prompts you to ignore this entry and prompts for new input. If the reply is quit, the program terminates.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue. Enter the reply.

ARI6111AEnter action (ADD or DELETE) to be taken. (Enter a null response to end input or enter QUIT to exit.)

Explanation: You are prompted to choose an action for a DBEXTENT. You can enter QUIT to end the ADD or DELETE processing. If the first character of the response is an asterisk (*), the response is a comment that the function adds to the dbname SQLADBEX file.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the required response.

ARI6112AEnter DBEXTENT number to use for the new extent. The default is  extno . (Enter a null response to use the default value or enter QUIT to exit.)

Explanation: You can reuse a DBEXTENT number if it was deleted previously. Enter the DBEXTENT number if desired. The default is the number of DBEXTENTs currently defined plus one. extno is the default DBEXTENT number that the EXEC will use. Use the SHOW POOL command to determine the deleted DBEXTENT numbers. You can terminate the ADD or DELETE processing by entering QUIT.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the required response.

ARI6113AEnter DBEXTENT number to delete. (Enter QUIT to exit.)

Explanation: Enter the DBEXTENT number that you want to delete. If necessary, use the SHOW POOL command to determine the DBEXTENT numbers. You can terminate the ADD/DELETE processing by entering quit.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the required response.

ARI6114ADo you want to do a database archive (ARCHIVE), user archive (UARCHIVE), or no archive (NOARCHIVE) at the end of the run? (Warning: Database may not be restorable if you choose NOARCHIVE.) Enter one of the values or enter a null response to use the default (ARCHIVE).

Explanation: You cannot restore a database from an archive if you have removed a DBEXTENT from the database after taking the archive. Choosing NOARCHIVE is not recommended.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter a reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the option desired.

ARI6115EDBEXTENT number  extno  to be deleted is not in the database.

Explanation: The database does not contain the DBEXTENT number extno that you specified for deletion.

System Action: Program continues. The program will prompt you for a new action.

System Programmer Response: Enter the correct values when prompted.

ARI6117EDBEXTENT number  extno  is at virtual address  cuu  in the database.

Explanation: The DBEXTENT number extno that you entered for the ADD action is already in the database at the virtual address cuu.

System Action: The program continues. The program prompts you for a new action.

System Programmer Response: Enter the correct values when prompted.

ARI6118IFormatting in progress. Please wait...

Explanation: The minidisk is being formatted.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: No action is required.

ARI6119E copy-disk  has already been copied from  old-cuu  to  new-cuu . It can be copied only once.

Explanation: The minidisk copy-disk has already been copied during this invocation of the SQLCDBEX EXEC. A minidisk cannot be copied twice in the same invocation.

System Action: Processing continues. SQLCDBEX will prompt you to specify another minidisk.

System Programmer Response: Enter the appropriate response when prompted.

ARI6120IThe following component flag file was created or replaced: filename filetype filemode.

Explanation: A new flag file enabling either DRDA or DSS has been created. filename is the filename of the flag file, filetype is the filetype of the flag file, filemode is the filemode of the flag file. Valid names for the DRDA flag files are SQLDAR MACRO and SQLDAS MACRO. The name of the DSS flag is SQLVMD MACRO.

System Action: ARISDBMA EXEC processing continues.

ARI6121IThe component flag file filename filetype filemode erased successfully.

Explanation: A new flag file enabling either DRDA or DSS has been erased. filename is the filename of the flag file, filetype is the filetype of the flag file, filemode is the filemode of the flag file. Valid names for the DRDA flag files are SQLDAR MACRO and SQLDAS MACRO. The name of the DSS flag is SQLVMD MACRO.

System Action: ARISDBMA EXEC processing continues.

ARI6122EError when erasing component flag file filename filetype filemode. Return Code = rc.

Explanation: A flag file enabling DRDA or DSS could not be erased. filename is the filename of the flag file, filetype is the filetype of the flag file, filemode is the filemode of the flag file, rc is the return code of the erase command.

System Action: ARISDMBA EXEC processing continues.

User Response: If the specified file is located on the service disk but cannot be erased, contact your system programmer. If it is not there, continue with the procedure of disabling DRDA or DSS as outlined in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

ARI6126DMake any desired changes to the input file.

Explanation: You can edit the input file.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Make any changes or corrections you want to the input file, and follow the instructions given by the next message that displays.

ARI6127IUse PF3 or PF15 to continue.

Explanation: This is the instruction to continue processing.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Press PF3 or PF15 when you want to continue processing.

ARI6128INo help is available for  exec-name .

Explanation: There is no HELP available for this EXEC.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Look in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Master Index and Glossary manual to find the appropriate publication for an explanation of this EXEC.

ARI6129DCOLDLOG will initialize the log on disks cuu1 and cuu2. Reformatting will erase only log data. Reconfiguring will erase both log data and the log history. Warning: If you are running LOGMODE=L, reconfiguring invalidates previous or current log archive restore sets unless this log history is restored before the next COLDLOG. Enter CANCEL to cancel this COLDLOG or CONTINUE to continue.

Explanation: This message is issued from the SQLLOG EXEC. It describes the purpose of a coldlog and its effects on the log disks identified by their virtual device addresses (cuu1 and cuu2). In the case of dual logging, coldlog will be performed on both the primary and secondary logs.

Attention: If you are running with LOGMODE=L and you decide to reconfigure, you will not be able to restore the log archives that were taken prior to this coldlog unless you have a backup copy of the log history to be erased. In order to continue running with LOGMODE=L, you will need to take a database archive after performing this coldlog. For more information, refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

System Action: Processing continues or ends, based on your reply.

Operator Response: Decide whether to reply CANCEL or CONTINUE. Enter your reply.

ARI6131ICopying in progress. Please wait...

Explanation: The minidisk is being copied.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: No action is required.


Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM load library ARISQLLD LOADLIB is being copied.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6133E copy-disk  to be copied is not in the database.

Explanation: The minidisk copy-disk that you wanted to copy cannot be found in the database.

System Action: Processing continues. The program will prompt you for new input.

System Programmer Response: Enter the correct input when you are prompted.

ARI6134APlease enter NETID parameter.

Explanation: You indicated to the system that you wanted to specify a NETID value. The system prompts you for that value.

System Action: The system waits for a user response.

User Response: Enter a valid NETID value. It must be a 1- to 8- character string comprised of uppercase letters( A-Z), numerals (0-9) and special characters ($, #, and @). The first character must not be numeric.

ARI6135DDBEXTENT number  extno  at virtual address  cuu  is in the database. Do you want to move it to another pool? Enter 0(No) or new storage pool number of DBEXTENT  extno. 

Explanation: The DBEXTENT number that you want to add already exists in the database. If you want to move the DBEXTENT from one pool to another, supply the new storage pool number. Otherwise, reply no.

System Action: The program continues. If you respond with a number greater than zero, the program adds an entry to the input file and proceeds without formatting the minidisk. If the reply is no, the program prompts for a new action.

System Programmer Response: Enter the required reply.

ARI6138EKeyword  &1  is not allowed with keywords already specified.

Explanation: The CMS EXEC has multiple keywords specified that are in conflict with each other. Only one of the keywords or sets of keywords can be specified.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Try the EXEC with only one of the keywords specified.

ARI6139EKeyword  &1  should have a numeric value in the range from  &2  to  &3 .

Explanation: The CMS EXEC has a numeric value that is incorrect for the specified keyword. The valid range is from &2 to &3.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Try the EXEC with a numeric value that is in the specified range.

ARI6140IWarning: Invalid keyword  &1  in the file  filename filetype filemode .

Explanation: The file that has keyword &1 specified has an incorrect value. This parameter is required by the current CMS EXEC being invoked.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Issue the EXEC that creates the file with the invalid keyword, then try the current EXEC exec again.

ARI6141EInsufficient free storage.

Explanation: The COPY DBEXTENT function requires at least 40K of virtual storage. The virtual machine does not have sufficient free storage.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Redefine storage for the virtual machine to have at least 40K of free storage and rerun the EXEC.

ARI6142ENo user ID is in the  dbname  SQLFDEF file.

Explanation: SQLCDBEX found the indicated file on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk but did not find a user ID in that file. If no input error occurred, the database may be corrupted. dbname is the name of the database.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI6143IWarning: DBEXTENT number  extno1  specified is out of sequence. The default value  extno2  is used.

Explanation: You must add new DBEXTENTs to the database in sequence. DBEXTENT number extno1 is out of sequence. The function used the next available number extno2 instead.

System Action: The program continues.

System Programmer Response: No action is required.

ARI6145DDo you want to review the SQLADBEX file? You will not be able to modify this file. Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The system allows you to review the input file created before starting up the database manager machine. No modification to the file is accepted.

System Action: The program continues. If you choose yes, the VM Editor is invoked. However, no changes to the input file are saved. If you choose no, the VM Editor is not invoked.

System Programmer Response: Decide if you want to review the file. Enter the reply.

ARI6146DAre you expanding the DB2 Server for VM directory? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: You can use SQLCDBEX to expand the DB2 Server for VM directory while SQLCDBEX copies the directory to a larger minidisk.

System Action: Processing continues unless you enter the reply to quit. If you choose to expand the directory, the CMS command EXECIO performs the I/O.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether or not to expand the directory. Enter your reply.

ARI6147DDo you want to continue the ADD/DELETE DBEXTENT process? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: After reviewing the input file, you can stop processing before you start the machine.

System Action: The program continues or ends depending on the reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether or not to continue processing. Enter a reply.

ARI6148INew disk  cuu  has not been formatted. Program will continue to format the disk before copying.

Explanation: The new disk at virtual address cuu that the database manager will use to copy a DBEXTENT, or to copy or expand the directory, has not been formatted. The program proceeds to format the disk before copying.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: No action required.

ARI6149EPool number  poolno  is out of range.

Explanation: The pool number poolno that you entered is less than 1 or greater than 999.

System Action: The program prompts you for new input.

System Programmer Response: Reply with the correct values when prompted.

ARI6151EKeyword &1 follows &2. If you specify the &2 parameter, it must follow the other &3 parameters.

Explanation: The format or the sequence of the parameters is incorrect.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Correct the error identified by this message, and rerun the program.

ARI6154Ecommand failed with RETCODE = return-code. REASON CODE = reason-code

Explanation: An error occurred while processing command. command is a CMS command, CP command, or CSL routine. The return-code and reason-code are those set by the failing command or routine.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Refer to the VM/ESA manual that describes command for the meaning of return-code and reason-code.

ARI6157EDBEXTENT number  extno , that you specified to delete is invalid. You cannot delete DBEXTENTs more than once in each execution of the ADD/DELETE function.

Explanation: Because of the design of the database manager, you cannot delete a DBEXTENT more than once in a single execution of the ADD or DELETE DBEXTENT function, even though the DBEXTENT may have been added back to the database in the interim.

System Action: The program prompts you for new input.

System Programmer Response: Reply with the correct values when prompted.

ARI6160EAn incorrect release level, RELEASE &1, was specified.

Explanation: The version and release level that you specified for the database manager does not match the version and release level of the database manager.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Specify the correct release level, and make sure that you are accessing the right database manager. Try again.

ARI6161IThe status shared segment successfully initialized.

Explanation: The status shared segment has been initialized. All entry slots are now available for use.

System Action: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI6162EThe specified server name (server-name) is invalid.

Explanation: The server server-name cannot be found.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Specify the correct server name.

ARI6164AEnter Service directory (or a null response for the existing value).

Explanation: The name of the service SFS directory is requested.

System Action: The system waits for a response to the prompt.

User Response: Type the name of the service directory.

ARI6165AEnter Production directory (or a null response for the existing value).

Explanation: The name of the production SFS directory is requested.

System Action: The system waits for a response to the prompt.

User Response: Type the name of the production directory.

ARI6166EError occurred when accessing top directory of  &1 .

Explanation: The top directory of the specified service or production directory could not be accessed successfully.

System Action: The EXEC terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the service and the production directories can be accessed. Rerun the EXEC.

ARI6167IBegin loading the DB2 Server for VM production directory.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM production files are being copied from the service directory to the production directory that you specified.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI6168IDB2 Server for VM production directory was loaded successfully.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM production files have been successfully copied to the production directory.

ARI6169EFile  &1 &2  was not found.

Explanation: The above CMS file was not found on the system disk.

&1 is the file name VMFNLS and &2 is the file type LANGLIST.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that the National Language Support File Naming Conventions APARs were applied to your system.

ARI6170IThe VMFNLS LANGLIST does not contain the language identifier  lang-id .

Explanation: The VMFNLS LANGLIST CMS file contains the National Language Support file naming conventions. This file is on all VM systems. This file is required by the database manager to identify the language you are working with. If the language identifier is not found, your VM installation may not support this language.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that the National Language Support File Naming Conventions APARs were applied to your system.

ARI6171EThe package for  program-name  was not found.

Explanation: The package for the program being executed cannot be found. program-name is the name of the program being executed.

System Action: The program ends unsuccessfully.

User Response: Repreprocess the program and rerun it. If the program has already been repreprocessed and the same problem occurs, contact the designated support group.

ARI6172IThe creation and load of the DB2 Server for VM directories have begun.

Explanation: The database manager has begun loading the SFS directories.

ARI6173IBegin loading the DB2 Server for VM  &1  directory.

Explanation: The database manager is loading a production or service directory.

ARI6174IThe DB2 Server for VM  &1  directory was loaded successfully.

Explanation: The database manager has successfully loaded the SFS directories.

ARI6175EThe DB2 Server for VM production directory load failed.

Explanation: The downloading on to the specified production directory was not successful.

System Action: The EXEC terminates. Rerun it.

User Response: Check any previous messages. Ensure that the production directory has the proper access mode. Rerun the EXEC.

ARI6177EThere is no segment defined for SYSNAME  name  in the current VM environment.

Explanation: The ARISTAT EXEC is unable to find the DMKSNT entry (or the saved segment definition) for the SYSNAME specified in the message.

System Action: The ARISTAT EXEC processing is ended.

Programmer Response: Specify the entry for SYSNAME in the DMKSNT (or the saved segment definition is done for SYSNAME). Reissue the ARISTAT EXEC.

ARI6178ICCSID CMS files generated successfully.

Explanation: The system informs you that the CCSID CMS files are successfully created or updated.

ARI6180IThe following users hold a write link to disk  &1 . USER ID ADDRESS LINKED TO _______ ___________________

Explanation: When displayed, this message is always followed by one or more ARI6181I messages. It indicates that the product has checked the links to the disk where the requested archive is to be written. There exists at least one user other than the database machine holding a write link.

System Action: The system displays one or more copies of message ARI6181I.

ARI6181I &1   &2 .

Explanation: This message identifies:

System Action: After displaying one or more user IDs, the product will prompt the operator through ARI6183D or ARI6185D.

ARI6182AToo many users are linked to disk  &1  to produce a valid report. Detach some links.

Explanation: Too many links exist, including read-only and read-write, to the disk where the requested archive is to be written. The result returned by the CP QUERY LINKS command is too large for the DB2 Server for VM product to display.

System Action: The product checks for write links in the truncated result. If they do, the links are displayed through messages ARI6180I and ARI6181I. Message ARI6182A is always followed by message ARI6183D or ARI6185D.

Operator Response: To get a complete result, the operator can issue a #CP QUERY LINKS daddr command where daddr is the disk address specified in the message on the database manager operator console. The operator should then request that user IDs holding a write link, release and detach the disk.

If this message redisplays after all the write links are detached and message ARI6183D has been answered with READY or 0, drop some of the read-only links.

System Programmer Response: Ensure that a limit has been established on the total number of links to the disk that contains the log archives.

ARI6183DEnsure each user detaches all write links before proceeding.

Enter 0(Ready) - ready to proceed
1(Quit) - switch to other medium

Explanation: This message appears whenever:

System Action: The product waits for the operator to reply. If the reply is valid, the product proceeds; otherwise, this message is redisplayed.

Operator Response: Type Ready or 0 when this disk is ready to be used and all of the write links identified by message ARI6181I have been dropped. If this message is preceded by message ARI6182A, some of the read-only links may need to be detached too. Type Quit or 1 to change the log archive medium. The DB2 Server for VM product then prompts for the new medium.

System Programmer Response: If it is difficult to notify those who have links that need to be dropped, decide quickly whether or not to drop the links or to switch to another medium. (Links can be detached by a user who has class B privilege.) The product remains suspended until either the links have been dropped or a switch has been made to another medium.

ARI6184DDo you want to continue the ADD DBSPACE process? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: After reviewing the input file, you can stop processing before you start the machine.

System Action: Depending on your reply, processing continues or ends.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue processing or not. Enter a reply.

ARI6185EServer name &1 is larger than 8 bytes and no RESID was specified.

Explanation: In order to use a server name larger than 8 bytes a RESID is required.

System Action: Processing terminates.

System Programmer Response: Specify a RESID on the SQLDBINS EXEC if the server name is larger than 8 bytes. Otherwise correct the server name and retry.

ARI6186DOutput minidisk  cuu  of size  total-outdisk-size  ( outblock  blocks of blocksize  outblock-size ) is larger than the required minidisk size  total-required-size  ( required-number  blocks of blocksize  outblock-size ). Do you want to continue? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The output minidisk is larger than the minimum required size. This message indicates the size of the output disk and also the required size. For devices of different types, the database manager may not be able to duplicate the amount of space exactly. Therefore, if the difference is small, consider continuing. If you are copying dbextents and you want to increase the size of the dbextent, use the ADD or DELETE DBEXTENT functions to do so. If you are copying the directory and you want to increase the size of the directory, use the expand directory option when prompted.

is the virtual address of the output minidisk.

is the size of the output minidisk.

is the number of blocks that make up the output minidisk.

is the block size for the output minidisk.

is the minimum size of the output minidisk.

is the number of blocks that make up the minimum size.

System Action: Processing continues or ends based on your reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue. Enter your reply.

ARI6187EOutput minidisk  cuu  of size  total-outdisk-size  ( outblock  blocks of blocksize  outblock-size ) is too small to hold the minidisk to be copied. Rerun the SQLCDBEX EXEC and specify another minidisk that has at least  min-blocks  blocks of blocksize  desired-block-size . The old minidisk remains in use.

Explanation: The output minidisk must be at least as large as the input minidisk to hold the dbextent, log disk or directory. The database manager continues to use the old minidisk.

is the virtual address of the output minidisk.

is the size of the output minidisk.

is the number of blocks that make up the output minidisk.

is the block size for the output minidisk.

is the minimum number of blocks needed in the output minidisk.

is the optimum block size of the output minidisk.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: Specify another minidisk of a larger size if one exists; otherwise, define one. Rerun the EXEC. Alternatively, if the SHOW POOL command indicates that the storage pool has sufficient space, you can use the ADD and DELETE DBEXTENT functions to perform the copying.

ARI6188AEnter the output block size of the directory. Enter 512 or 4096, or a null response to use the original size, or 111(Quit) to exit.

Explanation: To copy the directory, it is required to know the block size of the output minidisk. To input a null, hit enter without typing any other keys. If the input is 512 or 4096, the program copies the directory to a minidisk of block size 512 or 4096 bytes respectively. If the input is null, the block size of the input directory is used. If the input is 111 or Q or QUIT, the program terminates.

System Action: The database manager waits for the user's reply.

System Programmer Response: Enter the size of directory to define an output file.

ARI6189IInitiating an HSDS archive on the A-disk.

Explanation: The database manager is attempting to write the current log history area (HSDS) to the A-disk.

System Action: Since the HSDS archive is done implicitly by the database manager, this message appears only when it detects an error on the A-disk. The error will then be displayed and followed by message ARI6190D.

ARI6190DEnsure A-disk is linked as R/W by the DB2 Server for VM application server.

Enter 0(Ready) - ready to proceed
1(Quit) - cancel the archive.

Explanation: This message appears whenever:

  1. The database manager detects write links to the A-disk. These links are displayed through ARI6180I and ARI6181I.
  2. Too many User IDs are linked to the disk. It will be preceded by message ARI6182A.
  3. There are disk errors, such as disk does not exist. These will be displayed by system messages.

System Action: The database manager waits for the operator reply. If the reply is valid, it will proceed; otherwise, this message will be redisplayed.

Operator Response: Reply Ready or 0 when all the write links identified by message ARI6181I have been dropped. If this message is preceded by ARI6182A, some of the read-only disks may need to be detached too. If the A-disk is detached, re-link the disk by entering #CP LINK on the operator console. Reply QUIT or 1 to cancel the HSDS archive only when you cannot fix the disk problem.

System Programmer Response: If it is difficult to notify those who have links that need to be dropped, decide quickly whether or not to drop the links or to cancel the archive. (Links can be detached by a user who has class B privilege.) The database manager remains suspended until either the links have been dropped or the archive cancelled. Make sure that all the disks that are defined for DB2 Server for VM configuration are never detached. Be sure that you understand the consequences of replying 1(QUIT) which may cause the database manager to lose valuable information for restoration. So after cancelling the HSDS archive, you should bring down the machine and fix the disk problem. If it still cannot be resolved, contact the designated support group.

ARI6191DDo you want to modify the  filename   filetype  file? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The named file (filename filetype) will be used as input to the database generation, DBGEN, process. You are given a chance to change the file before the actual process begins.

System Action: The system waits for your reply. If you reply 1, Y or YES for yes, the VM Editor will be invoked. If you reply 0, N or NO for no the VM Editor will not be invoked, and processing will continue. If you reply 111, Q or QUIT to quit, the database generation process will be terminated.

User Response: Decide whether to change the file. Enter your reply.
Note:It is generally recommended that you reply affirmatively (enter 1, Y or YES) to review the file and to revise it as needed.

ARI6192DThe old BDISK is blocked at 4 K. The new BDISK will be reblocked at 512 bytes. Do you want to continue? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The blocksize of the directory disk (BDISK) that is being copied is 4096 bytes (4 K). This directory blocksize is used only when DB2 VM Data Spaces Support is present. The database manager has determined that DB2 VM Data Spaces Support is not present and therefore, if you decide to continue, will block the new directory disk at 512 bytes.

System Action: Processing continues or ends based on your reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue. Enter your reply.

ARI6193DBegin installing DB2 DSS. product-id - product-name Version version-number Release release-number Modification mod-number. Do you want to install this product now? Enter 0(No), or 1(Yes).

Explanation: This is the expected response from the DB2 DSS install in the application server. The specified level of the application server indicated by version-number release-number mod-number is the level on which the DB2 DSS will be installed. You are asked if you wish to continue or not.

System Action: The processing continues or terminates based on your reply.

User Response: Decide whether or not to install the DB2 DSS at this time. Enter your reply.

ARI6197ECannot copy copydisk to cuu because size and type of output disk is not identical to size and type of input disk. Input disk type is type1 and size is n cylinders. Output disk type is type2 and size is m cylinders. Cannot use the SQLCDBEX EXEC to change the size of a log disk. Use the SQLLOG EXEC instead.

Explanation: This message is displayed when a log disk, copydisk is LOGDSK1 or LOGDSK2, is being copied to new disk, cuu , that is not the same size or type as the input disk.

System Action: The SQLCDBEX EXEC ends. No changes have been made.

User Response: If the log disk must be replaced with a new disk on a different type of DASD or to a different size of disk, the SQLLOG EXEC must be used to perform a COLDLOG to do log reconfiguration. Otherwise, find a new disk such that the type and size in cylinders matches the type and size of input disk.

Current maximum DBEXTENT pages :
New maximum DBEXTENT pages :
DBEXTENT pages added :
Current maximum DBSPACE pages :
New maximum DBSPACE pages :
DBSPACE pages added :
Current directory size (blocks) :
New directory size (blocks) :
Do you wish to continue with expanding
the directory to allow the directory
to hold additional DBSPACE and
DBEXTENT pages ?
Enter 0(No), 1(Yes) or 111(Quit)

Explanation: This message shows the maximum number of DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages that the old directory and the new directory can hold, as well as the number of additional DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages that will be available in the new directory. You have the option to continue with the expansion or to cancel the operation.

System Action: The program continues or ends depending on the reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide whether to continue processing or not. Enter a reply.

ARI6199EThe new directory disk is not large enough to hold the previously expanded page map table and the new allocation bitmaps. nnnnnnnnnn additional directory blocks of blocksize nnnn are required.

Explanation: The directory has been expanded previously and the new directory is not large enough to hold the previously expanded directory plus the new allocation bitmaps to be added. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration for a complete explanation.

System Action: Processing ends.

System Programmer Response: This message indicates how much additional space is required. Specify a larger minidisk and re-run the EXEC. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration to determine the required size of the new minidisk.

ARI6200DYou have requested to expand the directory. Enter 1 to expand the directory to hold more DBSPACE pages. Enter 2 to expand the directory to hold more DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages. Enter 111 to quit. Enter 1,2 or 111(Quit).

Explanation: If you wish to increase the size of the page map table to allow more DBSPACE pages to be added, enter 1. If you wish to increase the size of the allocation bitmaps and the page map table concurrently to allow more DBEXTENT and DBSPACE pages to be added, enter 2. You have the option to continue with the expansion or to cancel the operation.

System Action: Processing continues or ends based on your reply.

System Programmer Response: Decide to expand the directory to hold more DBSPACE pages only or to expand the directory to hold more DBSPACE and DBEXTENT pages or to quit the process. Enter your reply.

ARI6201IDirectory expansion completed successfully. It is strongly recommended that a database archive be taken immediately.

Explanation: The directory expansion process completed successfully. It is strongly recommended that a database archive be taken immediately. Any updates made to the database after the directory expansion may not be applied correctly during a restore if a database archive taken before the directory expansion is used as the starting point of the restore set. Refer to System Administration, Enhanced Directory expansion for a complete explanation.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI6202EPool Recovery is in progress, expansion not allowed.

Explanation: The Data Restore storage pool recovery process was initiated, but has not yet been completed by starting the database manager with STARTUP=U. Storage Pool recovery must be completed before directory expansion may be done.

System Action: Directory expansion is cancelled. The original directory has not been changed.

Operator Response: Complete the storage pool recovery process by starting the database with STARTUP=U.

ARI6700INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to reload the SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables are loaded.

User Response: Check that no message follows indicating that problems occurred during the downloading of these sample tables.

ARI6701IWarning: An error occurred while reloading the SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables. The sample tables may not be available while you are accessing this database. After the SQLDBMIG EXEC finishes, refer to the printer file for a description of the error encountered and determine if the sample tables were reloaded.

Explanation: An error occurred while reloading the SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables.

System Action: The SQLDBMIG EXEC continues, but the sample tables may not be available when you access the database. A printer file is being generated with a description of the error encountered.

User Response: Check the printer file after the SQLDBIMG EXEC is finished. Check the installation EXEC to find out how to reload the SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables.

ARI6702ISUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables reloaded.

Explanation: The SUPPLIER/PARTS sample tables have been successfully reloaded.

System Action: The SQLDBMIG EXEC continues.

ARI0700ISQLINIT on &1 successful.

Explanation: SQLINIT successfully completed for the database named in &1.

ARI0701ESQLINIT on &1 failed.

Explanation: SQLPREP requested an SQLINIT to a different database. The SQLINIT failed; therefore, SQLPREP could not preprocess the program on the named database.

The database name was specified in either the DBNAME parameter or was in the list of databases referenced by the DBFILE parameter.

System Action: SQLPREP bypasses this database and continues with the next database.

Programmer Response: A previous message from SQLPREP may indicate the nature of the error. If the database name is invalid, correct the database name and re-execute the SQLINIT.

If the database is not available, contact your support organization.

ARI0702ICreate/recreate the required DB2 Server for VM default bootstrap files.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0703IPreprocessing on dbname successful.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0704IWarning: Preprocessing on dbname successful though warnings occurred.

Explanation: Processing for this database returned a return code of 4 indicating that some warning occurred. Inspect the LISTPREP file produced to verify that the warnings do not require additional action.

ARI0705EPreprocessing on dbname failed.

Explanation: An error occurred during preprocessing that resulted in a nonzero return code (but less than 8).

System Action: SQLPREP bypasses this database and continues with the next database.

Programmer Response: Examine the LISTPREP file generated by the preprocessor to identify the nature of the error.

ARI0706EPreprocessing on dbname failed because of a severe error.

Explanation: A severe error occurred during preprocessing that resulted in a nonzero return code (higher than 8).

System Action: SQLPREP bypasses this database and continues with the next database.

Programmer Response: Examine the LISTPREP file generated by the preprocessor to identify the nature of the error.

ARI0707ESQLPREP did not attempt preprocessing on &1.

Explanation: Preprocessing was not attempted for this database because of an error attempting to connect to the database. This message should be preceded by an ARI0701E message.

System Action: SQLPREP bypasses this database and continues with the next database.

Programmer Response: A previous message from SQLPREP may indicate the nature of the error. If the database name is invalid, correct the database name and re-execute the EXEC.

If the database is not available, contact your support organization.

ARI0708IAll exec-name EXEC processing completed successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0709IWarning: Warnings occurred during exec-name EXEC processing.

Explanation: This message indicates that the highest level of error from processing this EXEC was WARNING.

Programmer Response: Inspect the LISTPREP file produced to verify that the warning does not require additional action.

ARI0710EErrors occurred during &1 EXEC processing.

Explanation: This message indicates that at least one error has occurred during execution.

If this message was issued at the end of the SQLPREP EXEC, either a previous message has been issued or the LISTPREP listing contains an error message. If this message was not issued at the end of the SQLPREP EXEC, refer to the previous message issued.

Programmer Response: Take appropriate action based on the previous messages.

ARI0711Iexec-name called with the following parameters: input parameters.

Explanation: This message shows the input parameters that you provided when you invoked an EXEC exec-name. For example, this message can list the options you used for SQLSTART when preprocessing in single user mode.

ARI0712INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to change the password for the user ID SQLDBA to SQLDBAPW.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0713IPreprocessor prepname called with the following parameters:

Explanation: This message lists the SQLPREP options in effect in this invocation.

ARI0714IDB2 Server for VM Version &1 Release &2 Modification &3.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0715EInvalid parameter value (&1) specified.

Explanation: The only valid user parameter for SQLBOOTS is REMOTE. All other parameters are valid only when invoked from other system EXECs.

System Programmer Response: If you were re-creating the bootstrap module, use REMOTE or no parameter.

If this was an internal invocation of SQLBOOTS, contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0716EAn error occurred while creating the default DB2 Server for VM bootstrap file filename filetype on the production disk.

Explanation: A nonzero return code occurred during SQLBOOTS processing. Message ARI0718I follows this message and indicates the function that failed.

System Programmer Response: If the command was LOAD or START, ensure you are accessing the production disk.

If the command was COPYFILE, ensure you are accessing the production disk or take the appropriate action for the return code given by COPYFILE.

If the command was GENMODE, take the appropriate action for the return code given by COPYFILE.

ARI0717IStart &1 EXEC: &2 &3 &4.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

&1 is the EXEC name.

&2 is the date.

&3 is the time.

&4 is the time zone.

ARI0718I&1 command Return Code = &2.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0719INote: Ensure that the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk is accessed in write mode.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0720IDefault DB2 Server for VM bootstrap file SQLDBA &1 created on the production disk.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0721IGet DB2 Server for VM &1 minidisk &2 access: &3 &4.

Explanation: The production disk will be relinked to provide the required access mode.

&1. is the minidisk accessed (service or production).

&2. is the access mode (read or write).

&3. is the machine id of the minidisk accessed.

&4. is the cuu of the minidisk accessed.

ARI0722EUnable to acquire write access to mode M or W. User=&1 Device=&2 Return Code=&3.

Explanation: During a relink procedure (as mentioned in message ARI0721I), a write mode could not be obtained.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Verify that this user ID has write access to the production minidisk. The error could be caused by another user having gained write access before this user ID. In that case, detach the production minidisk from the other user ID and re-execute the function.

ARI0723EUnable to access &1 &2.

Explanation: Access to a required disk failed.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Verify that this user ID has write access to the production minidisk. The error could be caused by another user having gained write access before this user ID. In that case, detach the production minidisk from the other user ID and re-execute the function.

ARI0724IIf the EXEC was run in a CMS batch machine, disregard preceding invalid function message.

Explanation: The ARISESCP EXEC was invoked to preserve some of the terminal settings. While the message is valid from a display terminal, it is not from CMSBATCH. The resulting INVALID FUNCTION messages can be ignored.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Ignore the INVALID FUNCTION message if this message is the result of a CMSBATCH run.

ARI0725IFULLSCREEN &1 has been suspended &2

Explanation: VM FULLSCREEN function was in effect and has been suspended for SQLSTART.

ARI0726ICP &1 &2 &3 command was successful.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0727ILoad continuing. Text file count = &1.

Explanation: ARISAVES is proceeding with the required LOAD to perform the SAVESYS or SAVESEG function. This message is issued after 30 text files have been loaded.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0728ICMS LOAD command successful. Text file count = &1.

Explanation: ARISAVES has completed the loading of all the required text files.

ARI0729IDefault storage key (STORKEY) = 13.

Explanation: No optional storage key was requested. The default storage key will be used.

ARI0730INo CMS HELP is available for the new default language.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0731DDo you want to install the DB2 Server for VM HELP text? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

User Response: You must specify whether you want to install the DB2 Server for VM CMS HELP files and ISQL HELP Text. If the response is yes, both types of help will be installed. If the response is no, neither type of help will be installed. If the response is quit, processing is terminated. Enter the appropriate response.

ARI0732AEnter current password for application server user ID SQLDBA:

Explanation: To proceed with the requested function, the EXEC must first connect as SQLDBA. You must provide the SQLDBA password.

System Programmer Response: Enter the current password used to connect SQLDBA. This should be the DB2 Server for VM password used in a CONNECT SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY pw.

ARI0733IHalting further execution on your request.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0734IUser ID SQLDBA password is restored.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0735IProceeding to restore original user ID SQLDBA password.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0736ILoad/reload of &1 &2 &3 &4 completed.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0737IProceeding to load/reload &1 &2 &3 &4

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0738INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to update the system catalog

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0739IProceeding to create/recreate the &1 &2 packages.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0740I&1 &2 package &3 and &4 created/recreated.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0741EThe application server did not reset SQLDBA's password to SQLDBAPW. The password you supplied (&1) may be incorrect.

Explanation: To perform the requested function, you must set the password for SQLDBA to SQLDBAPW.

The attempt to change the password from the one you provided to SQLDBAPW failed.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Re-issue the requested function using the correct SQLDBA password.

ARI0742IPassword for user ID SQLDBA is reset to SQLDBAPW.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0743IReset user ID SQLDBA password to SQLDBAPW.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0744ECOPYFILE Return Code = &1.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0745EAn error has occurred while copying &1 &2 from the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk to &1 &3 on the specified minidisk. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM NLS program directory for this language for a listing of all files that should reside on the user specified minidisk for the DB2 Server for VM HELP text.

Explanation: An error occurred while you were copying the HELP text to the selected minidisk.

Message ARI0744E gives the COPYFILE return code.

System Programmer Response: Take appropriate action to resolve the error based on the COPYFILE return code. For an explanation of the COPYFILE return code, you can use the HELP COPYFILE command.

ARI0746IProceeding to copy CMS HELP text files from the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk to the specified minidisk.

Explanation: ARISDBMC is starting to copy the HELP files to the specified disk.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: If message ARI0747I follows this message, no action is required.

ARI0747IThe copying of the CMS HELP text files was successful.

Explanation: The copying of the HELP files started when message ARI0746 was terminated successfully.

ARI0748EThe language repositories are not on the service disk. Processing terminates.

Explanation: The language repositories for the language being installed were not found on the service disk.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Reload the language repositories from the NLS tape for the language being installed and rerun the ARISDBMA EXEC.

ARI0749IISQL and FLAGGER support completed in the server.

Explanation: The function is started when message ARI0750I completes successfully.

ARI0750IProceeding to complete ISQL and FLAGGER support.

Explanation: Support for ISQL and the FLAGGER will now be added to this database. The required packages will be reloaded.

ARI0752I&1 to create &2 &3 &4 &5 package.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0753I&1 package &2 created in database.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0754IDatabase setup &1 &2 &3 completed.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0755IProceeding to set up the database &1 &2 &3 &4

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0756IDB2 Server for VM database generation (DBGEN) complete.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0757ITable SQLDBA.SYSLANGUAGE created/recreated.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0758DThe starter database specifications and the virtual minidisk addresses 200, 201, and 202 will be used for the database. All existing data on these minidisks will be destroyed. Enter USE to use these minidisks or enter QUIT to stop.

Explanation: If you set up the database, the starter database specifications and addresses specified will be used, and all the existing data on these minidisks will be destroyed.

System Programmer Response: If you want to use the default generation parameters, enter USE. Otherwise enter QUIT, and perform the database generation separately.

ARI0759ICMS LOADLIB LIST output for: &1 &2 &3.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0760AObtain write access to the &1 disk and rerun this EXEC.

Explanation: The minidisk mentioned in the message must be accessed in write mode.

System Programmer Response: Obtain write access to the minidisk before re-executing this EXEC.

ARI0761INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to migrate the system catalog to &1.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0762IDB2 Server for VM default bootstrap files created.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0763A&1 195 minidisk updated successfully; reaccess the minidisk in read mode.

Explanation: The 195 minidisk was accessed in write mode for update purposes.

System Programmer Response: Re-access the 195 production minidisk in read mode.

ARI0764IDB2 Server for VM default bootstrap files created successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0765IThe SQLBOOTS EXEC is being invoked to create/recreate the DB2 Server for VM default bootstrap files.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0766IARISQLLD LOADLIB Q was created successfully.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0768IThe following file was created or replaced: &1 &2 Q.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0769EDB2 Server for VM service minidisk not accessed as V disk.

Explanation: The production disk must be accessed as the V disk to execute ARISPDFC. The disk location is verified by locating the file ARISSVCC MACRO V.

System Action: Processing is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Access the production minidisk (193) as the V disk, and re-execute ARISPDFC.

ARI0770E*** &1 195 minidisk was not updated successfully.

Explanation: An error occurred in ARISPDFC. Messages ARI0771E precedes this message.

System Programmer Response: Identify the reason the COPYFILE failed, and correct the error.

ARI0771EAn error has occurred while copying file &1 &2 from the service minidisk to file &3 &4 on the production minidisk.

Explanation: An error occurred while copying the specified file.

System Programmer Response: Identify the reason the COPYFILE failed, and correct the error.

ARI0772IErase and recreate the DB2 Server for VM load library: &1 &2 &3.

Explanation: The new load library was created using a temporary name. The actual library will now be erased and re-created from the temporary library. &1, &2, &3 are file name, file type, and file mode.

ARI0773INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to recreate the DBS Utility package &1.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0779AEnter the current password for application server user ID SQLDBA (or enter QUIT to exit).

Explanation: To proceed with the requested function, the EXEC must first connect as SQLDBA. You must provide the SQLDBA password.

System Programmer Response: To continue, enter the current password used to connect SQLDBA. This should be the DB2 Server for VM password used in a CONNECT SQLDBA IDENTIFIED BY pw. To stop processing, enter QUIT.

ARI0780IFormatting minidisk &1.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0781INote: Any one of Return Codes 0 through 4 is acceptable.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0782IPassword for the user ID SQLDBA is now {reset | SQLDBAPW}

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0783INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to reset password for user SQLDBA.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0784IDB2 Server for VM HELP text tables created.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0785INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to reload the HELP text tables &1 and &2. -or- Now invoking DB2 Server for VM to reload ISQL routine ARINEWUS.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0786AThis process assumes that the HELP text tables presently reside in a DBSPACE named PUBLIC.HELPTEXT. If this is correct, press Enter. If the tables have been moved, enter the name of the new DBSPACE (owner.dbspacename) and press Enter.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

System Programmer Response: Identify the DBSPACE containing the help text tables.

ARI0787INow migrating HELP text tables.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0788INow invoking DB2 Server for VM to create/recreate the &1 &2 package &3.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0789IWarning: An error occurred while the database manager was reloading the DB2 Server for VM sample tables. The sample tables may not be available while you are accessing this database. After the SQLDBMIG EXEC finishes, refer to the printer file for a description of the error encountered and determine if the sample tables were reloaded.

Explanation: The sample tables may not be usable.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: You may want to notify your users to delay using the sample tables until the problem has been corrected.

Use the printer file to identify how to correct the problem.

ARI0790IDB2 Server for VM sample tables reloaded.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0791INow invoking system to reload the DB2 Server for VM sample tables.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0792IWarning: An error occurred while reloading the ISQL routine ARINEWUS. The new routine may not be available. After the SQLDBMIG EXEC finishes, refer to the printer file for a description of the error encountered and determine if the routine was reloaded.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0793IISQL routines loaded/reloaded.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0794IDB2 Server for VM trace formatter execution begins.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0795IThe DB2 Server for VM catalog was updated.

Explanation: The updates to the catalog started with message ARI0738I completed successfully.

ARI0796IEnd &1 EXEC: &2 &3 &4.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0797I Incorrect invocation. Correct syntax is:
ARISDBMC langkey serv_fm prod_fm
action where:
langkey=the language key.
serv_fm=the mode of the service
prod_fm=the mode of the production
action=the action to perform where:
C=Copy, D=Delete, I=Installation.

Explanation: The parameters passed to the ARISDBMC EXEC are invalid.

System Programmer Response: This message has resulted from an internal error in the EXEC that invoked ARISDBMC EXEC. Contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0798IDB2 Server for VM corrective service processing successful.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

ARI0799IBegin checking link book contents for possible service.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

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