DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 5. ARI0300-ARI0399 CMS EXEC Messages

ARI0300AHow many nonrecoverable storage pools do you want?

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC or the SQLADBEX EXEC is asking for the number of storage pools to be defined as nonrecoverable.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply with a valid number, 0 to 998.

User Response: Decide how many nonrecoverable storage pools you want and enter that number.

ARI0301APlease enter a storage pool number to be specified as a nonrecoverable storage pool.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC or the SQLADBEX EXEC is asking for a specific storage pool number that you wish to have defined as a nonrecoverable storage pool.
Note:Message ARI0301A will be displayed n times, where n is the reply you entered for message ARI0300A, allowing you to enter the values for all nonrecoverable pools you wish to define.

System Action: Processing continues after you reply with a valid number, 2 to 999.

User Response: Decide which storage pool you want to designate as a nonrecoverable storage pool and enter its number. Storage pool number 1 cannot be used as a nonrecoverable storage pool.

ARI0302EThe number you entered is out of range. Nonrecoverable storage pools must be in the range of 2 to 999.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN and SQLADBEX EXECs display this message after your response to message ARI0301A. The numeric value you entered was less than 2 or greater than 999. The numeric value must be greater than 1 and less than 1000.

System Action: Message ARI0301A is redisplayed, prompting you for a nonrecoverable storage pool number.

User Response: In response to message ARI0301A, enter a number between 2 and 999.

ARI0303E &1  is not correct  &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 .

Explanation: &1 is the incorrect value detected by the SQLDBGEN or SQLADBEX EXECs. &2 through &10 is explanatory text. For example:


System Action: The EXEC prompts you to retry the function in which the error was detected.

User Response: Read and respond to the prompt that follows message ARI0303E. If there is no informational message that helps you determine the correct value, consult the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for the database generation process or the ADD DBEXTENT process.

ARI0304IStorage pool  &1  will be a nonrecoverable storage pool.

Explanation: ARI0304I is displayed by the SQLDBGEN and SQLADBEX EXECs. &1 is the storage pool number that will be defined to the database as a nonrecoverable storage pool.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0305EThe number of DBEXTENTS specified in the SQLFDEF file of  &1  does not match the CUREXTNT keyword statement value of  &2  in the  &3  SQLDBGEN A file.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message when there is a mismatch between the dbname SQLFDEF file and the dbname SQLDBGEN A file regarding the number of current DBEXTENTs defined. &1 is the current number of DBEXTENTs defined in the dbname SQLFDEF file (residing on the production disk). &2 is the current number of DBEXTENTs specified by the CUREXTNT value in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. &3 is the name of the database.

System Action: Message ARI0307I and message ARI0637D are displayed. If you do not re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file, the current processing of database generation will fail.

User Response: If the number of DBEXTENTs defined by the dbname SQLFDEF file is correct, then re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file and change the CUREXTNT value to the &1 value in this message.

If the number of DBEXTENTs defined by the dbname SQLFDEF file is not desired, then:

  1. Enter N in response to message ARI0637D.
  2. Enter CANCEL in response to message ARI0919D.
  3. Rerun the SQLDBGEN EXEC.
  4. Enter REPLACE in response to message ARI0632D.
  5. Define the number of current DBEXTENTs that you want.

ARI0306EThe CUREXTNT value in  &1  SQLDBGEN A is  &2 .  &3  DBEXTENT statements are in  &1  SQLDBGEN A. Please define a total of  &4  DBEXTENTS in  &1  SQLDBGEN A.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message when there is a mismatch between the CUREXTNT value and the number of DBEXTENT control statements in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file.

&1 is the name of the database.

&2 is the current number of DBEXTENTs specified by the CUREXTNT value in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file.

&3 is the number of DBEXTENT control statements in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file after the first END STATEMENT.

&4 is the CUREXTNT value in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file.

System Action: Message ARI0307I and message ARI0637D are displayed. If you do not re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file, the current processing of database generation will fail.

User Response: Re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. You must make the number of DBEXTENT control statements equal the CUREXTNT value.

ARI0307IYou must modify the  &1  SQLDBGEN A file for the database generation processing to be successful.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC has found an inconsistency in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. A previous error message has explained the inconsistency.

&1 is the name of the database.

System Action: Message ARI0637D is displayed. If you do not re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file, the current processing of database generation will fail.

User Response: Re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. Correct the file using the message displayed prior to ARI0307I as a guide for correcting the problem.

ARI0308EMissing  &1 &2 &3 &4 &5   &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 

Explanation: This message is displayed if an error is found during validation checking of the CUREXTNT keyword control statement in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. &1 through &10 is explanatory text. SQLDBGEN displays the following examples:


System Action: Message ARI0307I and message ARI0637D are displayed. The current processing of database generation will fail unless you correct the error.

User Response: Re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. Correct the file using the text of this message as a guide for correcting the problem.

ARI0309EYou entered a nonnumeric data type.

Explanation: This message is displayed if an error is found during validation checking of message replies. &1 is the value you entered in response to a prompt from the SQLDBGEN or SQLADBEX EXECs.

System Action: The EXEC redisplays the prompting message issued prior to ARI0309E.

User Response: Respond again to the prompting message using a numeric data type.

ARI0310EThe  &1 &2 &3  file contains the following unknown keywords:  &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 .

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message during validation checking of the POOL and DBEXTENT control statements in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. The error occurs if the statement is not a POOL control statement, a DBEXTENT control statement, or an END delimiter control statement.

&1 is the CMS file name.

&2 is the CMS file type of the file.

&3 is the CMS file mode.

&4 through &10 is the string of unknown keywords that were found.

System Action: Message ARI0313E follows message ARI0310E. Then messages ARI0307I and ARI0637D are displayed. The current processing of database generation will fail unless you correct the error.

User Response: Re-edit the SQLDBGEN A file using messages ARI0310E and ARI0313E as guides for correcting the problem. You have either mistyped a POOL or DBEXTENT control statement, or you failed to place the END delimiter control statement directly after the last DBEXTENT control statement.

ARI0311IYou may need to modify the  &1  SQLDBGEN A file. This EXEC updates nonrecoverable storage pool control statements only.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message if you decided to replace the dbname SQLFDEF file or the dbname SQLDBGEN file. If you redefined the DBEXTENTs in the database, for example, the changes will not be made automatically to the dbname SQLDBGEN A file, causing the database generation processing to fail. You will need to make the SQLDBGEN A file compatible with the redefinition of the database.

&1 is the dbname.

System Action: Processing continues. Message ARI0638D is displayed.

User Response: Edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. Ensure that the CUREXTNT value and DBEXTENT control statements match, and ensure that the number of current DBEXTENT definitions in the database match the CUREXTNT keyword control statement value in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file.

ARI0312EThe  statement-types  are out of sequence.

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message during validation checking of the DBEXTENT control statements in the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. The extent numbers in the DBEXTENT control statements must start with number 1 and must be in consecutive, ascending order.

System Action: Message ARI0307I and message ARI0637D are displayed. The current processing of database generation will fail unless you correct the error.

User Response: Re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file. Put the DBEXTENT control statements in sequence.

ARI0313EThe error occurred in the  &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 .

Explanation: The SQLDBGEN EXEC displays this message after displaying message ARI0310E.

&1 through &7 tells where the error occurred in the SQLDBGEN A file during validation checking.

System Action: Message ARI0307I and message ARI0637D are displayed. The current processing of database generation will fail unless you correct the error where this message indicates.

User Response: Re-edit the dbname SQLDBGEN A file using this message to locate the error.

ARI0314ENo bootstrap modules could be found for the saved segment ID specified  &1  on the SQLSTART EXEC.

Explanation: The SQLSTART EXEC did not find any bootstrap module identified by &1 on the database production minidisk. The error could be caused by a saved segment ID that was not spelled correctly. The error could also occur if the SQLGENLD EXEC has not yet been run for that saved segment ID.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Check the spelling of the saved segment ID parameter.

ARI0315ENo bootstrap modules could be found for the saved segment ID named  &1  in the  &2  SQLDBN file.

Explanation: The SQLSTART EXEC did not find any bootstrap module identified by &1 on the database production minidisk. The &2 SQLDBN file indicates that an &1 bootstrap module did exist at one time, but no longer can be found.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Contact your system programmer to obtain a valid saved segment ID name and rerun specifying that name in the saved segment ID parameter of the SQLSTART EXEC. Alternatively, your system programmer may require that the SQLGENLD EXEC be rerun to regenerate the appropriate bootstrap modules. If neither of the above two conditions apply, you may rerun the SQLSTART EXEC specifying SQLDBA as the saved segment ID name.
Note:This will require that the storage size for the database machine be defined large enough to include the database code. Likewise, ensure that the user machines have their storage size large enough to include the Resource Adapter code and ISQL code (if ISQL is being used).

ARI0316EAn error occurred in  &1  while the database manager was attempting to query  &2 . Return Code =  &3 .

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to issue the CMS NUCEXT command to determine if the database ARIRTL1 or ARISRRM modules are CMS nucleus extensions. The return code (&3) from the CMS NUCEXT command is given. The meaning of the return code is given in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0317ESQLINIT did not establish application server access. Rerun the SQLINIT EXEC: SQLINIT DB ( server-name ).

Explanation: VM machine access to a DB2 Server for VM application server was not established. Access to an application server had not been previously established by the user issuing SQLINIT DB (server-name).

System Action: The command is ended.

User Response: Rerun the SQLINIT EXEC, specifying the name of the application server to be accessed.

ARI0318DDo you want  xxxxxxxx  to be the default saved segment ID for the user machines? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The SQLDCSID file is generated on the DB2 Server for VM Production minidisk. This file contains the default saved segment ID used by user machines that do not have a dbname SQLDBN file available for the database being accessed.

System Action: If you reply 1, processing continues and the SQLDCSID DEFAULT file is created. If you reply 0, the SQLDCSID DEFAULT file is not created and processing continues. If you do not reply, this message is displayed again.

User Response: Reply either 0(NO) or 1(YES).

ARI0319DSQLDCSID default already exists. Do you want to replace it? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: The SQLDCSID DEFAULT file that contains the default saved segment ID for user machines has previously been generated. To generate a new SQLDCSID file, reply 1. To keep the previously generated file, reply 0.

System Action: The SQLGENLD EXEC issues this message. If you reply 1, processing continues and the SQLDCSID DEFAULT file is replaced. If you reply 0, the SQLDCSID DEFAULT file is not replaced and processing continues. If your reply is neither 1 nor 0, this message is displayed again.

User Response: Reply either 0(NO) or 1(YES).

ARI0320IThe default server-name is  &1 .

Explanation: The ARISRMBT MODULE (Resource Adapter bootstrap) on the user's A-disk is set up to access the named application server.

System Action: SQLDBID issues this message. If you have invoked SQLDBID directly, processing ends. If SQLDBID is invoked by another EXEC, control returns to that EXEC.

ARI0321EInternal error in the ARISXMSG message EXEC. Return Code= nn .

Explanation: The EXEC ARISXMSG failed with the following return codes:

Message not found.

Virtual storage capacity exceeded.

Invalid parameters selected.

System Action: Processing is terminated.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact the designated support group for the installation.

ARI0322EThe ARISNLSC MACRO update has failed with a return code of  &1 . Processing terminated.

Explanation: The EXEC was not able to update the ARISNLSC MACRO with an entry for the language being added.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Investigate the return code and take the required action. Ensure that the file layout for the ARISNLSC MACRO is valid. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for the record layout expected in this file, and edit the file accordingly.

ARI0323IIt is recommended that a saved segment be created for this language's messages.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

System Programmer Response: Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration for further information on how to create saved segments.

ARI0324EAn error occurred while the database manager was reading the  &1  MACRO file. Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred when the EXEC in process used EXECIO to extract the language and language identifier from the MACRO file specified in the error message.

System Action: The function is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0325EAn error occurred when the database manager was attempting to copy the message repositories. Return Code =  &1 .

Explanation: An error occurred when you tried to copy the message repository files. The return code from the CMS COPYFILE command is given in the message. Refer to the Communications Reference or the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manuals for more information.

System Action: The function is terminated.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0326INow processing the CMS HELP text for  &1 .

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager.

User Response: The following messages ask for the required information needed to complete the installation of CMS HELP for the language identified by language key &1.

ARI0327IOnly one language is installed and it is the default. This language cannot be deleted. Processing terminates.

Explanation: Only the default language is currently installed on the database manager. Because at least one language must be available to generate system messages, this EXEC does not allow the last language to be deleted. Processing has been discontinued.

System Action: The function is terminated.

ARI0328IUnable to activate DB2 Server for VM message repository. SET LANGUAGE command return code = &1.

Explanation: The EXEC has issued a CMS 'SET LANGUAGE LANGID (ADD ARI USER)' command and failed. Either the language identified by LANGID cannot be set or the ARI message repository cannot be activated. The return code from the SET LANGUAGE command is given in &1.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Check the return code to determine the problem. If the ARI message repository cannot be activated, ensure that the message repository file ARIUME TEXT or ARIUME TXTLANGID can be accessed during run time of the EXEC. If necessary, link and access the ARI message repository file, issue the SET LANGUAGE command on the VM command line to activate the repository before running the EXEC.

ARI0329ICannot reset CMS language to &1. SET LANGUAGE command return code = &2.

Explanation: The EXEC has issued a CMS 'SET LANGUAGE &1.' command and failed. The language identified by &1. cannot be set. The return code from the SET LANGUAGE command is given in &2.

System Action: Processing continues. The language set for the CMS session remains the one previously set.

System Programmer Response: Check the return code to determine the problem. If necessary, issue the SET LANGUAGE command on the VM command line to activate the required language for subsequent sessions.

ARI0330EAn error occurred while the database manager was attempting to copy filename-1 filetype-1 filemode-1 to filename-1 filetype-1 filemode-2. CMS COPYFILE command Return Code = return-code.

Explanation: An error occurred when copying the file with filename-1 and filetype-1 from filemode-1 to filemode-2. The return code from the COPYFILE command was return-code.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0331EErrors occurred during a DB2 Server for VM link edit. Refer to previous console messages or virtual printer messages for a description of the errors encountered.

Explanation: One or more errors occurred during a database link edit.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

User Response: Check the messages displayed on the console and on the virtual printer to determine where the error occurred, and take the appropriate action.

ARI0332EA problem occurred while performing the LISTFILE command on the product identifier file. The return code is  &1  from the CMS LISTFILE command.

Explanation: The CMS LISTFILE command failed during execution.

&1 is the return code from the LISTFILE command.

System Action: The processing is terminated.

System Programmer Response: Investigate the return code in the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual and take the required action.

ARI0333IDB2 Server for VM &1. service applied against language &2. Update all saved segments for the &1. component for this language according to instructions in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. Service has been applied against a component belonging to the language specified.

&1 is the component identifier that required the service.

&2 is the language identifier for the language serviced.

System Action: Processing continues.

System Programmer Response: Update the saved segments (saved segments) for the component of the language to which service was applied. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for further instructions.

ARI0334INo other DB2 Server for VM service needs to be applied.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. Corrective service application has finished. All corrective service has been applied.

System Action: The processing continues.

ARI0337DDo you want the input parameters to be a permanent change to SQLDBA bootstrap package? Enter 0(No) or 1(Yes).

Explanation: You are given an opportunity to specify if a new saved segment is to become a permanent change to the SQLDBA bootstrap package.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter your response.

Programmer Response: Answer NO if you do not want the SQLDBA bootstrap package to be regenerated with this saved segment information. Answer YES if you want the SQLDBA bootstrap package to be permanently changed. Review the section on saved segments in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information.

ARI0338IWarning: The ARISSEGC MACRO Q file is missing, unavailable, or incorrectly formatted. The default SQLDBA bootstrap package will be generated to run the components in a free storage area.

Explanation: The EXEC in process has not been able to use the default Saved Segment control file ARISSEGC MACRO Q.

Q is the filemode of the production disk or directory, usually accessed as filemode Q.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: Determine the state of the Saved Segment control file. If necessary, recreate it by copying ARISSEGC MACRO V to the production (Q) disk and making any required changes. Once the file has been recreated, execute SQLBOOTS to regenerate the SQLDBA bootstrap package. Refer to the section on saved segments in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual for more information.

ARI0340DThe service process assumes that this procedure is being invoked from the MAINT userid, or a like virtual machine. To successfully complete service, write links to the database machine (normally SQLDBA) production and service minidisks will be required. If prompted, you should know the write link passwords to the production and service minidisks. If you are prepared to continue, depress the ENTER key, any other response will cause an exit.

Explanation: This EXEC requires write access to the production and service minidisks of the database machine.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: If you know the write link passwords for the production and service minidisks, or if you know that the required write links exist, press ENTER. If not, press any other key to exit from processing. Rerun the service EXEC when you have the necessary information.

ARI0341ICurrent  &1 -disk has been released.

Explanation: The disk accessed as mode &1 has been properly released.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0342AEnter the MACHID (user ID) of the virtual machine that owns the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk. The default is &1.

Explanation: You are prompted to enter the id of the owner of the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk. The default machine id is &1.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Enter the machine id for the owner of the DB2 Server for VM service minidisk.

ARI0343AEnter the virtual address of the  &1  minidisk owned by  &2 : The default is  &3 .

Explanation: You are prompted to enter the address of the &1 (service or production) minidisk owned by the &2 id, usually SQLDBA. The default virtual address is given as &3.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Enter the virtual address of the specified minidisk.

ARI0344DDB2 Server for VM user id:  &1  service MDISK:  &2  production MDISK:  &3 .

Are the above values correct?
( yes | no | quit ) null = yes.

Explanation: You are asked to confirm the values of the DB2 Server for VM owner user id as &1, service and production minidisks as &2 and &3 respectively.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Enter YES if you wish to use these values and continue. Enter NO if these values are not correct, you will be asked to re-enter new values. Enter QUIT if you wish to abort processing. Processing will then stop.

ARI0345ILinking to  &1 &2  as virtual address  &3  and accessing it as the  &4  minidisk. If prompted, enter the write password for this minidisk.

Explanation: The EXEC is about to link in the &2 (service or production) minidisk for the owner specified (&1) as virtual address &3. It will be accessed with file mode &4.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Be prepared to enter the write password for the &2 minidisk.

ARI0348DIn order to perform a link edit the A disk must have 3200 1K blocks available. The current A-disk: LABEL CUU M STAT CYL TYPE BLKSIZE FILES BLKS USED-(%) BLKS LEFT BLK TOTAL  &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 &11 &12  Enter GO - to continue using this A disk CUU - to access CUU as the A disk. Note: CUU cannot be the CUU currently accessed as the C-disk. QUIT - to end.

Explanation: The EXEC is asking the user to confirm that the required space is available on the A disk to do the link edit. The user has a choice of continuing with the present A disk, accessing a new disk as the A disk, or quitting the service process.

System Action: Waits for user's response.

User Response: If the current A disk has sufficient space, enter GO to continue with this A disk. If there is insufficient space on the current A disk, enter the cuu to access a different disk as the A disk. If you want to stop processing at this time, enter QUIT to exit.

ARI0349E exec-name  EXEC must be running from your C disk and your C disk must be accessed in write mode. Refer to the PTF cover letter and the 5648072 memo to users.

Explanation: The exec-name EXEC is not being executed from the C disk, or the C disk is not in write mode.

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Rerun this EXEC from a C disk accessed in write mode.

ARI0350ENo tape drive is attached at virtual address 181. Mount the correct service tape volume and attach drive before re-invoking the service process.

Explanation: The database distribution tape should be mounted at virtual address 181.

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Mount the database distribution tape and attach the drive as virtual address 181. Now re-invoke the service process.

ARI0351EError loading to  &1 &2 .

Explanation: There has been an error while loading a file on the &1 &2 minidisk.

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Follow your installation's problem determination procedure.

ARI0352ISystem link edit complete. DB2 Server for VM service complete.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The database service has finished.

ARI0353DThere is no A-disk currently accessed. Your choices are only 'CUU' and 'QUIT'.

Explanation: There is no A-disk accessed and one is required.

System Action: Waits for user response.

User Response: Enter a valid cuu to access an A-disk or 'QUIT' to exit from processing.

ARI0354IOriginal  &1 -disk re-accessed.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. The &1 disk has been re-accessed successfully.

ARI0355IAppropriate files are being copied from the service minidisk to the production minidisk.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. This message is displayed prior to building the production minidisk from the files on the service minidisk.


&2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &10 &11
&12 &13.

Explanation: The EXEC is asking the user to confirm the use of the current A disk (&1). &2 to &13 are the values that appear under the headings LABEL, CUU, M, and so on to BLK TOTAL.

System Action: Waits for user response.

User Response: Enter GO to use the current A-disk. Enter CHANGE to choose another A-disk. Enter QUIT to exit from processing.

ARI0359ILoading of files to  &1 &2  and  &3  complete.

Explanation: This is the expected response from the database manager. &1 is the A disk CUU, such as 191. &2 is the service disk CUU, such as 193. &3 is the production disk CUU, such as 195.

ARI0360WUnable to access  &1 . Return Code =  &2 .

Explanation: The chosen minidisk address to be accessed as the A-disk could not be accessed. This message is followed by message ARI0348D that asks you to enter a new minidisk address to be accessed.

System Action: The system displays message ARI0348D.

ARI0364EUnable to acquire read access mode RR. User= &1  Device= &2  Return Code= &3 .

Explanation: The ARISPROD EXEC was unable to get READ access to the minidisk specified by &1 and &2.

System Action: The function is terminated.

Programmer Response: Verify that this user ID has write access to the production minidisk. The error could be caused by another user having gained WRITE access before this user ID. If this has occurred, detach the production minidisk from the other user ID and re-execute the function.

ARI0366IWarning: The ARISAVES EXEC was unable to create the saved segment for the  &1  component with ORIGIN  &2  and SYSNAME  &3 . The database manager will generate this component in free storage. After installation successfully finishes, execute ARISAVES to create the default saved segment  &3 .

Explanation: The ARISAVES EXEC is unable to complete successfully for the &1 component. The component is generated in free storage.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: Investigate the return code from the ARISAVES EXEC after the installation has completed successfully and determine the cause of the problem. If you still want to have this component generated in a default saved segment, execute ARISAVES after installation is completed. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory and the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manuals for more information.

ARI0370DWas DB2 Server for VM installed in SFS? Enter  0 (No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: This message is issued by a service EXEC. The database manager production and service files have already been installed before running the service exec. The system prompts you to find out whether the database manager files were installed in CMS SFS directories or CMS minidisks.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Type 1 (yes) if the database manager files were installed in CMS SFS directories. Type 0 (no) if the database manager files were installed in CMS minidisks. Type 111 (quit) if you want to exit from the exec program.

ARI0371DDo you wish to install DB2 Server for VM system in SFS? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The system prompts you to find out whether or not you want to install the DB2 Server for VM product on to SFS directories.

System Action: The system waits for your reply. If you type 1, the files are installed on to SFS directories. If you type 0, the files are installed on to minidisks.

User Response: Type 1 to install the files on to SFS directories. Type 0 to install the files on to minidisks.

ARI0372DThe following are the DB2 Server for VM system directory definitions:

&5 directory filepool = &1
&5 1st level directory = &2
&5 2nd level directory = &3
&5 directory = &4

That is, your &5 directory will be:
Do you want to use these values?
Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: The system prompts you to verify that the directory full name &1&2&3&4 is correct or not with: &5 = service or production, &1 = filepool name, &2 = 1st level directory name, &3 = 2nd level directory name, &4 = service or production directory name

System Action: The system waits for your response. If you type 1 or Yes, the directory &1&2&3&4 will be taken for &5 directory. If you type 0 or No, you will be prompted to input the directory name again. If you type 111 or Quit, the program will exit at your request.

User Response: Enter 0 (No), 1 (YES), or 111 (Quit) to the prompt.

ARI0373AEnter filepool (or a null for the existing value).

Explanation: The system prompts you to enter the name of the Shared File System filepool. If you enter a null, the system will assign a default value.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the name of the filepool or a null.

User Response: Enter the name of the filepool of the Shared File System directory you intend to use. Entering null will mean that the system will use a default filepool.

ARI0374AEnter first directory (or a null for existing value).

Explanation: The system prompts you to enter the name of the Shared File System first level directory. If you enter a null, the system will assign a default value.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the name of the directory or a null.

User Response: Enter the name of the first level directory of the Shared File System you intend to use. Entering null will mean that the system will use a default value.

ARI0375AEnter second directory (or a null for existing value).

Explanation: The system prompts you to enter the name of the Shared File System second level directory. If you enter a null, the system will assign a default value.

System Action: The system waits for you to enter the name of the directory or a null.

User Response: Enter the name of the second level directory of the Shared File System you intend to use. Entering null will mean that the system will use a default value.

ARI0376IThe DB2 Server for VM CMS Shared File System directories are being created.

Explanation: This message informs you that the Shared File System directories you identified are about to be loaded with database data.

System Action: The EXEC continues processing and starts loading the directories.

ARI0377EAn error occurred while accessing filepool  &1 .

Explanation: An error occurred when the specified SFS filepool was accessed.

System Action: The installation EXEC terminates.

User Response: Check that the SFS filepool can be accessed in write mode. Rerun the database manager installation EXEC.

ARI0378EAn error occurred while accessing  &1  directory as file-mode  &2 .

Explanation: An error occurred when the specified SFS directory was accessed with a production or service filemode.

System Action: The installation EXEC terminates.

User Response: Check that the specified SFS directory can be accessed with the filemode displayed. Rerun the installation EXEC.

ARI0379IBegin loading the DB2 Server for VM service directory.

Explanation: The database manager service files are loading from the tape to the service directory that you specified.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0380IThe DB2 Server for VM service directory was loaded successfully.

Explanation: This message informs you that the database Shared File System service directory was loaded successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0381EThe DB2 Server for VM service directory load failed.

Explanation: This message informs you that the Shared File System service directory was not loaded properly.

System Action: The EXEC terminates.

User Response: Analyze the CMS message that will accompany this error message. It will help you to determine whether data can be written to the identified Shared File System service directory. If data can not be written to this directory, contact your system programmer for assistance. Otherwise, you may re-run the EXEC to attempt the load again.

ARI0382INote: The DB2 Server for VM service directory file  &1  MACRO has been updated to identify the  &2  used for the DB2 Server for VM system installation.

Explanation: The ARISPIDC EXEC identifies the names of the directories that are used in the database manager installation process.

System Action: This message is displayed when the MACRO has been updated.

ARI0383EAn error has occurred while copying the  &1  MACRO file from the service directory to the production directory.

Explanation: The ARISPIDC macro has been successfully copied from the service directory to the production directory.

System Action: The installation EXEC terminates.

User Response: Check that the service and production directories have the access modes that are necessary for the copy to proceed correctly and rerun the EXEC.

ARI0384IThe DB2 Server for VM system directories are loaded successfully. Continue with the installation process as described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory.

Explanation: The specified DB2 Server for VM directories have been loaded correctly with the database code.

System Action: The downloading of the files on to the directories is complete.

User Response: Continue with the installation process as described in the DB2 Server for VM Program Directory

ARI0385IThe DB2 Server for VM system directories are not loaded successfully. Do not continue with the DB2 Server for VM installation process. Please correct the error identified by the previous messages and/or review the installation procedure. Then re-issue the command  &1 .

Explanation: The specified DB2 Server for VM directories have not been loaded successfully.

System Action: The installation EXEC terminates.

User Response: Correct any errors identified by previous messages. Review the installation procedure. Rerun the installation EXEC from the beginning.

ARI0386IUnable to access {address|directory-name} with file-mode file-mode

Explanation: The specified minidisk with address address or the specified directory named directory-name cannot be accessed as file mode file-mode.

ARI0387IUnable to access {address|directory-name} with file-mode file-mode

Explanation: The specified minidisk with address address or the specified directory named directory-name cannot be accessed as file mode file-mode.

ARI0388AEnter the CMS SFS directory in the format filepool:userid.dir.dir...

Explanation: This requests you to enter the name of the SFS directory.

System Action: The system waits for your response.

User Response: Specify the full name of the SFS directory, in the form filepool:userid.dir.dir..., and so on.

ARI0389IThe directory specified is not valid.

Explanation: You entered an incorrect directory name.

System Action: Processing ends.

User Response: Rerun the EXEC and specify the correct directory name.

ARI0390IYou cannot specify directory as filemode mode when SFS is not enabled.

Explanation: You cannot specify a directory name and access it as filemode because your system does not have CMS shared file support (SFS) support.

ARI0392EAn error occurred while creating directory directory-name.

Explanation: The directory-name directory cannot be created.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0393EAn error occurred while accessing the root directory.

Explanation: The root directory cannot be accessed by the program.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0394EAn error occurred while initializing filepool filepool-name.

Explanation: The file pool filepool-name either does not exist or is not available.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0395EAn error occurred while accessing directory directory-name.

Explanation: The directory-name directory cannot be accessed by the program.

System Action: Processing ends.

ARI0396DDo you want to install the DB2 Server for VM HELP TEXT on a CMS Shared File System directory? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit).

Explanation: You can specify that you want to put the DB2 Server for VM HELP TEXT in an SFS directory or in a minidisk, or that you want to exit from the program.

System Action: The system waits for your response. If you type 1 or yes, the DB2 Server for VM HELP TEXT will be installed in an SFS directory. If you type 0 or no, the DB2 Server for VM HELP TEXT will be installed in minidisks. If you type 111 or quit, the program will end.

User Response: Enter 0 (no), 1 (yes), or 111 (quit).

ARI0397DDo you require a NETID parameter? Enter 0(No), 1(Yes), or 111(Quit). Note: This is a mandatory parameter if you plan to use distributed server support.

Explanation: You are given an opportunity to specify the NETID of the system on which the application server resides. You need to specify the NETID if the application server will support the DRDA* protocol requests.

System Action: The system waits for user response. If the response is 1(Yes), then the system will display message ARI6134A next.

User Response: Reply either 0(No) or 1(Yes).

ARI0398ENETID parameter not in correct format. NETID must be a string from 1 to 8 characters long. The string can contain uppercase letters (A-Z), numerics (0-9), and special characters $, @, # and the first character cannot be numeric.

Explanation: You have entered an invalid value for NETID. A valid NETID must be a 1 -to 8-character string comprised of uppercase letters (A-Z), numerics (0-9), and special characters ($,#,@). The first character must not be numeric.

System Action: The system prompts for another user response.

User Response: Specify a valid NETID value.

ARI0399IErrors/warnings occurred during exec-name EXEC processing.

Explanation: There are errors or warnings from the system when running the exec-name EXEC.

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