DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Setting the Application Requester Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs

The application requester default CHARNAME can be set to either for all application requesters, or it can be set for an individual application requester. For more information, see either Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for All Application Requesters or Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for an Application Requester.

For a discussion of how your choice of default CHARNAME and CCSID affects the performance of your system and the characters displayed, refer to Determining CCSID Values.

If you want to check the CHARNAME value, use SQLINIT QRY from an application requester. The value displayed is obtained from the file LASTING GLOBALV. The SQLINIT EXEC uses the following hierarchy to set the CHARNAME value in LASTING GLOBALV to:

  1. The value supplied as a parameter to the SQLINIT EXEC (see Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for an Application Requester).
  2. The current value of CHARNAME in LASTING GLOBALV.
  3. The value in the file SQLGLOB DEFAULT Q set by the SQLGLOB EXEC (see Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for All Application Requesters).
  4. The default value coded in the SQLINIT EXEC.
Note:If the PROTOCOL parameter is SQLDS for either the application server or the application requester, the application server ignores the CHARNAME value set for the application requester. In this case, the application server assumes that the application requester default CHARNAME is the same value as the application server default CHARNAME.

The only exception to this is the folding performed by the application requester. On the application requester, folding is performed based on the default CHARNAME, regardless of the PROTOCOL parameter specified. However, if the application server CHARNAME and the application requester CHARNAME are not the same, unexpected results can occur.

Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for All Application Requesters

When you run the SQLGLOB EXEC on a database machine, the EXEC sets the application requester default initialization values, including the default for CHARNAME, for all application requesters that are linked to the production minidisk. You must have write access to the production minidisk to run the SQLGLOB EXEC.

To specify an SBCS CHARNAME as the default for the application requesters, run the SQLGLOB EXEC and specify an SBCS CHARNAME parameter value. For example:


To specify a mixed CHARNAME as the default for the application requesters, run the SQLGLOB EXEC and specify a mixed CHARNAME parameter value. For example:


Attention: The SQLGLOB EXEC defaults do not apply to application requesters that have already run the SQLINIT EXEC (and thereby have values in their LASTING GLOBALV file).

For more information about the SQLGLOB EXEC, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

Setting the Default CHARNAME and CCSIDs for an Application Requester

To use a CHARNAME different from that specified by the SQLGLOB EXEC, run the SQLINIT EXEC on the application requester and specify the CHARNAME parameter. The value specified for CHARNAME will override the database-wide default established by running the SQLGLOB EXEC.

To use an SBCS CHARNAME as the default, run the SQLINIT EXEC on the application requester and specify an SBCS parameter value. For example:


If you specify ENGLISH, the value for CCSIDSBCS is set to 37, and the value for both CCSIDGRAPHIC and CCSIDMIXED is set to 0.

To use a mixed CHARNAME as the default, run the SQLINIT EXEC on the application requester and specify a mixed parameter value. For example:


If you specify KOREAN, the value for CCSIDMIXED is set to 933, the value for CCSIDSBCS is set to 833, and the value for CCSIDGRAPHIC is set to 834.
Note:When running in single user mode, the application server acts as an application requester. Because of this, you must run the SQLINIT EXEC also at the application server.

For more information about the SQLINIT EXEC, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

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