Initially, you set up one database machine with one database: then, depending on your needs, you can add additional databases or database machines. If you use a VM/ESA operating system and you have VSE running as a guest, you may also want to set up VSE guest sharing.
The chapter presents the following topics:
This section discusses the reasons for having more than one database machine, and what this means to the user; database machines in a TSAF collection or in an SNA network, and what this means to the user; adding service machines, and considerations for national language support; types of database machines; and environment considerations.
This section discusses the reason for adding a primary database machine, and shows examples of adding a primary and a secondary database machine.
This section contains an example of adding a database, and describes the options that you can specify for it and how to change the password of user ID SQLDBA.
This section presents general information on VSE guest sharing, restrictions on guest sharing, and examples of guest sharing configurations.