DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Supplying Accounting Data from DRDA Applications

Remote DRDA application requesters have the opportunity to send accounting information to DRDA servers using a general purpose unarchitected DRDA parameter. DB2 for MVS (Version 2 Release 3 or later) and DDCS (Version 2 Release 1) have implemented this approach for sending accounting data. Similar support was enabled for VM requesters in Version 3 Release 5.

If the database manager determines that a DRDA requester has supplied accounting data, 16 bytes of user supplied data is recorded into database manager USER accounting records as "installation-dependent" data. For DB2 for MVS applications, user supplied data corresponds to the MVS accounting string associated with the DB2 SQL application's MVS address space.

For DDCS applications and DB2 CONNECT applications, user supplied data corresponds to one of the following:

If the DRDA protocol is used to connect VM applications to VSE servers (or any other DRDA server), user supplied data corresponds to data supplied by the ARIUXIT accounting exit described in the DB2 Server for VM System Administration manual.

If the database manager determines that a DRDA requester has supplied accounting data but the requester is not DB2 for MVS, DDCS or DB2 CONNECT or DB2 for VM, it inserts the string "pppvvrrm UNKNOWN" into USER accounting records. pppvvrrm is the product id (prdid) of the DRDA requester.
Note:When you are using the DRDA protocol, the installation-dependent data should conform to the following:
  1. The accounting string data is converted to CCSID 500 before being sent to the DRDA server. To ensure that all characters in the string data can be represented in CCSID 500, only the characters A-Z, 0-9 and '_' (underscore) be used. If characters other than these recommended ones are used, then those characters may not translate properly when the DRDA server writes out accounting records.
  2. The user-specified portion of the accounting string can be at most 16 bytes. This is true for DB2 Server for VM applications sending accounting data (which is set up in the ARIUXIT user exit) and for non-DB2 for VM DRDA requesters sending accounting data to servers.

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