DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

Migrating from Version 3 Release 3

Considerations for EXPLAIN Tables

Several changes and enhancements were made to the EXPLAIN tables in Version 3 Release 4. If you have existing EXPLAIN tables they must either be renamed, or, dropped and recreated before using the EXPLAIN statement.

An IBM-supplied macro, ARISEXP, recreates the EXPLAIN tables for you.

For additional information on using EXPLAIN tables, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning Handbook manual.

Considerations for VSE Guest Sharing

VSE batch applications can access an application server on VM that is either remote or local. If the application server is in a remote network, the SET XPCC TARGET SYSARI command in the VSE IPL procedure must be replaced by the SET APPCVM TARGET command. If the application server is local, the SET XPCC TARGET SYSARI command in the VSE IPL procedure is not needed, and can be deleted.

Regardless of whether the application server is remote or local, an entry in the DBNAME directory may also be necessary to map the DBNAME to the resid when the DBNAME is greater than 8 characters, or when the DBNAME and the resid are different.

Considerations for the VM Data Spaces Support (VMDSS)

If VMDSS was installed prior to migration, the VMDSS code must be link-edited with the DB2 Server for VM code before running the migration utilities. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Performance Tuning Handbook manual for more information.

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