With Version 7 Release 1 the RDS component is linkedited with the AMODE ANY option, instead of AMODE 24. This allows RDS to be loaded and executed above the 16MB line. This will free up valuable storage below the 16 MB line. However, if you use the AMODE(24) parameter, then RDS cannot be executed above the line. If this is attempted, a program check will occur at start up time.
To avoid this, you must use a maximum virtual storage size of 16MB which will force RDS to be loaded below the line. If you need to run with AMODE(24) all of the time, you should create an RDS saved segment that resides below the 16MB line. If you only use AMODE(24) some of the time, such as with some single user mode applications, you can create an alternate bootstrap package which specifies an alternate RDS saved segment which resides below the 16MB line, or specifies that RDS is run from free storage.
The AMODE parameter value is saved in the "resid SQLDBN Q" file.