DB2 Server for VM: System Administration

DB2 Server for VSE & VM Facility Restrictions

  1. There is no support for the USERID option of the SQLPREP EXEC.
  2. There is no support for "USER" in the preprocessing parameter ISOLATION. The system will override USER with CS.
  3. There is no support for "LOCAL" in the preprocessor parameters DATE and TIME. If specified, SQLCODE -168 (SQLSTATE 42615) will be generated, indicating an incorrect parameter.
  4. There is no support for the blocking of PUTs. However, the PUT operation will still be supported one row at a time as unblocked inserts.
  5. The following ISQL commands are not supported when using the DRDA protocol, because they request functions specific to DB2 Server for VM:
  6. The following DBSU commands are not supported when using the DRDA protocol, because they request functions specific to DB2 Server for VM:
  7. FORTRAN packages and any other packages created by using extended dynamic statements that were created in SQLDS protocol cannot be RELOADed by the DBS Utility in DRDA protocol, or the other way around.
  8. Portable packages created under SQL/DS Version 2 Release 2 cannot be RELOADed by the DBS Utility in DRDA protocol.
  9. If accounting data is sent from a DRDA application requester to a DB2 for VSE & VM server, only the first 16 bytes of user-defined data 8 is captured by the server and put into accounting records.


For example, from DDCS for OS/2 user-defined data can be set by the DFT_ACCOUNT_STR configuration parameter.

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