You must add a row to the SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS catalog table to identify the CCSID values to be associated with your new character set. You could issue the following statement to update SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS for the character set defined for this example:
If you are defining your own CCSID (that is, one that is not obtained from the Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA)) registry, you must use a value that is within the range of 57 344 to 61 439 (X'E000' to X'EFFF'). Values within this range are reserved for user-defined CCSIDs. Ensure that the value you specify does not already exist: the CCSID column cannot contain duplicate information. Also keep the following in mind:
For examples of statements that insert rows into the SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS catalog table, review the ARITPOP MACRO that is supplied with the database manager.