DB2 Server for VM: System Administration
The virtual storage requirements for the database manager are its sum of
the static and dynamic storage requirements. Static storage is used for
the database manager code, database I/O control blocks, the page and directory
buffers, and other reasons. Dynamic storage is used for the
preprocessing and execution of SQL statements.
Table 37 and Table 38 show the static storage required in a
database machine to start the application server.
The storage required for these purposes can vary greatly, depending on the
complexity of the SQL statements that, the size of the package, and the number
of packages in virtual storage.
The minimum dynamic storage required is NCUSERS x 130000. If the DRDA code is installed, it is NCUSERS x 180000.
Table 37. Initial Storage Requirements of DB2 Server for VM Database Machines
| Recommended Minimums for
| Single-User Mode
| Multiple-User Mode
DB2 Server for VM Code 1, 14
Message Repository 14
DB2 Server for VM Control Blocks
* Base
* Lock Request Blocks
NLRBS x 24 2, 3, 5
* Concurrent Scans Storage
NCSCANS x 50 2, 3 x (NCUSERS+3) 2, 6
* Miscellaneous LRBs
8 x (First Prime Number > (NLRBS/4))
* Static Agent Storage below 16M
NCUSERS x 57500 14
* Static Agent Storage anywhere
NCUSERS x 50000
* Working Storage Area 14
* Working Storage Queue Headers 2, 3
32 + (2 + 2 x (NCUSERS + 3) + NPACKAGE x
(NCUSERS + 1)) x 68
* Package Control Blocks
NCUSERS x NPACKAGE x 72 bytes 2, 3
* Communications Control Blocks
MAXCONN x 336 7, 13
* If TCP/IP Communications is used, add:
(NCUSERS+3) x 264+2000 16
* Accounting Control Blocks
(MAXCONN/51+1) x 4096 7
* Stored Procedure Caches
(76 * the number of stored procedure servers)
+(32 * the number of stored procedure server groups)
+(for each procedure,
+the length of the LE options string (max 254)
+ (68 * the number of parameters) )
DB2 Server for VM Buffers
* 4 x Max of ((the 1st power of 2 that is >=
(NPAGBUF/8)) or 256) + NPAGBUF x 4144 2, 3, 10
* 4 x Max of ((the 1st power of 2 that is >=
(NDIRBUF/8)) or 256) + NDIRBUF x 560 2, 3, 11
Database Control Blocks
* Base control blocks
* MAXDBSPC x 8 12
* MAXPOOLS x 18 12
* MAXEXTNT x 6 12
Database I/O Control Blocks
* NCUSERS x 216 x # of minidisks 4
* Minimum of (64 or NPAGBUF/10) x (NCUSERS+3) x 16 15
4147588 8, 9
4484840 8, 9
Note: | The storage requirements above do not include the virtual storage used by the
user program or CMS. (Even if CMS is defined as a saved system, CMS
still uses some storage in the user's virtual machine.)
The Stored Procedure example assumes that no stored procedures or
stored procedure servers have been defined.
Note: |
The above numbers are in bytes.
1 If the DRDA code is installed on the application server, an
additional 1.8 megabytes is required (this applies to both multiple-user mode and
single-user mode); if it is installed on the application requester, an
additional 1.8 megabytes is required for single-user mode.
2 The numbers for multiple-user mode assume the following
defaults: NCUSERS (5), NPACKAGE (10), NCSCANS (30), NLRBS (2520), NLRBU
(1000), NPAGBUF(30), NDIRBUF(30), PROTOCOL=SQLDS and TCPPORT not equal to zero.
3 The numbers for single-user mode assume the following
defaults: NCUSERS (1), NPACKAGE (1), NCSCANS (30), NLRBS (512), NLRBU
(1000), NPAGBUF(14), NDIRBUF(14) and TCPPORT is not applicable.
4 The number of minidisks = 13 (10 dbextents
+ 1 directory minidisk + 2 logs for dual logging)
5 The calculation for NLRBS is:
NCUSERS x 2 + (NCUSERS x NLRBU)/2 + 10.
6 In single-user mode, NCSCANS x 50 x 3.
7 Assume VM MAXCONN is 63 (13 for minidisks and 50 for user
8 If you have coded an accounting exit, add its size to the
total virtual storage requirements for both single and multiple-user
mode. If you have coded any field procedures, add their total size to
the requirements for both single and multiple-user mode. In addition,
add NCUSERS times the maximum working storage used by any of your field
procedures. For more information, see Field Procedures.
9 Add the dynamic storage requirement of active agents.
10 The calculation for the default NPAGBUF is:
10 + 4 x NCUSERS
11 The calculation for the default NDIRBUF is:
10 + 4 x NCUSERS
12 The recommended minimum assumes the defaults for MAXDBSPC
(1000), MAXPOOLS (32), and MAXEXTNT (64).
13 If using PROTOCOL=AUTO, the Communications Control Blocks
calculation is: MAXCONN x 552.
14 The following always resides below 16 megabytes: 1.2 megabytes of the DB2 Server for VM Code, the Message Repository, the Static Agent Storage below 16
megabytes, and the Working Storage Area.
15 In single-user mode, minimum of (256 or NPAGBUF/2) x
16 TCP/IP communications is only used in multiple-user
mode, so the single-user mode value is always zero.
Table 38 shows the virtual storage requirements in a user machine
using the base code only. A 6MB machine size is recommended.
Table 38. Virtual Storage Requirements of Components in a User Machine
Resource adapter 277 (Used for any DB2 Server for VM facility or user program)
ISQL 597 (320 for ISQL + 277 for the resource adapter)
DBS utility 497 (220 for the DBS utility + 277 for the resource adapter)
Any DB2 Server for VM Preprocessor 511 (234 for the preprocessor + 277 for the resource adapter)
Note: | The storage requirements above do not include the virtual storage used by the
user program or CMS. (Even if CMS is defined as a saved system, CMS
still uses some storage in the user's virtual machine.)
- All numbers are in kilobytes.
- The resource adapter uses a minimum of 277 kilobytes of virtual storage. If the DRDA code is installed in the
user machine, an extra 2048 kilobytes are required.
These figures assume that national language message repositories are in
saved segments. For each one not in a saved segment, add 250 kilobytes. In addition, if you use a VM/ESA operating system, add 5 kilobytes
for the second and each subsequent CMS work unit used by the
You should add this value to the virtual storage requirements of the SQL
application to arrive at the size of the user machine.
- To operate any DB2 Server for VM preprocessor in a user machine, you would
need at least 511 kilobytes of free storage. To operate a preprocessor on the database
machine in single-user mode you would add 234 kilobytes to the size of the machine.
- If CMS is not defined as a saved system, its size must be added when
calculating the storage requirements.
- ISQL cannot be run in the same machine as the database manager.
- For user programs, if the fetch/insert blocking option is in effect, add 8
kilobytes for each concurrently open cursor that qualifies for
- If you have coded an accounting exit, a cancel exit, or a TRANSPROC, add
its size to the total virtual storage requirements.
The amount of virtual storage required in the user machine for ISQL
varies. The following variables should also be considered:
- Use of SELECT
- Use of routines or EXECs.
The row length is the only variable that affects the amount of storage
needed by a SELECT result. The number of rows retrieved from a SELECT
has no effect on the amount of storage required.
ISQL gets a buffer for a certain number of rows before retrieving any rows
from tables. The number of rows depends on the size of the terminal
screen. Specifically, ISQL gets a buffer to hold (SCREEN_HEIGHT -
4)*2 row -- that is, enough storage for two screens of rows. (Four is
subtracted from the screen height because of the column header and
input/status areas of the screen.) If more than two screens of rows are
retrieved, this buffer is reused.
The number of columns referenced in a SELECT command in ISQL is limited to
45. ISQL uses the length of the retrieved columns to determine the
buffer size not the number of column references. The storage needed is
the number of rows for two screens multiplied by the length of one row.
(Note that the length of the row may be larger than the length of the
screen.) If the storage required for the buffer exceeds 32 kilobytes,
not all selected columns are displayed, or the user receives an error
The SET VARCHAR and FORMAT VARCHAR ISQL commands will change the size of
the row and thus the size of the buffer.
If you use ISQL routines or stack ISQL commands in an EXEC, the amount
of virtual storage used in the user machine increases, because VM program
stacks are used. Thus, the amount of storage required is related to the
number of lines in the routines (or EXECs). For more information on
program stacks, see the VM/ESA REXX/VM User's Guide manual.
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