Installing the DRDA code is an optional customization step that follows either installation or migration. You install it:
You can remove the DRDA code if it is no longer required.
When the DRDA code is installed on the application server, access from DB2 Server for VM and non-DB2 Server for VM application requesters is allowed.
Do not install the DRDA code unless it is specifically required, as the additional code required for distributed communications requires a significant amount of storage. For details on virtual storage requirements, see Appendix A, Virtual and Real Storage Requirements.
To install (or remove) the DRDA code, perform the following steps on the database machine and installation user ID:
LINK machid 195 195 W LINK machid 193 193 W
If you are using SFS directories instead of minidisks, access them with file modes Q and V.
>>-ARISDBMA----DRDA(-+-ARAS-+--=-+-Y-+--)---------------------->< +-AR---+ '-N-' '-AS---' |
Specify any of the following combinations of parameters:
For example, to identify that you want to install the DRDA code on the application server and remove it from the application requester, type:
You should have read access to the VMSES/E code (MAINT 5E5 disk) and read/write access to the Software Inventory disk (MAINT 51D) or SFS directory.
vmfsetup 5697F42S {DB2VM|DB2VMSFS}
5697F42S is the PPF that was shipped with the product. If you have your own PPF override, substitute that name for 5697F42S shown in this command. You also need to substitute your PPF name in the VMSES/E commands in any subsequent steps.
Use DB2VM for installing on minidisks or DB2VMSFS for installing in Shared File System directories.
vmfbld ppf 5697F42S {DB2VM | DB2VMSFS} ARIBLLLD (all vmfview build
Use DB2VM for installing on minidisks or DB2VMSFS for installing in Shared File System directories.
ARIBLLLD is the name of the VMSES/E build list used to build the ARISQLLD LOADLIB.
Review the build message log ($VMFBLD $MSGLOG). If necessary, correct any problems before you continue. Use the PF2 key, ALL, to review all of the messages.
VMFLLB2074I Part xxxxxxx TXT in object ARISQLDS in build list ARIBLLLD EXEC will be ignored
VMFLLB2074I Part xxxxxxx TXT in object ARIXRDS in build list ARIBLLLD EXEC will be ignored
VMFLLB2074I Part xxxxxxx TXT in object ARIRVMRM in build list ARIBLLLD EXEC will be ignored
vmfbld ppf 5697F42S {DB2VM | DB2VMSFS} (serviced vmfview build
Use DB2VM for installing on minidisks or DB2VMSFS for installing in Shared File System directories.
Review the build message log ($VMFBLD $MSGLOG). If necessary, correct any problems before you continue.
link SQLMACH 195 295 MR acc 295 l link SQLMACH 193 293 MR acc 293 m
You will be prompted for the password to the disks.
Substitute your minidisk addresses, if different. Substitute in the appropriate SFS directory names. You also need to substitute your minidisk address and SFS directory names in the VMSES/E commands in any subsequent steps.
access 195 i vmfcopy arisqlld L* i = = l (prodid 5697F42S%DB2VM olddate replace access 193 j vmfcopy arisqlld L* j = = m (prodid 5697F42S%DB2VM olddate replace
The VMFCOPY command updates the VMSES PARTCAT file on the production disk (195) and the service disk (193).
access 5697F42S.sql.production i access SQLMACH.sql.production l vmfcopy arisqlld L* i = = l (prodid 5697F42S%DB2VM olddate replace access 5697F42S.sql.service j access SQLMACH.sql.service m vmfcopy arisqlld L* j = = m (prodid 5697F42S%DB2VM olddate replace
The VMFCOPY command updates the VMSES PARTCAT file.
The sizes of the resource adapter and RDS increase with the DRDA code installed. If you need to increase the size of any of the saved segments, you must run VMFSGMAP to redefine the segment (see Step 4. Prepare to Add DB2 Server for VM Segment Definitions).