DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Data Restore Guide

Interpreting the SHOWDBS Reports

The SHOWDBS function produces two reports: a detailed report for all acquired dbspaces, and a summary report for dbspaces with empty pages.

The detailed report displays:

  1. Information about the storage pool:

    XTS9-014 Pool N1 Dbno N2 Name N3 Pages N4 Heardr N5 Index N6

    N1 : Pool number (if negative, this is nonrecoverable)
    N2 : Dbspace number
    N3 : Dbspace name
    N4 : Total number of pages in the dbspace (NPAGES)
    N5 : Number of header pages (NHEADER)
    N6 : Percentage of pages reserved for index pages in the dbspace (PCTINDEX)
  2. Information about maximums for the dbspace:

    XTS9-018 Maximum   N1        N2        N3
    N1 : Maximum number of header pages
    N2 : Maximum number of data pages
    N3 : Maximum number of  index pages
  3. Information about reserved pages in the pool for the dbspace:
    Note:These reserved pages cannot be used by any other dbspace in the storage pool.

    XTS9-015 Reserved  N1        N2        N3
    N1 : Number of reserved header pages
    N2 : Number of reserved data pages
    N3 : Number of reserved index pages

    This information is displayed only if there are reserved pages.

  4. Information about used pages in the dbspace:

    XTS9-016 Used  N1       N2        N3
    N1 : Number of used header pages
    N2 : Number of used data pages
    N3 : Number of used index pages
  5. Information about percentage of used pages:

    XTS9-017 % Used  N1        N2        N3
    N1 : Value of percentage of used header pages
    N2 : Value of percentage of used data pages
    N3 : Value of percentage of used index pages

    Note:Percentage is obtained by:


The summary report displays all dbspaces with empty pages. The dbspaces are grouped by storage pool.

  1. Information about the storage pool:

    XTS9-022 Pool: N1
    N1 : Storage pool number
  2. Information about the dbspaces with empty pages:

    XTS9-024  Dbno  Dbspacename  Reserved   Used   Empty
    XTS9-021  N1    N2           N3         N4     N5

    N1 : Dbspace number
    N2 : Dbspace name
    N3 : Number of reserved pages
    N4 : Number of used pages
    N5 : Number of empty pages (N3-N4)
  3. Information about storage pools having at least one dbspace with empty pages:

    XTS9-027  Total pool: N1        N2          N3        N4
    N1 : Pool number (if negative, the storage pool is non-recoverable)
    N2 : Total number of reserved pages in the pool for dbspaces with empty pages
    N3 : Total number of used pages in the pool for dbspaces with empty pages
    N4 : Total number of empty pages in the pool for dbspaces with empty pages (N2-N3)

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