DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Data Restore Guide

Recovery From a Logical Error

If the Dbspace can be Dropped

You can:

If LOGMODE=Y you cannot use forward recovery. However, the Data Restore feature does let you recover some data from the database with the SELECT command. The UNLOAD command cannot be used because it will end abnormally when it tries to read the corrupted data. The output from such a partially unloaded dbspace is not usable for the RELOAD process. Try to unload data using the SELECT command from the tables that reside in the dbspace, that report the error. The SELECT command ends at the point where it tries to read the data in error. Neither the Data Restore feature nor DB2 can bypass the damaged area and continue unloading the required data. Some of this unloaded data might be useful to help determine the differences between the table reloaded from the archive and the output of the previously executed SELECT.

If the Dbspace cannot be Dropped

There are cases where DB2 does not allow you to drop a dbspace but abnormally ends instead. In this situation, you can:

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