DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Data Restore Guide

User Archives

There are many ways to perform a backup depending on the operating system and on the programs installed in this environment.

An archive taken using non-DB2 facilities is called a user archive. It can only be performed offline, that is when the database manager has been shut down by SQLEND UARCHIVE. Never use SQLEND or SQLEND QUICK when performing a user archive. You must use SQLEND UARCHIVE, because this:

User archives let you use a variety of tools and you can switch between different types of archive as often as you like. The following is a list of non-DB2 archive tools available:

Restore is made using the same tool as the archive, and then restarting the database with STARTUP=U for forward log recovery.
Note:Typically, no table level recovery is available using these user archive tools.

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