If a DB2 error occurs while running Data Restore, the messages are displayed on SYSLOG or the system console and PRINTER. Furthermore, a dump of the DB2 command may also be produced for some errors.
Analyze the SQLCODE, SQLERRD1, and SQLERRD2 values to fix the problem. Refer to the DB2 Server for VM Messages and Codes manuals.
Database manager errors are listed as in Figure 234.
Figure 234. Data Restore with DB2 Error.
XTS9-192 Processing SQL/VSE archived by DB2 on (26/09/95-15:20:51)
XTS9-129 DB2 error (sqlcode= -117,SQLERRD1= -110,sqlerrd2=
XTS9-153 DB2 message()
READY(00016); T=2.34/3.72 16:30:26
This partial list of potential problems and suggested actions will help you to solve problems before contacting your technical support.
Possible solution: During the APPLYLOG function, a modification referenced in the LOG cannot be re-executed because a row has been modified between RELOAD and APPLYLOG functions. The modifications are extracted from the LOG files during the RELOAD process. The reloaded tables must not be modified before the APPLYLOG function is processed.
Possible solution: RELOAD PURGE was requested and the table to reload has been modified since the UNLOAD or BACKUP and now the table contains more columns than when it was saved. Execute a RELOAD with REPLACE parameter to reload the table with the correct number of columns.
Possible solution: The user SQLDBA has no password specified or the value specified in SYSIN file is incorrect. Correct the password and retry the process.
Possible solution: The user specified RELOAD NEW but the table to create already exists in the database. Drop the table before re-executing the process or specify RELOAD REPLACE.
Possible solution: RELOAD function is specified with DBSPACE parameter to recreate the table in a specific dbspace, but the specified dbspace is not yet acquired. Execute an ACQUIRE DBSPACE command before re-executing the process.
Possible solution: The reloaded table is involved with referential integrity and is a reference to other tables. The dependent tables contains keys that are not referenced in the reloaded table. For such tables, all tables must be reloaded to recreate a situation where referential integrity is consistent.
Possible solution: An UNLOAD ONLINE function will force a checkpoint by acquiring a free dbspace. No such dbspace is available. Either an ADD DBSPACE process must be executed or an unused public dbspace should be dropped.
Possible solution: You are unloading a system dbspace (SYS000n) with the ONLINE parameter. You cannot unload System Catalog Tables. Modify the list of dbspaces to unload.
Possible solution: The ONLINE parameter was specified but the server is not started. Start the database server and re-execute the process.