DB2 Server for VSE & VM: SQL Reference

Appendix F. Terminology Differences

Some terminology used in this manual may differ from the terminology used in other SQL products. The terminology used in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM manuals may change in the future.

Terminology Cross-Reference

The following tables cross-reference ISO-ANS SQL(89) terms to DB2 Server for VSE & VM terms.

Table 29. ISO-ANS SQL(89) Term to DB2 Server for VSE & VM Term Cross-Reference

ISO-ANS SQL(89) Term

DB2 Server for VSE & VM Term

comparison predicate

basic predicate

comparison predicate subquery

subquery in a basic predicate

degree of table/cursor

number of items in a select list

grouped table

result table created by a group-by or having clause

grouped view

result view created by a group-by or having clause

grouping column

column in a group-by clause

outer reference

correlated reference

query expression


query specification


query term

subselect or fullselect in parentheses

result specification


set function

column function

sort specification

order-by clause specification

table expression

   '-group_by_clause-'   '-having_clause-'

target specification

host variable followed by an indicator variable


logical unit of work or unit of work

value expression

arithmetic expression

Table 30. DB2 Server for VSE & VM Term to ISO-ANS SQL(89) Term Cross-Reference

DB2 Server for VSE & VM Term

ISO-ANS SQL(89) Term

arithmetic expression

value expression

basic predicate

comparison predicate

column function

set function

column in a group-by clause

grouping column

correlated reference

outer reference

   '-group_by_clause-'   '-having_clause-'

table expression


query expression

host variable followed by an indicator variable

target specification

logical unit of work or unit of work


number of items in a select list

degree of table/cursor

order-by clause specification

sort specification


result specification

result table created by a group-by or having clause

grouped table

result view created by a group-by or having clause

grouped view

subquery in a basic predicate

comparison predicate subquery


query specification

subselect or fullselect in parentheses

query term

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