DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Storing the Current Statement

Type the following:

   select deptno,mgrno -
   from department -
   order by mgrno

Now, type the following format commands:

   format separator ' | ' -
   column mgrno width 8

End the query.

Store the current SQL statement using the storage name dept by typing the following:

   store dept

If you know that the stored command DEPT already exists, and you wish to replace it, include the keyword REPLACE in your STORE command, as follows:

   store dept replace

When the STORE command is processed, a message informs you that the SQL statement is stored. Use storage names that are 8 characters or less in length. Do not use the name previous because ISQL always saves the current SQL statement, and names it previous when a new SQL statement is typed.

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