DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Using CHARNAME and DBCS Options in VSE

ISQL queries the following system catalog tables at initialization:

  1. SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog - to retrieve information such as the default setting for DBCS and CHARNAME. Starting from DB2 Server for VSE Version 6 Release 1, this information is retrieved from the SQLGLOB file. The user DBCS and CHARNAME SQLGLOB values become the default setting for DBCS and CHARNAME, if they exist. Otherwise, the global DBCS and CHARNAME SQLGLOB values become the default setting for DBCS and CHARNAME.

    ISQL uses the user CHARNAME to get the folding table to fold input from the terminal from lowercase to uppercase. However, for CCSID data conversion, ISQL uses the global CHARNAME.

  2. SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS catalog - to retrieve the CHARTRANS information corresponding to the default CHARNAME. Starting from DB2 Server for VSE Version 6 Release 1, this information is retrieved from the ARISSCRD phase file, if it exists. If not, the system defaults are supplied.

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