DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Canceling Running Commands

It may take extended time for your commands, statements, or routines to be performed. The processing of your query statement, for example, can be delayed if another user is accessing the same table.
DB2 Server for VM

You can query the status of the command, statement or routine by issuing the CMS Immediate command, SQLQRY. The SQLQRY command returns information that can help you to determine the cause of the delay. For more information on the SQLQRY command, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual.

You have the option of canceling in-progress commands (such as the ISQL INPUT command), long-running SQL commands (in which case message ARI7044I is issued), or LUWs (where AUTOCOMMIT is off), by issuing a CANCEL command. You can type this command anytime during the typing of commands, statements, or data.

To cancel an operation, type:

DB2 Server for VSE

This command also performs a ROLLBACK operation.

To cancel a long-running command, wait until you receive the message:

   ARI7044I  Command in progress. Terminal is now free.

Press CLEAR, and type:

   isql cancel
DB2 Server for VM

This command also causes a ROLLBACK RELEASE operation to be performed. The database manager releases your connection to the application server that you are using. If you previously issued an explicit CONNECT command to connect to a particular application server, you must reissue another CONNECT command. If you do not, the next statement or command you type causes you to be implicitly connected to the default application server. If you have been implicitly connected to a default application server, your next statement or command implicitly reconnects you.

When you cancel a routine that is in progress, the routine stops execution immediately, and you are left in ISQL.

For information on the effects of AUTOCOMMIT on the CANCEL command, see Using the AUTOCOMMIT ON Setting, or the description of the CANCEL command in Chapter 10, ISQL Commands.

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