DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference
An ISQL session is signing on, starting ISQL, performing a task (or tasks),
and then stopping ISQL.
Before using ISQL from a display terminal, consult the appropriate person
in your organization to obtain the following:
DB2 Server for VSE |
- A user ID. This is a unique user identification that
identifies you to the database manager. The user ID and password are
optional. If you do not want to type a user ID or password, press
ENTER, and the default user ID and password are used. This lets you
perform certain activities as defined by your site.
- A password. This identification is yours exclusively,
and should be kept secret. The user ID and password are
optional. If you do not want to type a user ID or password, press
ENTER, and the default user ID and password are used. This lets you
perform certain activities as defined by your site.
- Access to the sample tables. A description of how your database
administrator (DBA) can provide these tables for you is in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual. The tables must be created as described in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual to ensure that the examples and exercises produce the results
described in this manual.
DB2 Server for VM |
- Access to ISQL. You must have a user ID (to identify you to the VM
system) and a password. You must also have authorization to connect
with the database manager. This authorization is generally granted by
someone with database administrator (DBA)
- Access to the sample tables. A description of how your DBA can
provide these tables for you is in the DB2 Server for VSE
& VM Database Administration manual. The tables must be created as described in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Administration manual to ensure that the examples and exercises produce the results
described in this manual.
Note: | Your site may have a different signon procedure than that shown on the
following pages. Consult the appropriate person in your organization
for the correct procedure.
To access ISQL in the VM system environment, you must do the
- Log on the VM system.
- Start IPL to load the Conversational Monitor System (CMS).
- Start ISQL.
Each of the activities is described later in this chapter.
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