DB2 Server for VSE & VM: Interactive SQL Guide and Reference

Introducing the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Database Manager

The DB2 Server for VSE & VM relational database management system uses the Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage stored data.

Using SQL, you can query, add, delete, and update data. The language consists of a collection of statements, each of which performs a particular function.

This manual describes how to use the database manager interactively from a CICS display terminal.

The terminals supported are IBM 3277, 3278, 3279, or 3290 (or equivalent) with a line length of at least 80 characters and at least 24 lines per display. The database manager also supports the larger display sizes offered by some models of the 3278 and 3279 terminals.

Designed for the interactive user, the manual gives examples of those functions and statements that can be used interactively. For a more comprehensive description of database manager functions, as well as SQL statements used for querying and displaying data, see the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.

All data stored in the database is in the form of tables. The person who creates the table also names it. The table shown in Figure 3 is named CARS.

Figure 3. A DB2 Server for VSE & VM Table


A table consists of (vertical) columns and (horizontal) rows. Each column has a name; the columns in the CARS table are MODEL, YEAR, and COLOR.

A value is found at the intersection of a column and a row; for example, in the third row of the CARS table, the information in the COLOR column is the value White.

You usually require several tables to adequately store information for an organization. To illustrate how information is stored and used, a set of sample tables is provided for your use. These tables reside in a sample relational database. For DB2 Server for VM users, who request access to this relational database are generally granted their own individual online copies. For DB2 Server for VSE users, if your administrator used the IBM-supplied routine ARINEWUS to set you up as a new ISQL user, you receive a copy of the sample tables with all privileges on these tables. Your copy ensures that the table data will remain uncorrupted by other users, which sometimes occurs when multiple users have access to the same data.

If you do not have a copy of the sample tables, you can still do the exercises, but you must use the prefix SQLDBA. with the table names.

This book uses simple examples and samples, but this database manager can readily be used for complex applications in many environments, including scientific, technological, and academic.

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