This manual is a tutorial and reference for IBM DB2 Server for VSE & VM interactive SQL (ISQL) users in a Virtual Storage Extended/Enterprise Systems Architecture (VSE/ESA) or Virtual Machine/Enterprise Systems Architecture (VM/ESA) environment. The manual presents reference information for particular topics, followed by tutorial exercises that illustrate the reference information. Screen images (hereafter referred to as displays) that are similar to the displays that you view when performing ISQL exercises are included in the text.
The manual begins with an introduction to:
The manual continues with query and management techniques for DB2 Server for VSE & VM tables that are used during an ISQL session. Specific guidelines are provided for the use of ISQL commands, SQL statements, routines, and VM functions.
The examples and exercises that are provided throughout this manual to familiarize you with ISQL are supplemented by answers and example table layouts, both of which are in appendixes.
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For a quick summary of reference information on ISQL functions, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Quick Reference manual.